which his attention was solicited. Indeed his appearance and manners were so very rough and forbidding, the whole style and bearing of the man were so coarse tendence of the school was sometimes afraid of him, and and ruthless, that the individual who had the superinalmost wished to be quit of such a pupil. John's attendance, however, gradually became more regular, and, ere long, most punctual; and in the exercises of the Sabbath evening meetings especially, he began to exhibit some symptoms of pleasure. From being at the outset totally ignorant of the alphabet, he became, in the course of a few months, capable, in a certain rude way, of reading the New Testament, to be competent to do which, in an intelligent way, had fixed itself in his mind as an object of his greatest ambition. Night after night he wrought away with his letters and his syllables, and followed the course of reading by the other persons in the school with the greatest anxiety and application, so that, in process of time, he really became a tolerable reader, although the stock of information which he had acquired was more the result of what was orally communicated to him, than of his own studies. It was, however, very striking to observe the gradual influence which his tuition produced upon his ordinary language and manners, and even on his countenance and appearance. His sternness and roughness insensibly melted away, he became grave, even gentle, exceed ingly inquisitive, and very grateful for the kindness shewn him, and the opportunities of instruction which he enjoyed, insomuch that the person who conducted the school not only found the greatest encouragement forth as an example to others of all that was proper and from his progress and good conduct, but could hold him becoming. before them." The Gospel assures us, that Jesus, by his blood, has obtained eternal redemption for his people, and that whosoever believeth on him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Confiding in his perfect righteousness, the believer can say, "Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth, who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died for us, yea rather who is risen again." Being justified by faith, he has peace with God, and views all his afflictions as proceeding from the hand of a reconciled Father, and as intended to make him more a partaker of God's holiness, and to prepare him for his heavenly kingdom. He experiences that when tribulation abounds, the divine consolations do much more abound; that God strengthens him upon the bed of languishing, and makes his bed in his sickness, and that, in the multitude of his thoughts within him, his comforts refresh his soul. Even death itself loses its horror in the view of him, whose trust is fixed on the Captain of his salvation, who was made perfect through suffering, and is become the Author of eternal life to all that obey him. He considers death as a conquered foe, or rather as a messenger of peace sent to conduct him to the mansions of perfect purity and peace. Though a high tide of joy is not always the privilege of believers, many of them have triumphed at death, in the hope of seeing Christ as he is, and being for ever with the Lord, In the course of a short time, John became a regular "in whose presence is fulness of joy, and at whose attendant at Church, and by this means, together with right hand are rivers of pleasure for evermore." his school instructions, made rapid progress in the knowThus does it appear, that though the preach-ledge of divine truth, till it became manifest that the ing of the cross be to them that perish foolish-Spirit of God had carried home that truth to his conness, it is to those who are saved the power of God; the most effectual source of consolation under the afflictions of life, and the prospect of death. The saints on earth and in heaven will unite their testimony in declaring, that, by the divine blessing, the doctrines of salvation by a crucified Redeemer have been the chief means of their conversion, of their progress in the divine life, and of their spiritual joy. I will not attempt at present to describe the happy effects of the preaching and belief of these doctrines in a future state; for though the ministry of reconciliation terminates in a present life, its glorious consequences reach through eternity; and it shall then appear, with the brightest evidence, to have been "the power of God unto salvation." THE INFLUENCE OF CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLE AND CONSISTENCY. AN AUTHENTIC NARRATIVE. JOHN W. a native of Africa, after spending several years as a sailor in the merchant service, visiting many parts of the globe, and encountering a variety of cruelties and hardships, came, in the course of providence, to reside in one of our large cities, and obtained employment as a workman at a distillery. Having been invited to give attendance at a school which had been opened for the education and instruction of persons of colour, he entered it, and made his appearance occasionally, but without, at first, seeming to take much interest in the objects to science and his heart, and he stood forth a very fair example of what it is to become "a new creature." Having attracted the notice of the excellent pastor of the congregation which he joined, he was, by him, admitted to the Lord's table, after being fully satisfied as to the state of his mind and character, and