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VOL. I. No. 38.




Minister of Anderston Parish, Glasgow.

THERE are two principal methods of searching the Will of God, as made known in the Scriptures. The one is the careful and devout perusal of the different chapters and books of Scripture, availing ourselves of such aids as we may happen to have access to, for the removing of difficulties, discovering the exact sense, opening up the connection of the different verses, and suggesting the practical uses to which the whole is applicable. The other, is that of drawing forth from Scripture its grand leading heads of doctrine and duty, in an order more or less regular and systematic, observing and examining them, and thus endeavouring to ascertain distinctly their nature, the Scripture evidence and authority on which they rest, the place which they severally hold in the entire system of divine truth, the light which they are capable of receiving from different quarters, and the grand uses to which God designs them to be applied.

On a very slight reflection upon these different methods, it will be found that each of them has advantages peculiar to itself. By the former, the method of studying divine truth in the very form and shape in which it lies in the Scriptures, the inquirer puts peculiar honour upon the Word of God. Instead of satisfying himself with a selection of those particulars which appear of special importance, he marks his reverential sense of its entire excellence, by perusing in succession its various portions, endeavouring to arrive at their genuine scope and import, and accommodating himself to that particular form in which it has seemed meet to the wisdom of God to deliver His will to men in the Sacred Volume. Hence arises another important advantage of this method. It provides one of the best securities against error. For, in selecting from Scripture those matters which are leading and principal, there is much room for the operation of prejudice; and unless very carefully upon our guard, we shall be exceedingly apt to frame our system, rather on the model of our own preconceived opinions, than of God's revealed will. But when we carefully examine


the Scriptures themselves, through and through, we are necessarily brought into contact with those things which our preconceived opinions or desires might be apt to make us jealous of; while those texts which, when partially extracted, or rent asunder from their connection with the context and other Scriptures, may have seemed to justify our errors, when carefully and devoutly read as they lie in their different chapters, will easily be seen to warrant and require a different interpretation. We notice only another advantage of studying the divine will in the very form and shape in which it lies in the Scriptures. It is thus presented in a peculiarly attractive and interesting light, because accompanied by an endless variety of incident and illustration. Instead of having the different matters set before us in the dry and abstract form of a system, they are associated, at every point, with events of the most rivetting interest, imparting to them an air of perpetual freshness and beauty. What an attractive loveliness, for example, does the history of the Redeemer's life throw around the various doctrines which he taught, and duties which he enjoined and exemplified! There can be no doubt, accordingly, that one of the grand designs of Infinite Wisdom, in giving to the Scriptures their present form, was just that men might be drawn to the study of them, by that delightful variety of incident and illustration with which they every where abound.

On the other hand, however, it is equally clear, that there are defects connected with this first method of inquiry, which the second, that of studying the divine will systematically, or according to the intrinsic and natural connection of its different parts, can alone supply. While there is nothing in Scripture, strictly speaking, unimportant, there are yet evidently certain matters, which occupy the place of heads or leading divisions, standing to each other in a certain fixed order, and each embracing under it a variety of subordinate particulars, which can be fully understood, and their real use and value ascertained, only when viewed in their connection with it. Such are the various attributes of Deity, the doctrine of the Trinity, the divine decrees, the original state of innocence, the covenant of works, the fall and its consequences, the covenant of grace, the person and

vidence of God, we are favoured, and which deserves to be specially noticed. We refer to the weekly ministrations of the pulpit, and with more especial reference to the practice observed generally by ministers of the Presbyterian Church, of dividing their discourses into two principal kinds, the lecture and the sermon. Observing the peculiar object of each of these, it will be found that the one is more immediately connected with the one method of inquiry, and the other with the other. It is the peculiar and characteristic business of the lecture, to lay open the sense of some considerable portion of the Word of God, not dwelling at large on any single topic, but rather showing the import, scope, and connection of the various parts of the passage, with the practical uses of the whole. The characteristic design of the sermon, again, is not so much to expound Scripture as, taking up some one principal head in doctrine or in duty, fully to open it up in its nature, evidence, illustrations, and practical bearings. It will thus be further apparent, how the lecture and the ser mon, like the two corresponding methods of inquiry into the divine will, have their respective advantages and defects, the defects of the one being supplied by the advantages of the other. The lecture, on the one hand, puts a peculiar honour upon the Word of God, and, if rightly ma

