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It is proper that we should introduce this celebrated Hymn by some remarks on its Author and its history. We are glad to find all that is needed in this respect furnished at our hand, in the excellent new German Hymn Book of Dr. Schaff-which has just left the press, a notice of which will be found in the present number of the Guardian-from which we translate. "The 'Dies Irae of the Franciscan monk, Thomas of Celano, composed about A. D. 1250, is the most noble and perfect production of the Latin Church poetry. Of this world-renowned wonderful 'gigantic Hymn' which, sounding like the trumpet of the Last Day, thrills through every feeling heart, there are more than seventy excellent German besides many English translations, of which Dr. Lisco, in a special volume on this Hymn, includes forty. The most successful translations are those of Schlegel, Bunsen, Knapp, Daniel, J. P. Lange, Toestrup, Herder, Meyer, Follen, Wessenburg, Harms, Doring. The translation given in the hymn-book just mentioned is by Dr. Schaff himself, and will be found to possess much merit. He refers to an English translation by A. Cole, an American (which we have not seen) as, in his opinion, the most successful attempt to render the 'gigantic Hymn' into English. The one here presented has the merit of being literal; besides it has much of the sturdiness and majesty of the original. Of course the best attempts must come far short of the trumpet-tongued original. The reader will of course notice that the prayer in verses 13 and 14 is not such an one as a Protestant can offer, nor one we think any soul will desire to offer in "that day of wrath-that dreadful day." The name Jesus put in the place of Mary, will make it all right; for "there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." ED. GUARDIAN.

O Day of Wrath! That Day of Days,
To ashes shall the Earth emblaze-
Say David's hymns and Sybil lays.

O the trembling and the quaking!
When the Judge-His presence making-
Would sum all things strictly rating!

Blasts of Trumpet will be rending
E'en the Tombs; the Dead ear lending,
Called, and all the Throne attending.

Death and Nature with surprising
See all creature life arising,
And their Judge response derising.

Then the Book shall be revealed-
In which are Time's secrets sealed-
Whence the World's Wrongs shall be healed

Solvet seclum in favilla,
Teste David cum Sibylla.

Quantus tremor est futurus,
Quando judex est venturus,
Cuncta stricte discussurus?

Tuba mirum spargens sonum,
Per sepulcra regionum,
Coget omnes ante thronum.

Mors stupebit et natura,
Cum resurget creatura,
Judicanti responsura.

Liber scriptus proferetur,
In quo totum continetur,
Unde mundus judicetur

In the seat of Justice sitting;
Closely judging-naught omitting-
All shall know all-'tis befitting.

O what shall be my behaviour?
With what Patron then seek favor!
Scarcely has the Saint a Saviour!

King of all majestic station,
Blessing with Thy Grace the Nation;
Save me! Fountain of Salvation!

Jesus crucified! Remember
Thou disdst Life for me surrender!
In that Day be iny Defender!

Weary seeking me-enduring
Crucifixion; Life procuring!
Is mine still a vain assuming?

Righteous Judge of righteous vengeance,
In Thy Pardon 's my dependence
Ere the Last Day gains ascendance.

Like a culprit I am groaning;
Face confused; heart atoning;
"Spare Thy suppliant!" ever moaning.

Mary, Thou didst grant remittance; Spak'st the Dying Thief's acquittanceI too trust in Thine assistance.

Poor indeed is my desire!
Let Thy merit raise it higher,
Lest I feel the Eternal fire!

Let me then as sheeps find pasture
-Nor with goats lament disaster-
At the Right Hand of my Master.

When the accused-from malediction
Sink to Hell-endless affliction-
Seal on me Thy Benediction!

I a suppliant pray, prostrated;
Heart contrite-in dust sedated:
"In bliss let me be consummated!"

Day of sorrows, sighs and tears,
To him who from his grave appears,
And that determ'ning "Guilty" hears.

Thy creatures spare them Gracious Lord!
For Jesus sake-the Incarnate Word-
And all a heavenly rest afford. Amen.

Judex ergo cum sedebit,
Quidquid latet, apparebit,
Nil inultum remanebit.

