DEFENCE ОР MODERN CALVINISM: CONTAINING AN EXAMINATION OF THE BISHOP OF LINCOLN'S WORK, ENTITLED A REFUTATION OF CALVINISM. BY EDWARD WILLIAMS, D. D. London: PRINTED FOR AND SOLD BY JAMES BLACK, YORK-STREET, COVENT-garden. SOLD ALSO BY BLACK, PARRY, AND KINGSBURY, LEADENHALL-STREET ; CONDER, BUCKLERSBURY. 1812. 130.e.140 104 PREFACE. THE Author's first intention was merely to incorporate a few Strictures on Bishop TOMLINE'S "Refutation" in a new edition of another work, on Divine Equity and Sovereignty, which he still means to publish. This design was accordingly announced; but finding many. of his friends desirous of having the Strictures in a detached form, and containing a professed Reply to his Lordship's attack on modern Calvinists, he has taken their advice; and now offers his "Examination" to the candid perusal of the dignitary whose work is the subject of it, and to the tribunal of the public. |