The Works of Francis Bacon: Miscellaneous writings in philosophy, morality and religion

M. Jones, 1815

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Side 161 - The end of our foundation is the knowledge of causes, and secret motions of things ; and the enlarging of the bounds of human empire, to the effecting of all things possible.
Side 172 - We represent also ordnance and instruments of war and engines of all kinds; and likewise new mixtures and compositions of gunpowder, wildfires burning in water and unquenchable; also fireworks of all variety, both for pleasure and use. We imitate also flights of birds; we have some degrees of flying in the air. We have ships and boats for going under water and brooking of seas, also swimming-girdles and supporters.
Side 165 - We have also parks, and enclosures of all sorts, of beasts and birds; which we use not only for view or rareness, but likewise for dissections and trials, that thereby we may take light what may be wrought upon the body of man.
Side 167 - ... thin parts to insinuate into the body, and yet without all biting, sharpness, or fretting; insomuch as some of them put upon the back of your hand will, with a little stay, pass through to the palm, and yet taste mild to the mouth.
Side 81 - And, generally, men ought to find the difference between saltness and bitterness. Certainly he that hath a satirical vein, as he maketh others afraid of his wit, so he had need be afraid of others
Side 165 - ... which produceth many effects. And we make by art in the same orchards and gardens, trees and flowers, to come earlier or later than their seasons, and to come up and bear more speedily than by their natural course they do. We make them also by art greater much than their nature ; and their fruit greater and sweeter, and of differing taste, smell, colour, and figure, from their nature. And many of them we so order, as that they become of medicinal use.
Side vii - The great deliverer he ! who from the gloom Of cloister'd monks, and jargon-teaching schools, Led forth the true Philosophy, there long Held in the magic chain of words and forms And definitions void : he led her forth, Daughter of heaven ! that slow-ascending still, Investigating sure the chain of things, With radiant finger points to heaven again.
Side 158 - He was clothed in a robe of fine black cloth, with wide sleeves, and a cape : his under garment was of excellent white linen down to the foot, girt with a girdle of the same ; and a sindon or tippet of the same about his neck. He had gloves that were curious, and set with stone ; and shoes of peachcoloured velvet.
Side 120 - ... house (so he called it) where we should be accommodated of things both for our whole and for our sick, so he left us ; and when we offered him some pistolets, he, smiling, said, he must not be twice paid for one labour : meaning (as I take it), that he had salary sufficient of the state for his service : for (as I after learned) they call an officer that taketh rewards twice paid.
Side 160 - His under-garments were the like that we saw him wear in the chariot ; but instead of his gown, he had on him a mantle with a cape, of the same fine black, fastened about him. When we came in, as we were taught, we bowed low at our first entrance ; and when we were come near his chair, he stood up, holding forth his hand ungloved, and in posture of blessing ; and we every one of us stooped down, and kissed the hem of his tippet.

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