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XI. Translate (from Mendelssohn on Ecclesiastes):

דור קולך וכלה ויסוכו קכמקיס ונעלי סקייס וגופות בני קלוס 56 העפר ולול כל יכמקו קכמקיס מן העפר ויזונו מקס קקייס וכני קללס ועל ידי קסנון קזק קfרן לעולס עומדת כי כל סנפסליס יסוכו 56 העפר וסמתסויס יתקון מן


העפר :

סוכן סוכן ילכו גס סמיס......סתמיד יעלו כסיסיס וסידיס כניס קן קיס 56 קרקיע מקוס ססמס וקס לון סענניס וקליר יסון גסס ומיס וע"ז כfמר סקולס למי קיס ויספכס ומימי המעיניס מסגסס וכל סנקליס יכלו מסמעיניס כמ"ס סמסלק מעיכיס כנקליס :

מכות זכיר וסמול תחמול ותתחות סכרכרות 6ף סלפי הכוונס קרfסונס קנרנס כזס 6קל קנס fין ספק סלס נפל כמfמרי ססס יתעלס קסנוי קזק על כל הקרי וסקזלמן

סקקכמס סעליונס לf תעסס דבר מכלי תועלת ותכלית :

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I. TRANSLATE into HEBREW with vowel points and principal accents:

I lifted up my eyes on high and looked upon the heavens in their glory, and upon the expanse above my head in its brightness;

On the sun that goeth forth as a hero in his might, and the moon that walketh like a fair maiden in her beauty;

On the stars also, a countless host, that fulfil joyfully their courses, and whose sweet influences man cannot bind;

On the rainbow that compasseth the sky about with a glorious circle, and the dew-drops that deck as with pearls the garments of the morning.

Then I turned and considered with myself the earth and all things wherewith it is replete :-this also is very wonderful and past finding out.

Who can declare the precious things that are hidden beneath the earth, or number the treasures that come forth from its surface?

Behold! there is a place for gold and silver, for the sapphire, the onyx, and the ruby.

The trees of the wood and of the orchard are each one good after its kind, the green herb also, and the flowers of the field.

The rose and the lily, how pleasant are they to the sight! the myrtle and myrrh, how sweet is their scent!

Consider the cattle that are thy servants, and the wild-beasts that will none of thy yoke:

The ox plougheth in thy furrow, and the ass feedeth at thy crib; but the lion cometh on to meet thee, and maketh thee to tremble with his roaring.

Who knoweth all the fowls of the air, and everything that flieth between heaven and earth,

From the kingly eagle that buildeth his nest in a rock, and rejoiceth in the whirlwind and rideth on the storm, to the tiny insect that is born in a day and dieth in a day?

Then I said, All these things are good, and many more like them might a wise man discover.

Surely then He who made them is great, yea moreover gracious is He and merciful.

For assuredly the Creator is greater than the creature, and as His majesty is, so is His mercy.

1 Now it happened that at that time there arose another king in his stead, and made many wars and won many strong holds, and slew the kings of the earth, 2 And went through to the ends of the earth, and took spoils of many nations, insomuch that the earth was quiet before him; whereupon he was exalted, and his heart was lifted up. 3 And he gathered a mighty strong host, and ruled over countries, and nations, and kings, who became tributaries unto him. 4 And after these things he fell sick, and perceived that he should die. 5 Wherefore he called his servants, such as were honourable, and had been brought up with him from his youth, and parted his kingdom among them while he was yet alive. 6 So he reigned twelve years and then died.

II. Add the vowel points and principal accents to the following passage:

Ruth ii. 2-13.

ותאמר רות המואביה אל-נעמי אלכה נא השדה,Beginning על לב שפחתך ואנכי לא אהיה כאחת שפחתך: ,Ending


I. WHAT do you consider to be the proper force of the particle Give the fundamental rule with regard to its insertion before nouns. Is that rule ever transgressed? Can n be prefixed to the subject of a proposition? Explain its use in each of the following passages: Gen. iv. 1 (end), Numb. xxxii. 5 (first clause), 1 Sam. xvii. 34, 2 Kings vi. 5, Ezek. xliii. 7, Hos. x. 6, Hag. ii. 17 (last clause), Eccles. iv. 3 (first clause), Neh. ix. 19.

