Departure from Genoa and Arrival at Leghorn-Visit to Pisa and Florence-Dilatoriness of the Vetturino-Country between Leg- horn and Pisa—Principal Piazza in the latter City-Cathedral— Bronze Doors Baptistry-Campo Santo-Leaning Tower- Present Appearance of Pisa-Lung Arno-Historical Recollec-
Disappointment in not visiting Rome-Passage from Leghorn to Naples Islands of Corsica and Elba-Scenery of the Bay of Naples at Night-Peculiar claims of Naples to the Attention of Travellers-General Description of the City-Strada Toledo- Loudness with which the Neapolitans talk-Gesticulation- Character of Neapolitan Coachmen and Shopkeepers—Villa Reale--Grotto of Pausilipo-Tomb of Virgil-Churches of Na- ples-Sculpture in the Chapel of S. Severo-Vice Undeceived -Modesty-Dead Christ-Offer of Canova-Dine at a Convent of Capuchins-Visit from the Monks on Board--Royal Palace- Collection of Paintings-Death of Cæsar and of Virginia by Ca- mucini-Royal Stables Theatre of S. Carlo-Illumination in Honour of the King's Birth-Day-Theatre of S. Carlino-Aca- demia degli Studii-Rich Collection of Sculpture-Farnesian Hercules-Farnesian Bull-The Flora-Callipigian Venus-Im-