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The navigation of the Danube is carried on under regulations agreed to in 1878, modified at a conference of the delegates of the leading Powers (Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Russia, France, Italy, and Turkey), which met in. London in 1883. The navigation, below Braila, is under the superintendence of a commission of one delegate each for Austria, Bulgaria, Rumania, and Servia, with a delegate appointed for six months by the signatory Powers in turn. The commission has its seat at Galatz, in Rumania. In 1903, 1,414 vessels of 2,042,994 tons cleared from the Danube at Sulina. Of these, 384 of 759,605 tons were British.

In 1904 Rumania had 2,000 miles of State railway besides 295 miles under construction or projected. In 1902-03 the passengers numbered 5,555,920; the weight of goods carried was 4,741,934 metric tons. The gross revenue in 1902-03 was 57,490,492 leï and the working expenses 33,812,329 leï. Up to the end of 1899, 28,705,0821. had been expended on the railways. The State has the working of all the lines, and has, besides, under the general railway direction, a commercial navigation service on the Danube and Black Sea. Within Rumania there are 1,806,580 miles of national roads.

In 1902 there were 3,271 post-offices, through which there passed 22,582,692 letters, 18,911,091 post-cards, and 30,917,126 newspapers, samples, &c. In 1902 there were 4,330 miles of telegraph lines, and 11,300 miles of wire, on which 2,575,270 messages were forwarded. The number of offices was 2,283. In 1902 there were 6 urban telephone systems with 450 miles of line and 3,480 miles of wire, and 2,909 interurban systems with 12,190 miles of line and 14,700 miles of wire. On the urban systems during the year there were 1,650,139 conversations, and on the interurban 415,890.

Money, Weights, and Measures.

The National Bank of Rumania, with a capital of 12,000,000 lei, had, on December 11, 1904, a note circulation of 170,691,000 lei, cash in hand amounting to 80,705,000 leï, and reserves amounting to 18,705,000 leï. On September 30, 1903, the Rumanian savings banks had 145,507 depositors with 38,476,278 leï to their credit, showing an average of 268 leï to each depositor. Other public credit institutions are a Deposit and Consignment Bank, an Agricultural Loan Bank, 1,593 Popular Banks, a Rural Crédit Foncier, 2 Urban Crédit Fonciers (at Bucarest and Yassi), and an Agricultural Bank. There are also three private banking institutions.

The nominal value of the Rumanian coin in circulation is given thus:gold, 7,725,800 lei; silver, 57,700,000; bronze, 5,945,000; nickel, 3,000,000; total, 74,370,800 leï.

The decimal system was introduced into Rumania in 1876, the unit of the monetary system being the leu, equivalent to the franc. The gold leu is the monetary unit. Silver is legal tender up to 50 leï only. Gold coins are 20-, 10-, and 5-leï pieces. Nickel is coined in 5-, 10-, and 20- centimes (bani) pieces.

The metric system has been introduced, but Turkish weights and measures are, to some extent, in use by the people.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.


Envoy and Minister.-M. Alexander Catargi.
Councillor of Legation.-M. D. Nedeyano.
Secretary.-M. Alexis Catargi.

Attaché.-M. D. Burilliano.

Consul-General in London. -Count R. Ward.
Consul in Manchester.-R. Goldschmidt.


Envoy and Minister.-Sir John G. Kennedy, K. C.M.G. Appointed to Bucharest, 1897.

Vice-Consul.-Hamilton E. Browne.

Consul-General at Galatz and Danube Commissioner.-Lieut. -Col. H. Trotter, R. E., C. B.

There are Vice-Consuls at Galatz, Braila, Kustendjie, and Sulina.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Rumania.



Anuarul Armatei Române. Bucarest.
Anuarul Statistic al Romaniei. Ministry of Finance.
Buletinul Ministerului Agriculturei, Industriel, Comerciului și domeniilor.
Comerciul Exterior al Romaniei şi Mişcarea Porturilor. Annual.
Finance. Bucharest.

Miscarea populatiunei Romaniei. Ministry of Agriculture, &c. Bucharest.
Buagetul General. Annual. Bucarest.

Buletin Statistic General al Romaniei. Annual. Bucarest,
Raport asupra Inchisorilor Centrale diu România de Gr. Dianu.

Ministry of

Recensemêntul general al Populatiuneï Romanieni in 1899. Ministry of Agriculture,


Statistică Agricola; Statistica Recrutilor; Statistica Invětămêntului secundar, Profesional, is Universitor; Statistica Invetamentului Primar, Rural, și Urban; of movement of population, 1901; of petroleum exports, 1900-1902; of commerce, 1901.

