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pound words among the most ex-
pressive in the language, 388. In.
admissibility generally of new com-
pounds, 338. Causes, 388. Variety
and richness of our synonymes, 389.
Our obligations to the Latin and
Greek languages, 391. 393. Obso-
lete words of our older writers, 392.
Rudeness and vulgarity of many of
the Saxon derivatives, 395. Effect
of the exclusive study of classical
literature in indisposing a man for
relishing or writing idiomatic Eng-
lish, 397. Copiousness and variety
of the English language, 399. At-
tention lately bestowed on the sub-
ject, iii. 227. Researches of Dr.
Latham, 228. Origin and history of
the Anglo-Saxon language, 229.
Formation of the English as a new
language, 233. Probable causes of
the change from Saxon to English,
233. Effects of the Conquest, 233.
Rask's account of the change, 235.,
note. Grammatical changes in the
Platt-Deutsch, 238.
Period of the
change from Anglo-Saxon to modern
English, 242. Changes in the lan-
guage principally grammatical, 242.
Ellis's Specimens,' 243. Anglo-
Norman political songs, 244. Infu-
sion of French words, 244. Laya-
mon's translation of Wace's Ro-
mance of Brut,' 245. Ruggedness
or the language anterior to the time
of Chaucer, 245. Orthographical
difficulties, 246., and note. Hume's
remarks on the mixture of the French
and English languages, 248. Dates
of specimens of early English, 249.
Robert of Gloucester, 250. Books
where specimens may be consulted,
250., note. Sir John Mandeville, 251.
Wicliffe, 251. Trevisas' translation
of Hygden's Polychronicon,' 251.
Pleadings in courts of justice ordered
to be conducted in English, 251.
French the court and fashionable
language, 252. Date of English first
taught in grammar schools, 254.
John Cornewaile and Richard Pen-
criche, 254. Orthography of Sir
John Mandeville's Travels,' 255.
Chaucer's English, 257, 258. The
language of the latter half of the
fourteenth century, 260. Cumber-
someness of our early style, 261-
264. Caxton's remarks on its im-
provements during his time, 265,
266. Benefits conferred by printing,

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Results consequent on a for-

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mation of taste for classic authors,
266, 267. Purity and elegance of
Sir Thomas More's works, 268. La-
timer, 268. The English of the
beginning and middle of the six-
teenth century, 269. Sir John
Cheke, 269. Roger Ascham, 269.
Wilson's Rhetoric,' 269. Dr.
Johnson's remarks on the language
at the time of Elizabeth, 227. La-
tinisms and the periodic style, 273.
et seq. Jeremy Taylor, 275. 277.
Extracts from Hooker and Milton,
illustrative of the periodic style, 276.,
note. Refinement at the Restora-
tion, 278. Affected Gallicisms in-
troduced by the court of Charles II.,
279, 280. Value of some of the
words, 281. Adoption of extrava-
gant colloquialisms, 281. 'Cavalier
slang' of Roger L'Estrange and his
contemporaries, 282. Dryden, 283.
Commencement of the eighteenth
century, 283. Addison, 283. Af-
fectation of French phraseology, 283.
Dr. Johnson, 285. Extravagant imi-
tations of his style, 286, 287. The
Germanised style, 288, 289. Evil of
the multiplication of scientific terms,
290-292. Inundation of learned
terms in the vulgar handicrafts, 292.
Principal excellences of a language,


Epictetus, his observations on philoso-
phy, iii. 39.

Erasmus, his labours in the cause of
the Reformation, i. 162.
Erdmann, his recent edition of Leib-
nitz's works, i. 168.

Ernest Augustus, Prince, bishop of
Osnaburg, i. 179.

Error, metempsychosis of, ii. 1.

Essais sur la Bonté de Dieu,' of Leib-
nitz, extract from, i. 203.
Eucharist, doctrines of the Oxford
Tractarian School respecting, ii. 87
-90. Views respecting the, main-
tained by Dr. Pusey, 190. Their
fallacy, 191. Views of the Fathers
respecting, 191. And of the Eng-
lish divines, 193.

Euthyphro,' the, of Plato, i. 359.
Evil, origin of, hypothsis of Leibnitz
respecting, i. 196. His system in
itself a contradiction, 197. Lord
Brougham's observations on, 199,
200. Partial evil, universal good,'
202. Leibnitz's speculations re-
specting the small quantity of evil
compared with the vast amount of
good in the universe, 204.

