strongest terms, the happiness they enjoyed when sur rounding the family altar during their days of darkness. "The foregoing general statements might be sufficient to prove the benefit which the insane derive from religious exercises, but a more minute account may perhaps be desired of a field but lately opened through Christian benevolence. To gratify such a wish, the following facts may be stated, illustrative of the conduct of the insane in the chapel, and of the effects produced upon them by the worship of God. "On one occasion, in the middle of the sermon, a man subject to epilepsy, sunk to the ground in frightful convulsions. If any fear was entertained lest others might have been excited by the distressing spectacle, it was but for a moment; two of his companions, both in general restless and troublesome, voluntarily went to the assistance of the superintendent, and removed the unhappy man. Whenever the door was closed, the rest prepared again to listen with unshaken composure. "At another time, the boys belonging to the Charity Workhouse, who lead the singing, stopped short in the first line of the Psalm; when one of the most hopeless of the patients immediately raised the tune, discharging in the most becoming manner the duties of the precentor; and, it ought to be added, evidently much to the satisfaction of the congregation. The man in early life had been a precentor, but his conduct on this occasion was so unlike his general behaviour, that it might have caused astonishment, had not instances of equal composure been witnessed every day. Patients, who, during the week, never remain in one position, or even quiet for five minutes at a time, from morning till evening, join, when their Bibles are placed in their hands, in the services of the Sabbath, with a steadiness and reverence, that, but for their appearance and conduct on other occasions, might well cause doubts of their actual insanity to be entertained. "Two sisters were regularly present at worship; the one was intelligent, but easily, or rather at all times excited; the other was a poor hopeless idiot, conscious of little more than mere existence. The attention of the former to the latter, during sermon, was truly affecting; she watched every movement of her countenance, seemng to live for her alone. When any remark was made pleasing to her own mind, if a momentary smile met her inquiring look, she had her reward; the hope of better days visited her; and anxious that others should participate in her joy, her helpless relative was repeatedly led by the hand, at the close of the service, to the She is much chaplain's desk, with the observations, better to-day. Do you not think she is more animated? She understood what you were saying. I hope she will soon be well-as for myself, I am merely stopping here on her account. Shortly after the introduction of divine service, one of the managers, who had been repeatedly present at worship on Sabbath, in order to ascertain how far it was possible to secure the attention of the insane to a lengthened address, privately desired a very restless patient to write an account of the next sermon. Upon receiving the paper, the chaplain was not a little surprised to find that no part of his discourse had escaped the notice of his watchful auditor, whose critique was in every respect most minute. "About two years ago, a patient expressed himself pleased with the view which had been taken of a text, principally on account of the effect which he hoped it would produce upon one whom he described as being in a state of despair. The chaplain, it need scarcely be said, lost no time in conversing with the unhappy man in presence of the friendly maniac, who listened with the deepest interest to every remark, and endeavoured, in the most affectionate manner, to remove the load that pressed upon the troubled mind. The object of his care was soothed, and, it is pleasing to add, finally left the asylum, the child of better hopes. "Another patient who was visited by severe bodily disease, as well as mental derangement, seemed to be happy only when engaged in the service of God. While strength remained, he was never absent from the chapel, and even after having been confined to bed during the week, the arms of his brethren in affliction supported him to the place where prayer was wont to be made. When that was found impracticable, the accents of praise, and words of resignation on the bed of death, proclaimed the presence of hope blooming full of immortality. "On another occasion, after divine service, the chaplain was requested to visit an aged woman, one of his hearers, who had been an inmate of the asylum for the lengthen ed term of twenty years. Her case had been a bad one. On the bed of death, however, she was restored to the full possession of reason. After joyfully welcoming her visitor, she expressed in the most grateful terms ber happiness on account of the change that had taken place in the house. Formerly,' said she, the Sabbath was the same as any other day, the joyful message of salva tion never reached us; now we have the Word preached every Sabbath, and even on the bed of sickness I can hear the glad tidings of peace.' (Her apartment was separated from the chapel merely by a thin wooden partition.) This interesting individual lived for nearly three weeks after the interview just described. To the close of life she manifested the patience and holy con fidence of the dying Christian. Only once her mind appeared to be a little disturbed, whether in consequence of a well-known prejudice, or on account of the peculiar character of the house, the writer of this article does not know, as, without asking any questions, he endea