ence on bribery and corruption
miscalculated, 422. Baltinglass, Viscount, marriage of his sister with Thomas Fuller, i. 8. Bampton Lectures,' reference to the, i. 275.
Banquet,' the, of Plato, i. 341. Baptism, doctrine of, held by the Anglican school of divines, ii. 84. Barrow, Isaac, his definition of Fuller's wit, i. 13. Basing House, siege of, i. 6. Bayle, his sceptical views refuted by Leibnitz, i. 184. His illustration of the theory of the Pre-estab- lished Harmony,' of Leibnitz, 213. His scepticism, 284.
Baxter, Richard, chief peculiarities of his pulpit eloquence, i. 433. Beasts, faculties of, Sydney Smith's lecture on the, iii. 223, 224. Beauchamps, Henry, Lord, his friend- ship for Fuller, i. 6.
Beattie, his strictures on Locke's phi- losophy, iii. 143.
Beautiful, Plato's dialogue on the, i. 314. Burke's ideas on the, 314. Hogarth's 315. Locke's insensi- bility to the, iii. 104. Beauty, prelections of Sydney Smith on, iii. 218. Lord Jeffrey's admir- able Essay on, 220. Mr. Burke's view of proportion as a cause of beauty, 223.
Belief and disbelief, observations on, i. 276., et seq. Bellasis, Lord, i. 66.
Benevolence, deep, of Pascal's writ- ings, i. 271.
Benson, his Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, i. 400.
Bentley, his critical sagacity, iii. 134. 'Beowulf Glossary,' Kemble's, i. 401. Berkeley, Bishop, reference to his views, i. 217.
Berlin Academy of Sciences, founda- tion of, i. 183.
Bible, its translation by Luther into his native language, i. 125. 130. Its position in the history of litera- ture, 497. Its influence, 497. Its plainness, ii. 56. An infallible guide in all that is necessary to sal- vation, 56, 57. Distribution of the, condemned by the Anglican school, 129. Contrast between the moral system of Plato and the ethics of the Gospel, 310., note. Alleged dis- crepancies in the sacred writers, 322. Liberty of rejecting portions of Scrip-
ture, 325. Answers to the objectors to Revelation, 335. Reasonable interpretation of Scripture, 337. Harmony between the sciences and Revelation, 339. Remarks on the two theories accounting for the va- riations and discrepancies in the Scriptures, 380. Wicliffe's En- glish translation of the Bible, iii. 251.
Biographical literature, i. 483. Bishop, office of, highly flattered in the Anglican school of theology, ii. 69. 170. Roman Catholic assump- tion of the title of, in England, iii. 348, 349. True meaning of the term, 349.
Blackmore, his poetry, iii. 104. Boineburg, Baron de, a patron of Leibnitz, i. 174, 175. His death, 178.
Books, superabundance of, an evil, ii. 457. Remarks on the best modes of reading, 459. Gibbon's method of studying new books, 460. Men- zel's calculations of the vast num- ber of German books annually printed, 465., note. Mortality of books, good and bad, 468, 469. The Spicilegium' mentioned by Steele, 475. Popularity decreases as books accumulate, 474, 475. Addison's remarks on the condensa- tion of books, 488. Menzel's stric- tures on books made out of books,' 491. Literary fashions, 494. Some- thing valuable in all books not positively immoral, 499. Bosworth, Dr., his ‹ Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language,' i. 368. Remarks on the work, 400., et seq. Bouillier, M., his Eloge,' iii. 37. Bouvet, his communication to Leib- nitz on the Chinese Characters, i. 183.
Boyle, his acquaintance with Leib- nitz, i. 178.
Brandis, Professor, his account of the life and works of Plato, i. 310., note.
Brewster, Sir David, his remarks on the controversy between Sir Isaac
Newton and Leibnitz, i. 227, 228. 'British Critic,' quotation from, re- specting the Eucharist, ii. 88., note. On miracles, 88., note. On the Church of Rome, 92., note. Britons, their expulsion by the Anglo- Saxons, iii. 230. Their language, few traces of, in English, 230.
Broad Winsor, Fuller's rectory at, i. 4. Brown, Dr. Thomas, his illustration
of the theory of the Pre-estab- lished Harmony' of Leibnitz, i. 213. Browne, Sir Thomas, compared with Fuller, i. 31.
Brougham, Lord, his observations on the origin of evil, i. 199, 200. Brunswick, History of the House of,' i. 179.