till his death, which occurred several years afterwards, he maintained an upright, humble, and godly walk and conversation. There was one circumstance which occurred in the course of his history, (the introduction of which was the main object of this short narrative) which was a strong trial of John's integrity, and became also a signal proof of his worth and sound principle, as well as of the homage which the world is compelled to pay to these qua upon religion, and upon the conduct of conscientious lities, even amidst the scoffings which it so often pours men. As his general character improved, John's usefulness and value as a workman proportionally increased, and he was gradually promoted in the different departments of the distillery, until he was stationed at a post of great trust and responsibility, that of watching the rua ning off of the spirits at the last stage of the process of distillation. This ticklish office had been found to present temptations too strong for the virtue of others, and had been at last assigned to John, from the confidence which his employer reposed both in his fidelity and his temperance. But before the close of the first week after his appointment, John found, to his unspeakable mortiscation and sorrow, that the duties of his new office must be performed on the Lord's day, as well as others, and this he could not acquiesce in. What was to be done? He went immediately to the overseer of the work, and explained to him the difficulty in which he was placed, and his decided objection to continue his ordinary work on the Sabbath. He was told that he was too scrupulous,-that he must not hamper himself with notions that sort,-that having got a good place he must not forfeit it for a trifling circumstance like this. John remonstrated, but was at last prevailed upon to take a week to consider the matter, and, at the end of it, to make known his determination. Every new reflection confirmed John in his sense of duty, and in the conviction that it was better to obey God rather than man. On the following Saturday he announced his resolution, calmly, but firmly, stating his reasons, that had made him resolve, at all hazards, to keep the fourth commandment, and to abstain from working on the Sabbath-day, let the consequence be what it might. Was he immeAnd what was the consequence ? diately displaced, and a less squeamish person appointed Far otherwise. No person possessing to his station? an equal degree of confidence could be found to fill it, -the work ceased to be required of him, or of any one else, on the Lord's day; and John W. continued till his death, occupying the post of honour in the distillery, with the highest credit and fidelity, and keeping the Sabbath holy, according to the commandment. SCRIPTURAL RESEARCHES. No. V. NINEVEH. BY THE REV. JAMES ESDAILE, Minister of the East Church, Perth. In the first settlement of nations and families, when "the world was all before them, where to choose their place of rest," two circumstances must have determined their choice; first, a fertile and well-watered district; and, secondly, facility of intercourse with other comThe situation of Ninemunities settled around them. veh, on the left bank of the Tigris, the Hiddekel of Scripture, and, of course, not far distant from the cradle of the human race, possessed the first essential requiThis river, skirting the site in a very high degree. eastern boundary of the fertile region of Mesopotamia, which had its name from its situation between the two great rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, presented the most inviting inducements to the formation of a settlement, and the foundation of a city; and nothing could ever have led to the abandonment of such a station, but the diversion of commerce into a different channel, or the judgments of heaven inflicted on account of abounding iniquity. The latter of these causes operated first in the case of Nineveh; and the former has probably prevented the re-occupation of the site as a commercial station. Nineveh lay in the direct line, overland, between India and the Mediterranean, and was naturally the key of intercourse between them; and we shall find it did not fail to avail itself of the advantages of its situation, and that its flourishing commerce, the natural parent of wealth and luxury, was the cause both of its power and its profligacy. commerce. Among the ancient nations, the Romans were the only people whose wealth and power did not arise from Their trade was war; their treasures were the riches of conquered kingdoms; and without engaging in commerce, to any extent themselves, they attracted the traffickers of all nations, and paid their wares with the wealth of plundered provinces. The trans Nineveh was built by Asshur, the second son of Shem. "Out of that land (Shinar) went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh." Gen. x. 11. lators of our Bible have given a different version in the margin, which ascribes the building of Nineveh to Nimrod. "He (that is, Nimrod) went out into Assyria," &c. I venture to pronounce, that this suggested variation is entirely unfounded. There is no doubt that Asshur is the Hebrew name for Assyria, as well as of him who first settled in it with his family and dependents. But if we use the personal pronoun I have already alluded to the favourable situation of Here a melancholy reflection presses on the mind: the country is still the