the dwarf palm, the cyprus, the chestnut, the cork | tree: the orange and lemon tree perfume the air with their blossoms; the myrtle and pomegranate grow wild We cross the Alps, and we find the among the rocks. vegetation which belongs to northern Europe, of which The oak, the beech, and England affords an instance. the elm, are natives of Great Britain: the elm tree seen in Scotland, and in the north of England, is the wych elm. As we travel still further to the north, the In the northern forests again change their character. provinces of the Russian empire are found forests of the various species of firs: the Scotch and spruce fir, and the larch. In the Orkney Islands no tree is found but the hazel, which occurs again on the northern shores of the Baltic. As we proceed into colder regions, we still find species which appear to have been made for these situations. The hoary or cold alder makes its appearance north of Stockholm: the sycamore and mountain ash accompany us to the head of the gulf of Bothnia: and as we leave this and traverse the Dophrian range, we pass in succession the boundary lines of the spruce fir, the Scotch fir, and those minute shrubs which botanists distinguish as the dwarf birch and the dwarf willow. Here, near to or within the arctic circle, we yet find wild flowers of great beauty; the mezereum, the yellow and white water lily, and the And when these fail us, the European globe flower. reindeer moss still makes the country habitable for animals and man. 46 "We have thus a variety in the laws of vegetable organization remarkably adapted to the variety of climates; and by this adaptation the globe is clothed with vegetation, and peopled with animals, from pole to pole, while, without such an adaptation, vegetable and animal life must have been confined almost, or entirely, to some narrow zone on the earth's surface. We conceive that we see here the evidence of a wise and benevolent intention, overcoming the varying difficulties, or employing the varying resources of the elements, with an inexhaustible fertility of contrivance, a constant tendency to diffuse life and wellbeing.' JOHN STEVENSON, AN AYRSHIRE CHRISTIAN OF COMMUNICATED BY THE REV. DUNCAN MACFARLAN, In the last two papers our extracts were almost ex- answer to prayer. "The first I shall mention was what I met with at Bothwell. I am not ashamed to own that I was there, and do declare that it was not a spirit of rebellion against the then king and government, that took me there, as That that rising is slanderously reported of by many. which moved us to join together and appear in arms, was the necessary defence of our lives, liberties, and religion. For it is well known how the enemies of God, and of our holy religion, did eat up the people of God as bread, and called not on his name; and whereever they met with honest ministers or private Christians, they either shot them or dragged them to prison, and for no other reason, but because they worshipped the God of their fathers, according to their conscience, and in the way they judged to be divinely appointed. We would have taken cheerfully the spoiling of our goods, had not our enemies sought to lord it over our conscience, which we could not submit to them, without incurring the displeasure of God. And our uniting together was on the very principle on which our happy resolution was afterwards brought about, namely, the tors. "From this time till our happy Revolution, I was obliged, for the space of nine years, to retire and hide myself as much as possible from the rage of my persecuAnd knowing the wrath of the enemy, and fearing that if I should be taken by them, I might be tempted, through weakness, to take sinful oaths, or exposed to great sufferings, I set apart time for prayer, and pleaded with God, that he would make out graciously to me, what he had promised to do for his Church and people in days of fiery trial; and particnlarly- Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.'-Rev. iii. 10. I pleaded the outmaking of this, and, I must own, he remembered the word on which he caused me to hope, and preserved me remarkably from the enemy, as you may hear afterwards. "Some time after this, a troop of the enemy were quartered about Daily, and five of them were quartered upon my father in Camragen. As they came to my father's, they were informed that I had that morning come to the house, for there were many informers in the country, who sold themselves to betray inno cent blood, and that for a piece of bread. They had | told the soldiers what sort of a man I was, and what clothes I had on, and what was the colour of my hair; and it was the case, that I had just come into the house to get some refreshment. I had not had time to sit down, when all of a sudden my sister and I heard a great noise before the door. We ran to the door to see what was the matter, and found three out of the five dragoons, who asked if I was the goodman of the house, or if I belonged to the family? I answered that I was not the head of the family, but that I belonged to it. I expected the next question would have been, Are you his son? But the Lord restrained