II. How far is it correct to say that a noun in the construct state is definite? How is the first of two nouns in regimen affected by the article being prefixed to the second? Explain the following uses of the definite

עֵץ הַחַיִּים ; 34 .ib הָאֲרִי ;28 .Sam. xvii 1 הַגָּדוֹל ; 17 .Isai. xli בַּצָמָא : article עֲנֵנוּ ; 17 .Chron. xxix 1 הַנִּמְצְאוּ ; .ib הַדַּעַת טוֹב וָרָע ;9 .Gen. ii

1 Kings xvii. 26.


III. Translate with explanatory and illustrative notes Psalm xlix.

(a) The same Hebrew tense is employed in vv. 5, 8 and 11: has it the same force in them all? (b) Give the form, root, and grammatical construction of ¡ and nibh v. 15. (c) What probable allusion is there in the expression 'p' '? (d) Account for the grammar of the first clause of v. 20.

IV. (1) Discuss fully the following passages with special reference to the English Authorised Version: Gen. vi. 3, Deut. xxxii. 5, Is. vi. 13, Ps. xvi. 2, 3, Ps. xxvii. 8, Ps. cxxvii. 2, Prov. ii. 17, Eccles. vii. 16-18; and analyse 'NA, Opiwn, nan, jitt, DĮ. What do you understand by in Gen. vi. 3?

(2) Give instances either in these or other passages in which the accents help to decide the interpretation.

(3) What is your opinion of the following renderings of the LXX? Gen. xxv. 8. καὶ ἐκλείπων ἀπέθανεν Αβραάμ.

Gen. xxviii. 19. καὶ Οὐλαμλοὺς ἦν ὄνομα τῇ πόλει τὸ πρότερον. Hab. ii. 11. λίθος ἐκ τοίχου βοήσεται, καὶ κάνθαρος ἐκ ξύλου φθέγξεται αὐτά.

V. Translate Job viii.

Prefix to your translation an analysis of the contents of the chapter after the manner adopted in some English Bibles, and add any notes you please.

17 .in ver בֵּית אֲבָנִים Translate Is. xiv. 19, and apply it to illustrate

of this chapter.

VI. Translate as before Eccles. xi. 1-6, Isai. viii. 21-ix. 4.

VII. Translate the following commentaries on Gen. vi. 1, 3, and Eccles. xi. 3:

(1) בני קלקיס • כני קסליס וסספטיס • ר"6 בני קלקיס קס קסריס קקלכיס כסלימותו סל מקוס 6ף קס קיו מתערכיס נקס כל 6לסיס סכמקרס ל' מכות וזה יוכיס ולתס תקיק לו כחלקיס לfק נתתן 6לקיס : לא ידון רוקי כחלס • 65 יתרעס ויריב רוקי עלי נסניל קורס : והיו ימיו וגו' על ק"כ סנס חורין לקס 6פי וfס לf יסוכו fניס עליקס מכול - וח"ת מסכולך יפת עד המבול fינו 656 ק' סנס fין מוקדס ומולקר כבר היתה הגזירה גזולס כ' סנס קולס סקולין כק

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תולדות וכן מכיכו כסדר עולס : (2) כסס סfס ימללו סעכיס גסס סקס יריקו ויספכו על קורן וכסס סfס יפול ען כדרוס לו כלפון מקוס סיפול סס יקי' קוf כך fי 6פסר סלח תיקנס מחותן שתתן לסס קלקיס

מסלך :

Theological Examination Papers.

October, 1856.


PROF. JEREMIE, D.D. Trinity College.

PROF. JARRETT, M.A. Trinity College.

REV. RICHARD ARTHUR FRANCIS Barrett, B.D. King's College.

REV. FREDERICK GELL, B.D. Christ's College.

REV. JOHN SPICER WOOD, M.A. St John's College.


1. ADD the vowel points to the following passage:

Gen. xxxix.

ויוסף הורד מצרימה ויקנהו פוטיפר סריס,Beginning ואשר הוא עשה יהוה מצליח:,Ending

2. Translate into HEBREW:-(a) We commanded him. (b) They despised you. (c) You told us this. (d) She will give him what he required of her. (e) So she died in her twentieth year. (f) Wilt thou not give me to drink a cup of cold water? (g) Where shall I hide myself from the face of him that seeks my life?


1. TRANSLATE into ENGLISH, adding such notes as you may think needful:

(a) Chap. XVIII.

(b) Chap. XXIX. 1–29.

2. Add the pronominal affixes for us, and you, m. to the third person sing. fem. of the past and present tenses of the following verbs:

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