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In January, 1903, there were 736 co-operative credit societies and popular banks, 1,246 rural banks, 163 ordinary credit companies, 7 agrarian credit companies, and 11 crédit foncier companies, of which 4 were in liquidation, with 630,565,625 lire of 'cartelle fondiarie' in circulation, and with 575,101,056 lire of 'mutui con ammortamento.'

The post-office savings-banks have been in operation since January 1, 1876. Private savings-banks are subject to certain statutory rules and to Government inspection. The following table gives statistics of the post-office savings-banks and ordinary savings-banks for 1903 :

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

On December 31, 1903, the savings deposited with the co-operative credit societies and ordinary credit companies amounted to 445, 417,000 lire.

Money, Weights, and Measures.

The money, weights, and measures of Italy are the same as those of France, the names only being altered to the Italian form.

The Lira of 100 Centesimi; intrinsic value, 25-224s. to 17. sterling. The coin in circulation consists of silver 1-lire and 2-lire pieces; nickel 20 and 25 cent. pieces, and bronze 1, 2, 5 and 10 cent. pieces. Nickel coin is being substituted for bronze to a large amount. Bank notes of 50,100,500 and 1,000 lire are in circulation; also small notes, issued by the State, for 5, 10, and 25 lire.

Diplomatic Representatives.


Ambassador.-Signor Alberto Pansa.
Councillor.-F. Carignani di Novoli.
Secretary.-Alberto Martin-Franklin.

Attachés.-C. Alberto Godio and G. Brambilla.
Military Attaché.-Colonel Alessio Chapperon.
Archivist.-Chevalier G. Manetti.

There are Consular representatives at London (C.G.), Dublin, Glasgow, Liverpool (C.G.), &c.


Ambassador.-Rt. Hon. Sir E. H. Egerton, G.C.M.G., K.C. B. appointed January, 1905.

Councillor.-Hon. Reginald Lister, M.V.O.

Secretaries.-W. G. Tyrrell, Milne Cheetham, R. J. Hamilton.
Naval Attaché.-Commander R. Keyes.

Military Attaché.-Col. C. A. Lamb, M.V.O.

Consul.-C. C. Morgan.

There are Consular representatives at Brindisi, Cagliari, Florence (C. G.) Genoa (C.G.), Leghorn (V.C.), Messina (V.C.), Milan, Naples, Palermo, Spezia (V.C.), and other towns.

San Marino.

Embraced in the area of Italy is the independent Republic of San Marino, which claims to be the oldest State in Europe. Its executive power is vested in the Great Council of 60 members, two of whom are appointed every six months to act as Regents (Capitani reggenti). A smaller Council consists of 12 members. The area is 38 square miles, and population (census August 6, 1899) 11,002. The annual revenue and expenditure amount to about 12,000l. There is no public debt. The military force contains 38 officers and 950 men. The chief exports are wine, cattle and stone. A new treaty of friendship with the Kingdom of Italy was concluded at Florence, June 28, 1897.

Foreign Dependencies.

The dominion of Italy in Africa extends, on the coast of the Red Sea, from Cape Kasar (18° 2′ N.) to Cape Dumeirah on the strait of Bab-el-Mandeb (12° 30′ N.). The length of coast is about 670 miles. The area is about 88,500 square miles, and the population, which is to a great extent nomadic, is estimated at 450,000. In 1902 there were enumerated 330,000 natives and 2,800 Europeans (inclusive of the military forces), 2,150 of whom were Italians; Massawah having 7,775 inhabitants, of whom 600 are European (exclusive of the garrison), and 480 Asiatics. At present Asmara is the seat of government. By various decrees between January 1, 1890, and March 30, 1901, the Italian possessions on the Red Sea are constituted as the Colony of Eritrea, with an autonomous administration and the management of its own finance. By the treaty of Uchali, May 2, 1889, and a supplementary convention of October 1, 1889, King Menelik surrendered Hamasen, all the districts to the north of it, and the coast, to the Italians. Kasala was occupied by them on July 17, 1894, and was held 'in trust' for Egypt; and in 1895, as a result of the war with the King of Abyssinia, the province of Tigré was annexed. These successes, however, were of short duration. On March 1, 1896, an Italian army met with a crushing defeat to the east of Adowa, and after the treaty of Adis Abeba, October 26, 1896, the whole of the country to the south of the Mareb, the Belesa, and Muna rivers is restored to Abyssinia, which, moreover, is recognised as an absolutely independent power. The boundary between Eritrea and the Egyptian Sudan, as determined by treaty of April 15, 1891, protocols of December 7, 1898, June 1, 1899, and April 16, 1901, and agreement concluded November 22, 1901, runs from Ras Kasar (on the coast, south of Suakim) to Barka, thence to Sabderat, 13 miles east of Kassala, and then southwards for about 120 miles to Atbara. By treaties of July 10, 1900, between Italy and Abyssinia, and of May 15. 1902, between Great Britain, Italy, and Abyssinia, the frontiers of Eritrea were modified, both towards the Sudan and towards Abyssinia.

