Mrs. Vernon. Mr. Jofeph Underwood of Ludgate-hill. Rev. Mr. Unwin of Southgate. Mr. John Vokes of St. Bride's. Rev. Mr. Upton, Prebendary of Rochester. THE W. HE Right Hon. Lady Elizabeth Wentworth. Sir Charles Wager. Rev. Dr. Walker. John Walker, Gent. of Gray's Thorock, Effex. Mr. Peter Wallis of St. Bride's. Mr. John Walsh. Mrs. Walfingham. Sir George Walter. Rev. M. Walton of the Devizes. Mr. Henry Warcopp. Rev. John Warcopp, LL. B. Rev. Mr. Ward of Kenfington. Rev. William Warneford, LL. B. of Southgate. Mrs Warren. 2 Sets. John Warren, Efq; Apothecary to His Majesty. Francis Warter, Gent. of Hadley. Mrs. Warter of Norfolk-ftreet. Rev. Richard Wafhbourn, M. A. Lady Wafteneys of Hayden. Rev. Dr. Waterland, Canon of Windfor. Rev. Mr. Waterland, Prebendary of Bristol. Rev. Mr. Waterman of Bifhop-Cannings, Wilts. Mr. Richard Watton of the Devizes. Mr. John Watts of St. Bride's. Mr. James Webb of the Devizes. Mr. Weber. Rev Rev. Mr. Weedon, Fellow of St. John's, Oxford, Francis Wightwick, Efq, of the Middle-Temple. Mr. John Whipham. Francis Whitehead, Efq; Mr. Thomas Whisker of St. Bride's. of Mr. Edward Whitehoufe of St. Thomas's Southwark, Mr. James Wigley of St. Bride's. Rev. Dr. Williams, Prefident of St. John's, Cambridge, Rev. Mr. Williams, Prebendary of Peterborough. Mrs. Charlote Williamson. Robert Willoughby, Gent. of Fobbing, Effex. George Willy, Gent. of the Devizes. John Willis, Gent. of the Six-Clerks-Office. 2 Sets, Rev. Dr. Wilfon, Rector of St. Stephen Walbrook, Alexander Wilfon, Esq Rev. Mr. Wilshere. Mrs. Winfton of Bristol. Rev. Mr. Withers of Lombard-street, Mrs. Wolftenholme. Mrs. Wood. George Woodroffe, Esq; John Woolfe, Efq; 3 Sets. Marth Woolfe, Efq, of Eaft-Barnet. 3 Sets. Mr. Woolfe of Marlbrough-street. 2 Sets. James HIS Grace the Lord Archbishop of York. Mrs. Amey Yarde. Mrs. Yates of Dover-ftreet, St. James's. William Young, Esq; Mr. Robert Young. Rev. Richard Younger, A. M. Rector of Guildford, Surrey. MATTH. xxii. 14. For many are called, but few chofen. I yet T must be owned, that Religion, how much foever oppofed by the open Patrons of Infidelity and Prophaneness, has received its most fatal Wounds from the Ignorance, Mifapprehenfions, or Designs, of some of its Votaries, who have made it to patronize Opinions abhorrent of it; and who, under the facred Vail of its Sanctions, have introduced Doctrines contradictory to its first Principles, and fubverfive of its main End and Defign. As for the thin Sophistry of Atheism, and the witty Blafphemies of the Sceptick, they affect those only who are not worthy of Religion, and whofe Amputation therefore, like that of a mortified Limb, tends not to the Deftruction, but to the Prefervation, of the Body. But pernicious Doctrines, which conceal themselves under the Sanction of Religion, fpread Corruption and Weakness through its own Votaries, and by giving a wrong Turn to their Imaginations, often endanger, if not fubvert, the Safety of those who are moft earnest in purfuing it; and VOL. I. whofe B |