Examen Historicum,' Heylyn's notice
of, i. 21., note.
Example, efficacy of, i. 17.

Exeter, anecdote of the siege of, i. 6.
External evidences of Christianity, i.



Faculties, human, original limitation of
the, i. 111.

Faculties of Animals and Men, Sydney
Smith's lecture on, iii. 223.
Faith. See Reason and Faith.
Fancy, peculiar characteristics of Ful-
ler's, i. 25. Extracts from Fuller's
Essay on Fancy,' 33.
Fashionables, Fuller's witty remarks
on those of his time, i. 15.
Fatalism, Locke's doctrine of power
charged with a tendency towards,
iii. 180.

Fathers, traditions of the, examined, ii.
94-127. 163, 164. Obscurity of the
views of the, respecting the Lord's
Supper, 192.

Fearlessness, Luther a remarkable in-
stance of, i. 116.

Feder, his edition of the Unpublished
Letter' of Leibnitz, i. 169.

Fell, Dr. John, iii. 102. His endea-
vours to find an occasion against
Locke, 113.

Flecknoe, Richard, lampooned by An-
drew Marvell, i. 51.

Fluxions, discovery of, by Sir Isaac
Newton, i. 218. Ciphers used by

Newton, 224., note.

Fontenelle, his 'Eloge' on Leibnitz, i.

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Froissart compared with Fuller, i. 41.
Froude, J. A., his Nemesis of Faith,'
250. Strictures on his works, 308.

See Reason and Faith.

Fuller, Rev. T., father of Thomas Ful-
ler, i. 4.

Fuller, Thomas, late republication of
his works, i. 1. Coleridge's opinion
of him as a writer, 1. Fuller not
fairly dealt with by posterity, 2.
Characteristics of his works, 3. His
birth and parentage, 3. His first
work, 4. His preferment and
marriage, 4. His History of the
Holy War,' 5.


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His Church His-
tory,' 5. His Holy and Profane
State,' 5. Sentence of sequestration
pronounced against him, 6. His
friends in misfortune, 6. He col-
lects materials for his Worthies of
England,' 6. His appointment as
chaplain to the princess Henrietta
Maria, 6. His anecdote of the siege
of Exeter, 6. His Pisgah-sight of
Palestine,' &c., 7. His second
marriage, 8. His examination
before the Court of Triers,' 8.
His later works and subsequent


preferments, 9. His death, 9.
Publication of his Worthies of
England,' 10. Activity of his sug-

gestive faculty, 11. Compared with
Burke and Jeremy Taylor, 11.
Interest of his style even in dry
geographical and chronological de-
tails, 12. Specimens, 12., note.
Wit the principal attribute of his
genius, 13. Examples of his wit,


14. His quirkish reasons,' 17.
Satire not a feature in his wit, 18.
Jesting the natural expression of his
emotions, 21. His reply to Hey-
lyn's Examen Historicum,' 21.,
His droll way of relating the
most tragical parts of his His-
tories,' 22. His account of the
principal conspirators in the Gun-
powder Plot, 22. His wisdom, 24.
His limits within which wit and
humour may be lawfully used, 24.
His imagination, 25. His quaint
ness, 27. Best specimens of his
quaint style, 30. May be con-
sidered the master of the quaint
school of the seventeenth century,
30. Compared with Jeremy Tay-
lor, Donne, and Browne, 31. His
style more idiomatic than any of
his contemporaries, 31. Illustration
from hisEssay on Tombs,' 32.

Of his

His observations on Fancy, 33.
Chief characteristics of his bis-
torical works, 36, 37. Of his
Worthies of England,' 37. Of
his Church History,' 37.
'Histories,' generally, 39. Com-
pared with Herodotus and Frois-
sart, 41. His character in a moral
and religious point of view, 43.
Chargeable with flattery, 44. Anec-
dotes of his extraordinary memory,
45. His oddities in composition,
46, 47. Charles Lamb's opinion of
Fuller's writings, 47. Rev. A.
Russell's Memorials of the Life and
Works,' of Fuller, 47., note.