Quid sum miser tunc dicturus,
Quem patronum rogaturus,
Quum vix justus sit securus?

Rex tremendae majestatis,
Qui salvandos salvas gratis,
Salva me fons pietatis.

Recordare, Jesu pie,
Quod sum causa tuae viae;
Ne me perdas illa die.

Quærens me sedisti lassus.
Redemisti crucem passus;
Tantus labor non sit cassus.

Juste judex ultionis, Donum fac remissionis Ante diem rationis.

Ingemisco tanquam reus,
Culpa rubet vultus meus:
Supplicanti parce Deus.

Qui Mariam absolvisti
Et latronem exaudisti,
Mihi quoque spem dedisti.

Preces meae non sunt dignae,
Sed tu bonus fac benigne,
Ne perenni cremer igne.

Inter oves locum præsta,
Et ab hædis me sequestra,
Statuens in parte dextra.

Confutatis maledictis,
Flammis acribus addictis;
Voca mo cum benedictis.

Oro supplex et acclinis, Cor contritum, quasi cinis: Gere curam mei finis.

Lacrymosa dies illa,
Qua resurget ex favilla,
Judicandus homo reus.

Huic ergo parce Deus !
Pie Jesu Domine!
Dona eis requiem. Amen.

I have left the golden shore,

Where childhood 'midst the roses played;
Those sunny dreams will come no more,
That Youth a long, bright Sabbath made.
Yet, while those dreams of memory's eye

Arise in many a glittering train,
My soul goes back to infancy,
And hears my mother's song again!"


DEUTSCHES GESANGBUCH. Eine Auswahl geistlicher Lieder aus allen Zeiten der Christlichen Kirche. Nach den besten hymnologischen Quellen bearbeitet und mit erläuternden Bemerkungen ruber die Verfasser, den Inhalt und die Geschiehte der Lieder verschen, von Philip Schaff, Doctor und Professor der Theologie. Phild, Lindsay und Blakiston. Schafer und Koradi. Berlin: Wiegant und Griben, 1859.

(That is:-A German Hymn-Book. A selection of Spiritual Hymns from all ages of the Christian Church. Elaborated according to the best sources, and accompanied by explanatory notes in reference to the Authors, contents and history of the Hymns, by Philip Schaff, Doctor and Professor of Theology.)

A good German Hymn-Book has long been needed in America. It is acknowledged that the greatest number of those we possess are greatly defective. They have for the most part, been hastily complied from secondary sources, and as a consequence, many of the best old Hymns are multilated, -improved for the worse! The changes have not only been made with the hope of improving the poetry, but also often with the design of changing the theology of the old Hymns. Many of them were altered during the reign of Rationalism, when the word VIRTUE was put in the place of PIETY-IMPROVEMENT for REGENERATION-REASON for FAITH, and so of many others. In these compilations from secondary sources the subtle poison which has killed out the true life of the old savory Hymns has been overlooked; consequently we have many of them in our common Hymn Books eviscerated, and they are now just as much like their originals as would be the play of Hamlet with Hamlets part left out.

These facts being known and felt, we are sure there are thousands who with us will hail the appearances of something better; and we hesitate not, after a careful examination of this work of Dr. Schaff, to say that this is here presented to the churches of our land. The book pleases us altogether. We are pleased with its natural arrangement, its deeply devotional and truly Catholic spirit, and the confidence with which every page inspires us, by its scientific aparatus, as well as the evangelical spirit of the hymns, and the childiike piety and true scholarly ability of the complier. The rich "explanatory notes in reference to the Authors, contents and History of the Hymns," in small type under the caption of each Hymn, amounts almost to a history of hymnology. These are especially interesting as showing into what different languages any hymn has been translated. Besides this, it bas another feature, which has interested us even more than the notes. It is the metrical register, in which is given, not only the various tunes that may be sung to any Hymn, but the Author of the tune, and the date of its composition are indicated. This itself is worth the price of the book.

