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the west, being intersected towards its western end by the Altai mountains and the Irtish river. On the north it is bounded by Siberia and on the south by the outer Kan-su and other regions which are united into Sin-Kiang. The area of Mongolia is about 1,200,000 square miles, and its population about 2,000,000. A wide tract in the heart of this region is occupied by the Desert of Gobi which extends south-westwards into Chinese Turkestan. The inhabitants are nomadic Mongols and Kalmucks who range the desert with camels, horses, and sheep. Even in fertile districts they are little given to agriculture. The chief town or centre of population is Ürga, about 170 miles due south of Maimachin, which is a frontier emporium for the brisk caravan trade carried on with China across the Gobi Desert, goods being easily transported to the Siberian frontier town of Kiakhta which stands about 100 miles from the south end of Lake Baikal. In 1902 the exports through Kiakhta from Russia to China amounted to 1,015,000 roubles, in 1903 to 973,000; in 1902 the imports into Russian territory through Kiakhta amounted to 8,428,000 roubles, in 1903 to 3,691,000 (chiefly tea).

Buddhist Lamaism is the prevalent form of religion, the Lamas having their residence at Urga and other centres.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Chinese


1. China.


Correspondence respecting the affairs of China (1 and 2, 1899, and 1, 1900).—Correspondence respecting the Disturbances in China (3, 1900, and 1, 1901). London, 1899-1901.Correspondence respecting China, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, 1902. London.

Customs Gazette, Shanghai; published quarterly. Returns of Trade at the Treaty Ports in China. Part I. Abstracts of Trade and Customs Revenue Statistics. Part II. Statistics of each Port. Shanghai, published yearly. Imperial Maritime Customs Publications:I. Statistical Series, Customs Gazette (quarterly), Returns of Trade Part I. Abstracts; Part II. Statistics of each Port; II. Special Series, Medical, &c.; III. Miscellaneous Series, Lighthouses. Shanghai.

Decennial Reports, 1892 to 1901. Shanghai, 1903.

Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance of the United States for March, 1899. [Contains a paper on Commercial China.] Washington.

Foreign Office Reports. Annual and Miscellaneous Series. London. [For Chinese Imperial Finance see Consul Jamieson's Report, Miscellaneous Series, No. 415. London, 1897.]

Treaties between Great Britain and China, by Sir E. Hertslet. 2 vols. London. 1896. -Treaties between the Empire of China and Foreign Powers, with Regulations for Trade, &c. Shanghai, 1902.

Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Imp. 4. London.


Ball (J. D.), Things Chinese. 4th edit. London, 1904.

Bard (M. E.), Les Chinois chez eux. Paris, 1899.

Bastian (Dr. A.), Die Völker des östlichen Asiens. 6 vols. 8. Jena, 1866-71.

Beaulieu (P. Leroy), La Renovation de l'Asie (Sibérie, Chine, Japon). Paris, 1900.

The Awakening of the East (Eng. Trans.). London, 1900.

Bigham (C.), A Year in China, 1899-1900. London, 1901.

Birch (J. G.), Travels in North and Central China. London, 1902.

Bishop (Mrs. Isabella), The Yangtze Valley and Beyond. London, 1899.-Pictures from China. London, 1900.

Boulger (D. C.), History of China. 2nd edit. 2 vols. London, 1898. -A Short History of China. New ed. London, 1900.

Brandt (M. von), Aus dem Lande des Zopfes. Leipzic, 1894. Ostasiatische Fragen Leipzic, 1897.-Dreiunddreissig Jahre in Ost. Asien. Leipzig, 1901.

Brown (A. J.), New Forces in Old China. New York, 1904.

Carli (Mario), Il Ce-Kiang, Studio geographico-economico. Roma,1899.

China Review. Hong Kong. China Recorder. Shanghai.

Ching (Wen), The Chinese Crisis from Within. London, 1901.

Colquhoun (A. R.), Across Chryse: from Canton to Mandalay. 2 vols. London, 1883.China in Transformation. London, 1898.-The 'Overland' to China. London, 1900.The Problem in China and British Policy. London, 1900.

