THE MONTHLY MAGAZINE: EDITED BY JOHN A. HERAUD, ESQ. Οι θεοι οικτειραντες ανθρωπων επίπονον πεφυκος γενος, τας Μουσας PLATO DE LEGIBUS, 1. 2. Vel guy JULY TO DECEMBER. THE Rev. George Waddington, in his popular History of the Church, seems to have plumed himself much upon the discovery of a mare's-nest. He sought to show, for the benefit of all concerned, ONE-(mark One -so that the extent of the testimony may be appreciated-one excерtion going, as we all know, to disprove a rule !) - ONE CHURCH among the Primitive Churches ordered by other discipline than the episcopal. And which was that church? The Corinthian! - the one of all others famous for its dissensions. But was the Corinthian Church even so ordered? Our historian's proofs are of the slightest kind-they are derived from the circumstance of St. Clement's epistle being "written in the name of the Church sojourning at Rome,' not in that of the Roman Bishop; that its character is of exhortation, and not of authority; that it is an answer to a communication originally made by the Church of Corinth." For these notable reasons Mr. Waddington thought himself entitled to add-"The episcopal government was clearly not yet here established; probably as being adverse to the republican spirit of Greece." The insufficiency of this statement, even to support conjecture, is apparent enough. The One exception, then, is doubtful-yet in a subsequent part of the book it is multiplied to Two. "As the Apostles were gradually withdrawn, it is certain that * Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. London: Baldwin and Cradock, Paternoster Row. 1833. N. S. VOL. VI. B |