In the Italian dependencies the central government is represented by a civil governor, who is nominated by the King and is under the direction of the Minister for Foreign Affairs. For the year 1904-1905 the revenue and expenditure of the colony are each estimated at 9,631,800 lire, the revenue from the colony itself being 2,401,000 lire, and the contributions of Italy being 7,230,800 lire. The tropical climate and the general scarcity of water during the summer months necessitate works for irrigation before crops can be raised with success. Pasture is abundant, but the pastoral population is essentially nomadic. Camels, oxen, sheep, goats, are common, and the produce, consisting of meat, hides, butter, supplies articles of local trade. Pearl-fishing is carried on

at Massawah and the Dahlak archipelago to the annual value of from 250,000 lire for pearls and 800,000 lire for mother-of-pearl. In 1898 the Italian Pearl Fishery Company made an agreement with the Government of Massawah for the pearl fishing and cultivation of mother-of-pearl. There are gold mines worked about 6 miles from Asmara, with hopeful results.

At Massawah the imports by land and sea, the exports, and the tonnage entered were as follows:

[blocks in formation]

There are 48 miles of military railway from Massawah to Ghinda, already completed and open to the public; the line is being continued to Asmara. There is a telegraph line of 319 miles from Massawah to Assab, and of 62 miles from Assab to Perim. A telegraph line from Massawah to Addis Abeba has been laid, and opened also for private service.

The legal currency consists of Italian coins and those of the Latin Union; but in actual circulation are still some Maria Theresa dollars and Anglo-Indian and Egyptian money. The Italian mint has issued coin amounting to 10,879,995 lire, under the denominations of Eritrean dollars (= 5 Ïire), and fo, fo, fo, dollar pieces.

In February, 1889, the Sultan of Obbia, on the Somali coast (5° 33′ N. to 2° 30′ N.), put his sultanate under the protection of Italy. In April. 1889, the protectorate was extended to the country between 5° 33' N. and 8° 3' N. by treaty with the Sultan of the Mijertain Somalis, who agreed not to conclude any treaty with any foreign Power regarding the remainder of his territory. In November, 1889, Italy declared its protectorate over whole coast of Benadir, between the mouth of the river Juba and 2°30′ N., except the cities occupied by the Sultan of Zanzibar. In August, 1901, this protectorate was confirmed by another treaty. In August, 1892, the ports of Brava, Merka, Mogadisho, and Warsheik, on the Somali coast, were leased to Italy by the Sultan of Zanzibar, and the administration of the region was taken over in September, 1893. An agreement of January, 1905, gives Italy sovereign rights over this region in return for payment of 144,000l. instead of an annual rent, and the country will be administered by the Government, not by the Benadir Company. At the same time Great Britain concedes a small piece of land about Kismayu to facilitate Italian trade in the region.

Italian Somali-Land has an area of 100,000 square miles, with about 400,000 inhabitants.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Italy


Agriculture.-Atti della Giunta per l'inchiesta agraria e sulle condizioni della clases agricola. Volumi 15 (1881-86). Notizie di statistica agraria. Memorie illustrative della Carta idrografica d'Italia. Volumi 18 (1888-93). Notizie intorno alle condizione dell' agricoltura. Volumi 6 (1876-93). Bollettino di notizie agrarie, periodico (1879-1901). Censimento dei cavalli e dei muli, 1876; del bestiame asinino, bovino, &c., 1881. Bollettino per l'amministrazione forestale italiana (1868-1901),

Area. Superficie del Regno valutata nel 1884 (Firenze). Prima, seconda e 3a appendice (1896-1901). Annuario statistico italiano, 1904 (chapter on area and population). Army.-Annuario militare del Regno d' Italia (1865-1902). Della leva (1863-1902). Handbook of the Italian Army. By J. R. Slade. London, 1891.

Commerce.-Movimento commerciale del Regno d' Italia (1861-1902).

Statistica del

commercio speciale di importazione e di esportazione, mensile. Bollettino di legislazione e, statistica doganale et commerciale, trimestrale. Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries, &c. London.

Constitution and Government.-Calendario generale del Regno, 1905. Indice generale degli atti parlamentari e Storia dei Collegi ellettorali dal 1848 al 1897. Roma, 1898. Statistica elettorale politica e amministratura (1865-1904). Gazzetta Ufficiale del Regno. Roma.