work of the Mediator, the person and office of the Spirit, and so on. Unless, in our reading of Scripture, we keep in view some such classification of leading topics, and by a distinct and separate consideration of them, familiarise our minds with their nature, evidence, and practical bearings, our reading will be altogether confused and next to useless. All things will seem as if jumbled together in a heap; nor shall we be able to see in the divine will a beginning, a middle, or an end. It will be as if, when invited to survey some extensive and splendid edifice, instead of fixing our eye first and chiefly on the grand outlines, and thence proceeding to inspect the minuter parts, we should begin with the latter, and, examining them one by one, depart as ignorant as we came, of the real structure, magnificence, and uses of the building. There are very many things in Scripture which, from their occupying only a dependent and subordinate place, it is sufficient to read with care as they occur in the different portions which come before us from time to time. Not so with the grand outlines and leading heads of Scripture truth. These must be not only glanced at, but carefully studied; drawn forth from the particular connection in which they happen to stand in different passages, and examined in their nature, their various proofs, the relations they stand in to each other, and to the entire sys-naged, tends powerfully to raise the inspired retem of divine truth, and their practical bearings on human conduct and human happiness.

cord to its due place in the hearer's esteem and veneration. It further provides an admirable seHaving thus adverted to the two principal me- curity against error; since the verses are viewed thods of studying the revealed will of God, in their connection, and the lecturer, by going pointing out the chief advantages and defects pe- through a complete book, as is usually done, is culiar to each, and leaving it to be inferred that preserved from all partial selection of topics, obneither can with safety be used to the neglect of liged to take up whatever subject happens to come the other, let us add that, in following out these in his course, and thus is trained to a spirit of methods, there are certain aids appropriate to careful and laborious, and, at the same time, free, each, which it is of much importance for us and fearless, and candid inquiry. In one work thankfully and diligently to avail ourselves of. the lecture has this mighty advantage over the In pursuing the first method, we cannot fail to sermon, that the various topics are presented, not find such approved commentaries as those of in a naked, abstract form, but with all the bene Henry, Scott, and Brown, of the greatest use in of the surrounding scenery, so to speak, of Scripthe removing of difficulties, throwing light on pe- ture incident and illustration, so that an air of culiarities connected with climate, manners, cus- agreeable freshness comes to be imparted even to toms, and language, opening up the connection of the most common and familiar subjects. On th the various parts, and suggesting the practical other hand, however, the very advantages of the uses to which they are applicable. Then, in fol- lecture are closely allied to its characteristic delowing out the other method, that is, selecting fects. The lecture, it will be remarked, does not the leading points of doctrine and duty, and view- thoroughly investigate any one topic. Much ing them, not as they lie scattered up and down its peculiar interest just springs from this, the over the Sacred Volume, but in their own nature glancing at many, it does not dwell at much len and mutual connection and dependence, we may on any one. But then the edification of the employ, with vast advantage, such admirable forms Church imperatively demands, that we not mere of sound words, as the Westminster Confession glance at the grand subjects of Christian doctrine of Faith, and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, and duty, but, even at the risk of offending a where we have the leading heads of doctrine and scrupulous taste, and seeming to grow commonduty selected to our hand, expressed in brief and place, again and again set these forth fully and dis appropriate and perspicuous terms, thoroughly ar- tinctly, in their nature, their grounds and ev ranged, and formed into one entire system, and dences, and their various practical applications : accompanied by specimens of the Scripture au- And this is the characteristic object of the setthority on which the various statements are built. mon as distinguished from the lecture. We sha But there is another aid common to both the only further add, that the sermon has this importmethods of inquiry, with which, in the good pro-ant advantage over the best standards, that i

gives room for a variety of illustration and ampli- | vow which he accordingly performed, with the earnest fication which they, of course, do not admit of; desire of winning souls to the Redeemer. and that it is, moreover, within the reach of those whose occupations during the week may leave them but little leisure, either for the perusal of commentaries, or the careful examination of catechisms.