same; its resources are still the same; but the aspect of nature is totally changed, and presents nothing but unhealthy marshes or arid wastes, or unimproved fertility; the scanty and miserable population subsisting by plunder rather than by industry, and showing what an influence, for good or for evil, the mind of man has, not only on human happiness, but on the face of external nature. With regard to the commercial advantages of Nineveh, it is evident, from its geographical position, that it opens up the most direct communication by land between India and Europe. These advantages were not neglected: a communication was opened up with Tyre, the greatest emporium of commerce that ever existed in the world; and I do not believe that the immense trade of Great Britain, which all the world regards with astonishment and envy, is at all to be compared with the trade of ancient Tyre. I may be wrong in this calculation, but I do not speak at random. Great must have been the power of Tyre when it ventured to oppose the irresistible Alexander, who was appointed to tread on the necks of kings. After a most vigorous defence, it was overwhelmed; and the conqueror, who combined the deepest policy with the most frantic vanity, effectually cut off the power of resuscitation by building Alexandria, with the sole view of attracting to its very favourable locality all the commercial benefits which had belonged to Tyre. A singular document exists to prove the extent of the Tyrian commerce. The prophet Ezekiel enumerates the different nations that traded with Tyre, and Asshur, that is, Assyria, or Nineveh, is mentioned among the number, with a specification of the articles which it furnished. From this document it appears, that Tyre had engrossed all the commerce of the Red Sea and the Mediterranean; that it supplied all Syria, Arabia, Egypt, and Greece, and was the sole means of diffusing the productions of the East, over the north of Africa and the south of Europe. (Ezek. xxvii.) The importance of Nineveh, in a commercial point of view, was clearly discerned by Solomon, who was not only an inspired moralist, but an enlightened politician. To establish a communication between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean, an object which now engages the attention of the British empire, he built Tadmor in the wilderness, (2 Chron. viii. 4.) about eighty-five miles from the latter, and somewhat more than a hundred from the former. It is mentioned as one of Solomon's store cities; and our commentators give an interpretation which they could not avoid, viz. that it was for storing up grain; but they do not tell us, that the stores were not intended for the inhabitants of the limited district, nor for being transported to supply the deficiencies of Judea, but to facilitate the transit of merchants and merchandise from the eastern to the western limits of Asia. This place retains the name which Solomon gave to it, down to the present day; it is uniformly called Tedmor by the Arabs, which means a palm tree, and which identifies it with the celebrated Palmyra, the city of Zenobia, equally renowned for her powers and her patronage of literature; who, (having assumed the title of Queen of the East, and chosen for her minister the celebrated Longinus, author of the treatise on the Sublime, which, though it has come down to us only in fragments, has excited the admiration of the learned;) resisted, for a while successfully, the whole power of Aurelian, till she was, at last, entirely overthrown, and her favourite minister massacred by the fury of the Roman soldiers. This region is still celebrated as a gem in the wilderness; and travellers are astonished to find almost the whole of its scanty territory studded over with the magnificent ruins of palaces and temples, whilst it is surrounded on every side by the most dreary deserts; its wealth and its power arose entirely from its being an entrepôt of commerce; and the productions of the East being now introduced into the Mediterranean, and Europe, by the Red Sea and the Cape of Good Hope, at a much cheaper rate than they could be conveyed over land, the importance of Palmyra as a mercantile station is gone for ever; and its ignorant and bigotted inhabitants, instead of hailing the appearance of a stranger (for whose accommodation the wise king of Israel planted this district,) as the harbinger of wealth and good tidings, regard him as an intruder, and no place in the world contains a set of more inhospitable and bloodthirsty savages. No man can approach them with safety, without a passport from Lady Hester Stanhope, whom they acknowledge as Queen of Tedmor, and whose strange eccentricities they ascribe to inspiration; she herself seems to be of the same opinion, if we can believe the latest accounts; for she is said to have two magnificent Arabian steeds in readiness; the one for the Messiah; the other for herself, to accompany him in his triumphal entrance into Jerusalem. (See De Lamartine's Pilg. to Holy Land.) From ascertained facts in the history of the world, I think we may infer that commerce, in the first instance, laid the foundation, and ultimately undermined the strength of all the ancient states whose greatness is recorded in Scripture. It has a very humanizing induence over the mind: it removes prejudices and diffuses knowledge; but it has countervailing disadvantages: it diminishes patriotism; a great merchant is indeed