A Monthly Magazine, DEVOTED TO THE SOCIAL, LITERARY AND RELIGIOUS INTERESTS OF YOUNG MEN AND LADIES. CONTENTS OF VOLUME XI. Alone at the Rendezvous....... 22 Heaven... .......262 A Little Work for the Little Folks 30 History of the Prince of Wales 293 A Rellgious Curiosity....... 57 "In the Midst of Life we are in .. A Trade-a Fortune...... All's Well....... 121 Increase of Longevity.. 4 A Little While 124 If We Knew... ..240 Boasting....... A Fable to show the Folly of I Would Not Live Alway.. .....166 Jesus Christ the Only Principle 275 A Rhyme from the Mill Hopper.203 A Little While. ..207 Lines for an Album 44 An Hour at the Old Play Ground 284 Leaving the Parsonage.... 314 Acquisition of a Good Name....304 More World's Than One...... Florence Nightingale.198, 316 Revolutionary Piety....... .... 13 Forever with the Lord........265 Running Off....... Golden Parables....... 6, 45, 75 Rest.. Hatem Tai, and the Poor Woodman 68 Sowing and Reaping. 110, 145, 167, 208, 237, 267, 310, Self-Delusion... Here and There...............140 The Baby in Your Eyes......... He Suffered... .......... 148 The Christmas Tree........... 51 359 5 29 40 72 .101 172 181 .202 302 8 11 The Highland Mother.. .164 The Lost Bracelet... .368 The Two Soliloquies....... The Maiden's Sorrow. The Nature of Sin..... The Wire-Walker... The Beautiful Land... "The Grit Bear-Legged Laddie".. 173 Une Traite.... The Portion of the Departed....176 Varieties... The Goepel and Civil Law in Re- What They Have Done......... 91 37 174 Via Crucis, Via Lucis.... ..163 .175 Vincit Veritas. .252 332,367 .177 Vater, Ich Rufe Dich... .333 lation to the Liquor Traffic..196 What Women Have Done for To My Mother.. ..197 The Old Folks Alone... 212 Christianity 97, 154, 161, 193,230, 957 257, 335, 361. What a Boy's Pocket Contained 156 The Mother's Dream..... .263 Who Can Be Trusted?...... 300 336 .359 |