them. They told me they were to quarter with us, and dismounted apparently in a great rage. The Lord ordered it so, that neither my sister nor I were in the least daunted. I spoke civilly to them; telling them to be calm and easy, and they should get for themselves and horses, in great plenty. I offered them either straw, hay, or corn for their horses, and took them into the garden, where I made up a bundle for each of them, of what they desired; and I made up also one for myself. I let them take up their bundles first and return to the stable, and I just followed. But when they entered the stable door, I skipped back and got over the garden ditch, and so escaped. They were in a great rage at the disappointment; and when they met my father, threatened to have him ruined for entertaining such a person in his house. But my father turned the chase on them, threatening to tell their commander, that they had let me go, after getting me into their custody, which quieted them. And so the Lord kept me from that hour of temptation, as I had begged, and as he had caused me to hope. at hand. "Some time after this, I having entered into a married state, my father made a secret place in his hay stack, where I remained during night, for a whole winter and part of the spring. When my wife was not with me, sometimes a friend, in circumstances similar to my own, would come and stay a night with me in the stack. One morning, when my wife was with me, she got up and went out at the little hole we had to get out at, and she stopped it with the bundle of hay, which was our only door. As she stood in the garden, all of a sudden she observed four men close She stepped back and stooped, as if she had been drawing hay, and whispered to me, that I should keep close, for she saw some of the enemy. Within a little, one of them struck her on the back with the side of his sword, and told her that she was their prisoner. They accordingly took her and my sister to Maybole, and put them in prison, where they remained for some days: but a party of friends afterwards rescued them during night. As for the four men, who took them, three of them were afterwards served by my wife as common beggars, and so was the wife of the fourth. And in this also, I remark the kindness of God; for had these men seen my wife coming out of the stack, I would either have been apprehended, or forced to shed blood, in which I had no pleasure. "And as I escaped the sword of the enemy, so I found grace in the wilderness. Yea, during my nine years' suffering, I was filled with peace and joy in believing. I was made to take joyfully the spoiling of my goods, and with pleasure did I, for his name's sake, wander in deserts and in mountains, in dens and caves of the earth. I lay four months, during the coldest season of the year, as already noticed, in a hay stack; and during the whole of February in the open fields, not far from Camragen; and this without sustaining any prejudice from the night air. One night, when lying in the fields near the Carrick Mill, I was all covered with snow in the morning. Many nights have I lain with pleasure in the churchyard of Old Daily, and made a grave my pillow. Often have I resorted to the old walls above the glen, near to Camragen, and there sweetly rested. And, as God was very kind by night and day to my soul, so he preserved me from the fear of Satan. The enemy did not molest or affright me in any of my hiding-places; yea, the Lord assured me, that he had made for me a covenant with the beasts of the field, so that I was not afraid to sleep in those very places where poisonous creatures did most frequently resort: neither did I at any time receive from them, or from the beasts of the field, the least injury. "All this, dear children, is well known to your mother, who was my comfortable companion in many of my tribulations; and I acquaint you with them, that ye may be encouraged to follow the Lord fully, through good and through bad report, were it even as through the swellings of Jordan. I must own, that as I have mourned for Zion in the day of her distress, so I have been comforted in Jerusalem. I have sucked and been satisfied with the breasts of her consolation, and I have been greatly delighted with the abundance of her glory. I can sincerely declare, that nothing so much reconciled my heart to my seventy-three years of pilgrimage through this wilderness, as my concern for Zion. For my witness is in heaven, and my record on high, that I could give Jehovah no rest, day nor night, till he should make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. And now, when I am bidding an everlasting adieu to every thing be low, it is the grief of my soul to see error and profane. ness coming in upon Zion like a flood. Nevertheless, this is my comfort, that the gates of hell shall never prevail against her, and that it is impossible for the elect to be deceived. All the divine perfections are engaged for the Church, which was purchased with Christ's blood; and therefore I know, that God wil arise and have mercy upon Zion, when the time, the set time, to favour her has come. And into Christ's hands