Galileo, his recantation, i. 142.
Geology, Leibnitz considered as the
founder of, i. 179. 191.
Geometry, algebraical, foundation of,
by Descartes, iii. 4. 17.
George, Elector of Hanover, his ac-
cession to the throne of England, i.


German scholars, their criticisms, i.

German philosophy, danger of young
minds falling into the cloudy re-
gions of, i. 318., note. Sir J.
Mackintosh's irritation at the ac-
cursed German philosophy,' 96.
Enigmas of the unconditioned,' 111.
German books, causes of the mortality

even of some of their best, i. 490.
Their prodigal references, 491.
Gibbon, his method of reading books,
i. 462. His estimate of the losses
to literature in the destruction of
the Alexandrian library, 479, 480.
His rationalism, ii. 205. His re-
marks on the formation of Italian
language, iii. 241.

Gilby, Colonel, his quarrel with
Andrew Marvell, i. 58.
Gladstone, W. E., examination of his
modification of the theory of' private
judgment,' ii. 32., et seq.
'Church Principles considered in
their Results,' 58. Quoted on the
Apostolic succession, 77., et seq.
On the holy communion,
Fallacy of his views as to the ad-
vance of catholic principles,' 159.
-161. And that the Catholic
Church is ONE and VISIBLE, 169,
170. Uncharitable spirit of his


principles, though he be not so, 178.
His adherence to Dr. Pusey's views
of the Eucharist, 187. His extra-
ordinary remarks on the Tractarian
party remaining in the Church, 242.
His sentiments pernicious, 244.
God, existence of, examination of the
arguments for and against the, i.
295. Arguments of Descartes for
the, iii. 54. Locke's favourite argu-
ment for the, 138.

'Good Thoughts in Bad Times,'
Fuller's, i. 30.

'Good Thoughts in Worse Times,'
Fuller's, i. 30.

Goode, W., praise of his

Rule of Faith and Practice,' ii. 148.
'Gorgias,' the, of Plato, i. 304.
Spirited translation of one or two
scenes from the, 365.
Government, civil, Locke's thoughts
on, iii. 102.

Gospel, proofs of the originality and
divinity of the, i. 261. Observa-
tions of Pascal on the style of the,

Gray, Thomas, his estimate of the
'Socratic Dialogues,' i. 338.
Gregory, his acquaintance with Leib-
nitz, i. 178.

Greek language, its value in affording
us nearly the whole of the techni-
calities of physical science, i. 391,
392. No influence over the changes
in the structure of the English lan-
guage, 391.

Grey, Earl, his observations on the
treatment of criminals, ii. 524.
Grimm, his Deutsche Grammatik,'
i. 400.

Grimstone, Sir Harbottle, Master of
the Rolls, i. 60.

Guhrauer, Dr. G. E., notice of his
'Life of Leibnitz,' i. 163., et seq.,
168. His observations on the con-
troversy between Sir Isaac Newton
and Leibnitz, 218, 219. 227, 228.
His severity on Newton's using
ciphers to conceal his fluxions, 231.
Gunpowder plot, Fuller's account of
the principal conspirators in the, i.


Gustavus Adolphus, reference to, iii.



Hackmannus, Doctissimus, i. 167.
Hallam, Henry, his slight allusion to

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Fuller, i. 2. His injustice to the
intellect of Luther, 107. His low
estimate of Luther's eloquence, 119.
His expression Antinomian para-
doxes, in reference to Luther's doc-
trine of justification by faith, 156.
Eulogium on Mr. Hallam's work,
160. His description of the style of
Pascal, 269. His observations on
the plagiarisms of Descartes, iii. 19.
His remarks on the origination
of mathematical definitions, 46.
His eulogium on Locke's Conduct
of the Understanding,' 89. His
remarks on the change of Anglo-
Saxon to English, 242. His eulo-
gium on Sir T. More's Life of
Richard III.,' 268.

Halley's comet, reference to, iii. 70.
Hamilton, Sir W., his remarks on the
'innate ideas' of Descartes, iii. 50,

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Heywood, Thomas, his satire on in-
dulgences, i. 154.

High Church Principles,' ii. 3., et


Hippias, The Greater,' remarks on,
i. 313. Schleiermacher's doubts re-
specting its authenticity, 313.
Hobbes, his definition of wit, iii. 211.
Hogarth, William, his idea of beauty,

i. 315.