Brucker, his life of Leibnitz, in the "History of Philosophy,' i. 168. Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, his ridicule of Dryden, i. 76. Buil, papal, Luther's memorable burn- ing of the, i. 120. 147. Bunyan, reference to his Pilgrim's Progress,' i. 289.
Cadmon, Index to,' Thorpe's, i. 401. Cajetan, Cardinal, his letter to the Elector Frederic concerning Lu- ther, i. 122-124. His refusal to continue his controversy with Lu- ther, 140.
Calamy, his droll account of Fuller's examination before the Court of 'Triers,' i. 8.
Calculating machine, the, projected by Leibnitz, i. 193.
Calvisius, Chronological Thesaurus of, i. 170.
Cambridge, History of the University of,' Fuller's, notice of, i. 9. Camden, his testimony to the co- piousness and variety of the English language, i. 399.
Candide, Le,' Voltaire's, i. 213. Carcavi, iii. 18.
Cardale, Mr., his labours in Anglo- Saxon, i. 401.
Carlisle, Lord, his embassy to Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, i. 66. Carlstadt, enthusiasm of some of his followers, i. 121. Letter from Luther to, 123. Carriages, swift, proposed by Leib- nitz, i, 193.
Carteret, Sir George, charged with embezzlement of the public money, i. 64.
Cartesius, A Voyage to the World of,' iii. 37.
Casimir, John, King of Poland, his abdication, i. 175.
Catherine, wife of Luther, i. 148. Catholicism, as reared at Oxford, rather unstable, ii. 151. Self-con- tradictory views of the Tractarians as to one indivisible Catholic system, 158. What is Catholicism? 160. One system of, cannot be extracted from tradition or antiquity, 163- Tractarian theory that it is a Church ONE and VISIBLE, 169, 170. Fallacy of that view, 172. Views held by some that Popery is but a development of primitive Chris- tianity,' 182.
Cause, Locke's Chapter on, iii. 177,
'Cautions for the Times,' iii. 360., and note.
Cavalieri's Method of Indivisibles,' i. 249.
Caxton, William, his remarks on the improvements in the English lan- guage in his time, iii. 265, 266. Cephalus, his reply to Socrates, i. 330. Ceremonial, zeal of Oxford Tractarian
school in behalf of, in religious wor- ship, ii. 130-135. Charades, remarks of Sydney Smith on, iii. 217.
Charles II., corruptions of his court, i. 56, 57. His unwelcome visits to the House of Peers, 57. 64. His admiration of the wit and accom- plishments of Andrew Marvell, 67. Character of the high churchmen of his reign, 69. Marvell's parody on the king's speeches, 82. Most men laughers in his reign, 100. Charter,' the, one of the chief fea- tures of, ii. 423.
Chaucer, his English, iii. 251. 256. Cheke, Sir John, his idiomatic style, iii. 269.
Chillingworth, Dr., his resemblance to Locke, iii. 91.
Chinese characters, Bouvet on the, i. 183.
Christianity, internal evidences, of, i. 273. External evidences of, 275. And Mahometanism, contrasts be- tween, 275. Pascal's remarks upon the force of the proofs of, 280. Evidences of, examination of the arguments respecting, 296. Its un- paralleled successes against all op- posing systems, ii. 307. Difficulty of
an infidel giving a rational account of the establishment of, 307. Objec- tions to the truth of, where directed, 321. Prospective view of, 342- 346. 'Reasonableness of,' Locke's, iii, 144.
Church, the Christian, its condition in
the time of Luther, i. 160. Church of Christ, held as one visible church, by the Oxford Tractarian school, ii. 90-97. Church of England, want of unity in the, ii. 66-69. Essentially Protest- ant, 245. Founders of, indulged in inconsistent language regarding the authority of the Fathers, 245. Er- rors of its Book of Homilies,' 246. Ingenious theory of Mr. Isaac Taylor as to the cause of this, 246. Church of Rome. See Ultramontane Doubts.
Church History of England,' Ful- ler's, notice of, i. 5. 9. Analysis of the chief peculiarities of, 38. Churchmen, character of the, of the reign of Charles II., i. 69. Cicero, his philosophical dialogues, i. 338.
Classes, lower, suggestions for their social improvement, ii. 442. Duties of manufacturing and commercial classes, 445.
Classics, Greek and Roman, destiny
Clerc, Le, his testimony to Locke's social qualities, iii. 115, 116. Cleveland, Duchess of, her monopoly of wealth and patronages, i. 57. Cleves, Locke's description of the people of, iii. 107.