I commend her, into whose hands I am also soon to commend my own spirit." (He died in 1728.) In transcribing these particulars, we have been fore bly reminded of a little incident, which occurred in the same district of country. On visiting some years ago, in a farm-house near the head of the Nith, we were told of a martyr's grave which had been opened, and the bodies removed to another place, where it was tended to erect some monumental tablet. Their first grave was in a peat moss, and they had lain in the dress they wore when shot by a military party. When the bodies were lifted, they were found to be quite entire, as were also their clothes. I saw part of their hair, and a small piece of cloth which had been cut out of the coat of one of them. It was coarse in the fabric, and thread-bare on one side; thus indicating the bumbie station of the noble sufferer. Had I met such tokens in almost any other country, I would have besitated to conceive of the deceased as an intelligent and noble minded patriot; but in a country, and at a time, when such characters as John Stevenson were to be found among the labouring poor, and among those who were hunted as partridges on the moors and mountain ces of Ayrshire, the presumption is not presumptuous. Not ought Scotland ever to forget, that her liberties, bott sacred and civil, have been mainly defended, and, der the blessing of God, preserved, by her Bible-tab cottagers. Right principle in the great and the noble is of commanding influence, and ought to be respec ed; but it is only when religion has reached the heart of society, that the community itself is religious; a that Jehovah, claiming us as his people, will work for us, and work by us, as in the days of old. CHRISTIAN TREASURY, Weariness in, and unwillingness to Active Duty.-. When this weariness is only transient, during the pre sent temptation or defection, (which, as soon as the tried soul can get out of it, returns to its former temper and pleasure in holy duties,) there is only matter of humiliation. But when it is the settled, permanent, and habitual frame of the mind, it is a matter of question, selfe-love, and vaine ostentation, whatsoever good tioning our condition. The Holy Psalmist, under a desertion, was even almost persuaded to give over with religion; but when he is himself, nothing is so sweet, nothing so lovely and desirable to him, as the duties of holiness. But, for them who have, in their ordinary | settled course and frame, no mind to duties, but are driven to them by conscience, or engaged by company or custom, their case is fearful in that measure, that duty is unpleasant and not loved. 2. Where this weariness of, and unwillingness to duties, are painful and grievous, as a sore in the eye, or a sickness in the heart, the state is good; but where it is naturally allowed, and meets with little or no resistance, it is a bad sign; for this argues, there is nothing but flesh, and there is no contrary principle in such a heart, for, if there were, the spirit would, at least, make opposition. This was the very frame of those unsanctified sinners, that counted the Sabbaths and services of God an unprofitable burden, a very weariness, a bondage not to be borne. A gracious heart, when under such distemper, as that God's service seems a weariness, is even weary of himself; whilst this is burdensome, he is a burden to himself; he cannot enjoy himself while in such a frame, he cannot enjoy God; and if this be the case, our state is good, though the frame be bad. 3. When this weariness and unwillingness are not from a rooted dislike to the food, but an accidental and preternatural indisposition of the stomach, or a being disappointed of God's presence in duties, the main state is safe. You know, under a distemper, the appetite may loathe and nauseate the food that a man doth love above all other meats, when he is well, and so it is here. meanes, and then refer the succes theirof to him,-So soone as ony of thy interprises hes taken effect, incontinent run and thank thy God,-Beware of presump or great work thou accomplish, for thou may knaw it is the Lord that woorkes by thy hand, and not thou; seeing thou hes had experience of thine awin weakenesse and insufficiencie,-Beware thou iustify not thy self in thy hart, for thou knaws that thou cannot abstaine fra sinne, nor cannot be saued without the meere mercie of God, shawin in the righteous merits of Jesus Christ,Instruct and teach thy children and servants, albeit they be few in number, in the feare of God, as though thou had a great house and familie,-When thou hes the command of God; reueiled be his word, that thou suld doo ony thing, obey thou euer the command; and let it be a rule to all thy actions, how unappearant soever it be, or far against thy heart, setting aside baith thy awin affections, and all worldlie respects, for quhair God speakes, neuer speire onie farder question, because he knawes that quhilk thou knawes not,-Gif thou find thy desire extream earnest in any matter, beware thou execute not thy desire, unles thou have a speciall warrant of God's word, that thy desire be agreeable to his will, for the deuill enters in be our inordinat appetits and affections, -When thou art in doubt if that quhilk thou art to doo or say, be gud or euil, performe it not until thou be resolued,-In doing thy affaires, use diligence, and be quick, for thou knawes what hurt and grief thy slawnes and slouthfnes hes wrought thee.