is not mere animal excitement, produced by the call addressed to us to engage in it, seconded by our own conviction of the propriety of the exercise, there must be a corresponding spirit of zeal and activity in working. If we pray, and only pray, IDLY expecting an answer, and attempting nothing till we think we have received it, there is something wrong. The prayer that is sincere is followed by the immediate effort of faith to realize the blessing, prayed for. If prayer be not so followed up, the meaning of it "being interpreted," it is just that God, by exerting his own divine power, in converting the heathen nations, would spare us the trouble of making any farther exertion-or at least so remove difficulties and dangers, that the performance of the duty would be to us all that was gratifying and soothing; and be in all respects more the joy of harvest, than the weeping labour of them that till and sow. I do not by any means say, that the influences of the Spirit can be dispensed with, or that prayer for them is out of place in the present state of our progress in the work of evangelizing the heathen nations. This is impossible. Indeed, I think there is no hope of much good being done, either at home or abroad, till we see more of that heavenly influence pervading all ranks of contributors to this work, and all labourers in every department of it. But I say that we must not rest in merely praying for this blessing. Praying must be followed with doing, and labour must be sanctified by prayer. Let us "believe we have the petitions we desire of him," and act accordingly. Till we do so we ask amiss, if not as to the subject of our prayers, at least as to the spirit of them. I am well aware that not a few contribute to the missionary cause, just as they do to any other benevolent institution, without thinking much about it. When we have gotten such people's money, we have gotten all we have to expect from them. The cause is not helped by their prayers, for they are not given to prayer. It is not helped by their example, for their conduct is not exemplary. It is not helped by their persuasive arguments in its favour, in their respective circles, for they are unable to reason in its defence. They neither understand its claims, nor appreciate its importance. O when the Spirit of power and love, and of a sound mind, shall descend upon these, and upon all the professed friends of the missionary and Bible cause, there will be a change indeed! For this let us pray, and in the mean time be doing what we can with the limited means we enjoy. True christians have a most exalted idea of the glory of their unseen Saviour. But as his glory, while he was upon earth, was obscured by the veil of humanity, he chose to wear, so his glory is still in a great degree holden from the world, because the number of his professed followers is comparatively small, and the light of many of them is hid under a bushel. They form but a small portion of the inhabitants of the world, and multitudes of the number of those that call him Lord, bring no glory to his name; for their character disgraces the religion they profess. We believe indeed that the heathen are given to our Saviour "for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession;" but we see not yet "all things put under him." I sometimes endeavour to realize the feelings of a christian of a future and happier age of the church, when the far greater part of the world shall have been subdued to Christ, and be full of "people made willing in the day of His power." How will the heart of every christian of that happier age expand, when he looks around to the east and west, and south and north, and contemplates the crowding millions of every clime and of every language, ranked among the humble and joyful followers of Jesus! - their idols thrown away-their cruel rites abolished-their wars all over-their cup of prosperity as full as it can be on earth, and CHRIST the theme of every tongue, and the supreme object of love and devotion of every heart. Great is the joy of loyal and affectionate subjects, when the king they venerate, and who has been long deprived of his crown and the enjoyment of his just rights as the sovereign of an extensive empire-a king who has long been confined to a narrow spot as to actual dominion, and has had but few devoted to his cause and sharers of his fortunes, and supporters of his honours and majesty, -I say great is the joy of such a people, when their king is restored to the full possession of his kingdomwhen the hearts of all are opened to revere him, and bowed in dutiful submission before him. So it will be with the faithful followers of Christ, in that day when he shall be glorious in the eyes of all nations. For although his true friends know that he has a right to universal empire, yet there is still a difference between merely having a right, and being actually put in possession of it. It is one thing to contemplate the kingdoms of this world as Christ's in reversion, and another thing to see them rejoicing in the blessings of his reign. Let us cheerfully give our life and labours to accelerate this blessed era. I am, &c. LETTER XXI SOME OF THE CAUSES OF INDIFFERENCE το MISSIONARY EXERTIONS. My dear Friend, WHAT is the reason why so many professing christians render so little efficient aid to the cause of the blessed Saviour in the heathen world? This is a question that forces itself upon us when we think on the one hand how much aid that cause requires, and on the other how practically indifferent many are whom in charity we are bound to consider as sincere christians. This indifference is to be traced to a variety of causes, and it may not be unuseful briefly to glance at some of them. (1.) The burden of supporting the ordinances of religion among themselves presses heavily upon some bodies of christians. It seems to require their utmost exertions to provide for their own; and so many, because they feel that they can do very little, absolutely do nothing in the way of contributing to the spread of the gospel. (2.) The pressure of the times also is severely felt by many. But when will this cease? Shall the heathen be allowed to live and die without 1 |