a citizen of the world: he, somewhat, resembles a Jew who has no country; for it is of little consequence to him whether his establishment be in Britain or Morocco whilst he can command the market of the world. The commerce of Tyre was its strength and its destruction, increasing wealth and luxury: Carthage, the daughter of Tyre, was in the same circumstances; the harvest of its riches was reaped on the deep its defence against an invading enemy was committed to foreign generals and foreign soldiers, and its rulers trusted more to the power of their treasury than to the nerve and patriotism of their citizens. How different from the character and policy of their opponents! The Romans met them with a hardy agricultural population, inured to toil and attached to their country, and the ultimate result of a struggle between such parties could not be doubtful. The pre-eminent talents of three of the native generals of Carthage, prolonged the conflict for some time, and with them fell for ever the power of the states, and the existence of its capital. I have already shown that the site of Nineveh was the most favourable that can be conceived, as a mercantile station, for the transmission of the produce of the East into the countries bordering upon the Mediterranean; and that it actually traded with Tyre," the crowning city whose merchants were princes." But we have still more decided evidence that the wealth and the wickedness of Nineveh arose chiefly from commerce: for in the unmitigated judgments denounced against it by the Prophet Nahum, the vast extent of its mercantile transactions is particularly mentioned. "Thou hast multiplied thy merchants above the stars of heaven." Nah. iii. 16. The heathen history of Nineveh, and of the empire of which it was the capital, from Ninus, the supposed founder, and the celebrated Semiramis, his wife, is full of fable and undeserving of any serious attention. But the vast power of this empire is fully established by Scripture; where, however, it is only mentioned incidentally, and when it bore upon the history of the Jews. Five kings of Assyria are mentioned in Scripture, all of them powerful princes, and scourges to the rebellious houses of Israel and Judah. Pul and TiglathPileser carried captive into Assyria, the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, 1 Chron. v. 26. Shalmaneser completed the captivity of the kingdom of Israel, 2 Kings xviii. 9—11. Sennacherib directed his resentinent against the kingdom of Judah; but God in answer to the prayers of the pious Hezekiah, defeated his purpose, and slew in one night, a hundred and eighty-five thousand, of the invading army. "So Sennacherib, king of Assyria, departed, and went and returned, and dwelt at Nineveh. And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer, his sons smote him with the sword; and they escaped into the land of Armenia; and Esar-haddon his son, reigned in his stead." 2 Kings xix. 36, 37. The most interesting episode in the history of Nineveh, is the mission of Jonah the prophet, to warn it of impending destruction on account of its sins. He is the earliest of all the prophets whose writings are preserv ed, though we cannot ascertain the exact period at which he lived; only he prophesied of events which came to pass in the reign of the second Jeroboam, which stamps | him anterior to all the other prophets. 2 Kings xiv. 23-25. He was one of the prophets who belonged to the kingdom of Israel, many of whom were men of very exceptionable character; and from all that we learn of him, there seems to be more room for animadversion than for praise. He was a most reluctant missionary; and was disappointed and affronted because God was moved to mercy and compassion by the repentance of the Ninevites. But without dwelling on his character, or on the extraordinary circumstances by which his compliance was enforced, I would call attention to the description of the city of Nineveh and to the conduct of its inhabitants: "an exceeding great city of It was three days' journey." Had this measurement applied to the circumference, it would have indicated great extent: but it is evident that it does not apply to the circumference, but to the length of the place; for it is said, "Jonah began to enter into the city, a days' journey," and he cried, and said, "Yet forty days and Nineveh There is here no Jon. iii. 4. shall be overthrown." room for mistake, whatever there may be for astonishment and wonder; and all commentators struck with the improbability of a city three days' journey in length, have applied the measurement to the circumference; but if language has a meaning, the words quoted compel us to reject this interpretation. But why should it appear incredible that the city should have been three days' journey in length? All the heathen authors declare that Nineveh, or Ninus, as it is styled by them, was much larger than Babylon; and they represent the a latter as sixty miles in circumference, being a perfect square of fifteen miles each side. But Nineveh was much larger, and not a square but a parallellogram, and consequently, must have greatly exceeded it in length. Besides, it is evident that there was a great quantity of pasture land included within the walls; for there was "much cattle," iv. 11; and this would greatly extend the enclosed space denominated the city. R The Scripture affords some means, though not very decisive of ascertaining the amount