Clouds,' the, of Aristophanes, refer- ence to, i. 347.
Cobbet, William, his remarkably idio- matic English, i. 399.
'Codex Juris Gentium Diplomaticus,' the, of Leibnitz, i. 180.
Cogito, ergo sum,' Descartes' cele- brated starting point, iii. 24. Coleridge, S. T., his opinion of Fuller as a writer, i. 1. 44. His eulogium of Luther's letters, 106. Colonies, importance of the English, ii. 460., note.
the change in the English lan- guage, iii. 233. Conscience, enslavement of men's, con- tended for by Bishop Parker, i. 71. "Constitutions are not made, but grow,' ii. 403. The English con- stitution, the growth of ages, 404. Marked by the law of continuity,
Conti, the Abbé, reference to, i. 221. Controversy the peculiar province of the logic of Locke, iii. 4. Councils, General, or Popes superior? iii. 325.
Cousin, M. Victor, his Report respect- ing the necessity of a new edition of Pascal's Pensées,' i. 234. 244. Re- marks on his argument that Pascal was a 'universal sceptic,' 245. 276. His translation of Plato's Dia- logues' into French, 303. His edi- tion of the works of Descartes, iii. 1—11. His observations on the 'Method' of Descartes, 63. His lectures on the philosophy of John Locke, 90. Character of his phi- losophical writings, 110, 111. marks on his lectures on Locke's philosophy, 111. His objections to Locke's phraseology, 125. His charge against Locke of sensational ten- dencies, 129. Merit of his tures on Locke,' 134. His injustice to Locke, 156. 166. His remarks on Locke's ideas of space, 157. His misconception of Locke's idea of duration, 159. His views of Locke's notion respecting our ideas of the infinite, 160. Justice of some of his strictures, 169. His just severity on Locke's notions of 'personal identity,' 173. His views respect- ing the freedom of the will, 179. Cowper, reference to his beningity, i.
87. Elegance of his 'Letters,' iii. 111. Cranach, Luke, Luther's letter to, i. 138.
Crime, remarks on the prevention of, ii. 547., et seq. The most effectual preventive the influence of educa. tion, 561. Criminals, treatment of, ii. 361. Re- ports on the mode of disposing of, 459., note. Pernicious sentiment- ality of the public regarding, 463. Difficulties attending the legislation for, 464. Treatment of those sent to New South Wales, 480. Assign- ment system' of, considered, 480. Captain Maconochie's social system
of treating criminals considered, 497. Reasons why the present mode of treatment in regard to transport- ation should be abandoned, 525. What is to be done with criminals when their sentence of labour is ex- pired? 530-546.
Crito,' the, of Plato, English trans- lations of, i. 303.
Croft, Dr., Bishop of Hereford, notice of his tract, The Naked Truth, or the True State of the Primitive Church, by a Humble Moderator,' i. 79. Marvell's defence of it, 79, 80. Cromwell, Oliver, his prohibition of all royalists from preaching, &c., i. 8.
Cudworth, Mr., (Lady Masham's bro- ther,) his friendship with Locke, ii. 109.
Cycloid, Pascal's discoveries respect- ing the, i. 236.
ment of Pascal, i. 250., note. Re- view of his genius and writings, iii. 1. His vast influence in the origi- nation and development of modern philosophy, 2. Enormous space he occupies in the annals of speculation,
His actual contributions to hu- man science, 3. His foundation of Algebraic Geometry 4. 17. His strong philosophic temperament, 4. Named at thirteen 'the Young Phi- losopher,' 4. His abjuration of all the rewards of ordinary ambition, 5. His voluntary seclusion in Holland, 5. His apparent laziness and self- indulgence, 6. His interior history, sketched by himself, 7. His obser- vations on philosophy, 8. His in- tense thirst for scientific and philo- sophic truth, 9. His three dreams, 10. His endeavour to obtain an introduction to the Rosicrucians, 10. His commission to Father Mersenne, respecting the Meditations,' 10. His amiable qualities as a man and a philosopher, 11. His scepticism and subsequent dogmatism, 12, 13. His want of courage and frankness, 13.