Finance.-Rendiconto generale consuntivo dell' Amministrazione dello stato (presentato annualmento al Parlamento). Stati di previsione dell' Entrata e della spesa (Annuali). Il Bilancio del Regno d'Italia dal 1862 al 1899-1900. Relazione della Direzione generale del Tesoro (1865-1902). Relazione del Direttore generale alla Commissione di vigilanza sul rendiconto dell' Amministrazione del debito pubblico (1865-1903); della Direzione generale delle imposte dirette (1865-1903; sull' Amministrazione del demanio e delle tasse sugli affari (1873-1903); sull' Amministrazione delle gabelle (1873-1903); della Commissione centrale di sindacato sull' Amministrazione dell' Asse ecclesiastico (1867-1903). Bollettino di statistica e di legislazione demaniale comparata (1900-1904). Relazione sul servizio del lotto (1893-4, 1901-1903). Imposta sui rediti di ricchezza mobile, statistica del reddito accertato e tassato (1882-1901). Bilanci comunali (1863-99). Bilanci provinciali (1863-99), Statistica dei debiti comunali e provinciali (1873-1900).

Foreign Office Reports, Annual Series, and Miscellaneous Series. London. Foreign Office List. by Sir E. Hertslet. Annual, London.

Industries, mining, &c.-Monografie di statistica industriale, Annali di statistica, serie IV. (Monografie per tutte le provincie del Regno). Bollettino dell' Ufficio del lavoro (iniziato nell' aprile, 1904). Rivista del servizio minerario (1879-1903). Statistica delle forze motricii impiegate nell' agricultura e nelle industrie del Regno al 1° gennaio, 1899. Notizie statistiche sugli impianti elettrici esistenti in Italia alla fine del 1898 e cenni sulle industrie elettriche in Italia, a tutto il 1900. Roma, 1901. Statistica delle fabbriche di spirito, birra, &c. (semestrale.) Azienda dei sali, Relazione e bilancio industriale (18871903). Azienda dei tabacchi (1884-1903). Statistica degli scioperi avvenuti nell' industria e nell' agricoltura (1884-1903). Elenco delle società cooperative legalmente costituite esistents al 31 Decembre 1902 (escluse quelle che hanno per scopo principale l'esercizio delle assicurazioni e del credito).

Instruction, Religion, &c.-Statistica dell' istruzione elementare (1877-1902); secondaria e superiore (1880-96). Notizie statistiche sul movimento degli alunni e sugli esami nelle regie scuole superiori, speciali e pratiche di agricoltura (1899-1903). Annuario delle scuole industriali, professionali, commerciali, di disegno industriale e di arte applicata all' industria, dipendenti o sussidiate dal Ministero dell' industria e del commercio, 1901. Notizie intorno alle Scuole darte e di disegno italiane, pubblicate dal Ministero della pubblica istruzione. Statistica delle biblioteche (1891-1900). Statistica della Stampa periodica (1880-95). La Gerarchia Cattolica, la Famiglia e la Cappella Pontificia, annuale. publicazione dell' Autoriti ecclesiastica. Relazione del direttore generale del fondo per il culto, &c., 1898-1903.

Justice, Crime, &c.-Statistica giudiziaria civile e commerciale (1880-1902). Statistica giudiziaria penale (1880-1902). Statistica delle carceri (1867-1901).

Money, Credit, &c.-Relazione della Direzione generale del Tesoro (1865, 1902-1903). Memoria presentata alla Commissione permanente di vigilanza sulla circolazione e sugli istituti di emissione (1898). Relazione del Direttore generale del tesoro intorno alle operazioni di rimpatrio delle monete divisionali d'argento (1895). Sommario della legislazione sulle monete decimali d'oro, d'argento, eroso misto, di rame bronzo e nichelio coniate negli antichi Stati d'Italia, nel Regno d'Italia e per la Repubblica di San Merino dal 1801, al 31 Dicembre, 1900, e notizie statistiche relative. Roma, 1902.-Bollettino (mensile) delle situazioni dei conti degli istituti di emissione, &c. Le società cooperative di credito e banche popolari, le società ordinarie di credito, le socletà ed istituti di credito agrario, e gli istituti di credito fondiario (1887-90). Statistica delle banche popolari (18801902). Statistica delle casse di resparmio (1889-97). Bollettino Semestrale delle casse di risparmio-ordinarie. Relazione statistica ai servizi postale e telegrafico ed al servizio delle casse postali di risparmio (1887-1900). Bollettino ufficiale (settimanale) delle società per azioni. Elenco delle società di mutuo soccorso legalmente riconoscente al 31 Decembre 1902.

Navy.-Annuario ufficiale della Regia marina (1862-1904). Leva marittima e situazione del corpo reale equipaggi e della riserva navale (1879-1902). Relazione sull'andamento dell' amministrazione marittima (1878-1903).