THE REV. OLIVER HEYWOOD, A.B. THIS eminent nonconformist divine was born, March 1629, in Little Lever, in the parish of Bolton. His parents were pious and respectable; and accordingly he, along with his eight brothers and sisters, were trained up in the fear of the Lord. But, however judiciously conducted, early education is not always sufficient to restrain the wicked propensities of the human heart; and in the case of Oliver Heywood, the truth of this remark was strikingly exemplified. He himself bears testimony to the waywardness and improper conduct of his youthful years.

"When," says he, "one of my sisters found fault with me for profane swearing, I replied, I had not sworn so much as a neighbour's child with whom I used to play;' so foolish was I, and ignorant. How fond was I of trifles! how backward to good exercises! how forward to sinful practices! how easily led to follow bad examples! I may say, ‘childhood and youth are vanity;' yea, next akin to brutish stupidity and atheistical blasphemy. When I was a child, I spake as a child;' yea, rather like a devil incarnate. O the desperate wickedness of my deceitful heart!"

At length it pleased God to awaken his mind to a sense of the importance of religion, and to call him effectually" out of darkness into God's marvellous light. The instructions of his affectionate parents were not lost upon him, but, by the divine blessing, they proved the means of preserving him from the destruction into which he was but too obviously rushing. To his mother he seems to have been more especially indebted for the knowledge of divine things which he acquired in youth, and this he readily owned in after life. "I may say," to quote his words, "I owe much to her, as the instrument under God, of that saving good I at first received; and I hope I shall never forget the instructions of a mother." He early showed an inclination to prepare for the important and highly responsible office of a minister of the Gospel. In his eighteenth year, accordingly, he was sent to Cambridge, where, besides prosecuting his studies with | diligence and success, he enjoyed the opportunity of attending the faithful ministry of the celebrated Dr Hammond. The ministrations of this distinguished divine were much blessed to him, as well as to many other students at the same time. Several of these pious young men were in the habit of meeting together frequently for prayer and mutual edification.

Mr Heywood was desirous to obtain a scholarship, with the view of contributing towards his own support at College; and in all probability he would have obtained it, had he not been arrested in his studies by a severe fever, which reduced him so low that he was not expected to live. In his sickness he solemnly vowed to the Lord, that if his life should be spared, he would dedicate it to the service of the sanctuary-a

The first situation in which Mr Heywood settled as minister was at Coley Chapel, in the parish of Halifax. After he had preached for two years among the people, with an evident blessing from the Almighty, he was at length ordained as their pastor according to the Presbyterian form. Not long after he had commenced his labours among the people of Coley, he was seized with a fever so severe that his life was despaired of. state of his mind under affliction he thus beautifully describes :


"How is it with thee now, O my soul, when the What sayest thou, trembling inhabitant, when thy house casket that keeps this precious jewel is so cracked? begins to fail, and the foundations of this tabernacle of clay are felt to totter? Art thou troubled? Thy head was sick through a blind and perverse understanding, and thy heart faint through weakness in grace and strength of sinning; now thy head doth ache with pain, and thy heart is sick with a grievous distemper. God will retaliate with a judgment suitable to the offence. Acknowledge the justice of awarding suffering according to thy sin, and admire God's goodness that it is not more severe; praise him for his gentleness and pity; improve this blessed opportunity to get thy heart nearer heaven and further from the world; long for thy house from above, and wait for it till it come, and watch over thy heart. The alarm is sounded, the signal is given, therefore lay down thy weapons, surrender thyself as the Lord's prisoner, he will not harm, but deliver thee. Is not a happy deliverance better than a cruel slavery? Fear not God's call, it is but to bring thee to himself, and canst thou be in an evil place when in God's presence, who is the perfection of happiness? But stay, he comes not yet, thy time is not yet expired, thy sun is not yet set; knowest thou that? Granted; but will

it therefore follow that he will not come at all? Will it be any disadvantage to thee to be ready long before death come? Surely not, but the contrary. What comfort will redound to thee thereby, and what glory to God!"


