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There is a telegraph line from Tashkent to Bokhara, the capital. Russian paper roubles are current everywhere. The Bokhara silver tenga is valued at 5d.

There is a Russian Political Agent at Bokhara.


Burnes (Sir Alexander), Travels into Bokhara.


Curzon (Hon, G.), Russia in Central Asia. 1889. [Contains ample Bibliography].-The Pamirs and the source of the Oxus. London, 1897.

Le Messurier (Col. A.), From London to Bokhara, 1889.

Linsky (I.), Upper Bukhara. (Travels, 1896-99). In Russian. St. Petersburg. 1902.
O'Donovan (E.), The Merv Oasis. 2 vols. London, 1889.
Vambéry, History of Bokhara. London, 1873.


A Russian vassal State in Central Asia, lying between N. latitude 43° 40' and 41°, and E. longitude 58° and 61° 50'. Extreme length 200 miles; extreme breadth 140 miles; bounded on the north by the Aral Sea, on the east by the river Oxus, on the south and west by the Russian Trans-Caspian province.

Seyid Mahomed Rahim Khan succeeded his father in 1865 as reigning sovereign; born about 1845. The heir-apparent, accepted by Russia, is Asfendiar, the third son of the Khan (by a Persian slave).

Russian relations with the Khanate of Khiva-an Usbeg State, founded, like that of Bokhara, on the ruins of Tamerlane's Central Asian Empire— date from the beginning of the 18th century, when, according to Russian writers, the Khivan Khans first acknowledged the Czar's supremacy. In 1872, on the pretext that the Khivans had aided the rebellious Kirghiz, an expedition advanced to the capital, bombarded the fortifications, and compelled the Khan to sign a treaty which puts the Khanate under Russian control. A war indemnity of about 274,000l. was also exacted. This heavy obligation, still being liquidated by yearly instalments, has frequently involved the Khan in disputes with his subjects, and Russian troops have more than once crossed the frontier to afford him aid and support.

The Khans of Khiva have been Mohamed Rahim Khan, 1806-25; Alla Kuli Khan, 1825-42; Rahim Kuli Khan, 1842-45; Mohamed Armin Khan, 1845-55; Abdulla Khan, 1855-56; Kutlugh Murad Khan, 1856; Seyid Mohamed Khan, 1856-65; Seyid Mohamed Rahim Khan, 1865.

Area, 22,320 square miles; population estimated at 800,000, including 400,000 nomad Turcomans. Chief towns-Khiva, 4,000-5,000; New Urgenj,

3,000; Hazar Asp, and Kungrad.

The religion is Mahomedan. Army, about 2,000 men.

The annual production of silk is said to be about 48 tons; production of cotton, according to Russian statistics, 126,880 cwt. in 1899, 288,000 in 1900, 112,840 in 1901, 205,380 in 1902.


Abbott (J.), Narrative of a Journey from Herat to Khiva. London, 1884.
Burnaby (Col.), A Ride to Khiva. London, 1884.

MacGahan (J. A.), Campaigning on the Oxus and the Fall of Khiva. London, 1874.
Reclus (E.), Nouvelle Geographie universelle.

L'Asie Russe.

Rocca (F. de), De l'Alaï à l'Amou-Daria. Paris, 1896.
Wood (H.), The Shores of the Lake Aral. London, 1876.
Younghusband (F.), The Heart of a Continent. London, 1896.



By an agreement, signed March 27, 1898, Russia has obtained from China a lease of Port Arthur and Ta-lien-wan, with the adjacent seas and territory to the north. The duration of the lease is to be 25 years, but may be extended by mutual agreement. Within the whole land and water area leased, the control of the civil, military and naval forces, is vested in a Russian governor. All Chinese military forces are withdrawn; Chinese residents may withdraw or remain; but Chinese accused of crime shall be handed over to be dealt with by the nearest Chinese official. To the north of the territory leased there will be a zone where Chinese jurisdiction will continue, but where Chinese troops may not be quartered without the consent of Russia.

