Lamb goes forth and bears the guilt Of Adam's Generations:
With patience yields his blood he spilt, For all mankind's trangressions;
Appears in our infirmity, Hangs panting on the cursed tree, Depriv'd of consolation. Bears all the scorn hell could invent,' Submits to death, most innocent, With willing resignation.
2. This Lamb is Christ, the greatest friend, And Saviour of our spirits, Whom God the Father chose to send, To serve us by his merits. My Son! said he, go down and bail The children which are doom'd to hell Without thine intercession. The sentence is without reprieve, Thou canst and shalt be their relief, By thy own blood's oblation. 3. Yea, Father, said th' obedient Son, Command and I will suffer. My will at thy decree shall run, To execute thine offer.
O love what pow'r dost thou comprise! Thou canst, what man can ne'er devise, Force God the Lord of wonder
To part with his beloved Son, To suffer for a world undone,
Whose awe splits rocks asunder.
4. Thou nail'st him to the cross with shame O'erload'st his soul with sorrow;
Dost sacrifice him like a lamb,
And melt'st his heart and marrow. The heart in groans sighs out its pow'r, The veins pour out the purple gore,
To the last drops descension. O sweetest Lamb, my humble clay Shall love and sing its life away, In praise of thy redemption.
5. All my life long I'll cling to thee With all my mind and senses. Thee I'll embrace, as thou dost me Without the least suspences. Thou art my soul's best life and light. Nay, when my heart is breaking quite, Thine shall be my receiver. I will subscribe myself to thee As thy peculiar property, To be thy own forever. 6. By night and day my heart shall sing, Of thy transporting sweetness. My body, soul, and mind shall bring An off'ring to thy meekness. My spring of life shall overflow With grateful purlings from below,
T' increase thy name's sweet savor; And what thy love vouchsafes to me, Shall in my mind and memory Be deep imprest forever.
7. Enlarge thyself, O heart of mine, Thou shalt store up a treasure Exceeding th' equinoctial line, Nay, heav'n and earth in measure. Away with all th' Arabian gold, And all that is of precious mould,
I've found what is far better; The holy treasure which I mean, Is Christ! thy blood which ran so clean From thy own wounds: what's greater? 8. This blood I shall improve from hence, In all my time and station :
In fight it shall be my defence, In tears my exultation; In joy my well tun'd instrument, And when my relish quite is spent, This manna shall support me. In drought this spring shall be my taste, Its converse, when alone, shall last At home, or on a journey.
9. What harm can I from death sustain,
Thy blood's my life unfading; In melting heat and scorching pain, It will afford sweet shading. When gloomy thoughts surround my breast, This blood of thine gives ease and rest,
On which I lean and conquer. Let swelling surges raise th' alarm, And toss my ship about in storm,
Then thou art still mine anchor. 10. At last when I with joy shall see Thy glorious kingdom clearing, This blood shall then my purple be, - Which I desire t' appear in. My head shall wear it as a crown, In which I'll come before the throne, Of thine eternal Father: And stand on thine exalted side As thy best dress'd and chosen bride, To live and reign together.
OUSE thyself, my soul, and dwell On the love of thy redeemer,
Who has rescued thee from hell,
And the chains of the blasphemer.
Think on his profound oblation, And rejoice in thy salvation.
2. Lo! th' eternal Son of God
Feels for thee what thou shouldst suffer. His whole body swims in blood,
Bears the scorn of every scoffer. He for thee was bruis'd and wounded, Greater love was no where grounded. 3. Thou deserv'dst the hottest place 'Midst the lowest hell of devils, Ne'er to see the God of grace, For thy many wilful revels: But the captain of salvation Pluck'd thee from deserv'd damnation. 4. By his suff'rings he has queli'd
God's eternal wrath and vengeance; All the law he has fulfil'd,
Cancell'd its most dreadful sentence. Conquer'd death, sin, and the devil, And secur'd thy life from evil.
5. Now my soul! what hadst thou best. To return thy God and Saviour?
His vast suff'rings are no jest, His great love no shame-behaviour. Think on thy deep obligation, T'wards the author of salvation. 6. Never can the best of deeds Make the least return in nature. His great merit far exceeds
All efforts of every creature. Shameful are my love's pretences, And more henious mine offences.
7. What's committed shall from hence Never be from me repeated; Now I solemnly commence
T' have my life new consecrated. Christ, thy love shall be the measure Of my honour, gain and pleasure.
8. Sins, ye satan's brood get hence, You shan't live within my borders. You'd deprive me of my sense, And my Saviour's saving orders: Without whom there's no solation, No remission, no salvation.
9. Thou my Saviour shalt alone. Be my Sovereign, Lord, and Leader. I subscribe myself thy own. Thou shalt be my food and feeder. All my life shall speak thy praises, Till I learn angelic phrases.
10. Thee, my Lord! I'll have in view, In my thoughts, my words, and actions. Every mercy shall renew
All my vows without distractions. What thou lov'st, I will be loving, What thou hat'st I'll be removing. 11. What thou wilt, shall be my will, My life's mirror thine example. When thou scourgest, I'll be still.. Do but make my heart thy temple : Where the earnest of thy spirit Seals the blessing of thy merit..
12. Jesu! now I firmly stand To this solemn resolution, Straight to follow thy command, 'Gainst the tempting world's intrusion.
Thy sure presence shall solace me, I will never cease t' embrace thee.
13. Dost thou, Lord, vouchsafe us here Such foretast's of heav'nly pleasure, When by faith we dare draw near Jesu! to thy living treasure ; Do we taste so much in weakness, What will shew thy future greatness?
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