THE SCOTTISH. CHRISTIAN HERALD, CONDUCTED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF MINISTERS AND MEMBERS OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH. VOL. I. No. 3. "THE FEAR OF THE LORD, THAT IS WISDOM." SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1836. ON THE PARABLES OF OUR SAVIOUR. BY THE REV. WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM, Minister of the College Church, Edinburgh. A CONSIDERABLE portion of the instructions which our Saviour addressed to men while upon earth, was conveyed by means of parables. His arables occupy a considerable part of the Gospels, and are generally felt and acknowledged to De very interesting and important. While many [arts of the Scriptures are by many readers quite Forgotten, and leave no impression behind them, tae parables are more or less recollected, and exert ome influence upon men's opinions; and it is therefore of much importance that their nature should be correctly understood, and that a right 1node of ascertaining their meaning should be geLerally adopted. A parable means in general a comparison, but in the restricted sense in which it is usually employed, it denotes a story or narrative of incidents, commonly taken from ordinary life, designed to shadow forth or embody some important truth or practical instruction, and fitted, the peculiar form which it assumes, to convey the truth or instruction with advantage. Parables were common among the ancient and especially the Eastern writers, and several occur in the Old Testament Scriptures. Our Saviour's parables, Lowever, are the most interesting specimens of tinis kind of composition, at once from their singular beauty, and the importance of the information and instruction which they are intended to convey. They consist generally of a simple narrative of circumstances, such as might probably have occurred in the usual course of things, and in the ordinary intercourse of society. The story is commonly an appeal to our natural feelings of justice and equity, and is so framed, as to be admirably adapted to insinuate a truth, against which there might exist a prejudice, and to impress it spon the understanding and the memory; and to ring home practical instructions, that is, the duty and propriety of acting in a certain manner, with peculiar power to the heart and the conscience. At the same time, these interesting and important portions of Scripture are liable, like other parts of it, to be wrested and perverted by unlearned and mastable persons, in such a way as to produce PRICE 14d. much error and mischief. The principal source of error and of injury in the explanation and application of our Saviour's parables, is the notion which seems often to be entertained, that every thing stated in the parable must have some corresponding circumstance or idea, which it was intended to typify or shadow forth, a notion which is neither consistent with the general idea of a parable, nor capable of being applied fairly and rationally to the explanation of the parables which we actually find in the New Testament. As illustrations of the erroneous mode of applying parables which we have in view, we may mention that we have heard an argument gravelv adduced against the Scriptural doctrine of predestination from the parable of the talents, founded upon this consideration, that the master regulated his conduct toward those whom he had intrusted with the talents, solely by a reference to their actual conduct, and not by any previous purpose or determination of his own; and we have heard the doctrine of universal pardon defended from the parable of the servants, whose debts were remitted, because both of them (supposed to typify those who are saved and those who perish) had something forgiven. It is quite plain that these two parables were not intended to give any information upon the subjects respectively referred to, and that this mode of applying them did not only bring out errors in these instances, but necessarily involved gross absurdity in itself. The great point to be kept in view in explaining and applying our Saviour's parables, is, that they are commonly designed to shew forth, and to impress one or more great truths or practical principles-that it was for this purpose that the parable was constructed, and that, of course, every thing not bearing upon the elucidation of these leading truths and principles, is to be regarded as incidental and adventitious. When our blessed Saviour intended. to convey some important instruction, and resolved, in his wisdom, to convey it in the form, or through the means of a parable, it must naturally follow, as the next step in the process, that he would determine to make a parable for that purpose, and fitted to serve the particular end he had in view. Now, as a parable just consists of a story, or narrative of minute and familiar inci dents, and as without this it could not properly | bles were intended to impress, it is of essential be a parable at all, the making of a parable of consequence for the proper application of any pacourse implies the insertion of a variety of minute rable, and in order to derive from it the full amount circumstances, which were not intended to have any separate significance. Without being minute, specific, and familiar, there can be no parable, and therefore in every parable we may expect to find minute circumstances introduced into the narrative, which were not intended to convey any particular meaning, and whose insertion is fully accounted for by the statement, that they were inserted for the purpose of making a parable, it having seemed meet to infinite wisdom to employ a parable upon that occasion, to serve an important end. Some persons, out of a feeling of respect for the Sacred Scriptures, have adopted the erroneous notion, that the statements of the Bible have