—OLD AUTHOR. when Do you, you are yourselves, relish more sweetness in God's service, than in your meats and drinks? Are no sweets so delightful to you, as fellowship and communion with God, when you can attain to them in duties? Do you ecme away disappointed, because you cannot meet with God? If it be thus, it is a sign you have set your hearts upon God, and that you place the happiness and comfort of your lives on God, and that so your state is safe; otherwise, when there is a fixed antipathy to duties, and an habitual dislike to them, the case is very sad. 4. When our weariness and unwillingness are such as make us give over our duties, so as to live in the ordinary neglect of them, it is a fearful sign; but when, notwithstanding present discouragements, we hold on in the performance of duty, and a humble waiting on God for removing our difficulties, till we are brought to a better frame: this argues well. Not but that a deserted soul may, under the violence of temptations, omit duties for a time; but his condition during this is most painful, restless and grievous, to him, and be quickly returns again, and never comes to live quiet in the ordinary omission of known duties. 5. When our weariness and unwillingness are such as make us fall out with the service of Christ, and willing to ease ourselves of his yoke, and throw off his burden, this is a bad sign; but when we fall out with ourselves, and justify, and approve Christ's ways and service, it is well. Thus it was with Paul, he does not quarrel with the law as too strict and severe, nor think of breaking off his bands and taking his liberty, but he pleads for the law, and greatly approves and commends it, and condemns the backwardness of his own nature. When men are more willing to be rid of Christ's burden, than of the distemper that makes it grievous, and cast about for ease, by widening their bands, and not bringing their minds to them, it is a woful discovery of an unsound heart.ALLEINE. Christian Precepts.-Interprise nathing quhile thou first call unto the Lord to bles it, and to blesse the Books. A Christian has no time, and should have no inclination for any reading that has not a real tendency to improve the heart. The finest rule I ever met with, in regard to the choice of books, is this," Books are good or bad in their effects, as they make us relish the word of God, the more or the less after we have read them." There are too many valuable books, on a variety of subjects, which ought to be read, to allow of time to be dedicated to unworthy and useless ones.— L. RICHMOND. Watch. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others, but let us watch and be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and for an helmet the hope of salvation. What a blessed state to be found in by the Lord at his panoply! awake, and watchful at his post, looking and coming! The Christian warrior, armed in his divine longing for the promised appearance of the Captain of his salvation! ready to rejoice, with exceeding great joy, when he sees His banner-flag unfolded from the battlements of heaven, and hears the blast of the archangel's trumpet heralding his approach -WHITE. Salutary Counsels.-Now, for the world, I know it too well to persuade thee to dive into the practices thereof; rather stand upon thine own guard, against all that tempt thee thereunto, or may practise upon thee, in thy conscience, thy reputation, or thy purse; resolve that no man is wise or safe, but he that is honest. Serve God; let him be the author of all thy actions. Commend all thy endeavours to him that must either wither or prosper them. Please him with prayer, lest, if he frown, he confound all thy fortunes and labours, like the drops of rain on the sandy ground. Let my experienced advice and fatherly instructions, sink deep into thine heart. So God direct thee in all thy ways, and fill thy heart with his grace.-RALEIGH. Which of the two is Mad?-Were a man every day to throw a purse of money, or even a single guinea, into the sea, he would be looked upon as a madman, and his friends would soon confine him for such. But a man who throws away that which is of more value than gold,-than mines,-than the whole world,-even his health, his peace, his time, and his soul; such an one is admired, esteemed, and applauded by the greater part of mankind.