The Barclays of BostonTicknor, Reed, and Fields, 1854 - 419 sider |
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admired affections agreeable appeared Ashley asked ball Barclay's barque Barton beautiful begged behold believe bestow blessed Boston boys brother certainly Charley Sanderson charming child Clara confess dance daugh daughter dear declared delighted devoted Dinah dinner Dolly Eger enjoyed excellent eyes father favor feelings Florence fortune friends gentleman Georgy Gerald Sanderson girl Grace Gracy happy heard heart honor hope husband immense invited Johnny Julian Seaton Kate knew live looked Louis the Fourteenth manner marriage married Mary Redmond Meredith mind Miss Serena Miss Tidmarsh morning mother N. P. WILLIS Naseby never Newfoundland dog night Nursey Bristow obliged perceive perfectly person Peter Philip Egerton pleasant poor possessed pray received remarkably replied returned Richard Barclay Robert Redmond Rome seemed sister spirit sure thing thought tion told uncle whole wife wish woman young creature young lady youth
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Side 346 - Rome! my country! city of the soul! The orphans of the heart must turn to thee. Lone mother of dead empires! and control In their shut breasts their petty misery. What are our woes and sufferance? Come and see The cypress, hear the owl, and plod your way O'er steps of broken thrones and temples, — Ye! Whose agonies are evils of a day — A world is at our feet as fragile as our clay.
Side 51 - Pluto maintained he was cheated, For justice divine could not compass its ends ; The scheme of man's penance he swore was defeated, For earth becomes heaven with wife, children, and friends...
Side 327 - But doth not the appetite alter? A man loves the meat in his youth, that he cannot endure in his age: Shall quips, and sentences, and these paper bullets of the brain, awe a man from the career of his humour? No: The world must be peopled. When I said, I would die a bachelor, I did not think I should live till I were married.— Here comes Beatrice : By this day, she's a fair lady : I do spy some marks of love in her.
Side 334 - Truth crushed to earth, shall rise again The eternal years of God are hers; But Error, wounded, writhes in pain, And dies among his worshippers.
Side 191 - THERE'S not a look, a word of thine, My soul hath e'er forgot ; Thou ne'er hast bid a ringlet shine, Nor giv'n thy locks one graceful twine Which I remember not.
Side 414 - HERE'S a health to ane I lo'e dear! Here's a health to ane I lo'e dear ! Thou art sweet as the smile when fond lovers meet, And soft as their parting tear — Jessy...
Side 295 - The Lust of Gold succeeds the Rage of Conquest, The Lust of Gold, unfeeling and remorseless ! The last Corruption of degenerate Man...
Side 61 - HAPPIEST he, whose riper years retain The hopes of youth, unsullied by a stain ! His eve of life in calm content shall glide, Like the still streamlet to the ocean tide : No gloomy cloud hangs o'er his tranquil day ; No meteor lures him from his home astray ; For him there glows with glittering beam on high Love's changeless star that leads him to the sky; Still to the past he sometimes turns to trace The mild expression of a mother's face, And dreams...
Side 155 - Wait ! and the clouds of sorrow Shall melt in gentle showers, And hues from heaven shall borrow, As they fall amidst the flowers.