and were intended to have all the meanings which they can possibly be made to bear. And it is almost equally unreasonable to suppose, that all the various circumstances introduced into a parable, are intended to have a meaning, and to impress a truth or principle. Such a notion rests upon no solid foundation. It is not demanded by a judicious reverence for Scripture, and it is not required, nay, it is not admitted, by a regard to the true nature of a parable. If this mode of interpreting parables were to be adopted, and fully applied, it would require a constant stretch of imagination, and a habitual disregard of the sober and rational use of our faculties; and the consequence would be, that he would be the best interpreter of the parables who had the most fertile imagination, and who could invent the greatest number of real or apparent resemblances between the minute statements of the parable, and religious truth or moral precepts. In explaining and applying any one of our Saviour's parables, the first great object to be aimed at, is to get a clear and distinct conception of the chief purpose which the parable was intended to serve, or of the leading truth or principle which it was designed to convey or impress, and then to apply its different statements in such a way as to bring out that purpose, or truth, or principle, in the clearest and most affecting manner. The leading object of a parable, the principal truth or precept which it was intended to impress or to enforce, may in general be discovered without much difficulty, although, as the discovery of this is by far the most important step in the application of it, the utmost care should be employed to ascertain it correctly, and to have a clear and distinct idea of it produced upon the mind. The leading objects of parables, and in one or two instances, especially in the parable of the sower, a minute explanation of the statements,are made known to us by our Saviour himself, and in other cases, they are left to be collected or inferred either from the connection in which they are introduced, or from a consideration of the general scope of the parables themselves. But whatever materials may be afforded for ascertaining the leading truths or precepts which particular para of instruction which it was intended to convey, that its chief object or its leading principle should be ascertained, and should then be distinctly kept in view, and steadily applied to the elucidation of its minute statements. Unless this principle of interpreting and applying the parable be firmly embraced and steadily adhered to, we shail be in constant danger of falling into error, of giving an unbridled license to our imagination, of bringing our own notions and fancies to the parables to be countenanced by them, instead of regulating all our opinions by a fair application of each portion of Scripture, and thus of making the word of God speak in the manner the best suited to gratify our own desires, and to promote our own views. When the right mode of interpreting parables is employed, by first of all ascertaining the leading object which a particular parable was intended to serve, and then keeping this continually in view, we find from experience that they are admirably fitted to bring out important truths and great practical principles in a peculiarly clear and impressive way, to imprint them deeply on the memory, and to commend them with power to the heart and the conscience. It is deserving, however, of careful observation, that while our Saviour's parables are in many respects fitted to serve, and do, through the divine blessing, actually serve this important purpose of elucidating truth, it was not this consideration that originally led our Saviour to have recourse to them, but one, as he himself has assured us, directly the reverse. The reason why our Saviour employed parables, which was not to elucidate truth, but to conceal it from those to whom they were originally addressed, we will illustrate in a future number. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF or Pastor of Waldbach, in the Ban de la Roche. THE life of a country clergyman, who seldom never travelled beyond the range of his own parish, however eminent he may have been for the attainments of personal piety, or for the zeal and variety of his spiritual labours, presents but few incidents of that description, which is calculated to engage in his narrative cordingly, the reader who betakes himself to this species of biography, can anticipate in imagination the course of the unchequered tale accompanies the subject of the memoir in the preparation and discharge of his public duties, or follows him in his private walks, as he goes from house to house, renewing the daily routine of those the sympathies of a deep and general interest; and ac 1 १ 1 1 1 1 peaceful exercises, by which he seeks to bring his peo- in a singular degree, the opposite qualities of a love of study and private meditation, with a spirit of constant activity and enterprise he was placed by Providence in a station which afforded the completest scope for the developement of his peculiar talents and guided by the ❘ his studies, which were at first general, and without any bent of his own mind, as well as by a strong necessity, he brought the whole force of his natural and acquired resources to bear, with such devoted, and at the same time, well-directed enthusiasm, on the promotion both of the temporal and spiritual interests of his flock, and succeeded in accomplishing so vast an improvement on their domestic and social economy-that his history will be found as attractive to the lover of romance, as it deserves to be known to the Christian, as a beautiful example of the power and the fruits of faith. Oberlin was born at Strasbourg, on the 31st August, 1740, of a reduced, though highly respectable