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Bleffed is be that confidereth the poor.

S the world was made by wisdom, it DISC. requires wisdom to understand the

frame of it. The more a man increases in wisdom, the more he will understand it; and the more he understands, the more he will approve. The full perfection of a complex machine in all it's parts, with their respective bearings, and mutual dependencies on each other, is best comprehended by an artist. Superficial thinkers see little, and blame; deep thinkers see much, and commend.



DISC. In viewing the constitution of the moral system, there is scarcely a phænomenon that strikes so forcibly upon the mind, or occafions so much perplexity in it, as that of the inequality of mankind, or the state and condition of the poor. In the passage of Scripture which has been just read, we are invited, by the promise of a Bleffing, to employ our thoughts on that subject: " Blessed is he that confidereth the poor;" that giveth himself thoroughly to study and understand their case, and why it is as it is; to fee the reafon of the thing, and his own duty resulting from it.

The inequality of mankind is a plain and undeniable matter of fact: nor does it happen occafionally, in this or that age, in this or that country: it is universal and unavoidable, at least in the situation of affairs which has taken place in the world, fince the Fall. From that period, it ever has been so, it ever will be so, it ever must be fo, till the time of the restitution of all things. What, then, will be the first confideration


fideration with a rich man, when he fees a DISC. poor man? If he be endowed with a clear head, and a good heart, will he not reason in some such manner as the following?

God has given the earth to the children of men, for the support of all. While I abound, why does this man want? Plainly, that we may bear one another's burthens; that my abundance may supply his need, may alleviate his distress, may help to sustain the affliction under which he groans; that I may take off his load of woe, and he take off the superfluity of my wealth; that so the stream, now broken and turbid, may again find it's level, and flow pure and tranquil. Otherwise, if he be suffered thus to carry, on his own shoulders, through life, the weight of all this accumulated misery, should he murmur and complain, would it not be with some colour of justice, and must not I in some measure be answerable for his so doing? We are formed, by the same artificer, of the same matèrials; our trust is in the same Saviour, and we must stand



DISC. stand before the same Judge: yet are there, on my fide, health, affluence, and joy; on his, fickness, indigence, and forrow: I have enough to fupply every want that luxury itself can fancy; while he has not wherewithal to support his family, or to fatisfy his own hunger. Surely, for this very end were riches bestowed upon me, and not without a design is this poor object thrown in my way, that I might use them aright, and justify the ways of Providence. The inequality of nature shall be rectified by religion. This man shall have as much as he needs, and I can enjoy no more. He shall not want, while I have to spare. God, who has given to man, delights that man should give; and he who gives most, does most resemble his Maker.

Nor let the rich imagine, that what they thus give is thrown away, or given to those who can make no return: let them not grudge to bestow fome part of their wealth on the poor - they bestow it on those, to whom, under God, they owe the whole.


whole. For what, I beseech you, is the DISC. nature of Society? Is it composed only of the noble and opulent? Did you ever hear, or read, of one that was for composed? Such a Society could not subsist for a week. As the members of it would not work, they could not eat. Of what value were your estates in the country, if the poor did not cultivate them? Of what account the riches of the nobleman, or the gentleman, if they must want the comforts, the conveniences, and even the necessaries of life? "The king himself is served by the field," and, without the labours of the husbandman, must starve in his palace, surrounded by his courtiers and guards. The world depends, for subsistence, on the plough, the fickle, and the flail! To what purpose warehouses of merchandise in the city? Who but the poor will submit to the drudgery of exporting our own commodities, and importing others in return? Nay, by whom, but by the poor, could they be prepared either for consumption at home,

See M'Farlan, p. 236.


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