Cordier (H.), Les Origines des deux établissements français, Changhaï et Ningpo. Paris, 1896.-Histoire des Relations de la Chine avec les Puissances Occidentales (1860-1900). 2 vols. Paris, 1901-02.

Cornaby, China under Searchlight. London, 1901.

Curzon (G. N.), Problems of the Far East. New. ed. 8. London, 1896.

David (Abbé A.), Journal de mon troisième voyage d'exploration dans l'empire chinois. 2 vols. 18. Paris, 1875.

Douglas (R. K.), Confucianism and Taouism. London, 1893.-Society in China. 8. London, 1894.-Li Hung Chang. London, 1895.-China. In 'Story of the Nations' Series. 2nd ed. London, 1900.-Europe and the Far East. Cambridge, 1904.

Drake (S. B.), Among the Dark-haired Race in the Flowery Land. London, 1897.
Dubois (M.) et Guy (C.), Album Géographique. Tome II. Paris, 1897.
Edkins (J.), Religion in China. 3rd edit. 8. London, 1880.

Edwards (N. P.), The Story of China. London, 1900.

Ehlers (O. E.), Im Osten Asiens. 3rd edit. Berlin, 1896,

European Settlements in the Far East. London, 1900.

Favier (Alph.), Péking, Histoire et Description. Peking, 1897.

Gill (Captain), The River of Golden Sand. 2 vols. London, 1880.

Gordon (General), Events in the Taeping Rebellion. London, 1884.

Gorst (H. E.), China. London, 1899.

Grant (Sir J. Hope), Life of. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1894.

Gray (Ven. John Henry), China: a History of the Laws, Manners, and Customs of the People. 2 vols. 8. London, 1878.

Gundry (R. S.), China and her Neighbours. 8. London, 1895. China Past and Present. London, 1895.

Hake (A. G.), The Story of Chinese Gordon. London, 1884. Soudan. London, 1896.

Hart (Sir R.), These from the Land of Sinim. London, 1901.

Holcombe (C.), The Chinese Problem. New York, 1900.

Gordon in China and the

Hosie (A.), Three Years in Western China. New ed. London, 1897.

Huc (L'Abbé E. R.), L'empire chinois. 2 vols. 8. 4th ed. Paris, 1862.

Ireland (A.), China and the Powers. Boston, Mass., 1900.

Jack (R. L.), The Back Blocks of China. London, 1904.

Johnston (J.), China and its Future. London, 1899.

Keane (Prof. A. H.), Asia. Vol. I. New ed. London, 1896.

Krause (A.), China in Decay. 3rd ed. London, 1900.-The Story of the Chinese Crisis. London, 1900.-The Far East: Its History and its Question. London, 1901.

Lane-Poole (S.), Life of Sir Harry Parkes, K.C.B. 2 vols. 8. London, 1894.

Lavollée (C.), France et Chine. Paris, 1900.

Legge (J.), Chinese Classics, with Translations, Prolegomena, &c. New ed. 7 vols. Oxford, 1893.

Leroy (H.), En Chine, Sehely. Paris, 1900.

Little (A.), Through the Yangtse Gorges, or Trade and Travel in Western China. 3rd ed. London, 1898.-Mount Omi and Beyond. London, 1901.

Little (Mrs. A.), Intimate China. London, 1899.-The Land of the Blue Gown. 2nd ed. London, 1902.-Out in China. London, 1902.

Loch (Hy. Brougham), A Personal Narrative of Occurrences during Lord Elgin's Second Embassy to China in 1860. 3rd ed. London, 1900.

8. London, 1893.

Paris, 1898.-
Chine du

MacGowan (J.), Pictures of Southern China. London, 1897. History of China. London, 1897. MacMahon (A. R.), Far Cathay and Farther India. Madrolle (C.), Les Peuples et les Langues de la Chine Meridionale. Hainan. Paris, 1900.-Chine du Nord et de l'Ouest, Corée, le Trans-sibérien. Sud et de l'Est Ports du Japon (Guide Books). Paris, 1904. Mahan (A. T.), The Problem of Asia. London, 1900. Martin (W. A. P.), A Cycle of Cathay. Edinburgh,

Edinburgh, 1900.-The Lore of Cathay. Edinburgh, 1901.