family. His father held an office in the Gymnasium of that city, -an institution which was designed as a preparatory stool for the Lutheran college of the same place and devoted his leisure time to the education of his nine children. As it often happens, however, the chief burden of forming the minds of that young family devolved upon the mother, who was a woman of a sound judgment, and superior accomplishments, and possessed, in great perfection, the happy art of training up her children in the marture and admonition of the Lord. On the evenings of every day, she assembled them around a table, to read to them some interesting narrative, in which instruction was blended with amusement- whilst, in the meantime, her little auditors were busily employed in copying some drawings, which their father had sketched for them during the day; and scarcely a night passed, without a general request, before separating, that " dear mamma would favour them with one beautiful hymn" -cne of those sacred songs which Luther composed, in conjunction with some of his illustrious contemporaries, and which being carefully impressed on the me view to a particular profession, were gradually directed, through the force of his own taste, as well as of circumstances, to qualify him for the office of the ministry. Shortly after he has commenced his theological career, the attention of the Strasbourg citizens was powertully arrested, by the appearance among them of a preacher, of the name of Dr Lorentz, who, in addition to great powers of popular eloquence, dwelt so much, and so impressively, on the grand doctrines of evangelical truth, that crowds repaired to him wherever he went. Among others, who waited on his ministry, was Oberlin's mother, who, herself a woman of ardent piety, felt the views of this evangelical minister more suited to her spiritual wants and desires than the jejune morality she was accustomed to hear in the churches of Strasbourg; and having expressed a strong wish that her favourite son, Frederic, should accompany her to hear Dr Lorentz on the following Sabbath, she prevailed upon him so far, by her urgent solicitations, that, in spite of the probibition of the theological professors, he went was delighted with the strain of the preaching became a regular and diligent attendant on the Doctor's sermons and gradually came, through prayer and reading of the Scriptures, to adopt the evangelical views of divine truth, as those most agreeable to the Word of God. His impressions of the importance of religion, always strong, were greatly deepened; his resolution to dedicate himself to the work of the ministry assumed a more decided character; and to confirm himself in the principles and habits of piety, he renewed his baptismal consecration to God by a formal covenant, agreeably to the method recommended by Dr Doddridge in his "Ris and Progress." Having completed his course of theolo mories of the young in his day, were powerful instru-gical study, he was ordained a minister according to the ments in spreading the influence of the Reformed religion. The hymn sung by the Oberlins was always followed by a prayer; and there can be little doubt, that the strong impression which these evening occupatrons of his childhood made on the mind of the young Frederic, contributed to form those peculiar features of character, which were so remarkable in the future pastor of Waldbach. As the children grew up, the elder Oberlin judiciously adapted their studies and pastimes to their advancing age; and among the various expedients which the indulgent father contrived for their amusement, was one, that took such a hold of the mind of Frederic, as nearly shaped the course of his future life. A small property, belonging to the family, lay a few miles out of the town of Strasbourg. Thither the father repaired with his family, once every week, during the summer months, and used to perambulate the walks of the little garden attached to the house, with a drum tied to his waist, while his seven boys were taught to follow him, and go through all the different military evolutions. So fond were they all and particularly Frederic, of this stirring exercise-that he came to talk of nothing but soldiers and warfare read every book he could procure, that detailed battles and sieges and frequented the society of some soldiers that were quartered in the town, till his uncommon knowledge of military affairs attracted the notice of the superior officers, and he obtained their permission to join in their exercises. This fondness for a soldier's life, however, did not meet with the approbation of his father, who having destined him for a learned profession, deemed it necessary to interfere, and remove him from the scene of such dangerous attractions. And although Frederic was naturally of an ardent and lively temper, yet, perceiving the views of his father to be decidedly opposed to his following the camp, his sense of filial duty made him cheerfully defer to paternal advice, and enter with the same enthusiasm on the peaceful pursuits of literature, as he would have done had he been left to his own inclinations, or the more stirring career of a military life. The course of forms of the Lutheran Church, but continued for seven years without any pastoral charge, being desirous of maturing his mind and enlarging his knowledge, before he entered on the active performance of duties, the qualifications for which he rated at a high standard. Meanwhile, he entered as private tutor into the family of M. Ziegenhagen, an eminent surgeon in Strasbourg, where, besides other advantages, he acquired that knowledge of botany, medicine, and general science, which enabled him afterwards to render such beneficial services to his parishioners. In that humble situation he had continued for seven years, when he was offered the chaplaincy of