2. But the good Spirit of the Lord Reveals a heav'n to come:
The beams of glory in his word Allure and guide us home.
3. Pure are the joys above the sky, And all the region peace; No wanton lips, nor envious eye, Can see or taste the bliss.
4. Those holy gates for ever bar Pollution, sin, and shame; None shall obtain admittance there, But followers of the Lamb.
5. He keeps the Father's book of life, There all their names are found; The hypocrite in vain shall strive To tread the heav'nly ground.
Hymn 436. с. м.
N Jordan's rugged banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie.
2. O the transporting, rapturous scene, That rises to my sight! Sweet fields array'd in living green, And rivers of delight!
3. There gen'rous fruit that never fails, On trees immortal grow: There rocks and hills, and brooks and vales, With milk and honey flow.
4. O'er all those wide extended plains Shines one eternal day:
There God, the sun, for ever reigns, And scatters night away.
5. No chilling winds,, nor poisonous breath, Can reach that healthful shore:
Sickness and sorrow, pain and death Are felt and fear'd no more.
Hymn 437. с. м.
HAT sacred raptures fire my breast, And snatch me to the skies,
Whilst the low earth stretch'd out immense
A spacious prospect lies!
2. Bright gilded palaces in view Their shining turrets rear, And rivers in rich smiling vales, With seats of bliss appear.
3. Lo! the wide shrinking orbs no more Their florid beauty show, But wrapt in clouds their fading scene A groupe of figures grow.
4. What sparkling orbs, thro' the great void, Fill all the ambient skies? Whilst happy vales and amber streams,
Transport the ravish'd eyes.
1. HAIL glorious GOD! thy boundless pow'r Acts thro' all nature's sphere! Wher'er I look creation round, I see thy goodness there. 2. What rapid car thus whirls my soul Beyond the azure skies? A burst of glory drowns my sight, And scenes ecstatic rise.
In bright effulgence, here, thy beams In all their splendour blaze,
And saints with angels emulate Each others love and praise. 4. But one at Jesus' powerful hand Shines bright above the rest, And love divine in dazzling rays Is wrote upon his breast.
5. Hark! hark! I hear the harmonious strife
And thunder of the choir,
Whilst to the height of gratitude
The heav'nly host aspire.
6. Hark! how the floating anthems swell, And fill the realms above!
No wonder, when th' exalted theme Is GOD, and endless LOVE..
DORE and tremble, for our God Awake, awake, the sacred song
All glory to God in the sky, All ye that pass by, to Jesus draw nigh Alas! and did my Saviour bleed A Lamb goes forth and bears the guilt
All hail the true Elijah
All hail the pow'r of Jesu's name
Arise, my soul, arise
As showers on meadows newly mown Arm of the Lord awake, awake Almighty Father, gracious Lord Away my unbelieving fear Attend, while God's exalted Son Ah whither shall I go As new born babes desire the breast And is the gospel peace and love Awake my heart, arise my tongue An inward baptism of pure fire Another six days work is done Away from every mortal care Awake, ye saints, to praise your King All praise to him who dwells in bliss
Away with our fears
And now, my soul, another year And must this body die
RIGHT King of glory, dreadful God Behold the grace appears Behold the woman's promis'd seed Behold, the blind their sigt receive
old the Saviour of mankind the loving Son of God
Bless'd morning, whose young dawing rays
Break forth into praise
Behold the glories of the Lamb
Bless'd be the Father and his love
Before Jehovah's awful throne
Backward with humble shame we look Broad is the road that leads to death
Come Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire
Curs'd be the man, forever curs'd
Commit thou all thy griefs.
Christ and his cross are all our theme
Come hither all ye weary souls Come weary souls, with sin distrest Come ye sinners, poor and needy Come sinners to the gospel feast Come, O thou all-victorious Lord Come Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Cast on thy fidelity
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