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Church History.-First term. Reformation and Modern periods (2.)

Homiletics.-Second and third terms, Preaching before the Seminary,with Criticism (2). Pastoral Theology.-First and second terms Constitution of the Church; the ordinances, pasChristian Theology. First term Introduction; Theology: Anthropology (4); second term, Christology; Pneumatology (4); third term, Eschatology; Christian ethics (4).

toral duties (2).

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3 p. m..

Prof. Hastings.
Prof. Vincent.
Prof. Briggs.

criticism of sermons, seniors, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, 1.30 to 2.30 p. m. with Prof. Hastings.

Class in Syriac, Tuesdays, 2 to 3 p. m., with Prof. Briggs.

Prof. Prentiss.
Prof. Briggs.
Prof. Shedd.

Class in Biblical Aramaic, Tuesdays, 2 to 3 p. m., with Prof. Brown.
Class in Assyrian I., Mondays, 2 to 3 p. m., with Prof. Brown.

Class in Assyrian II., Wednesdays, 10 to 11 a. m., with Prof. Brown.

Advanced class in Hebrew, Thursdays and Fridays, 2 to 3 p. m., with Prof. Brown.
Vocal culture, middlers individually, juniors in sections, daily, 9 to 11 a. m., with Prof. Rob


Sacred music, choir drill, Mondays, 5.15 p. m.; classes, Thursdays, 7.30 p. m., with Prof. Her


1 Chair of Pastoral Theology, Church Polity, and Mission Work.

2 Associate Professor in Department of Biblical Philology.

3 Chair of Sacred Literature.

4 Chair of Hebrew and Cognate Languages.

Chair of Church History.

Chair of Systematic Theology,

President and Chair of Sacred Lhetoric.

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Private criticism of sermons, seniors, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1.30 to 2.30 p. m., with Prof. Hastings.

Class in Arabic, Wednesdays, 10 to 11 a. m., with Prof. Briggs.

Class in Assyrian II, Tuesdays, 2 to 3 p. m., with Prof. Brown.

Advanced class in Hebrew, Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays, 2 to 3 p. m., with Prof. Brown. Vocal culture, seniors individually, middlers in sections, daily, 9 to 11 a. m., with Prof. Roberts.

Sacred music, choir drill, Mondays, 5.15 p. m.; classes, Thursdays, 7.30 p. m., with Prof. Herman.


The academic year consists of two terms, the first beginning with the third Wednesday of September and ending with the Christmas holidays; the second beginning immediately after those holidays and ending with the Tuesday next preceding the second Thursday of May. Examinations will be held during the last week of each term upon the studies then completed. These examinations are conducted by the faculty with the cooperation of committees of the directors. The Presbytery of New York is represented by a committee at the intermediate exami nation, the Synod of New York at the final examination.



Scheme of lectures.1

Monday-9 to 10 a. m., middle class theology, junior Greek; 10 to 11 a. m., senior history, middle class Hebrew; 11 a. m. to 12 m.. junior Hebrew; 12 m. to 1 p. m., middle class English, Bible; 1 to 2 p. m., senior class polity, junior history.

Tuesday.-9 to 10 a. m., senior Hebrew, middle class history: 10 to 11 a. m., middle class theology, junior Hebrew; 11 a. m. to 12 m., senior class polity, junior class natural theology; 12 m. to 1 p. m., senior English Bible, middle class Greek; 1 to 2 p. m., junior history.

Wednesday.-9 to 10 a. m., senior history, junior Greek; 10 to 11 a. m., senior Greek, middle class theology; 11 a. m. to 12 m., junior apologetics; 12 m. to 1 p. m.,2 senior theology (homiletics), middle class Hebrew; 1 to 2 p. m., junior history: 5 p. m., exercises in homiletics and the use of the prayer book which all the students are required to attend.

Thursday.-9 to 10 a. m., senior Greek, middle class history; 10 to 11 a. m., middle class theology, junior Hebrew; 11 a. m. to 12 m., senior Hebrew; 12 m. to 1 p. m., senior theology, middle class Greek; 1 to 2 p. m., junior history.

Friday.-9 to 10 a. m., senior Greek, middle class history: 10 to 11 a. m.,3 senior history (canon law), middle class theology, junior Hebrew; 11 a. m. to 12 m., junior apologetics; 12 m. to 1 p. m., senior theology, middle class English Bible.


The necessary information is not possessed by this Bureau to enable it to discuss the subject of text books with any degree of thoroughness. The following scheme will show very succinctly a peculiarity of the catalogues of the schools of the Episcopal Church, to wit: The text and reference books are invariably

1 In order that the main outlines of the curriculum may be presented clearly, some of the briefer courses, which occupy only a fraction of a session, and the exercises in elocution are not noted in this scheme.

For half the session this hour is given to homiletics: but throughout the whole session exercises are given in analyzing texts and constructing sermons. This hour is given to canon law during the latter part of the session.

mentioned. To compare with it a programme of the Mount St. Mary's Ecclesiastical Seminary (Roman Catholic), and another of the Augustana Theological Seminary (Lutheran) are inserted:

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Auctores vero qui in scholis adhibentur sunt | Archæologia Biblica. Commentarii: Piconius sequentes.