voured to banish the painful feeling. The circumstance alluded to was this: Her situation seemed to cause her some uneasiness, for she expressed a regret that the soul was leaving the body in a state of confinement. In a moment, however, she recovered her composure, and exclaimed, how can I complain who have been a great sinner, when I think of the sufferings of my sinless Re deemer.' "The last case which will be mentioned, is that of a converted Jew. "The expression of this man's countenance indicated perpetual grief. His was indeed a broken and, to all appearance, a contrite spirit. During divine service, his weeping eyes were constantly fixed upon the preacher, not a word seemed to escape him. When the words were those of comfort, or declaratory of God's goodness, and of the Saviour's love to fallen man, a smile of delight proved the grateful feelings of his beart. When any allusion was made, either in the address or prayer, to those from whom he had separated himself, the tear, the uplifted countenance and folded hands, testified bow much he loved his brethren, his kinsmen, according to the flesh, and how strong his desire was that Israel might be saved. To the last, the same affecting tenderness was displayed, until death relieved the broken hearted sufferer. "Had nothing more been effected by divine service in the asylum, than merely securing, by this means, to the insane, during a peaceful hour, forgetfulness of their sorrows, and, by breaking in upon the monotonous round of a solitary life, awakening early recollections, thus proving to them that they are still united with, and remembered by their fellow-men, the benefit conferred upon them would have been great; but the foregoing statements will prove that more has been accomplished. The living are soothed and comforted, the dying have been strengthened by the service of God, and the oft expressed desire of many has been gratified. For, repeatedly before the service of God was established in the asylum, the patients, upon hearing the tolling of the bells for public worship, remarked to the matron, how much they felt the want of religious instruction, and with what delight they would have joined the mul titude that kept the solemn Holy Day. They now receive the wished-for religious instruction, and meet in their solitary mansion to worship Him who is not confined to temples made with men's hands. And highly do they seem to value the blessed privileges. May the happy effects produced upon them by divine truth, be the means of directing public attention to the spiritual necessities of the insane in general, and dispose those to whose care they are intrusted, to introduce the service of the only Physician of the grieved in spirit into similar institutions." CHRISTIAN TREASURY. Christianity contrasted with Paganism.—The erection of hospitals and infirmaries for the poor, is one of the distinguishing ornaments and fruits of Christianity, unknown to the wisdom and humanity of pagan times. Compassionate consideration of the poor formed no part of the lessons of pagan philosophy; its genius was too arrogant and lofty to stoop to the children of want and obscurity. It soared in sublime speculation, wasted its strength in endless subtleties and debates; but, among the rewards to which it aspired, it never thought of the blessedness of him that considereth the poor." You might have traversed the Roman empire, in the zenith of its power, from the Euphrates to the Atlantic, without meeting with a single charitable asylum for the sick. Monuments of pride, of ambition, of vindictive wrath, were to be found in abundance; but not one legible record of cornmiseration for the poor. It was reserved for the religion, whose basis is humility, and whose element is devotion, to proclaim, with authority, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.' -ROBERT HALL Atonement.—Jesus has "put away sin by the sacrifice of himself," Heb. ix. 26; nor need you fear the penalties of the curse, while you view Christ crucified the object of your faith, and make him the only plea for your acceptance before God. Never was justice so magnified before, nor mercy so conspicuously revealed: had the great Creator delivered up a thousand angels, there would not have been a sacrifice nearly equal to that of his not even sparing his well-beloved Son, when he stood as man for men, to bear the vengeance of his wrath. Oh, the justice that demanded such an atonement! Oh the mercy that revealed such a salvation for a ruined world! And can sinners hear of such mercy, and resist it? Sinners doomed to die for sins more in number than the sands on the sea-shore! Oh what obdurate hearts must those be that can be proof against such astonishing love, and refuse to yield themselves to Him who paid so great a price for sinners so worthless and so vile! I beseech you, by the love of God, you that have never yet been captivated by such grace, no longer to delay, but haste to be the first fruits unto the Lord this day in this place; the vilest are welcome; God help you to come -R. HILL. She fountains of tears. The ground is her bed, she eats the tears. " and glorious angel, and lights on her bosom. The message which mercy brings to her from the King of heaven is, "I have heard thy prayers, and seen thy The Holy Ghost descends as the spirit of comfort, and dries her eyes. Lastly, she is lifted up to heaven, where angels and cherubims sing to her tunes of eternal joy, and God bids immortality set her upon the throne of glory.-ADAMS. Grounds of Perseverance.