"In Zion let us all appear, 2. I love her gates, I love the road: 3. Peace be within this sacred place, With holy gifts and heav'nly grace 4. My soul shall pray for Zion still, 1. "H Hymn 362. P. M. OW pleas'd and blest was I, We haste to Zion's hill, And walls of strength embrace thee round; To pray, and praise and hear The sacred gospel's joyful sound. 1: YE Hymn 363. c. M. E that obey th' immortal King, Bow to the glories of his pow'r, And bless his wondrous grace. 2. Lift up your hands by morning light, And send your souls on high; 1. Raise your admiring thoughts by night 3. The God of Zion cheers our hearts, P Hymn 364. L. M. RAISE ye the Lord, exalt his name, While in his earthly courts ye wait, Ye saints that to his house belong, Or stand attending at his gate. 2. Praise ye the Lord, the Lord is good; 1. Hymn 365. c. M. AWAKE, ye saints, to praise your King Your sweetest passions raise, Your pious pleasure, while you sing, 2. Great is the Lord; and works unknown 3. O Zion, trust the living God, Hymn 366. s. M. J. LOVE thy Zion, Lord, The house of thine abode, The church, O blest Redeemer! say'd 2. I love thy church, O God! Her walls before thee stand, 3. If e'er to bless thy sons My voice or hands deny, 4. If e'er my heart forget Her welfare, or her woe, 5. For her my tears shall fall; 6. Beyond my highest joy I prize her heav'nly ways, Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Hymn 367. c. M. 1. 'N God's own house pronounce his praise, Iiod's own house To heav'n your joy and wonder raise, 2. Let all your sacred passions move, 3. All that have motion, life, and breath Yet when your voice expires in death, Hymn 368. P. M. 1. IN Zion's sacred gates Let hymns of praise begin, While God is there, while God is known, 2. His wondrous acts demand, His wisdom and his grace, 3. The trumpet's martial voice, The timbrel's softer sound, To swell the song, with highest joy, 2. G X. PASTORAL. Hymn 369. c. M. REAT God, the nations of the earth. And in thy works by all beheld, Thy radiant glories shine. 2. But, Lord, thy greater love has sent Thy gospel to mankind, Unveiling what rich stores of Are treasur'd in thy mind. grace 3. Lord, when shall these glad tidings spread The spacious earth around, 'Till ev'ry tribe, and ev'ry soul: 1. ແ 4. O when shall Afric's sable sons 5. When shall th' untutor'd Heathen tribes, 6. Haste, sov'reign mercy, and transform Soften the tyger to a Lainb, The vulture to a dove. 7. Smile, Lord, on each divine attempt Hymn 370. L. M. The apostles commission. Mark. xvi. 15, &c. Matt. xxviii. 18. &c. G O, preach my gospel," saith the Lord, "Bid the whole earth my grace receive; "He shall be sav'd, that trusts my word; "And he condemn'd that won't believe. 2. "I'll make your great commission known, "And ye shall prove my gospel true, "By all the works that I have done, "By all the wonders ye shall do. "Go, heal the sick, go raise the dead, "Go, cast out devils in my name : "Nor let my prophets be afraid, "Tho' Greeks reproach, and Jews blaspheme. 4." Teach all the nations my commands, "I'm with you till the world shall end; "All pow'r is trusted in my hands, "I can destroy, and can defend.” |