A short time after his restoration to health, he mar ried Miss Elizabeth Angier, daughter of a pious and able minister, whom Mr Heywood highly esteemed. several years after this happy union, the sunshine of prosperity seemed to gild his path. He was beloved by his people, and in the full enjoyment of every domestic comfort. But uninterrupted happiness is not allotted to mortals in this world. The truth of this remark, the faithful minister of Coley Chapel was doomed at length to feel. Besides the death of his affectionate mother, a few days after the birth of his second son Eliezer, disturbances arose in his congregation, which rendered him very uneasy. The cause of this dissatisfaction with Mr Heywood was an attempt, which he successfully made, to restore the celebration of the Lord's Supper, which had been long neglected among his people. Above one hundred and twenty persons applied on that solemn occasion, the greater number of whom were admitted to the sealing ordinance. Some persons, of improper character, intended to disturb the congregation during the service, but they were so struck with the morning sermon that their courage failed. Though foiled in this attempt, however, by the overpowering influence of the Word of God, these enemies of the truth endeavoured, by the most malicious insinuations and calumnious assertions, to weaken the hands of their devoted pastor. And it was a source of

peculiar distress to him, that some who were most violently opposed to him, were those to whom he had hoped his ministry had been useful. His reflections on the occasion show how deeply his mind was affected.

"If God be with me, why doth all this evil come upon me? If God be for me, why are men against me? Hath not God said, that if a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him? Surely something must be amiss, else God would not thus have permitted the devil and his agents to come in upon us. Have we not miscarried in the business; in matter, manner, or end? Is not this a punishment? Certainly there is cause for deep humiliation on our part; though the work was God's, the defects were ours; what is good was from heaven, and what was evil from ourselves. O my soul, never till now didst thou feel the vigorous opposition of the prince of darkness, especially in such open hostility, opposing the power of godliness! He has been accustomed to come under a visor, but now he comes in his own colours, and with mighty force strikes at the heart of religion." In addition to the troubles connected with his congregation, Mr Heywood became involved in the national commotions of the period. He was conscientiously opposed to the arbitrary measures of Cromwell, and earnestly desired the restoration of monarchy. The disaffected in his congregation taking advantage of his sentiments, endeavoured to find an opportunity of bringing upon him the hostility of the then existing government. An opportunity soon presented itself of effecting their malicious purposes. In August 1659, an insurrection took place in Cheshire, headed by Sir George Booth, afterwards Lord Delamere. The object of this plot was to put an end to the government of the Protector, and to restore the ancient family. Several of Mr Heywood's relations in Lancashire approved of the design; and as his own sentiments were well known to be in favour of the restoration, though he took no part in the Cheshire rising, his enemies were eager to implicate him in the civil troubles which it caused. The shameful manner in which some of his people acted he thus describes :

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They came to discourse with me, pretendedly in love and friendship, got what they could from me on state affairs, and then, when they saw their opportunity, threatened they had, in writing, a charge against me uttered unawares by my own lips; and their own jealousy helped them to invent other things, wherein they imagined I was guilty, though far otherwise. I may truly say, as in the presence of God, they laid to my charge things which I knew not,' and which had not entered into my thoughts. They wrested my words, and when I desired liberty to be my own interpreter, if it were contrary to their groundless surmisings, they charged me with falsehood, and condemned me without trial.

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The suspicions of the government being thus excited, an excuse alone was wanting for bringing him to punishment. A letter which he sent to his friends in Lancashire, announcing the birth of his third son, was intercepted; and, under the pretence that he was holding correspondence with the enemies of the government, he was seized upon, and dragged away from his afflicted wife and family. "The soldiers," to use his own words, "kept me one night, with the resolution of sending me to York, but God prevented, and raised up some to be my friends, from whom little could be expected, who obtained my release." Thus was this good man providentially delivered in a season of great trial, and restored to his beloved family and flock. His

| joy, however, was soon turned into weeping, for the child born amid these troubles, died in the course of three weeks from his birth. The mind of Mr Heywood, naturally ardent and affectionate, felt the bereavement deeply, and his distress was greatly aggravated by the harsh treatment to which his fidelity, in the exercise of Church discipline, now subjected him. The unchristian and outrageous conduct of his persecutors would exceed belief, were they not recorded in his own words.