-TOPLADY. SACRED POETRY. THE DIGNITY OF MAN. OH! what is man, great maker of mankind! That thou to him so great respect dost bear; That thou adorn'st him with so bright a mind, Mak'st him a king, and even an angel's peer? Oh! what a lively life, what heav'nly pow'r, What spreading virtue, what a sparkling fire; How great, how plentiful, how rich a dow'r Dost thou within this dying flesh inspire! Thou leav'st thy print in other works of thine, But thy whole image thou in man hast writ; There cannot be a creature more divine, Except, like thee, it should be infinite. But it exceeds man's thought, to think how high God hath raised man, since God a man became ; The angels do admire this mystery, And are astonish'd when they view the same : Nor hath he given these blessings for a day; Nor made them on the body's life depend; The soul, though made in time, survives for aye; And though it hath beginning, sees no end. SIR JOHN DAVIES. VAIN BOASTING. CAN he be fair, that withers at a blast? Or he be strong, that airy breath can cast? Can he be wise, that knows not how to live? Or he be rich, that nothing hath to give? Can he be young, that's feeble, weak, and wan? So fair, strong, wise-so rich, so young is man. So fair is man, that death (a parting blast) Blasts his fair flow'r, and makes him earth at last; So strong is man, that with a gasping breath He totters, and bequeaths his strength to death; So wise is man, that if with death he strive, His wisdom cannot teach him how to live; So rich is man, that (all his debts being paid) His wealth's the winding-sheet wherein he's laid; So young is man, that (broke with care and sorrow) He's old enough to-day to die to-morrow. Why bragg'st thou then, thou worm of five foot long? Thou art neither fair, nor strong, nor wise, nor rich, nor young. UNBELIEF. FRANCIS QUARLES. BY JAMES GLASSFORD, ESQ., Author of "Lyrical Translations from the Italian Poets." "And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead."-LUKE XVI. 31. IN vain the truth would be revealed It stops the ear and shuts the eyes. By Moses and the prophets given. They shewed long since in vision plain; The prophets live and speak again. Though from the dead one should appear. And warns the unbelieving Jews- MISCELLANEOUS. Hearing the Word.-A lady who was present at the dispensation of the Lord's Supper, where the Rev. Ebenezer Erskine was assisting, was much impressed by his discourse. Having been informed who he was, she went next Sabbath to his own place of worship to hear him. But she felt none of those strong impres sions she experienced on the former occasion. Wondering at this, she called on Mr E., and stating the case, asked what might be the reason of such a difference in her feelings. He replied, Madam, the reason is this, Last Sabbath, you went to hear Jesus Christ, but today you have come to hear Ebenezer Erskine. The Infidel's End.-I was lately, observed the late Rev. W. A. Gunn, in a sermon preached at Lothbury Church, called to attend the death-bed of a young man at Hoxton. On entering the room, I found him in the greatest horror of mind. Thinking it perhaps arose from the deep remorse of a penitent sinner, I began to point to Jesus, the sinner's only Friend. With an agonizing look of despair, he replied, "Ah! sir, but I have rejected the Gospel. Some years since, I unhappily read Paine's Age of Reason.' It suited my corrupt taste. I embraced its principles. After this, wherever I went, I did all in my power to hold up the Scriptures to contempt. By these means, I led others into the fatal snare, and made converts to infidelity. Thus I rejected God, and now he rejects me, and will have no mercy on me." I offered to pray by him, but he replied, Oh, no, it is all in vain to pray for me." Then, with a dismal groan, he cried out, "Paine's Age of Reason' has ruined my soul!" and instantly expired. The Welsh Peasants.-When the arrival of the cart, which carried the sacred load of the Scriptures to Wales, in 1806, sent by the British and Foreign Bible Society, was announced, the Welsh peasants went out in crowds to meet it; welcomed it as the Israelites did the ark of old; drew it into the town; and eagerly bore off all the copies as rapidly as they could be dis persed. The young people were to be seen spending with them to the field, that they might enjoy it during the whole night in reading it. Labourers carried it the intervals of their labours, and lose no opportunity of becoming acquainted with its sacred truths. Contentment.-John Wesselus, of Groningen, who was one of the most learned men in the fifteenth cen tury, and was, on account of his extensive attainments, called "the light of the world," having been once in troduced to the presence of the Pope, was requested by that pontiff to ask for some favour for himself. Then," said Wesselus, I beg you to give me out of the Vatican Library a Greek and a Hebrew Bible. "You shall have them," said Sixtus: "but, foolish man, why don't you ask for a bishopric, or something of that sort? ?" "For the best of reasons," said Wesselus, "because I do not want such things.' 66 Published by JoHN JOHNSTONE, at the Offices of the Scorris CHRISTIAN HERALD, 104, High Street, Edinburgh, and 19, las ford Street, Glasgow ;-JAMES NISBET & Co., HAMILTON, ADAMS & Co., and R. GROOMBRIDGE, London; D. R. BLEAKLEY, D and W. M'COMB, Belfast; and sold by the Booksellers and Local Agents in all the Towns and Parishes of Scotland; and in the procipal Towns in England and Ireland. Subscribers in Edinburgh and Leith will have their copies delivered at their own residences regularly, by leaving their addresses with the Publisher, or with John Lindsay & Co., 7, South St Adrew Street. Subscribers in Glasgow will, in like manner, bare their copies delivered, by leaving their addresses at the Publishing Office there, 19, Glassford Street. Subscription (payable in advance) per quarter, of twelve weeks, 1s. 6d. per half-year, of twenty-four weeks, 3s.