In August, 1899, the leased territory was made a province with the name of Kwang-Tung; in August, 1903, new administrative arrangements were made, the Amur district and the Kwang-Tung territory being formed into a special vice-royalty, while the North Coast Province was declared an Independent District. In 1904 the viceroy was recalled to St. Petersburg and

the whole territory of Kwang-Tung was occupied by Japan.

Port Arthur, the capital of the vice-royalty, and a naval port for menof-war, was regarded as an impregnable stronghold. New docks were constructed, the rock being cut into to enlarge the inner harbour. At the southern extremity of this port a new town, Dalniy, was built and is connected by rail with the trans-Siberian railway system. Dalniy is now in decay and Port Arthur capitulated to the Japanese on January 2, 1905.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Russia. 1. OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS.


Administration: Official Messenger. By Ministry of the Interior (Daily). Agriculture: Annual Statement respecting Crops in Russia. By Central Statistical Committee. (Last issue: Crops in 1903. Published in 1904).-Report on Forestry in 1902. Ministry of Agriculture and State Domains, 1904.

Census of 1897: Repartition of inhabited places of Russian Empire according to the number of inhabitants of each place. Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of the Interior. St. Petersburg, May, 1902.

Finance Vestnik Finansov. By Ministry of Finance (Weekly).-Report of the State's Control for 1903. St. Petersburg, 1904.-Report of the Minister of Finance for 1905.Bulletin Russe de Statistique financière et de Legislation.-Statistical Reports of Ministry of Ways of Communication. -Annual Reports on State Bank, on the Nobles' Bank, and on the Peasantry Bank for 1902. By A. Golubeff.-Report Statistics of Mortgages in Russia for 1902. By A. Golubeff. 1904.

List of Manufactures in European Russia. 1903. Collection of Reports of Factory Inspectors for 1902. St. Petersburg, 1904.


Instruction; Statistical Data of Elementary Schools in the Russian Empire. St. Petersburg.-Data as to Agricultural Schools. St. Petersburg, 1902.-Report Department of Mines. St. Petersburg.-Report of the Procurator of the Holy Synod. St. Petersburg.-Report of General Director of Military Schools.-Report of General Director of Cossack Army. These are annual publications.

Justice Statistics concerning Judicial Institutions. St. Petersburg, Annual.-Collection of Statistical Data concerning Criminal Affairs in 1901. St. Petersburg, 1904.— Reports on Prison Administration.-Law of the new organisation of Peasants' Tribunals in the Baltic Provinces. By Ministry of Justice. 2 vols. 1889.-Laws issued in 1889 concerning Peasants' Institutions and Justices of the Peace. By Ministry of the Interior. 1890.

Mines Annual Report of Department of Mines for 1901. St. Petersburg, 1903.Maps of the Gold Mines of Siberia and the Urals. 1897.-Information published by the Statistical Bureau of the Congress of Mineholders (Coal). 1904.-Collection of Statistical Data Concerning the Iron Industry. Monthly. (December No. 1903, gives figures for 1903).-Information published by the Statistical Bureau of the Congress of Naphtha workers of Baku for 1903.

Navy Annual of the Ministry of the Navy.-Institutions of the Navy. 18 vols. 1888.

Population Movement of Population in European Russia. Report of the Medical Department.-Statistics of Russian Empire LVIII. issued by Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of the Interior. Annual.-Collection of Data concerning the Revenues and Expenditure of the Zemstvos. 1901-02. Ministry of the Interior. St. Petersburg, 1904.-Redemption Operations on January 1, 1902. St. Petersburg, 1904.

Postal and Telegraph Statistics. Annual.-Statistical Review of the Russian Railways and Internal Water Communications, 1903.-River Fleet on January 1, 1900. Ministry of Ways and Communications. St. Petersburg, 1903.-Guide to the Siberian Railway (also in English), 1903. Monthly Publication of the Statistical and Cartographical Section of the Ministry of Ways and Communication. (Railways in 1903, in March No. 1904). Annual Report of the Procurator of the Holy Synod. St. Petersburg. Report of the Medical Department for 1904. St. Petersburg, 1904.

Trade Review of the Foreign Trade of Russia for 1902. St. Petersburg, 1904.Review of the Foreign Trade on the European Frontier for 1903. St. Petersburg, 1904.-Report of General Direction of Commercial Navy and Ports for 1902.Materials for Commercial and Industrial Statistics. By Department of Trade and Manufactures, 1900.