of the population; it tells us that there were upwards of a hundred and twenty thousand persons in it, who could not " discern between their right hand and their left;" that is, infants; and supposing each family in which there was an infant to consist of five persons, including the parents, it would give six hundred thousand as the gross population. But I have no doubt that this is greatly below the truth; for this calculation leaves out of view every family in which there was no infant, and every unproductive couple, and all the unmarried retainers and domestics in a family. But I will not attempt even an approximation to the truth: it is more interesting to attend to the deep and unfeigned repentance of the king and his subjects. "He arose from his throne, and he laid aside his robe from him, and covered him with sackcloth, and sat in ashes," when he heard of the denunThe ciations of Jonah against himself and his people. whole city imitated his example; God saw their penitence, and heard their prayers, and granted a respite from the threatened judgments; and to inculcate the efficacy of repentance and reformation in arresting the ruin of a corrupted community, seems to be the chief lesson in tended by the extraordinary mission of a Jewish prophet to a hostile and a heathen state, whose overthrow was irrevocably fixed; for the whole prophecy of Nahum consists of the denunciations of God against Nineveh, proclaiming its utter and irrevocable destruction, and pointing out by expressive figures the way in which it was to be accomplished. This clemency of the Almighty gave great offence to Jonah," and he was very angry;" and we may now obtain some insight into the origin of his feelings, both in his reluctance to go to Nineveh, and in his chagrin that the threatened judgments were not executed. His aversion to the mission arose from fear. He was com- CHRISTIAN TREASURY. He Put on Christ.-It is the will of God the Holy Ghost, Charity. True charity receives her instructions as Religion sweetens Life.-Religion will always make the bitter waters of Marah wholesome and palateable, but we must not think it continually will turn water into wine, because it once did.—WARBURTON, SACRED POETRY. HEAVEN. HAIL! the heavenly scenes of peace, The friends whose grave received our tear! O, Lamb of God, by sorrow prov'd Our loss is his infinite gain; And freed from his bodily chain : And mount with his spirit above; And lodg'd in the Eden of love. And left his companions behind: And sorrow and sin are no more. And triumph o'er trouble and death: The mortal affliction is past, WESLEY. THE BELIEVER'S SOLILOQUY ON DIVINE LOVE. Come then, blest Spirit, holy dove, The Father's love, the Son's, and Thine. MISCELLANEOUS. W. A Hindoo Female.-One day, when Lady Raffles, while in India, was almost overwhelmed with grief for the loss of a favourite child, unable to bear the sight of her other children, or the light of day, and humbled on her couch with a feeling of misery, she was addressed by a poor, ignorant, native woman of the lowest class, who had been employed about the nursery, in terms not to be forgotten: "I am come, because you have been here many days shut up in a dark room, and no one dares to come near you. Are you not ashamed to grieve in this manner, when you ought to be thanking God for having given you the most beautiful child that ever was seen? Were you not the envy of every body: Did any one ever see him or speak of him without admiring him? And instead of letting this child continue in this world till he should be worn out with trouble and sorrow, has not God taken him to heaven in all his beauty? For shame! leave off weeping, and let me open a window." A Seasonable Rebuke.—It is related, in the "Life of Mrs Savage," an excellent sister of Matthew Henry that when some respectable pious gentlemen were one Sabbath evening assembled together, they unhappily engaged in conversation unsuitable to the day. Betty Parsons, a good old woman, overhearing them, said, "Sirs, you are making work for repentance." This short and seasonable rebuke restrained them, and turned their conversation into a different and better channel. Christian Kindness.-The benevolent Dr Wilson once discovered a clergyman at Bath, who, he was informed, was sick, poor, and had a numerous family. In the evening he gave a friend fifty pounds, requesting him to deliver it in the most delicate manner, and as from an unknown person. The friend said, "I will wait upon him early in the morning." You wil oblige me, Sir, by calling directly, think of what importance a good night's rest may be to that poor man." Selden." I have taken much pains," says the learned Selden, "to know every thing that was esteemed worth knowing amongst men; but with all my disquisitions and reading, nothing now remains with me to comfort me, at the close of life, but this passage of St. Paul, It is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.' To this I cleave, and herein I find rest." Published by JOHN JOHNSTONE, at the Offices of the ScoTTISA CHRISTIAN HERALD, 104, High Street, Edinburgh, and 19, Glas ford Street, Glasgow ;-JAMES NISBET & Co., HAMILTON, ADANSA Co., and R. GROOMBRIDGE, London; D. R. BLEAKLEY, Dubl and W. M COMB, Belfast; and sold by the Booksellers and Lal Agents in all the Towns and Parishes of Scotland; and in the pra cipal Towns in England and Ireland. 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