Statistica Animalelor Domestice.

by Dr. L. Colescn. Bucarest, 1903.

Results of Census of Animals, 1900, with Introduction

Situatiumea Financiară a Judetelor. Annual.

Situatiunea Financiară a Comunelor Rurale. Ministry of Finance. Bucarest, 1904. Foreign Office Reports. Annual series. 8. London.

Handbook of the Armies of the Balkan States. By Captain M. C. P. Ward. London,


Enquête industrielle de la Roumanie (1901-1902) avec introduction contenant l'exposé de la technique et l'analyse des résultats, par le Dr. L. Colescu. 2 vols. fol. Bucbareot, 1904. A list of official publications is given in Anuarul Statistic al Romaniei.


Arion (C. C.), La Situation économique et sociale du paysan en Roumanie. 1895.

8. Paris,

Aurelian (P.S.), Tara Noastra, 2nd Edition Bucuresci. 1888. Baicoianu (C.), Geschichte der rumänischen Zollpolitik. München, 1897. Histoire de la politique douanière de la Roumanie de 1870-1903. 2 vols. Bucarest, 1904. Bamberg (F.), Geschichte der orientalischen Angelegenheiten. Berlin, 1888.

Benger (G.), Rumänien, ein Land der Zukunft. Stuttgardt, 1896. Rumania in 1900. Translated from the German by A. H. Keane. London, 1901.

Bergner (R.), Rumänien. Breslau, 1887.

Blancard (T.), Les Mavroyeni. Paris, 1893.

Colescu (L.), Geschichte des rumänischen Steuerwesens, in der Epoche der Fanarioten. München, 1897. Population de la Roumanie. Résumé démographique. Bucarest, 1903. -Introduction à l'Enquête industrielle. Bucarest, 1904.

Cretzulesco (E.), La Roumanie considérée sous le rapport physique, administratif et économique. 8. Bucarest, 1876. (Bulletin de la Soc. de Géographie.)

Crupenski (C.) and Turburi (G.), Asupra Agriculturei Romaniei. Studiu Statistic. 8. Bucharest, 1895

Engel (J. C.), Geschichte der Moldau und Walachei. 2 vols. 1804.
Gubernalis (Comte A. de), La Roumanie et les Roumains. Florence, 1898.
Krauss (H.), Bucarest und Rumänien. Leipzig, 1896.

Lahovari (G. J.), Marele Dictionar Geografic al Romaniei.


Vols. I.-V. Bucuresçi,

Laveleye (Emile de), The Balkan Peninsula. London, 1887.
Martonne (E. de), La Valachie, Essai de monographie géographique. Paris.

Miller (W.). The Balkans. In "Story of the Nations" series. S. London, 1896.
Obédénare (M. G.), La Roumanie économique. Paris, 1876.

Richard (A. de), La Roumanie à vol d'oiseau. Bucarest, 1895.

Reclus (Elisée), Nouvelle Géographie Universelle. Vol. I. Paris.
Rosny (L. de), Les populations danubiennes. 4. Paris. 1885.
Samuelson (James), Rumania, Past and Present. London, 1882.
Sentupéry, L'Europe politique et sociale-Roumanie. Paris, 1895.

Sincerus (E.), Les Juifs en Roumanie depuis le Traité de Berlin (1878) jusqu'à ce jour. London, 1901.

Ubicini (J. H. A.), Les provinces Roumaines. 8. Paris, 1855.


Dans l'Univers pitto

Vaillant (J. A.), La Romanie: histoire langue, &c. 3 vols. 8. 1845.
Vogel. L'Orient Européen. 8. Paris.

Walker (Mrs.), Untrodden Paths in Rumania. S. London. 1888.

Whitman (Sidney), (Editor), Reminiscences of the King of Roumania. London, 1899. Xenopol (A. D.), Istoria Romanilor. 6 vols. Jassy. [An abridged edition in French.

2 vols. Paris, 1896.]


Reigning Emperor.

Nicholas II., Emperor of All the Russias, born May 6 (May 18 new style), 1868, the eldest son of the Emperor Alexander III. and of Princess Dagmar (Maria Feodorovna), daughter of King Christian IX. of Denmark; ascended the throne at the death of his father October 20 (November 1 new style), 1894 ; married November 14 (26), 1894, to Princess Alexandra Alix (Alexandra Feodorovna), daughter of Ludwig IV., Grand Duke of Hesse, born May 25 (June 6), 1872.

Son and Daughters of the Emperor.