1896.-The Siege in Pekin

Matignon (J. J.), Superstition, Crime, Misère en Chine. Paris, 1900.

Mayers (W. F.), The Chinese Government. London: Kegan Paul, Trübner and Co.
Mesny (W.), Chinese Miscellany. 2 vols. Shanghai, 1896-97.

Michie (A.), The Englishman in China (Sir R. Alcock). 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1900.
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Oliphant (L.), Lord Elgin's Mission to China and Japan, 1856-59. 2 vols. 8. London, 1860. Oxenham (E. L.), Historical Atlas of the Chinese Empire. 2nd ed. London, 1898. Parker (E. H.), China, her History, Diplomacy, and Commerce. London, 1901.-John China nan and a few Others. London, 1901.-China Past and Present. London, 1903. Parsons (B.), An American Engineer in China. New York, 1901.

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Planchut (E.), China and the Chinese. [Eng. Translation.] London, 1899.

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Scott (Grace), Twenty-six Years of Missionary Work in China. London, 1897.

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Selby (T. G.), Chinamen at Home. London, 1900.

Simon (E.), China: Religious, Political, and Social. London, 1887.

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Smith (A. H.), Chinese Characteristics. 2d. ed. 8. London, 1895.-Village Life in China. New York, 1899.-China in Convulsion. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1901.

Temple (Sir R.), Population Statistics of China, in Journal of the Statist. Soc., vol. 48 1885, p. 1.

Thomson (J.), Through China with a Camera. 2nd ed. London, 1899.

Tiessen (E.), China, das Reich der achtzehn Provinzen. Berlin, 1902.

Townley (Lady Susan), My Chinese Note Book. London, 1904.

Ular (A.), A Russo-Chinese Empire. [Trans. from the French.] London, 1904.

Vladimir, The China-Japanese War. London, 1895.

Williams (Dr. S. Wells), The Middle Kingdom: a Survey of the Geography, Government, &c., of the Chinese Empire. New ed. 2 vols. London, 1899.-A History of China: Being the Historical Chapters from 'The Middle Kingdom,' with a Chapter on Recent Events by F. Wells Williams. London, 1897.

Wilson (J. H.), Travels and Investigations in the Middle Kingdom. New York, 1888. Wolf (E.), Meine Wanderungen. I. Im innern Chinas. Stuttgart and Leipzig, 1901. Younghusband (F. E.), The Heart of a Continent: Travels in Manchuria, &c. 8. 18841894. London, 1904.-Among the Celestials. London, 1898.

2. Chinese Dependencies.


Hosie (A.), Manchuria: its People, Resources, and Recent History. London, 1901. James (H. E. M.), The Long White Mountain, or a Journey in Manchuria. London, 1888. Orloff (N. A.), Die Eroberung der Mandschurei durch die Transbaikal-Kosaken im Jahre, 1900. [Trans. from Russ.] Strassburg, 1904.-Dio Mandschurei. [Trans. from Russ.] Berlin, 1904.

Podznéeff (A.), Opisanie Manchurii. 2 vols. St. Petersburg, 1897.

Ross (Rev. J.), The Manchus; or the Reigning Dynasty of China, their Rise and Progress London, 1880.

Weale (B. L. P.), Manchu and Muscovite. London, 1904.

Whigham (H. J.), Manchuria and Korea. London, 1904.

Williamson (Rev. A.), Journeys in North China, Manchuria, and Eastern Mongolia. With some Account of Corea. 2 vols. 8. London, 1870.


Papers on Tibet. Cd. 1920. London, 1904.-Further Papers on Tibet. Cd. 2054London, 1904.-Further Papers on Tibet. No. III., Cd. 2370. London, 1905.

Bower (H.), Diary of a Journey across Tibet. 8. London, 1894.

Candler (E.), On the Road to Lhasa.-The Unveiling of Lhasa. London, 1905.

Das (Sarat Chandra), Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet. London, 1902.
Deasy (H. H. P.), In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan. London, 1901.

Gerard (F.), Tibet: The Country and its Inhabitants. [Trans. from the French.] London, 1904.

Graham (J. A.), On the Threshold of Three Cloud Lands. London, 1897.