Exposition Universelle de 1900.

French, English, &c.

Notices sur Finlande. Helsingfors, 1900. Premier Recensement Général de la Population de l'Empire de Russie, 1897. Livraisons 1 and 2. St. Petersburg, 1898.

Règlement définitif du Budget de l'Empire pour l'exercice, 1903. Mémoire explicatif annexé au Compte. Rendu du Contrôle de l'Empire présenté au Conseil de l'Empire. St. Pétersbourg, 1904.

Marine marchande russe. Liste des bâtiments. Issued by the Department of Trade. St. Petersburg.

Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. [Especially No. 3253, 1904.] London.

Reply of the Finnish Estates to the Proposals of H.M. Nicholas II. for a New Military Service Law in Finland. Translated from the Swedish. London, 1900.

Hertslet (Sir Edward), Foreign Office List. Published annually. London.

Statistik Arsbok för Finland, utg. af Statistiska Centralbyrån. Annual. Helsingfors. Statesman's Handbook for Russia. Edited by the Chancery of the Committee of Ministers. St. Petersburg.

Report of the Minister of Finance to H.M. the Emperor on the Budget of the Empire for 1905.


Aitof (D.), The Russian Empire. In Hugh Robert Mill's International Geography. 3rd ed. London, 1903.

Antropoff, Financial and Statistical Atlas of the Russian Empire. St. Petersburg, 1898.
Armies of To-day, by various writers. 8. London, 1893.
Baedeker's Handbook for Russia. 5th ed. Leipzig, 1901.

Bär (K. E. von) and Helmersen (Gr. von), Beiträge zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reichs. St. Petersburg, 1852-1900.

Brokhaus and Efron's Cyclopædia, Russia Present and Past. St. Petersburg, 1900. (In Russian.)

Brüggen (E. von der), Russia of To-day. [Trans. from the German.] London, 1904. Chuproff, Influence of Harvests and of Value of Cereals on our Rural Economy. Petersburg, 1896.

Clarke (Sir G. S.), Russia's Sea Power, Past and Present. London, 1898.
Diakoff (A.), La Russie et les Etrangers. Bruxelles, 1903.


Dosuzhkof, Income from Custom Duties during the years 1822 to 1890. St. Petersburg, 1892. (Russian.)

Drage (G.), Russian Affairs. London, 1904.

Durrien (A.) et Fauvelle (R.), Samarkand la bien gardée. Paris, 1901.

Engelhardt (A. P.), A Russian Province of the North. [Translated from the Russian.] London, 1899.

Erman (Georg Adolf), Archiv für die wissenschaftliche Kunde Russlands. 25 vols. Berlin, 1841-68.

Foulke (W. D.), Slav or Saxon. A Study of the Growth and Tendencies of Russian Civilization. 3rd ed. London, 1904.

Ganz (H.), The Downfall of Russia. [Eng. Trans. from the German]. London, 1904. Goremykin, Laws relative to the Peasantry issued since 1859. St. Petersburg, 1891. (Russian).

Iliin (A.), Detailed Atlas of Russia, with plans of chief towns. St. Petersburg, 1886. Russian.)

Issaeff (A. A.), Emigration and its Importance for the Economy of the Russian Nation. St. Petersburg, 1891. (Russian.)

Jackson (F. G.), The Great Frozen Land. 8. London, 1895.

Jane (F. T.), The Imperial Russian Navy: Its Past, Present, and Future. London, 1899. Joubert (C.), Russia as it really is. London, 1904.

Kleinschmidt (A.), Drei Jahrhunderte russischer Geschichte, 1598-1898. Leipzig, 1898. Kovalevsky (E.), Popular Education at the Nizhnii Novgorod and the Buda Pest Exhibitions. St. Petersburg, 1897

Kovalevsky (Maxime), Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russia. London, 1891.— Le Régime économique de la Russie. Paris, 1898.

Kovalewsky (W. de), L'Agriculture en Russie. Paris, 1897.-La Russie à la Fin du XIXe siècle. Paris, 1900.

2 vols. London, 1899.