Grand-duchess Olga, born November 3 (15), 1895. Grand-duchess Tatiana, born May 29 (June 10), 1897. Grand-duchess Marie, born June 14 (26), 1899. Grand-duchess Anastasia, born June 5 (18), 1901. Grand-duke Alexis (heir apparent), born July 30 (August 12), 1904.

Mother of the Emperor.

Empress Marie (Dagmar), widow of Emperor Alexander III., born November 14 (26), 1847; married October 28 (November 9), 1866.

Brother and Sisters of the Emperor.

I. Grand-duchess Xenia, born March 25 (April 6), 1875; married to Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich (see next page). II. Grand-duke Michael, born November 22 (December 4), 1878.

III. Grand-duchess Olga, born June 1 (June 13), 1882; married July 27 (August 9), 1901, to Peter Alexandrovich, Duke of Oldenburg.

Uncles and Aunts of the Emperor.

I. Grand-duke Vladimir, born April 10 (22), 1847; married August 16 (28), 1874, to Princess Marie Pavlovna of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Offspring of the union are three sons and one daughter-1. Cyril, born September 30 (October 12), 1876. 2. Boris, born November 12 (24), 1877. 3. Andreas, born May 2 (14), 1879. 4. Helene, born January 17 (29), 1882; married August 16 (29), 1902, to Prince Nikolaos of Greece.

II. Grand-duke Alexis, high admiral, born January 2 (14), 1850.

III. Grand-duchess Maria, born October 5 (17), 1853; married January 23, 1874, to the Duke of Edinburgh, son of Queen Victoria of Great Britain, who died July 30, 1900.

IV. Grand-duke Paul, born September 21 (October 3), 1860; married June 5 (17), 1889, to Princess Alexandra, daughter of the King of Greece; widower September 12 (24), 1891. Offspring: Maria, born April 6 (18), 1890; Dimitri, born September 6 (18), 1891.

Grand-uncle of the Emperor.

The Grand-duke Michael, brother of the Emperor Alexander II., born October 13 (25), 1832; married to Princess Cecilia of Baden, who died March 31 (April 12), 1891. His children-1. Nicholas, born April 14 (26), 1859. 2. Anastasia, born July 16 (28), 1860, and married January 12 (24), 1879, to Prince Friedrich Franz of Mecklenburg-Schwerin; widow April 10, 1897. 3. Michael, born October (16), 1861, and married February 26, 1891, to Sophie, Countess of Merenberg, which marriage led to his exclusion from the army, a trust being nominated on his estates. His children: Anastasia, born 1892, Nadezhda, born 1896, and Michael, born 1898. 4. George, born August 11 (23), 1863, and married May 13, 1900, to Princess Marie of Greece; offspring --Nina, born June 7 (20), 1901; Xenia, born August 9 (22), 1903. 5. Alexander, born April 1 (13), 1866; married to the Grand-duchess Xenia, sister of the reigning Emperor; offspring:-Irene, born July 3 (15), 1895, Andreas, born January 12 (24), 1897, Feodor, born December 11 (23), 1898, Nikita, born January 4 (16), 1900, Dimitri, born August 2 (15), 1901, and Rostislav, born November 11 (24), 1902. 6. Sergius, born September 25 (October 7), 1869.

Cousins of the late Emperor.

The children of the late Grand-duke Constantine, brother of the Emperor Alexander II., and his wife Princess Alexandra of SaxeAltenburg, of which union there are issue: 1. Nicholas, born February 2 (14), 1850. 2. Olga, born August 22 (September 3), 1851, and married October 27, 1867, to Georgios I., King of the Hellenes. 3. Vera, born February 4 (16), 1854, and married May 8, 1874, to Prince Eugene of Württemberg; widow January 27, 1877. 4. Constantine, born August 10 (22), 1858; married April 15 (27), 1884, to Princess Elizabeth of SaxeAltenburg, Duchess of Saxony; offspring-John, born June 23 (July 5), 1886; Gabriel, born July 3 (15), 1887; Tatiana, born January 11 (23), 1890; Constantine, born December 20, 1890 (January 1, 18 91); Oleg, born November 15 (27), 1892; Igor, born May 29 (June 10) 1894; and George, born April 23 (May 6), 1903. 5. Dimitri, born June 1 (13), 1860.

The children of the late Grand-duke Nicholas, brother of the Emperor Alexander II. :-1. Nicholas, born November 6 (18), 1856. 2. Peter, born January 10 (22), 1864; married July 14 (26), 1889, to the Princess Militsa of Montenegro; issue, Marina, born Feb. 28 (March 11), 1892; Roman, born October 5 (17), 1896; Nadezhda, born March 3 (15), 1898.

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