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Stay thou insulted Spirit, stay
Sprinkled with reconciling blood
So let our lips and lives express
Sweet was the time when first I felt
Salvation, O the joyful sound
Sing to the Lord Jehovah's name
Sing to the Lord Jehovah's praise
Stern winter throws his icy chains
Sov'reign of life I own thy hand
Stoop down my tho'ts that use to rise
Sing to the Lord ye heav'nly hosts
O God the only wise

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Thus saith the high and lofty one
Thy names how infinite they be
The Lord! how fearful is his name
The voice of my beloved sounds
The mighty frame of glorious grace
The Lord Jehovah reigns

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That God who made the worlds on high
The Saviour calls-let ev'ry ear



Their hangs the Saviour of mankind
There is a fountain fill'd with blood
The Saviour, what a noble flame
'Tis finish'd-so the Saviour cry'd
The Lord of Sabbath let us praise
The third auspicious morn is come
Thee, the great prophet sent from God
Thee Father of men and angels we praise
The glories of my Maker God
The spacious firmament on high
There is a God all nature speaks
Tho' troubles assail and dangers affright
The Lord my pasture shall prepare
Thou Lamb of God, thou prince of peace
The Lord descending from above
This is the word of truth and love
'Twas by an order from the Lord
The Lord on high proclaims

There was an hour when Christ rejoic'd

Thou hidden God for whom I groan
Thou man of griefs remember me
The Lord will happiness divine

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The thing my God doth hate

Thou hidden love of God whose height
Thou great mysterious God unknown
'Tis by the faith of joys to come
'Tis pure delight without alloy
Thee will I love my strength my tow'r
'Tis a point I long to know

Thrice happy souls who born of heav'n
Thy ceaseless unexhausted love
This is the God whom we adore
Thy name almighty Lord

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Thou shepherd of Israel and mine

'Twas by the commission of our Lord

"Twas on that dark that doleful night
Thus far the Lord hath led me on
Time what an empty vapour 'tis
The Lord of earth and sky

To praise the ever bounteous Lord
There is a land of pure delight
The mighty deep gives up her trust
P to the Lord who reigns on high
Unite my roving tho'ts, unite
AIN delusive world adieu
Vital spark of heavenly flame




HEN I with pleasing wonder stand
We bless the prophet of the Lord

While shepherds watch their flocks by night

What equal honours shall we bring

When I survey the wond'rous cross
When the first parents of our race
With joy we meditate the grace
Who shall the Lord's elect condemn
Why should the children of a King
Then all thy mercies O my God

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What various hindrances we meet Why is my heart so far from thee When in the light of faith divine Why should a living man complain When I can read my title clear When Jesus dwelt in mortal clay What strange perplexities arise come sweet day of rest

sinners who presume to bear

We lif our hearts to thee

When blooming youth is snatch'd away
With songs and honours sounding loud
While o'er our guilty land O Lord
What sacred raptures fire my breast


E humble souls approach your God
Ye heavens rejoice in Jesus' grace

Yes the Redeemer rose

Ye sons of earth prepare the plough

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Ye contrite sinners hear


Ye boundless realms of joy


Ye trembling souls dismiss your fears
Ye that obey th' immortal King



Ye sons of Adam vain and young


Ye mourning saints whose streaming tears



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