-per year, of fortyeight weeks, 6s.-Monthly Parts, containing four Numbers each, stitched in a printed wrapper, price Sixpence. Printed at the Steam-Press of Ballantyne & Co., from the Stereotype Plates of Thomas Allan & Co. THE SCOTTISH CHRISTIAN HERALD, CONDUCTED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF MINISTERS AND MEMBERS OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH. ON THE PROMISES CONTAINED IN THE BY THE REV. DAVID BROWN, EVERY attentive reader of the Holy Scriptures must be aware, that they contain multitudes of "exceeding great and precious promises." These promises have been collected into a separate volume, and they amount to many hundreds,-comprehending, in their ample extent, all the blessings of time, and all the glories and enjoyments of eternity. Notwithstanding their great number, and wonderful variety, they may all be included in one or other of the two following classes, those which are absolute and those which are conditional; and, by considering them in these different points of view, we shall be able to form more definite ideas of their nature and uses, than we were to contemplate them as a whole. if The absolute promises refer to the magnificent arrangements, which have been made by Jehovah, in behalf of our sinful and guilty world. In the accomplishment of the great work of our redemption, every independent movement, which was intended on the part of God, was made the subject of a promise equally independent in its character; thereby intimating to us that, in the construction of the amazing fabric, no one could be employed but a divine architect. And, as the salvation of an innumerable multitude of the children of men, and probably the well-being of countless orders of moral and intelligent creatures, depended on the accurate fulfilment of every part of the astonishing scheme, it was necessary that no mere creature should be intrusted to carry it into execution: and, of course, the promises, which embrace the mighty details, are communicated to us with a certainty as immutable as the very throne of the Eternal. Now all of these promises either have been realized already, or are in progress towards being accomplished, without being made to depend, in the slightest degree, on the volitions or the actions of mankind, to whom they have been made known. This being the case, we omit the farther notice of this whole class of promises, at present, as we intend to employ the small space allotted to us, in directing the attention of our readers to the other PRICE 1d. class, the fulfilment of which may be said to be suspended on the fact, that true believers are fellow workers with the Almighty. The conditional promises have respect to all those gifts and graces which are intended to be imparted to the people of God, and by which they are to be rendered happy and glorious for ever. If we inquire, we shall find that, though these promises are equally unchangeable in their nature as the others, the fulfilment of them is made to depend on some condition, and the terms must be complied with, or the blessing which is needed will not be granted. Lest our meaning should be misapprehended, when we speak of conditions, we remark, that nothing is to be done in order to merit the bestowment of the benefit which is de sired; for mankind deserve to receive nothing at the hand of God, but wrath for their sins, and grace-free, rich, and sovereign grace—is the distinguishing characteristic of all the divine proceedings in regard to them. All that we have in view by the conditions of which we are speaking, is this: Some specific trait of character must be possessed, and habitually cultivated, in order to the attainment of some advantage, which God has promised to bestow. Should a person be destitute of the quality condescended on, he has no right to ask, and no good ground to expect, that the particular promise will be fulfilled in his case. On the contrary, if he be qualified according to the divine direction, when he asks, he shall receive; when he seeks, he shall find; and, when he knocks, it shall be opened to him. For the farther elucidation of this point, it may be stated, that we find many special blessings promised to those who are rendering obedience to the divine commandments; who are maintaining intercourse with God by means of prayer; who are diligent in the perusal of the oracles of truth, and in hearing the glad tidings of salvation proclaimed; who are cherishing love to God, and to their brethren of mankind; who are putting their trust in the Lord, and waiting patiently on him; who are distinguished by sincerity and uprightness of conduct; and, in a word, who are making it one great object of their lives to depart from all manner of iniquity, and to acquire every spiritual excellence. At the same time that numerous bless |