His prudential directions to Regius, 15. His knowledge and reading, 16. His jealous disposi- tion, 17. His injustice to Snellius, 17. His suspicious affirmation of ignorance of the discoveries of others, 18. His only references to Lord Bacon, 18. Formidable list of plagiarisms laid to his charge, 19. Perspicuity of his style, 20. His celebrated starting-point of Cogito, ergo sum,' 24. 26. The character of his doubts, 25. His argument for the existence of an external world, 26. His philosophy a re- markable example of system, 29. His system of physics, 30. His rude mechanical and chemical hy- potheses, 31. His speculations on creation, 33. His meditations on sidereal astronomy, 34. And on
the modes in which the universe may be supposed to have been evolved, 35. Remarks on his pos- sible universe, 36. Observations on his innate ideas,' 38., et seq. His celebrated arguments' for the existence of God, 54., et seq. His notions respecting the infinite, 61. Remarks on Descartes' Method,' 63., et seq. Descartes' method com- pared with that of Baeon, 63—67.
Uselessness of his four rules of 'Method,' 73. His opinions in re- lation to the lower animals, 75., et seq. Influence of Descartes' writ- ings on the early genius of Locke,
De Wette, Dr. W. M. L., review of his • Entire Correspondence of Dr. Martin Luther,' &c., i. 104.,
Dialogue, the form of, often attempted
with a view of delivering didactic matter, i. 338.
Dialogues' of Plato, their unique beauties, i. 302. Translations of, into various languages, 303., et seq. 'Dictionary,' the, of Bayle, i. 184. Diet of Nuremberg, i. 161. Of Worms, 111. 121. 137. Of Augsburg,
138. Differential Calculus, claims of Leib- nitz to the invention of, i. 177. Controversy between Sir Isaac New- ton and Leibnitz respecting the dis- covery of, 218., et seq. Masterly manner in which its principles were expounded by Leibnitz, 225. Diogenes, his remark on the pride of Plato, i. 349.
D'Israeli the elder, his opinion that 'the loss of a poet is compensated by the acquirement of an historian,' i. 481., note.
Dobson, Mr., his translation of Schlei- Introduction to the Dialogues of Plato,' i. 311., note. Dogmatists, the, i. 278.
Donne, compared with Fuller, i. 31. Dove, Mr., notice of his 'Life of An- drew Marvell,' i. 51., note. Dryden, John, his lampoon on Shad- well, i. 51. Ridiculed by the Duke of Buckingham, 76. His definition of wit, iii. 210.
Dunstan, St., and the Devil, story of, i. 15.
Duration, Locke's idea of, ii. 159.
Dutens, his 'Opera Omnia' of Leibnitz, i. 169.
Dutton, Mr., Cromwell's nephew, i. 53.
Eckhart, the friend of Leibnitz, i.
Economical Science, Locke's reflec- tions on, iii. 102. Education, necessity of, as a preventive of crime, ii. 561. Power of govern- ment to provide, and grounds of, con- sidered, 568. Quantity of school ac- commodation, 589. Difficulties of the subject, 592-595. Locke's thoughts on, iii. 102–105. Locke's undue notion of its influence, 174. Results promised by Bacon and Des- cartes from the influence of their 'Methods,' 168.
Edwards, Jonathan, his celebrated work on the Freedom of the Will,' i. 209.
Electoral districts, division of, one of the chief features of the Charter,' ii. 423.
Ellis, Sir Henry, his 'Specimens of Early English Poets,' iii. 243. 'Eloge,' the, of Fontenelle, on Leib- nitz, i. 1 68. That by Bailly on Leib- nitz, 168. That by Koestner, 161. Eloquence, notice of Luther's, i. 118. Mental powers required for consum- mate eloquence, 119. Eloquence, sacred.
Emigration, as a remedy for national distress, ii. 445.
'Encyclopædia,' the, of Alstedius, i. 176.
England, social condition of, contrasted with that of France, ii. 452. Her power and opportunities for enlight- ening the nations, iii. 351. Can- dour and liberality of, under the re- cent Papal Aggression, 353. Real progress made by the people of late, 354.
English Language, structure of the, i. 68. Predominance of the Anglo- Saxon in the, 369. 371. Remarks on Mr. Gilchrist and Horne Tooke, 370. Language from which the bulk of the English is derived, 371. Number of words in the English language, and of those of Anglo-Saxon origin, 372, 373. Analysis of pas- sages from various authors in which Anglo-Saxon preponderates, 372. The English Grammar almost ex- clusively occupied with what is of Anglo-Saxon origin, 375. Change in the grammatical structure of the language in its transition from An- glo-Saxon, 385-387. Our com-
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