-Since we stand not, like Adam, upon our own bottom, but are branches of such a vine as never withers, members of such a head as never dies, sharers in such a spirit as cleanseth, healeth, and purifieth the heart, partakers of such promises as are sealed with the oath of God. Since we live not by our own life, but by the life of Christ; are not led or sealed by our own spirit, but by the spirit of Christ; do not obtain mercy by our own prayers, but by the intercession of Christ; stand not reconciled unto God by our own endeavours, but by the propitiation wrought by Christ, who loved us when we were enemies, and in our blood,-who is both willing and able to save us to the uttermost, and to preserve his own mercies in us; to whose office it belongs to take order, that none who are given unto him be lost; undoubtedly that life of Christ in us, which is thus underpropped, though it be not privileged from temptation, no, not from backslidings, yet is an abiding life: he who raised our souls from death, will either preserve our feet from falling, or if we do fall, will heal our backslidings, and will save us freely.-BISHOP REYNOLDS. This Every Man in his proper Position.-Adversity is the more common experience of God's people, because their faith and grace are too weak and imperfect, to bear the severer trials to which prosperity subjects them. sphere is too high for the weak Christian to walk in it without becoming dizzy. And though it may be true, that the man who, in adversity and destitution of worldly good, can look up and trust in God, is a strong believer, as we speak, yet, is not his faith stronger by much as the faith of that other man who, while solicited by all the blandishments of worldly success and enjoyment, suffers not his eye or his heart, for one mo It is The Picture of Repentance. She is a virgin, fairment, to turn away from God, the portion of his soul? sphere in life, will find a very small one to be sufficient The Second Coming.-Can we see and feel the awful signs of the times crowding around us, and never hear the whispering of a yet more awful voice, that seems to break, more and more distinctly every day, on the attentive ear! "Behold the Bridegroom is coming! Watch, therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour when the will come! "WHite, SACRED POETRY. IT IS GOOD TO BE HERE. METHINKS it is good to be here, Nor Elias, nor Moses appear, But the shadows of eve that encompass the gloom, Shall we build to Ambition? Ah! no; For see! they would pin him below To a small narrow cave, and begirt with cold clay, To Beauty? Ah! no; she forgets Nor knows the foul worm that he frets And here's neither dress nor adornment allowed, To Riches? Alas! 'tis in vain, The treasures are squander'd again; Ah! here is a plentiful board, But the guests are all mute as their pitiful cheer, Shall we build to Affection and Love? Or fled with the spirit above, Friends, brothers, and sisters, are laid side by side, Unto Sorrow? The dead cannot grieve; Which compassion itself could relieve; Ah! sweetly they slumber, nor hope, love, or fear, Unto Death, to whom monarchs must bow? And here there are trophies enow; The first tabernacle to Hope we will build, The second to Faith, which ensures it fulfill'd; And the third to the Lamb of the great sacrifice, Who bequeath'd us them both when He rose to the skies. KNOWLES. MISCELLANEOUS. The Reluctant Confession of an Infidel. It is stated, in the "Life of Dr Beattie," by Sir W. Forbes, that Mr Hume was one day boasting to Dr Gregory, that, among his disciples in Edinburgh, he had the honour to reckon many of the fair sex. "Now tell me," said the doctor, whether, if you had a wife or daughter, you would wish them to be your disciples? Think well before you answer me; for I assure you, that whatever your answer is, I will not conceal it.' Mr Hume, with a smile, and some hesitation, made this reply: "No; I believe scepticism may be too sturdy a virtue for a woman." A South Sea Islander.-Mr Nott, a missionary in the South Sea Islands, having read on one occasion the third chapter of the Gospel by John to a number of the natives, some of them appeared deeply impressed. When he had finished the 16th verse, one of them, much af fected, interrupted him, asking, "What words were those you read? what sounds were those I heard? Let me hear those words again." Mr Nott again read the verse, "God so loved," &c., when the poor pagan rose from his seat and said, "Is that true? can that be true? God love the world, when the world not love him! God so loved the world, as to give his Son to die! that man might not die! can that be true?" Mr Nott read the verse again, told him it was true, and that it was the message God had sent to them, and that whosoever believeth in him, would not perish, but be happy after death. The overwhelming feelings of the wondering pagan were too powerful for expression or for restraint. At length he burst into tears; and as these rolled down his dark visage, he withdrew, to meditate in private on the amazing love of God, which had that day touched his soul; and there was every reason to believe, that he was afterwards raised to share the joys of divine peace, the fruit of the love of God shed abroad in his heart. A Rabbi. When the late Rev. Claudius Buchanan was travelling in India, he obtained from the Jews in the interior of that country a very singular copy of the translation of the New Testament into Hebrew, made in the sixteenth century. The translator was a learned Rabbi, and the translation is, in general, faithful. The design of the translator was to make an accurate version of the New Testament, for the express purpose of confuting it, and of repelling the arguments of his neigh bours, the Syrian, or St. Thomé, Christians. But behold the providence of God! the translator became himself a convert to Christianity: his own work subdued his unbelief; and he lived and died in the faith of Christ. This manuscript is now in the public library at Cambridge. Princess Anne. When the Princess Anne, daughter of Charles the First, who died the 8th of December, 16-10, lay upon her death-bed, and nature was almost spent, she was requested by one of her attendants to pray: she said that she was not able to say her long prayer, meaning the Lord's Prayer, but she would say her short one, "Lighten mine eyes, O Lord, that I sleep not the sleep of death." The little creature had no sooner pronounced these words, than she expired: she was not quite four years of age. Subscribers in Edinburgh and Leith will have their copies delivered at their own residences regularly, by leaving their addresses with the Publisher, or with John Lindsay & Co., 7, South St. Andrew Street. Subscribers in Glasgow will, in like manner, have their copies delivered, by leaving their addresses at the Publishing Office there, 19, Glassford Street. Subscription (payable in advance) per quarter, of twelve weeks, 1s. 6d.--per half-year, of twenty-four weeks, 3s.--per year, of fortyeight weeks, 6s.-Monthly Parts, containing four Numbers each, stitched in a printed wrapper, Price Sixpence. Printed at the Steam-Press of Ballantyne & Co., from the Stereotype Plates of A. Kirkwood. THE CONDUCTED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF MINISTERS AND MEMBERS OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH. 66 THE FEAR OF THE LORD, THAT IS WISDOM." VOL. I. No. 16. SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1836. ON THE ADVANTAGES TO BE DERIVED BY THE BY THE REV. JAMES BRODIE, Ir is generally allowed in the present day, that distrust. The study of science, that is, the examination of the works of nature, is one of the most delightful employments that can engage our attention. There are in it subjects suited to every peculiarity of intellect ; facts, for the observer to discover, and general laws, for the philosopher to elucidate. It lifts the soul above the grovelling pleasures of sense, by giving a taste for higher enjoyments. It expands, refines, and elevates the mind. It is true, that when improperly engaged in, the pursuit will not prove beneficial. If knowledge puff up instead of edifying, then the study of PRICE 1d. science will be injurious, and the study of Scripture may prove a curse. If we examine the wonders of the material universe while we continue unmindful of Him who made them, our reasonings may lead to infidelity or deism; but if we are careful to trace the hand of God in all his works, we will rise from the examination of the creature, filled with admiration of the great Creator. When we look up unto the heavens, and consider the moon and the stars, which God hath ordained, we will, like David, exclaim, "How excellent is thy name in all the earth!" and, "What is man that thou art mindful of him!" When, in conformity to our Saviour's counsel, we "behold the lilies of the field, how they grow," and "consider the fowls of the air, how they are fed," by them we will be taught the workings of providence, and learn to trust in our heavenly Father's care. But while the acquisition of useful knowledge is thus beneficial, an acquaintance with the Bible is better far. In it we have subjects more varied, more delightful, more exalted; subjects suited to the weakest powers, yet more than sufficient to exercise the mightiest mind. A knowledge of Gospel truth raises the heart from earth to heaven, and extends the view from time to eternity. The Scriptures alone, point out the path of duty and the way to peace. They only exhibit Jehovah as he is. The character of God is but dimly shewn in the works of nature, while all the brightness of the divine perfections is manifest in the work of Christ. "By the Church is made known" even "to principalities and powers the manifold wisdom of God." He who reads the Word of the Lord in humble dependance on the blessing of the Spirit, is thus enabled to know Him,-is necessarily led to love and adore Him, and is prepared for seeing Him face to face, and for being made like Him in the world to come. The time will arrive when human learning shall prove utterly vain, when science shall vanish, and the very elements about which it is conversant shall melt in the flame; but, amid the wreck of worlds, the Word of God shall remain unchanged, and its followers unmoved. If the advantages resulting from the study of science be contrasted with those that are derived from a kuowledge of the Bible, we cannot, for a moment, hesitate in accounting Religion "the bet- | ter part which shall not be taken away." But these pursuits should not be contrasted, they ought rather to be combined. Creation and redemption have one common Author, and the study of the one, can never be inconsistent with a regard for the other. If science be employed as a handmaid to Religion, there is nothing that can afford a more suitable preparation for exploring the mysteries of redemption. By the acquisition of languages, and by an acquaintance with general literature, the memory and reflective faculties are improved, the taste is refined, and a relish is given for the sublime and beautiful, so abundantly found in the Word of God. By a knowledge of history and of human character, we are enabled to value aright the morality of the Gospel, and to appreciate its beneficial effects upon society. But the study of science prepares us for taking a wider view. By teaching us how to estimate the beauty of harmonious contrivance, it shews the grandeur of the Gospel scheme, considered as a whole; and by making us acquainted with the workmanship of the great Framer