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'Ideas,' question of the precise sense
attached by Locke to the word, iii.

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Identity, personal,' Locke's notion
of, iii. 173.

Imagination, characteristics of Ful-
ler's, i. 25.

Immortal Trilogy,' the, of Plato, En-
glish translation of, i. 303.
Income-tax, readjustment of, a desi-
rable financial reform, ii. 429.

'Index Expurgatorius,' the, of the
Romish Church, iii. 331.

Indexes, their importance to the study
of good works, i. 493.

Induction and deduction, observations
on, i. 64., et seq.

Indulgences, observations on the, of
the Roman Catholic Church, i. 151
-154. Heywood's satire on them,
Infallibility, Romish. Infallibility the
only limit to the right of private
judgment, ii. 24 Question of, con-
sidered, iii. 301., et seq.

Infinite, notion of Descartes respecting
the, iii. 61.

Infinity, Locke's notion of our ideas
of, iii. 160.

Innate ideas,' the, of Descartes, re-

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Jeffrey, Lord, his remarks on the de-
creasing popularity of works of
genius as they accumulate, i. 477.
His connection with the Edin-
burgh Review,' iii. 197. His
opinion of Sydney Smith's Ele-
mentary Sketches of Moral Philo-
sophy,' 198. His beautiful letter to

Mrs. Smith, 198. His sweetness,
frankness, and fearless love of truth,
199. His admirable essay
beauty, 220.


Jesters, Court, Fuller's remark on,
i. 16.

Jesuits, Fuller's witty remark re-
specting them, i. 14. Exposé of the
doctrines of the, 257, 258.
John Frederick, Duke of Brunswick-
Lunenberg, his patronage of Leib-
nitz, i. 178. His death, 179.
Johnson, Dr., his definition of wit,

iii. 211. His remarks on the

English language of the time of
Elizabeth, 272. His style, 285.
Imitators of his style, 286, 287.
Jonson, Ben, his English grammar,
iii, 242,, note.

Jortin, his observations on Luther's

doctrine of justification by faith
alone, i. 156.

Judgment, private, observations on the
right of, ii, 1-57, Metempsychosis
of error, 1. High Church Prin-
ciples,' 3. Their opposition to the

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right of private judgment, 3. Pro-
pagandists of the doctrine of perse-
cution, 4. Impossibility of their
obtaining success, 5. What is meant
by the right of private judgment'?
5-7. Modern advocates of the re-
vival of persecution, 8, 9. Atro-
city of their views, 10, 11. Argu-
ments by which the principles of
religious freedom were first estab-
lished, 14. Locke's first letter on
toleration, 17. Existence of the
spirit of persecution until
lately, 21. The popish doctrine of
the Church's infallibility the only
effectual limit to the right of pri-
vate judgment, 24. Claim of hy-
brid Protestants to infallibility, 26.
Their limit to the range of inquiry,'
27, 28. Mr. Gladstone's modification
of the theory of 'private judgment,'
32., et seq. Criteria of the undivided
Church, 36. Unthinking acqui-
escence' the most desirable state of
mind, according to the • Oxford
Tracts,' 39., note. Impossibility of
submission to this, 40., note. The
'disease' of private judgment, wide
spread and ineradicable, 42. Ar-
guments on the right of private
judgment, 43, 44. The dictates of
of conscience the supreme guide
in matters of religion, 45. Una-
nimity in favour of the laws of
practical morals, 48. Remarks of
Bayle and Robert Hall, 49. The
'Oxford Tracts,' 51. Reflections
on the advantages of the Right of
Private Judgment,' 53. Impossi-
bility of perfect uniformity of
opinion, 55. The Bible, 56. Its
plainness even to the most illiterate,


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An infallible guide in all that
is necessary to salvation, 57, 58.
Views of the Tractarians of the
right of private judgment, 155.
Justification by faith, Luther's asser-
tion of the doctrine, i. 131. Obser-
vations on, 155., et seq. Oxford
Tractarian views on, ii. 127.


Kant, his philosophy, iii. 95.
Keill, Dr., his connection with the
controversy between Sir Isaac
Newton and Leibnitz, i. 221., et seq.
Kemble, his Anglo-Saxon labours, i.


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