Hedin (Sven), Through Asia. 2 vols. London, 1898.-Central Asia and Tibet. 2 vols. London, 1903.-Adventures in Tibet. London, 1904.

Huc (L'Abbé E. R.), Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China, 1884-86. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1898.

Landon (P.), Lhasa: The Tibet Expedition, 1903-04. London, 1905.

Landor (A. H. S.), In the Forbidden Land. [Tibet.] London, 1899.-China and the Allies. 2 vols. London, 1901.

Lansdell (H.), Chinese Central Asia: a Ride to Little Tibet. 2 vols. London, 1893. Launay (A.), Histoire de la Mission du Thibet. 2 vols. Paris.

Marston (Annie W.), The Great Closed Land (Tibet). 8. London, 1894.

Millington (P.), To Lhasa at Last. London, 1905.

Pyevtsoff (M. V.), Results of the Tibet Expedition of 1889-90. [In Russian.] St. Petersburg, 1896.

Pratt (A. E.), To the Snows of Tibet through China. 8. London, 1892.

Rijnhart (S. C.), With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple. London, 1901.

Rockhill (W. W.), The Land of the Lamas. London, 1891.

Sandberg (G.), The Exploration of Tibet. London, 1904.

Waddell (L. A.), The Buddism of Tibet. 8. London, 1895.-Llassa and its Grand Lama Unveiled. London, 1904,

Wegener (Gg.), Tibet und die englishche Expedition. Berlin, 1904.

Wellby (M. S.), Through Unknown Tibet. London, 1898.

Chinese Turkestan.

Church (P. W.), Chinese Turkestan with Caravan and Rifle. London, 1901.

Stein (M. A.), The Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan. London, 1903.

Taylor (Miss A.), Travel and Adventure in Tibet. London, 1902.


Campbell (C. W.), Journeys in Mongolia. In Geogr. Journal for November, 1903.Report on a Journey in Mongolia. China. No. 1. 1904. See also China. No. 3. 1904. Gilmour (J.), Among the Mongols. London, 1888.-More about the Mongols. London, 1893.

Obruischew (V. A.), Report of Journeys, 1892-94, in Central Mongolia, &c. (in Russian). St. Petersburg, 1901.

Podznéeff (A.), Mongolia and the Mongols; Results of a Journey in 1892-93. 7 vols. St. Petersburg, 1896.



Constitution and Government.

THE Republic of Colombia gained its independence of Spain in 1819, and was officially constituted December 27, 1819. This vast Republic split up into Venezuela, Ecuador, and the Republic of New Granada, February 29, 1832. The Constitution of April 1, 1858, changed the Republic into a confederation of eight States, under the name of Confederation Granadina. On September 20, 1861, the convention of Bogotá brought out the confederation under the new name of United States of New Granada, with nine States. On May 8, 1863, an improved Constitution was formed, and the States reverted to the old name Colombia-United States of Colombia. The revolution of 1885 brought about another change, and the National Council of Bogotá, composed of three delegates from each State, promulgated the Constitution of August 4, 1886. The sovereignty of the States was abolished, and they became simple departments, with governors appointed by the President of the Republic, though they have retained some of their old rights, such as the manage. ment of their own finances.

The legislative power rests with a Congress of two Houses, called the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate, numbering 27 members, is composed of representatives of the nine departments, each deputing three senators; the House of Representatives, numbering 66 (subject to change) members, is elected for four years by universal suffrage, each department forming a constituency and returning one member for 50,000 inhabitants.

The President is chosen by electoral colleges, holds office for six years, and exercises his executive functions through six ministers, or secretaries,' responsible to Congress. Congress elects, for a term of two years, a substitute, who, failing the president and vice-president during a presidential term, fills the


President of the Republic.—General Reyes, 1904-1910.

The ministries are those of the Interior, Foreign Affairs, Finance, War, Public Instruction, and the Treasury.

The insurrection which began in October, 1899, was ended on November 22, 1902, the fleet and war stores of the insurgents being restored to the Government.

Area and Population.

The area of the Republic is variously estimated at from 455,000 to 505,000 square miles. According to a census taken in 1870, the population, including that of Panama, at that date was 2,951,323. A recent estimate

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