of the universe, it carries home the conviction that creation and redemption have one common source, and that He alone who contrived the one should have devised the other. vigorous energy of Luther's mind was soon apparent. At the age of twenty, having finished his literary studies with marked success, he obtained the degree of wishes of his parents than his own inclination, he began to prosecute the study of Law. A remarkable providential occurrence, however, at length determined him to change his profession. The sudden death, whether by violence or accident is disputed, of an intimate friend and companion, made a deep impression upon his mind, melancholy. One day while labouring under this depression of spirits, he happened, during a walk in the fields, to be overtaken by a violent storm of thunder and lightning, which so alarmed him, that on the spot he formed the resolution to withdraw from the world his father, who was a man of strong practical good sense, To this proposal and retire into a monastery for life. Master of Arts; and, more in accordance with the and seems to have thrown him for a time into a state of "Take care, said he to the rash was much opposed. In vain did Luther attempt to fly from himself, and to dissipate amid the endless formalities of the Romisa ritual, that feeling of restless inquiry which seems to have taken possession of his mind. Under the influence of those serious impressions which he had imbibed under his father's roof, he dwelt much in his seclusion on the truths of religion. As yet his views were vague and indistinct; but still, he felt that there was something which was absolutely necessary to be obtained before he could expect deliverance from the gloomy fears and forebodings with which he was beset. A work of grace, in fact, appears to have begun in his soul. He was labouring under a deep-rooted conviction of his sin, and although he struggled to quiet his troubled conscience by the constant observance of the numerous ceremonies which the Church of Rome de The mere man of taste may be satisfied with the embellishments of pagan mythology, or popish fable; but he who has studied the works of nature scorns their incongruous fancyings. Accustomed to the exercise of that faculty, by which we estimate the adaptation of means to an end, when hemanded, all was unavailing; his sadness and almost contemplates the work of Redemption, he sees in the fitting together of the various parts, the manifold wisdom of Him who is wise in counsel. When he traces the developement of the glorious scheme, from its origin, in the purpose of eternity, to its final consummation, he discovers new beauties as the various dispensations gradually unfold, he finds each part full of wisdom and full of love, every portion deserving gratitude and praise, while the grandeur of the harmonious whole, and the extent of God's redeeming grace, as thereby manifested, are seen in that transcendant splendour which passeth all understanding. THE EARLY DAYS OF MARTIN LUTHER. THE life of Luther is so intimately connected with the important events of the period in which he lived, that it is difficult to view the man apart from the Reformer. In the following sketch, however, we are desirous as much as possible, to limit ourselves to the personal history and experience of this distinguished individual previously to that period when he became conspicuous in the world as an opponent of the corruptions of the Romish Church. desponding melancholy continued to increase rather than diminish. At length, to seek relief in the sympathy, if not the advice of another, he resolved to unbosom his griefs to Staupitz, the vicar-general of that order of Monks to which he himself belonged. Staupitz, besides being a man of considerable sagacity, had himself been subject to feelings similar to those which oppressed the mind of Luther. His reply, accordingly, is somewhat remarkable: "You do not know," said he, "how useful and necessary this trial may be to you; God does not thus exercise you for nothing: you will one day see, that he will employ you as his servant for great purposes." At this time Luther was ignorant of the Scriptures; but the early instructions of pious parents, aided by a natural tenderness of conscience, and strong reflective powers, led him to entertain more vivid impressions of divine things than the extent of his knowledge would seem to warrant. He knew enough to lead him to thirst after still further acquaintance with the truth. And at length, in the wise providence of God, his wishes, in this respect, were most unexpectedly grati fied. In the course of the second year after his adinis sion into the monastery at Erfurt, he met with a Latin Bible in the library. This was to him like the openin, of the eyes to the blind. He perused the Word ei God for himself, and while poring, with earnest assi duity, over the sacred page, ever and anon did he ER up his soul in prayer to the Father of light, that he might be enabled to understand the Scriptures. Nor was his prayer unanswered. The light of divine truth shone into his soul with a brightness such as he had never before beheld. His study of the Bible was incessant, and under the influence of its refreshing stateThements, his gloom gave place to a steady cheerfulness, Martin Luther was born at Eisleben, a small town in Saxony, on the 10th of November 1483. His parents, who appear to have been noted for their industry and integrity, and unostentatious piety, paid peculiar attention, not merely to his education at school, but to his religious training at home; and, accordingly, we find, that through life, Luther retained an affectionate remembrance of the home of his early days. |