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"Glad tidings of great joy I bring
"To you, and all mankind.

3. " To you, in David's town, this day,
" Is born of David's line,
"The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord;
" And this shall be the sign:

4. "The heav'nly babe you there shall find,
"To human view display'd,

" All meanly wrapp'd in swathing bands,
" And in a manger laid."

5. Thus spake the Seraph, and forthwith
Appear'd a shining throng
Of Angels, praising God, and thus
Address'd their joyful song:

6. " All glory be to God on high,
" And to the earth be peace:
"Good-will henceforth, from heav'n to men
"Begin, and never cease.""


Hymn 23. s. M.

The nativity of Christ. Luke i. 30, &c.
Luke ii. 10, &c.

EHOLD the grace appears,
The promise is fulfill'd;

Mary, the wondrous virgin, bears,
And Jesus is the child....

2. To bring the glorious news,
A heavenly form appears:
He tells the shepherds of their joys,
And banishes their fears.

3. "Go humble swains," said he,
"To David's city fly;
"The promis'd infant born to-day,
"Doth in a manger lye.

4. "With looks and hearts serene,
"Go visit Christ your King;"


And straight a flaming troop was seen;
The shepherds heard them sing.

5. "Glory to God on high!

" And heav'nly peace on earth, "Good-will to men, to Angels joy, "At the Redeemer's birth."

6. In worship so divine,

Let saints employ their tongues, With the celestial hosts we join, And loud repeat their songs.

7." Glory to God on high!


" And heav'nly peace on earth, "Good-will to men, to Angels joy, "At our Redeemer's birth."


Hymn 24. с. м.

The Incarnation. Johni. 14.

WAKE, awake the sacred song
To our incarnate Lord;

Let ev'ry heart and ev'ry tongue
Adore th'eternal Word.

2. That awful Word, that sovereign Pow',
By whom the worlds were made;
(O happy morn! illustrious hour!)
Was once in flesh array'd!

3. Then shone almighty power and love
In all their glorious forms;
When Jesus left his throne above
To dwell with sinful worms.
4. To dwell with misery below,
The Saviour left the skies;
And sunk to wretchedness and woe,
That worthless Man might rise.
5. Adoring Angels tun'd their songs
To hail the joyful day;


With rapture then, let mortal tongues
Their grateful worship pay.

6, What glory, Lord, to thee is due!
With wonder we adore;
But could we sing as Angels do,
Our highest praise were poor.


Hymn 25. с. м.

The Redeemer's message. Luke iv. 18, 19.
ARK, the glad sound, the Saviour comes,
The Saviour promis'd long!

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Let every heart prepare a throne,
And every voice a song.

2. On him the Spirit, largely pour'd,
Exerts his sacred fire;
Wisdom and might, and zeal and love,
His holy breast inspire.

3. He comes the prisoners to release,
In Satan's bondage held :
The gates of brass before him burst,
The iron fetters yield.

4. He comes, from thickest films of vice,
To clear the mental ray;
And on the eyes opprest with night,
To pour celestial day.

5. He comes, the broken heart to bind,
The bleeding soul to cure;
And with the treasures of his grace,
T' enrich the humble poor.
6. Our glad Hosannas, Prince of Peace
Thy welcome shall proclaim;

: 20.


Hymn 26. с. м.

1. "SHEPHERDS, rejoice, lift up your eyes,

And send your fears away;
"News from the regions of the skies,
"Salvation's born to-day.

2. "Jesus, the God whom angels fear,
"Comes down to dwell with you,
"To-day he makes his entrance here,
"But not as monarchs do.

3. " No gold, nor purple swadling bands,
" No royal shining things;
" A manger for his cradle stands,
" And holds the King of kings...
4. " Go, shepherds, where the infant lies,
"And see his humble throne;
"With tears of joy in all your eyes,..
"Go, shepherds, kiss the. Son."

5. Thus Gabriel sang, and straight around
The heav'nly armies throng;
They tune their harps to lofty sound,,
And thus conclude the sorg
6. "Glory to God that reigns above,
"Let peace surround the earth:
" Mortals shall know their Maker's love,
"At their Redeemer's birth."^

7. Lord! and shall angels have their songs,,
And men no tunes to raise?

O may we lose these useless tongues
When they forget to praise.

8. Glory to God that reigns above,
That pitied us forlorn;

We join to sing our Maker's love,
For there's a Saviour born...



Hymn 27. р. м.

ROM regions of love,

lo! an angel descended,

And told the strange news how the babe was attended:

" Go, shepherds, and visit this wonderful stranger,

" See yonder bright star-There's your Lord in a


Hallelujah to the Lamb

Who hath purchas'd our pardon,

We will praise him again

When we pass over Jordan.

2. Glad tidings I bring unto you and each nation,
Glad tidings of joy, now behold your salvation:
Then suddenly multitudes raise their glad voices,
And shout the Redeemer, while heaven rejoices.
Hallelujah, &c.

3. Now glory to God in the highest is given,
Now glory to God, is re-echo'd through heaven:
Around the whole earth, let us tell the glad story,
And sing of his love, his salvation and glory.
Hallelujah, &c.

4. Enraptur'd I burn with delight and desire,
Such love, so divine, sets my soul all on fire:
Around the bright throne hosannas are ringing;
O! when shall I join them, and ever be singing-

Hallelujah, &c.

5. Triumphantly ride in thy chariot victorious,
And conquer with love, O Jesu, all-glorious:
Thy banners unfurl, let the nations surrender,
And own thee their Saviour, their God and defender.

Hallelujah, &c.

Hymn 28. Р. М.

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