At last a German Hymn Book has appeared in America. It is worthy of that name. In its noble hymns, when sung to the equally noble old choral tunes, will be heard the sound of the ages! Here are words of high inspiration born in the hearts, and caught from the lips of martyrs, confessors, and saints of all ages, lands and languages. What sacred associations of faith, and hope, and love, and penitential tears, of joys and sorrows, of conflicts and victories, make fragrant every line and word of these glorious Hymns! May the odor of their spiritual incense go up in thousands of churches, and from tens of thousands of pious hearts, to the praise of God and the Lamb.

This book is published in the highest style of the art, contains 663 pages, 500 hymns, and retails at $1.25. To be had in the book stores generally.

THE NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPÆDIA: A popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by George Ripley and Charles Dana. Vol. VI. Cough-Education. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 346 and 348 Broadway, London: 16 Little Brittain, 1859.

This Sixth Volume of 762 pages, like its predecessors, contains articles on about 2000 words. Among these are biographical notices of noted Americans, as for instance, Dr. Cox, C. P. Cranch, David Crocket, Grace Darling, Bishop Doane, Dr. Dunglingson, Stephen A. Douglas, and many others. Besides these are lengthy and elaborate articles on Council, Court, Cranmer, Crawford, Crimea, Criminal Law, Cromwell, Cuba, Cuneiforn Inscriptions, Cuvier, Cyclopædia, Cyprian, the Two Cyrils, Dante, Deaf and Dumb, Deluge, Diocletian, Donatists, Druids, Duel, Dreams, Eagle, Earth, Earthquake, Edda, Education, &c. It needs but the presentation of such a specimen of the subjects treated in a single volume of this extensive work to suggest what a library of information the whole must furnish. It has often been a matter of surprise to us that men of limited means and time for reading, do not provide themselves with a good Cyclopædia, in which they have reliable information on the whole range of learning, and in a form most convenient for reference. Of all works of this kind now extant, we know of none so well-suited in all respects for such use, as this New Cyclopedia of Appleton. It is brought down fully to the present time, and seems to have been prepared with great care. It is sold through agencies. Elias Barr & Co., are agents for Lancaster and York counties, who, as we are informed have circulated a great number of copies. $3 per volume in cloth.

POEMS: By Henry Harbaugh, Author of "The Sainted Dead," the "Heavenly Recognition," the "Heavenly Home," the "Birds of the Bible," the "True Glory of Woman," etc., etc. Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1859, pp. 285.

This being our own child, it would be unnatural in us to blame it, and immodest to praise it. We leave both these, or either of them for others to do, ourselves meanwhile remaining silent as it is meet and right that we should. We will only say that the book is beautifully gotten up by the Publishers, Lindsay & Blakiston.




No. 12.




On a dark day in November the first flakes of snow, like white down, circled through the air, silently covering streets and roofs as with a bright white veil. Little Jonathan Monkenwyk, a gentle, flaxen-haired, blue-eyed boy seven years old, stood at the window, and looking out through the large clear panes, watched the whirling flakes as they fell in countless numbers and yet so silently and softly from the heavy skies to the earth.

The ever-varying, ever new play of the millions of light, loosely adhering crystals, seemed greatly to delight the thoughtful mind of the boy; for he did not become weary of feeding his eyes on the scene. Again and again he would fix his eye on some very large flakes of snow, high, high up in the air, and follow them down through the chaos of whirling masses till with their fellows they softly nestled themselves on the roof or in the street, thus losing themselves in the multitudes that had already fallen.

Suddenly he clapped his hands with a new joy, turned away from the window into the well-warmed, comfortable, and somewhat splendid parlor, and with jubilant feelings cried out aloud: "Mother, guess of what the snow reminds me! O, what joy! Why did I not think of it before!" "Of what, my child?" asked the mother, a stately, beautiful woman, dressed in heavy silk-as she cast a smiling glance toward the boy. "Of what does the snow remind you?"

"No, no, you must guess it, mother! It is easy; you can easily guess it!"

"Well, if I must guess, it reminds you certainly of the fine sleighing of last year which gave you so much pleasure. Do you remember yet how merrily the bells rang, and how we glided, swiftly as a bird on the wing, over the smooth snow-covered road?"

"Yes, that was fine, wonderfully fine!" answered the boy. The sun shone so brightly, the heavens were so blue and pure, the air sparkled

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