"At this time," he says, 66 men triumphed over us with intolerable pride, threatened sequestration, shot off a pistol under our window, and had once almost driven me from my dear people. Once, indeed, I had resolved to go within a day or two, but being better advised, I thought it best to abide the trial; for I knew I was not guilty, no, not in the breach of their own law. Little, ah! little did I think, that persons whon God hath made instruments of my trouble would have proved so. A military gentleman in the neighbourhood, to whom my heart was much endeared as a Christian friend, and who had expressed the like affection for me, sent for me, and in private discourse obtained a full discovery of my opinion about state concerns, and, with some misinterpretations, divulged the same among the soldiers and in a public meeting at the chapel. Others were sent on purpose to tempt me to speak, and catch me in my words, whom I formerly judged as genuine friends. These strictly marked me, and without my observation. wrote down what might be thought an accusation against Some suspected me of having held corresponden with those in Lancashire, and have been much ar for themselves, lest they should be unawares surpasal in their houses. Others have watched all night, and kept an observant eye on my habitation, as if I wer their enemy, and contrived mischief against them: whereas, the Searcher of Hearts knows, that su things never entered my thoughts."


About the commencement of his troubles at Coley, Mr Heywood received from Sir Richard Houghton a presentation, seconded by the urgent invitation of the people, to the vicarage of Preston. After much deliberation, however, and earnest prayer, he resolved to remain in his present sphere of duty. His distresses were, for some time, severe and harassing, but the tes toration of the second Charles-an event in which le greatly rejoiced-brought him a period of peace and tranquillity. This season was but of short duration, for in less than two years, he began to experience those trials for nonconformity which so remarkably distin guish the subsequent part of his life. These severe a

flictions, however, were preceded by a sore domestic calamity, the death of his beloved wife. His own fes ings, and her character, are thus depicted by himself:

"What a sad breach hath the Lord made in my bo som comforts! O, my soul, he hath taken away t dear partner! the heaviest blow that ever I expericnos in my outward enjoyments. I may say with Nasa 'the Lord hath dealt very bitterly with me. out full, and the Lord hath brought me home a empty.' We went with the whole of our family to sit our native county, and in less than two months st not only a member, but a main pillar thereof—the w of my youth, a plant of grace, strong in faith, though weak in body. Her old nature was long decaying, be her spiritual strength rapidly increased. The Lord been long adorning her soul with heavenly graces, that she might be as a bride made ready for the mar riage of the Lamb. I have no cause to lament her co dition, but my own; the loss is mine, the gain hes; and both unspeakable. She is now put into the enjoy

ment of that which is not attainable here; she is with Christ, which is best of all. Her many doubts and fears are lost in the beatific vision. Her sad complaints are changed for the triumphant song of Moses and the Lamb; her prayers and tears, for joys and praises; her sins and sufferings, for perfect holiness and happiness; her much lamented duties and performances, for uninterrupted communion with the Lord. She is removed from a tempestuous sea to a quiet haven, where the weary are at rest, and the wicked cease from troubling."

At the restoration of Charles II., the nonconformists had good reason to believe that their conscientious scruples would be respected by the government. The prelates, however, having been reinstated in their of fices, exerted all their power and influence to force the clergy to a uniformity in ceremonies. On their own responsibility they established ecclesiastical courts, to which the nonconformist ministers were cited, and arbitrarily punished. In these troubles Mr Heywood did not escape. During a whole year he was harassed with repeated citations for refusing to read the Book of Common Prayer, and at length he was suspended from the exercise of his ministry at Coley, and thus reluctantly driven, even before the act of uniformity had passed,

from the bosom of that establishment in which it had been his anxiety to labour as a faithful and conscientious minister. His reflections on that mournful occasion are remarkably pathetic.