Kropotkin (P.), Memoirs of a Revolutionist. Lavisse (E.), Rambaud (A.), and others, Histoire Générale. Vols. X., XI. Paris, 1898-99.

Leger (L.), Russes et Slaves. Paris, 1890.-Second Series. Paris, 1897. Lestrades (Vicomte Combes de), La Russie à l'Avènement de Nicolas II. Paris, 1896. Leroy-Beaulieu (Anatole), L'Empire des Tsars et les Russes. 3 vols. English translation. S. London, 1893-96.]-Etudes russes et européennes. Logan (J. A.), In Joyful Russia. London, 1897.

Paris. 1901.

Paris, 1882.

Paris, 1897.

Matthaei (Fr.), Die wirthschaftlichen Hülfsquellen Russlands. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1887.
Milioukoff (P.), Essai sur l'Histoire de la Civilisation russe.
Murray's Handbook for Russia. S. London.

Norman (H.), All the Russias. London, 1902.

On (Nicholas), Historie du Développement économique de la Russie depuis l'abolition du servage. Paris, 1899.

Ookhtomsky (Prince E.), Travels of Nicholas II. in the East. 2 vols.

London, 1900.

Orlov, List of Manufactures in Russia; in the Asiatic Dominions. 2 vols. St. Petersburg. 1894-5. (Russian.)

Ostrovsky, Guide over North Russia. St. Petersburg, 1898.

Palmer (F. H. E.), Russian Life in Town and Country. London, 1901.

Pobyedonostseff (K. P.), Reflections of a Russian Statesman. [Eng. Trans.]. London,


Rabot (Ch.), A travers la Russie boréale. 8. Paris, 1894.

Rambaud (Alfred), Histoire de la Russie. 3rd edition. Paris [Of this there is an English translation. 3 vols. 8. London].

Reclus (Elisée), Géographie universelle. Tome V. L'Europe Scandinave et Russe, revised to date in 1885. VI. L'Asie Russe. Paris, 1880-81. And Appendix to the Russian translation, by MM. Beketoff, Bogdanoff, Woeikoff, and others. St. Petersburg, 1884. Rittich (A.), Die Ethnographie Russlands. Gotha, 1877.

Röttger (Carl), Russische Revue. Monatsschrift für die Kunde Russlands. 8. St. Petersburg, 1872-92.

Roskoschny, Russland, Land und Leute. Leipzig, 1886; Die Wolga. Leipzig, 1887.Das arine Russland, Leipzig, 1890.

Roussanof, Article Russia in Vol. V. of the Dictionnaire de Geographie of Vivien de St. Martin and L. Rousselet. Paris.

Samson-Himmelstierna, Russia under Alexander III. [Translation from the German.] 8. London, 1893.

Shierbrand (W. von), Russia: her Strength and her Weakness. London, 1904. Seignobos (C.), A Political History of Contemporary Europe. 2 vols. London, 1900. Translation of Histoire Politique de l'Europe Contemporaine. Paris, 1897.

Semenoff (N. P.) The Emancipation of Peasants. Vol. I. St. Petersburg, 1889.

Semenoff (P. P.), Geographical and Statistical Dictionary of the Russian Empire. (Russian.) 5 vols. 8. St. Petersburg, 1863-84.

Sieroshevsky (V. A.), Description of Ethnographical Researches. Veselovsky. St. Petersburg, 1896.

Edited by N. E.

Shchapoff (A.), The Intellectual Development of the Russian People. (Russian.) 8. St. Petersburg, 1870.

Slantieff, Review of Hunts for Trade in Russia. Edited by Dep. of Agriculture (2 maps). St. Petersburg, 1891.

Stepniak (E.), King Log and King Stork, a Study of Modern Russia. 2 vols. London, 1896. Stoddard (C. A.), Across Russia from the Baltic to the Danube. 8. London, 1892. Strelbitzky (M.), Superficies de l'Europe. St. Petersburg, 1882.

Suvorin (A.), All Russia: a Directory of Industries, Agriculture, and Administration.

(With a good Railway map.) St. Petersburg, 1895. (Russian.)

Suvorin. Russian Calendar, published in December each year.

