"without works is dead." Beware then lest you slide into antinomianism of a more reputable kind. Faith and practice are not like grapes tied upon a vine-branch; but like grapes growing upon a living vine. True faith receives the doctrines of the gospel into the heart, where they produce a change in the judgment, dispositions, and affections: thus the tree becomes good, and good fruit is the genuine consequence. This is real Christianity: and all that comes short of this, however distinguished, is a mere name, notion, or form. But if we have thus received the gospel; we shall be conscious that we have in many things fallen short of a becoming conversation. Let us then humbly seek forgiveness of the past; and beg to be enabled henceforth so to abide in Christ, "that we may bring "forth much fruit," "and walk worthy of God, "who hath called us to his kingdom and glory." Amen. SERMON XXI. ON REPENTANCE UNTO LIFE. ACTS XI. 18. Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life. I HAVE taken this text, my brethren, in consequence of a letter which I received from an unknown correspondent, written in a very serious manner, and desiring a public answer to several interesting questions on the subject of repentance; a subject undoubtedly of great importance, in which we are all most deeply concerned. The apostles and Christians in Judea, having heard that Peter had associated with Cornelius and other uncircumcised persons, expressed much surprise at his conduct: but, when he had related all the circumstances that attended it, "They held "their peace and glorified God, saying, Then "hath God also to the gentiles granted repentance "unto life :" yet it is remarkable that there is nothing expressly about repentance in the account which Peter had given. On another occasion, when Paul and Silas returned from Asia to Antioch, "They gathered "the church together, and rehearsed all that God "had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles." Mark now these occasions. two expressions, used by the apostles on similar "God hath granted to the Gentiles repentance unto life:" "God hath opened the 66 "door of faith unto the Gentiles." Much instruction may be derived from comparing them together. When "God grants repentance unto life," he opens the door of faith." When " he opens the "door of faith," he" grants repentance unto life." Repent ye and believe the gospel." Certainly one way of salvation was spoken of in both places, and not two different ways. I design at present I. To shew that repentance is a principal part of the Lord's plan of mercy and grace to sinners in the gospel. And, II. To inquire into the nature and effects of repentance unto life. I. Repentance is a principal part of the Lord's plan of mercy and grace to sinners in the gospel. I express myself thus, because many suppose that repentance does not properly belong to the gospel; and that, when we insist on "repentance, and "works meet for repentance," we do not preach evangelically for they seem to think that salvation by grace is salvation for sinners continuing impenitent; and they charge us with returning to the law and bringing them into bondage, when we maintain the contrary. But indeed, if we distinguish, as no doubt we ought, between the law and the gospel, repentance has nothing to do with the law, except as a man repents that he has broken it. The law says, "Do this and live:" " the soul that sinneth, it shall die." "Cursed is every one "that continueth not in all things written in the "book of the law, to do them." It does not so much as command repentance, by any immediate injunction. It condemns the transgressor, and leaves him under condemnation. Would it not be thought a strange thing in an act of parliament, if, after death had been decreed as the punishment of the crime specified, a clause should be added commanding the criminal to repent, and promising pardon to the penitent? The king indeed may extend mercy to the transgressor, if he judge it expedient. But this is grace, and not law, which does not require repentance: indeed pardons always tend to weaken the authority of the law. When God delivered the ten commandments from mount Sinai, the people" could not endure "the things which were spoken;" but no mention was made of repentance. It was from mount Zion and mount Calvary, that the command to repent was given to mankind. "Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ:" and the mercy, revealed through his redemption and mediation, has made way for "repentance and remission of sins to be "preached in his name unto all nations, beginning "at Jerusalem." Every motive or encouragement to repentance is taken from the gospel; by the grace of which alone is any sinner enabled truly to repent. In every view, and in all respects, repentance belongs entirely to the gospel, and forms an essential part of its glorious and gracious plan. For what is that plan, my brethren? Is it not the design of God to bring sinners into a state of reconciliation and friendship with himself, by a method calculated to display the glory of his own. name, and the dreadful nature and effects of sin: and thus to teach them to love him, and glorify him, and find their felicity in his favour? And, if this be the plan of the gospel, can its ends be answered unless the sinner is brought to repentance? Look through the whole New Testament. Consider how the gospel was first introduced, and afterwards propagated. John, the forerunner of Christ, came preaching, " Repent ye, for the king"dom of heaven is at hand." "Bring forth there"fore fruits meet for repentance, and think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our "Father.-For now is the axe laid to the root of "the trees; every tree therefore that bringeth not "forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the "fire." 66 Our Lord himself has told us expressly what he came for; "I came not to call the righteous, but "sinners to repentance :" and his decision surely ought to be final. He has declared that there is 66 joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." He multiplied parables to illustrate the nature of repentance, to encourage the penitent, and to warn and rebuke the impenitent. And he sent his apostles to "preach repen"tance and remission of sins in his name to all "nations." Accordingly they preached repentance wherever they went. Hear St. Peter: "Repent " and be converted, that your sins may be blotted "out." Hear St. Paul, at Athens: "The times "of this ignorance God winked at; but now com"mandeth he all men every where to repent." And before Agrippa: "I was not disobedient to |