"Now I am as a dead man out of mind; my voice must no more be heard upon the mountains of Israel. I am not only turned out of the pulpit, but out of the Church, and must neither speak nor hear God's Word. I am cast out of the synagogue by men, yet the Lord doth not cast me off: though I be as dead, yet through mercy I am alive to praise my God, yea, alive to God through Jesus Christ. Though I be cast out of the visible Church-state, yet not out of the mystical body of Christ, who can and will take up those that are cast out by men. I am thrust out from communion with a corrupt administration, yet, through rich grace, I may enjoy communion with God and his saints in private: none can banish me from the presence of the Lord. O the days of liberty, the opportunities of salvation we have enjoyed! when God's candle shone upon my head, and when, through grace, my candle shone upon others; when, by the light of his love, I walked through the darkness of temptation. 'Remembering these things, I pour out my soul in me; for I had gone with the multitude, I went with them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, with the multitude that kept holy-day. But those pleasant days of the Son of Man are gone for the present; and behold a gloomy day, yea, a dark and lonesome night."

Not contented with his excommunication, warrants were issued for the apprehension of his person, if he should venture to appear in Lancashire. Thus kept in a constant state of alarm, he was under the necessity of preaching only in private houses, and during the night. And even on such occasions, more especially after the conventicle act had passed, he felt himself in constant danger of being seized and imprisoned. At length he resolved to procure an acquittal, if possible; and if that could not be obtained, liberty to attend public preaching without fear of disturbance. Both requests, however, were denied; and he was compelled to worship in the utmost secrecy and retirement.

Mr Heywood's trials were, for some time, considerably mitigated by the kindness shown him by his friends at Coley. Of this privilege he was also deprived, by an act which was passed prohibiting nonconformist mi

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nisters from coming within five miles of any place in which they had acted as ministers. On the 24th of March 1666, the day appointed for putting in force the five-mile act, as it was termed, Mr Heywood commenced his diary, containing a minute account of his journeyings at this interesting period of his life. Having left his two motherless sons in care of his faithful servant Martha, he set out on his pilgrimage, scarcely knowing whither he went. At the earnest entreaty of his friends and relatives, he lingered in the neighbourhood, preaching by night in private houses. He took occasional journeys also into various parts of Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Cheshire.

After having remained in a state of widowhood above six years, Mr Heywood married Miss Abigail Crompton of Breightmet, near Bolton, not far from his native place. During all his wanderings, and amid his frequent exposures to danger, this lady proved a source of great comfort and encouragement. Feeling himself conscientiously called upon to preach the Gospel, unawed by the threats or the opposition of man, he continued to prosecute his ministerial vocation wherever opportunity offered. For a few years he was permitted to do so without any direct interference on the part of the civil authorities. This forbearance, however, was not always extended to him. On the 14th of March 1670, he was apprehended at Leeds, at a private meeting, and carried before the Mayor, who treated him harshly, and ordered him to be confined in a dungeon. By the mediation of some of the respectable inhabitants of the town, he was set at liberty the next day.

About this time the nonconformists began to indulge the prospect of a favourable disposition being manifested towards them, on the part of the king. In this, however, they were disappointed. The conventicle act was renewed with severer penalties than before. But Mr Heywood continued indefatigable in his exertions to promote the honour of his master, as far as he possibly could.

On one occasion the authorities enter

ed his house, and seized upon his goods, for having contravened the act forbidding him to preach. This did not deter him from declaring the truth wherever he could find an audience. Such was the severity of the law, however, that his ministrations were conducted under cloud of night, in garrets, and secret chambers. Finding himself precluded from publicly preaching the Gospel, Mr Heywood resolved to attempt the diffusion of the truth by means of his pen. At this period, accordingly, he published several works of a practical nature.

The late Dr Fawcett records an anecdote of Mr Hey. wood, which, as referring to his wanderings, may probably belong to that part of his life which we are now considering.

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One winter's morning, while it was yet dark, the horse was saddled, and this good man set out, like Abraham, when he left his father's house, not knowing whither he went. He went along in bye-ways for some time, for fear of being seen. Having nothing in his pocket to bear his travelling expenses, he committed himself to the protection of Providence. He determined at length to leave his horse at full liberty to go what way he would; and thus travelled on till both were weary. Towards evening, the horse bent his course to a farm-house, a little out of the road. Mr II, called at

the door, and a decent woman came out to inquire what he wanted. I have reason,' said he, to make an apology for giving you this trouble, being an entire

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