a French regiment a situation which, as it accorded with the early passion he had cherished for a military life, as well as afforded an extensive prospect of usefulness among a class of persons who generally stand much in need of a zealous spiritual instructor, he readily accepted; and in order to qualify himself the more fully for the situation, he left M. Ziegenhagen's family hired an obscure lodging up three pair of stairs, where he shut himself from the world, and devoted himself to a course of extensive study. Though forgetting the world in this retirement, he was not himself forgotten, for M. Stouber, pastor of the Ban de la Roche, being about to leave his charge for a more important one in Strasbourg, immediately directed his eyes to Oberlin as the fittest person to be his successor. And as that office, which he ultimately accepted, altered the whole complexion of his future life, it may be proper, at this stage, to give some idea of the state of that parish at the time when M. Stouber served. The Ban de la Roche, or Steinthal, is a mountainous district in the north-east of France, bordering on Alsace, and forming part of the western ramifications of the Haut Champ, an isolated range of mountains, detached by a deep valley from the eastern boundary of the pass of the Vosges. It comprehends two parishes, of which Rothan is one, while the other, containing three churches, extends over the five hamlets of Foudai, Belmont, Waldbach Bellefosse and Zolbach, and is inhabited entirely by Lutherans. The whole district | tures among them, for although they were Protestants comprises about 9000 English acres, of which more than a third is covered with wood, 2000 are laid out in pasture, and the remainder is cultivated for the common food of the peasantry-oats, rye, and potatoes. The inhabitants of this canton had long enjoyed, in common with the other people of Alsace, an entire liberty of conscience, which was stipulated for by a special decree, when the province was incorporated with France, and which was never infringed, even during the bloody persecutions that were directed against the Protestants in other parts of France. Circumstances, however, prevented the people from reaping the advantages of this privilege, for that district having been unfortunately the seat of conflict during the Thirty Years' War, was so laid waste, There to be scarcely habitable. as were no roads no implements of agriculture; the very knowledge of the art of cultivating the ground was scarcely possessed by the secluded semi-barbarian inhabitants, who, to the number of eighty or a hundred families, subsisted almost wholly on roots and herbs, which were the spontaneous produce of the soil, and lived in a state of society, the misery and degradation of which can be more easily imagined than described. The hope of the young generation being superior to their parents in this sequestered region, may be judged of by a single anecdote of what occurred to M. Stouber on his first arrival. Being desirous of visiting the school, he was directed to a miserable cottage, where a number of children were crowded together, without any occupation, and in so turbulent a state, that it was difficult for him to procure an answer to his enquiries for the master. There he is," said one of them, as soon as silence could be obtained, pointing to a withered old man, who lay on a little bed in one corner of the apartment. "Are you the schoolmaster, my good friend?" enquired Stouber. Yes, sir."" And what do you teach the children?" -"Nothing, sir."_" Nothing! How is that?" "Because," replied the old man, with characteristic simplicity, "I know nothing myself."__" Why then were you made schoolmaster ?"" Why, sir, I had been taking care of the Waldbach pigs for a great number of years, and when I got too old and infirm for that employment, they sent me here to take care of the children." This man affords a specimen of all the schools in the five villages, which were taught by masters no better qualified, and to which the children were sent, for no other purpose than to be kept out of mischief. The pastor lost no time in endeavouring to reform the schools; for such was the deplorable ignorance of the people, and so greatly had the office of schoolmaster fallen into contempt, that he could not prevail on any individuals to allow their sons to enter on such an employment; and it was not till the happy thought struck him, to change the name of Schoolmaster, and call him Superintendent of the school, that he succeeded in obtaining the services of some promising and active young men. Having drawn up an alphabet for their use, and prepared a series of spelling and reading books, the zealous pastor raised, by the assistance of a benevolent individual at Strasbourg, a sum sufficient to build a wooden school-house, and to afford a small salary to each of the masters. In introducing these improvements, he had to encounter the greatest difficulties from the prejudices of the people, who did not perceive the use of spelling-books, filled with whole pages of unconnected syllables; but when they perceived, to their astonishment, that by this means, the children were enabled in a few months to read any book that was put into their hands, their elder brothers and sisters, and even the parents also, in many instances, expressed a desire for instruction; in consequence of which, a school for adults, during part of the Sunday, and the long winter evenings, was opened. Having brought them to this stage, Stouber's next object was to introduce the Scrip of the Lutheran Church, and had a pastor always resident among them, they had never seen a Bible. They thought of it only as a certain large book containing the word of God, and were not easily persuaded that the French Protestant Bibles, which their pastor distributed among them, of which he