Tarassof (K.), Alexandre III. et Nicolas II. Bruxelles, 1895.

Thompson (A. B.), The Oil Fields of Russia and the Russian Petroleum Industry. London, 1904.

Thun, Industrie Central-Russlands.

Tikhomirov (L. A.), Russia Political and Social. [Translation from the French.] 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8. London, 1892.

Tselebovsky (Colonel), Collection of the latest data on the armed strength of the European States. St. Petersburg, 1899.

Verstraete (M.), La Russie Industrielle. [Nizhnii-Novgorod Exhibition.] Paris, 1897. Wallace (Mackenzie), Russia. 2 vols. 8. London, 1877.

Wisnaw (F. J.), Out of Doors in Tsarland. 8. London, 1893.

Yanson, Comparative Statistics. Vol. II. St. Petersburg, 1880. Researches into the Allotments of Peasants. St. Petersburg, 1882. (Russian.)

Zepelin (General von), Die Heere und Flotten der Gegenwart. III. Russland. Berlin, 1898.

Zograf (N.), Populations of Russland. Moscow, 1891.


Atlas de Finlande, Maps and Text. 17 vols. Helsingfors, 1899.
Constitution du Grand-Duché du Finlande. Paris, 1900.

Fisher (J. R.), Finland and the Tsars. New ed. London, 1901.

Frederiksen (N. C.), Finland, its Public and Private Economy. London, 1902.

Michelin (L. H. S.), Finland in the Nineteenth Century. 4. Helsingfors, 1894.

Phibbs (Isabella M.), The Grand Duchy of Finland. London, 1903.

Tweedie (Mr. A.), Through Finland in Carts. London, 1897.

Vlugt (W. van der), Le Conflit Finlandais and Pour la Finlande. Paris, 1900.
Windt (H. de), Finland as it is. London, 1901.


Brandes (G.), Poland: A Study of the Land, People, and Literature. London, 1903. Chlebowski Slównik geograficzny Królewstwa Polskiego i innych krajów slowianskich. 6 vols.

Warsaw, 1892-96.

Day (W. A.), The Russian Government in Poland. London, 1867.

Morfill (W. R.), Poland. In Story of the Nations Series. 8. London, 1893.

Zalewski, Historical Development of the Servitudes, &c., in the Kingdom of Poland. Warsaw, 1880.



Abich (H.), Aus kaukasischen Ländern. 2 vols. 1896.

Hahn (C.), Kaucasische Reisen und Studien. Leipsic, 1896.
Merzbacher (G.), Aus den Hochregionen des Kaukasus.

2 vols. Leipzig, 1901.

Radde (G.) and others, Grundzüge der Pflanzenverbreitung im dem Kaukasusländern, 3 Parts. Leipzig, 1899.

Central Asia.

Albrecht (Dr. Max), Russisch Centralasien. Hamburg, 1896.

Capus (G.), A travers le Royaume de Tamerlane. S. Paris, 1892.

Cobbold (R. P.), Innermost Asia. London, 1900.

Dunmore (Earl of), The Pamirs. 2 vols. 8. London, 1893.

Elias (N.), (Editor), The Moghuls of Central Asia. [Trans. by E. D. Ross.] London,


Knight (E. F.), Where Three Empires Meet. 8. London, 1893.

Krafft (H.), A travers le Turkestan Russe. Paris, 1901.

Lansdell (H.), Russian Central Asia. London, 1885.

Meakin (Annette M. B.), The Russian Turkestan. London, 1903.

Phibbs (Isabella M.), A Visit to the Russians in Central Asia. London, 1899,

Popowski (J.), The Rival Powers in Central Asia. 8. London, 1893.

Schuyler (Eugene), Turkestan: Notes of a Journey in Russian Turkestan, Khokand Bukhara, and Kuldja. 2 vols. 8. London, 1876.

Schwarz (F. von), Turkestan. Berlin and Freiberg, 1900.

Skrine (F. H.), The Expansion of Russia, 1815-1900. London, 1903.
Skrine (F. H.), and Ross (E. D.) The Heart of Asia. London, 1899.

Ular (A.), A Russo-Chinese Empire. [From the French.] London, 1904.

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