THE SCOTTISH CHRISTIAN HERALD; CONDUCTED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE ОР MINISTERS AND MEMBERS OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH. MARCH 5,-DECEMBER 31, 1836., VOLUME I. "THE FEAR OF THE LORD, THAT IS WISDOM." EDINBURGH : JOHN JOHNSTONE, HIGH STREET: J. NISBET & CO.; HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO.; AND R. GROOMBRIDGE, LONDON: MDCCCXXXVI. ADVERTISEMENT. IN presenting to the Public the First Volume of the SCOTTISH CHRISTIAN HERALD, the Conductors cannot refrain from stating the high satisfaction which they feel in contemplating the success with which their labours have, thus far, been crowned. The Periodical was originally projected with the avowed design of "Illustrating and enforcing the doctrines of the Bible,—the great essential principles of Evangelical Grace and Truth ;" and how far this design has been fulfilled may be readily seen by a reference to its pages. The most strenuous efforts have been exerted to combine solid Scriptural instruction with interesting and varied information, and it must certainly afford sincere pleasure to every well constituted mind, that a periodical exclusively devoted to topics connected with the spiritual and eternal concerns of mankind, should be so widely diffused, in the course of a few months, as to cover the length and breadth of the land, and be welcomed weekly, with ever increasing interest, by all classes of the community. Such a result is in the highest degree encouraging, and calls for the liveliest gratitude to Almighty God, the promotion of whose cause,-the wisest, the noblest, and the best, the SCOTTISH CHRISTIAN HERALD is humbly destined to subserve. In the present Volume are contained Original Articles by upwards of One Hundred Authors, clerical and lay. In point of literary merit, the contributions speak for themselves; and it is impossible, we conceive, to find, within the same limited space, in any other publication whatever, so great a quantity of varied and valuable information, bearing the authority of the names of the Authors. That a Publication of this nature is calculated, under the Divine blessing, to produce the most salutary effects can scarcely, for a moment, be doubted, communicating, as it does, a varied combination of truths, both useful and entertaining, and that too, compressed within such narrow limits as to be readily perused by multitudes who have neither leisure nor opportunity to avail themselves of works of larger dimensions. And, accordingly, it appears from the accounts received from all parts of the country, that even in districts the most remote, and hitherto excluded from the range of periodical literature, whether secular or religious, the SCOTTISH CHRISTIAN HERALD has been uniformly received as a boon, and has led, in numerous instances, to the most gratifying change in the character and conduct not of individuals merely, but of whole families. There is reason to hope, indeed, that the weekly distribution of Forty Thousand Copies of a Publication so completely adapted for instructive perusal, both on Sabbath and week-days, will ultimately be productive of incalculable good to the country at large. In these encouraging circumstances, the Conductors pledge themselves to proceed with redoubled alacrity and vigour in the Christian cause in which they have embarked, trusting in the strength of HIM to whom they are desirous that all the glory of their success should be ascribed. EDINBURGH, 31st December, 1836.} INDEX TO VOLUME I. On the Efficacy of, 335. Africa, South, Moravian Settlement in, 583. America, Nominal Christians in, 224. Bunyan, John, Biographical Sketch of, 290. Caffraria, A Missionary Scene in, 246. Calvary, A Walk to. By the Rev. Marcus Calvin, John, Biographical Sketch of, 499. Camels. By the Rev. Robert Jamieson, 268. Canticles II. 1-5, Paraphrase of. By the Rev. Archibald M'Conechy, 272. Catechism, The Assembly's Shorter, On the Arrangement observed in. By the Rev. History of the Shorter. By the Catechumens, Form of admitting, to the Child, The, to her Mother, 400. China. A Picture of, in its Religious and Moral Aspect. By the Rev. A. Bonar, 44. The readiness of, to receive Sinners. Principle and Consistency, The In- Christian's, The Dying. Anticipations of Death and Glory. By Richard Huie, Progress towards the Perfection of Heaven. A Discourse, by the Rev. Great Work. A Discourse, by the Motive in his Great Work. A Dis- Christians, the Support of the World, 16. Difference among, 479. A Guilty, The Horrors of, Exem plified. By Thomas Brown, Esq., 647. Consistency, The Necessity of Christian, 96. Contrast between Christ and Mahomet, 351. Covenant, The Solemn League and, 61. Covenanters, The. By John Galt, Esq., 480. Cowper, Rev. J., A.M. Last Hours of, 578. Damascus, A Description of, 653. "Day, As thy, so shall thy Strength be," 16. Dead, The Burial of the. By the Rev. Death-Bed Scenes. By the Rev. Alexander By the Rev. Stevenson Deluge, The Traditions of, 373. Desert, On Mungo Park's finding a Tuft of Dew, 560. Diligence, 223. Discontent, The Sinfulness and Unprofit- Discovery of Unsuspected Sin, one of the re- Disease, Man's, and the Gospel Remedy, 63. Disinterestedness Rewarded, 464. Divine Love, The Believer's Soliloquy on, 432. Truth, Providence Exemplified in connection with the Power of. By Alex. Doddridge, Dr Philip, Biographical Sketch Dogs in Eastern Cities. By the Rev. Robert Drew, Samuel, A.M., Biographical Sketch Drunkard; The Family of the, a Sketch. |