had received about fifty as a present, and for wider circulation had divided each into three parts, and bound them into thin volumes, were the same as the large book. By degrees, however, their prejudices wore off, their diligent pastor laboured to make them acquainted with the sacred contents of the Bible, and adapting his style of preaching, which was decidedly evangelical, to the state and acquirements of his flock, succeeded, through the divine blessing, in bringing many under salutary impressions, and raising the tone of morals among the people at large during the fourteen years of his residence among them. Anxious, as such a pastor might naturally be expected to feel, that the course of moral and religious improvement he had commenced in the Ban de la Roche should be carried on, he did not relinquish the charge till he had made every exertion to provide a successor animated with a kindred spirit to himself; and being well acquainted with the pious and energetic character of Oberlin, he waited upon him, as we have already said, to request his acceptance of the pastoral engagement. The situation in which he found the young scholar, is too singular and characteristic to be passed without notice. On opening the door, the first object that caught his attention was a small bed, standing in one corner of the room, covered with brown paper hangings, "that," said Stouber to himself, " would just suit the Steinthal." On approaching the bed, he found Oberlin lying upon it and suffering from a violent toothache. He rallied him about the simplicity of his curtains and the homeliness of his apartments. "And pray," continued he, after having taken a survey of the room, "what is the use of that little iron pan that hangs over your table?"_" That is my kitchen," re plied Oberlin. "I am in the habit of dining at home with my parents every day, and they give me a large piece of bread to bring back in my pocket. At eight o'clock in the evening I put my bread into that pan, and having sprinkled it with salt and poured a little water upon it, I place it over my lamp, and go on with my studies till ten or eleven o'clock, when I generally begin to feel hungry, and relish my self-cooked supper. Stouber was delighted felt that this was the very man he wanted, and immediately proposed to him to take the vacant parish of the Ban de la Roche. Nothing could have been more congenial to Oberlin's own mind; and accordingly, having resigned the chaplaincy, and completed all his arrangements, after many earnest prayers that a blessing might rest upon himself and the little flock of whom he was to take the oversight, he accompanied his new friend back to Waldbach, and arrived there on the 30th March, 1767, in the twentyseventh year of his age. It had been the anxious desire of his parents, with whose entire approbation he had made this change in his mode of life, that he should take a partner with him to his sequestered parsonage. His mother particularly was earnest on the subject, and Oberlin, who was easy on the point, consented, on condition that she should point out to him where he was to find a suitable wife. Having directed him to the daughter of a rich brewer's widow who resided in their neighbourhood, and with whom she had received a hint that he might succeed, he resolved to make the experiment; but as it had been his practice from his earliest years to wait for some intimation from Providence, he earnestly prayed to God that he would direct him in forming a judgment whether this would be likely to prove a happy and useful connection. The spirit was good, but the manner in which he followed it was wrong, as he very inconsistently laid down to himself the signs by which be would judge of the will of Providence, with the manner in which the mother should receive him. If she herself should broach the subject, he was to consi der it as a proof that heaven approved of the proceeding, but if not, his line of duty was to do nothing in the matter. Accordingly, having repaired to the house and been admitted, the widow gave him a kind reception, took a chair beside him, talked of the weather, the news of the day, and other things, till the conversation being at length exhausted without the lady having thrown out the slightest hint about her daughter, Oberlin abruptly rose and left the parties in utter astonishment as to the nature and object of his visit. A second attempt at matrimony, made, however, with better judgment, likewise failed; and giving up, therefore, in the meantime, all thoughts of marriage, he resolved to settle himself down in his parsonage along with his mother, who went to assist him at his outset in life, and then left him with a younger sister. About a year after, Madeleine Witter, a relation of his family, came on a visit of a few weeks to his house -a young lady of great accomplishments, and impressed with serious views of religion, the daughter of a professor in the University of Strasbourg, though she had lately been deprived of both her parents. The time of her departure was approaching, when one morning after breakfast, finding the young lady sitting in a summer-house in the garden, he went up to lier, and commenced the conversation, by saying, "that he had felt a strong impulse in his mind, which he considered a divine intimation that she was to be his wife, and that as she knew his situation, he wished her to take the matter into consideration, and give him the result of her deliberations in a few days." Miss Witter, rising from the seat, and placing one hand before her eyes, held the other towards him; the decision was made, a decision on which she had reason to congratulate herself ever after, and which he made with feelings of the warmest piety, as was evinced by a most affecting prayer which he wrote on the occasion. His domestic happiness being thus provided