Stay thou insulted Spirit, stay Thus saith the high and lofty one That God who made the worlds on high 143 145 Their hangs the Saviour of mankind There was an hour when Christ rejoic'd Thou hidden God for whom I groan The thing my God doth hate Thou hidden love of God whose height Thrice happy souls who born of heav'n Thou shepherd of Israel and mine 'Twas by the commission of our Lord "Twas on that dark that doleful night To praise the ever bounteous Lord Ub VA W HEN I with pleasing wonder stand While shepherds watch their flocks by night What equal honours shall we bring When I survey the wond'rous cross 10 26 16 43 77 80 86 109 What various hindrances we meet Why is my heart so far from thee When in the light of faith divine Why should a living man complain When I can read my title clear When Jesus dwelt in mortal clay What strange perplexities arise come sweet day of rest sinners who presume to bear We lif our hearts to thee When blooming youth is snatch'd away YE E humble souls approach your God Yes the Redeemer rose Ye sons of earth prepare the plough Ye contrite sinners hear 204 Ye boundless realms of joy 230 Ye trembling souls dismiss your fears 237 257 Ye sons of Adam vain and young 280 Ye mourning saints whose streaming tears 297 FINIS. |