Theologia Dogmatica: Jungmann et Schouppe.

Theologia Moralis: Gury-Ballerini. Ad consulendum, Lehmkuhl.

Introductio in Sacram Scripturam: Ubaldi.
Introductio Critica Hermeneutica Biblica et

et Estius.

Historia Ecclesiastica: Wouter.
Jus Canonicum: Soglia-Vecchiotti.
Sacra Eloquentia: Potter.

Liturgia Sacra: De Herdt, O'Brien et O'Kane
Lingua Hebraica: Vosen.

Cantus Planus: Magister Choralis.

1The programme is prefaced by the following statement as to admission:

Nemo in Seminarium admittetur nisi studia ad classes optatas præparatoria jam sufficienter excoluerit, quod per examen constare debebit. Ante omnia autem literas testimoniales ab Instituto cui forte fuerit adscriptus, necnon a proprio parocho vel alio superiore ecclesiastico secum portare tenebitur.

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Before speaking on this, in college history, well-worn question, let us distinguish between a special or nondegree course in a theological school and a course composed of a certain number of studies chosen by the students from among a category of subjects offered by the faculty in lieu of an invariable curriculum. To state the question thus is to answer it. The special courses for ministers or for others who seek to extend their acquirements in languages will be spoken of under the head of optional studies.

In 1885, the Theological Department of Oberlin College introduced the elective system for one-half of the course for B. D. For this degree students were required to complete work amounting to 1,050 hours of lectures. The required studies demanded 485 hours, the elective studies might extend to 1,252 hours, but 565 hours were required. At present the daily exercises are as follows:

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The courses printed in italics are required studies; the others are elective. The required courses amount to 628 hours; the elective courses offered in three years amount to 1,250 hours. For the degree of B. D., students must have completed work amounting to 1,133 hours of lec

tures upon this system. The studies of the several departments may be pursued in such order as is necessary to secure the desired electives; but continuous courses, such as church history a, or homiletics a, should never be interrupted until completed.1

The study of Syriac in the second year and the study of Chaldee in the third year were elective in the Hamilton Theological Seminary as early as 1885, they being optional studies at the date of 1881. In this institution the student may pursue a "full course" or a "Greek-English course "(which dispenses with Hebrew and begins the study of Greek) or an " English course " (which dispenses with both Hebrew and Greek).

About 1886 or 1887 "electives" were introduced in the Newton Theological Institution, the prescribed studies requiring from 9 to 10 hours a week. Most of the elective courses being open to more than one class, they are not arranged according to classes, but according to the term in which they are given. No elective course is begun unless there is an attendance of four or more students. In the first term the electives are the Semitic languages, including Assyrian and Biblical Greek, exegetical work in Old and New Testament apologetics, Christian theology according to John, inspiration, comparative religion and history of missions, and preaching and methods-14 courses in all of 1 or 2 hours a week, some open to all students, others open only to the middle and senior classes. The second term, for it appears that each course only continues one term, is very similar to the first in character, being, it would seein, a sort of continuation of the first term, though the courses of both terms are numbered consecutively from 1 to 30, course 15 being the first course of the second term. A peculiarity of the courses of the second term is indicated by expressions such as this "Course 15, 1891, and every third year Old Testament history; Course 17, 1889 and 1891, rapid reading of Hebrew Testament."

From the dean of Harvard it is learned that during the decade "the studies have gradually changed in the way of enlargement, the elective system having been introduced to some extent," while the acting warden of the Seabury Divinity School informs the Bureau that "We hope soon to introduce the elective system," and that "the German seminary system is increasing in favor." This seminary system is in vogue at Harvard; and perhaps elsewhere, without designation as such."

With the year 1890-91 the system of elective studies will be introduced in the Andover Theological Seminary in order to encourage a degree of specialization and to offer an increased number of subjects, particularly in Biblical studies. While the study of theology is in itself an election, says the faculty, and necessarily includes foundation work in Hebrew, Greek, dogmatics, church history, homiletics, and other branches of sacred learning, there may properly be opportunity for more extended research in one or another of the principal departments, and in accordance with the tastes and aptitudes of the students. The amount of prescribed work by lecture hours is therefore somewhat reduced in the middle and senior years, and several courses are offered from which a required number of hours is to be chosen. All the elective courses of each year. are offered to both classes, and entirely different courses are offered in alternate years. A sufficient number shall be chosen to make, with prescribed studies, an average of 12 hours a week in the middle and 10 in the senior year. Old Testament studies include the three courses of introduction, exegesis, and Biblical

The following course is recommended by the faculty for the general student:

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2 As, for instance, at the Chicago Theological Seminary, where the professor of church history conducts a "Historical Society," in which he reads with the students of all classes who may desire it selections from patristic works, e. g. First Apology of Justin Martyr.

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