for, it is time to consider Oberlin carrying on his plans pense to himself, to benefit the people, it might have been expected, that they would have hailed his plans with the liveliest satisfaction and gratitude. Whether he had begun prematurely or not, certain it was, that the most violent opposition was made to him as an innovator, and an extensive conspiracy was formed against him, of which, however, he obtained warning in time to enable him to defeat the attempt. Sunday being the day fixed for its execution, he on that day took for his text these words of our Saviour, in the fifth chapter of Matthew : " But I say unto you, that ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right check, turn to him the other also," and proceeded from these words, to speak of the Christian patience with which we should suffer injuries, and submit to false surmises and ill usage. After the service, the malecontents met at the house of one of the party, to amuse themselves in conjecturing what their pastor would do, when he should find himself compelled to put in practice the principles he had so recently explained. What must have been their astonishment, when the door opened, and Oberlin himself stood before them. "Here am I, my friends," said he, with that calm dignity which inspires even the most violent with awe. "I am acquainted with your design. If I have violated the rules I laid down for you, punish ne for it; it is better that I should deliver myself into your hands, than that you should be guilty of the meanness of an ambuscade." These simple words produced their intended effect. The peasants, ashamed of their scheme, sincerely begged his forgiveness, and promised never again to entertain a doubt of the sincerity of the motives by which he was actuated, and of his affectionate desires to promote their welfare. Strengthened by the advantage he had gained from this occurrence, Oberlin proceeded in his plans; and as all the roads belonging to the Ban de la Roche were impassable for the most part of the year, and the greater portion of the parish had no method of communication with the neighbouring towns, but by stepping-stones over the Bruche, which was a mountain torrent, broad and often flooded, he directed his views to open up regular channels of intercourse between Waldbach and the rest of the world, justly considering, that the mode of living, the intelli of usefulness in his parish, and it is here that the cha-gence and the moral character of his people, would never racter of this extraordinary man will be seen to put forth all its energy. "Confident," says the historian of his life, " that strength would be afforded if rightly sought, Oberlin resolved, when he entered on his cure, to employ all the attainments in science, philosophy and religion, which he had brought with him from Strasbourg, for the improvement of the parish, and the benefit of the parishioners." Such was the spirit and the resolution with which he had taken possession of the parish; and as we are about to give some details of the indefatigable exertions he made for improving the temporal condition of the people of that place, it is necessary to state, that his first and grand object was to preach the truth as it is in Jesus, with the earnest desire, if possible, to save souls. In the attainment of this object, he was instant, in season and out of season, in inculcating upon the minds of his parishioners the grand doctrines of the corruption of human nature the atonement of Christ the unerring and sanctifying influences of the spirit, and the connection between faith and works. But in order to convince them, that in teaching them spiritual things, he had their real welfare at heart, he sought to do them good in matters which came home to every one's experience, and to shew them, that in the most common and secular affairs of life, the grand principle of doing all for the glory, and in obedience to the will of God, cught to be applied, as the most efficient source of industry, order, and every social improvement. In this view it was, that he began every undertaking; and as the object of all of them was, at much trouble and ex be permanently and efficiently improved, so long as they continued in their then insulated state. His first proposal then was, to effect a communication with the high-road that led to Strasbourg; and having assembled the people, he suggested to them, that they should blast the rocks, construct with the demolished masses of stone, a high wall sufficient to support a road along the banks of the river, and build a bridge across that stream at a certain turn of the road. The peasants were overwhelmed with astonishment at a project which appeared to them next to an impossibility, and every one began to make excuses, some regarding the difficulties of the undertaking, others on account of private business, some one thing and some another; whereupon, Oberlin, who was prepared for all this, exclaimed, " That it was a work, of which all would reap the benefit, they having a road and market for their produce, constant intercourse with the inhabitants of other districts, and a great increase of comforts and of the means of living both for themselves and their children, and concluded by saying, "let all who feel the importance of the work, come labour with me." No sooner had he finished these words, than with a pickaxe on his shoulder, he proceeded to the spot, while the astonished peasants, catching a portion of his enthusiasm, forgot their objections, and ran every one to bring their tools to work along with him. He assigned to each individual his part, selecting for himself and a confidential servant, the most rugged and difficult places; and regardless of the thorns by which his hands were torn, and the bruises he received from the tumbling of the loose stones, he laboured with un |