Pauperism.-Statistica delle Opere pie alla fine del 1880 e dei lasciti di beneficenza fatti negli anni 1881-1903. Volumi 10. Atti della Commissione Reale di inchiesta sulle Opere pie. Volumi 9 (1884-92). Statistica della assistenza dell' infanzia abbandonata (1890-98).

Population.-Censimento generali della popolazione del Regno, January 1, 1862, 1872, 1881, and February 10, 1901. Censimento degli italiani all' estero nel 1871 e nel 1881. Emigrazione e colonie, Rapporti di RR. agenti diplomatici e consolari, 1893. Emigrazione e colonie, 1903 (Vol. I. Europa. Parte I. Francia, Parte II. Svizzera, Austria-Ungheria, Gran Bretagna, Spagna e Gibilterra, Portogallo, Malta). Bollettino dell' emigrazione (dai 1902). Movimento dello stato civile (1862-1901). Emigrazione italiana all' estero (18761903).

Railways, Posts, Telegraphs, &c.-Relazione sull'esercizio e sulle costruzioni delle strade ferrate italiane (1867-1901). Relazione sull' esercizio delle tramvie italiane, 1900-1901. Relazione sulle strade nazionali, provinciali, et comunali (1884-97). Relazione statistica intorno ai servizi postale e telegrafico, &c. (1888-1899). Indicatore postale-telegrafico del Regno d'Italia (1864-1904).

Shipping, &c.-Movimento della navigazione nei porti del Regno (1862-1903). Sulle condizioni della marina mercantile italiana (1881-1903).

Statistics (general).-Annuario statistico italiano (1878-1904).-Bollettino del Ministero di agricoltura, industria e commercio, dal 1° gennaio, 1902.


Possessi e Protettorati in Africa. Annuario statistico italiano, anno 1895 (which contains a list of official documents relating to the colony of Eritrea). Roma, 1896. And Annuario statistico italiano 1900 and 1904.


Allen (Grant), Florence. [Historical Guide.] London, 1897.

Amati Amato, Dizionario corografico dell' Italia. 8 vols. Milano, 1868-80.

Antinori (Giuseppe), Studii Sociali. 8. Napoli, 1885.

Baedeker's Handbooks for Travellers. Northern Italy, 12th ed., 1903; Central Italy and Rome, 13th ed., 1900; Southern Italy and Sicily, 13th, ed., 1900. Leipsic and London. Bazin (R.), The Italians To-day. [Tr. by J. Crooklands.] London, 1896.

Beauclerk (Dr. W. N.), Rural Italy; an Account of the present Agricultural Condition of the Kingdom. London, 1888.

Bent (Th.), A History of Genoa. London.

Bertolotti (Giuseppe), Statistica ecclesiastica d'Italia.

Savona, 1885.

Blashfield (E. H. and E. W.), Italian Cities. 2 vols. London, 1901.

Bodio (L.), Di alcuni indici misuratori del movimento economico in Italia. 3a edizione riveduta ed ampliata. In progress, Roma, tipografia Nazionale di G. Bertero.

Carmichael (M.), In Tuscany. London, 1901.

Cesaresco (Countess Martenengo), The Liberation of Italy. London, 1894.-Cavour. London, 1898.-Lombard Studies. London, 1902.

Church (Sir R.), In Italy and Greece (Secret Societies). London, 1895.
Coldstream (J. P.), The Institutions of Italy. London, 1895.

Crawford (F. Marion), Ave Roma Immortalis. London, 1898.-The Rulers of the South. London, 1900.

Cruickshank (J. W. and A. M.), The Umbrian Towns. (Historical Guides). London, 1901. Debidour (A.), Formation de l'Unité Italienne, vol. xi. of Histoire Générale. Paris, 1899. Deecke (W.), Italy: A Popular Account of the Country, its People, and its Institutions (including Malta and Sardinia). Eng. Trans. London, 1904.

Dicey (E.), Victor Emmanuel. 8. London, 1882. Cavour: a Memoir 8. London, 1861. Dubois (M.) and Guy (C.), Album Géographique. Vol. III. Paris, 1899.

Duffy (Bella), The Tuscan Republics. [In "Story of the Nations" series.] 8. London.


Edwardes (C.), Sardinia and the Sardes. 8. London, 1889.

Elliot (Frances), Diary of an Idle Woman in Italy. 2 vols. 8. London, 1871. Diary o. an Idle Woman in Sicily. 2 vols. 8. London, 1881.

Fischer (P. D.), Italien und die Italiener am Schlusse des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1899.

Fischer (T.), La Peninsola Italiana. Torino, 1902.

Forbes (Sir C. S.), The Campaign of Garibaldi in the Two Sicilies: a Personal Narrative. 8. Edinburgh, 1861.

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