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-on preparing better things for future, Guimps, 383, n.


- showed the right road, 384

Guimps's Pestalozzi, 317, &c.
Habrecht, Isaac, 161, n.

Froude, J. A., on use of hagiology, 503, n. Hack, Miss, Tales of Travelers, 490

[blocks in formation]

Gesner, J. M., for Statarisch and Curso- Harmar, J.. 161, n.

risch, 33

Harris, W T., on "Nature," 109

[blocks in formation]

"Infelix divortium verum et verborum," 139 Kinglake's Eothen, quoted, 15

Innovators, 103

"Inquiry into course of Nature," 311
Instruct is instruere, 432

Insuction an exercise of faculty, 332
latellect before critical faculty. Comenius,

Interest, Degrees in, 113
- in teaching needed, 546
-needed for activity, 474

-needed for mental exertion, 193, #.
-No success without, 473

Kingsley on Jesuits, 54

Knowing, after Being and Doing, 307
- by heart, 74, n.

Knowledge and Locke, 513

- a tool, 540

-and Comenius, 512

- Danger from, 78

Desire for, 540

despised by New Educationists, 526
Genesis of, 462

-Locke's definition of, 222

Knowledge must not be dead knowledge, Lily's Carmen Mon., 81


- not fastened to mind, Montaigne, 71
over-estimated by Comenius, 168
- Perfect, impossible, 226

spreads like fire, 433

- self-gained, Locke, 515

- Teaching what it is, 453
Knowledges, Relative value of, 443
Connexion of, Comenius, 157

Known to Unknown, 457
Koethen, Ratke fails at, 107
Kruesi joins Pestalozzi, 340
Lancelot on Comenius, 186
-on learning Latin, 185

Landon, J., School Management, 544
Langethal and Froebel, 390

Language-learning, Lancelot on, 186, .
- Method for, 426, n.

Language lives in small vocabulary, 169
- not Literature, 17

[blocks in formation]

Lavater and Basedow, 276

-and Pestalozzi, 291

Learn, Every one can, Jacotot, 416
Learning as employment, 75

- begins with birth. Pestalozzi, 537
- by heart wrong. Ratke, 113
by heart. See Memorizing
for the few, Mulcaster, 93
may be borrowed, Montaigne, 73
- must not be play, 367

- not Knowledge, Montaigne, 71
Leipzig, Dr. Vater at, 477

Leisure hours, 450

- often useless, 498

Leitch, J., Practical Educationists, 409

-Practical Educationists, 544

Lemaître, 186, n.

Leonard and Gertrude, 305

Lessing on Raphael, 420
Leszna sacked, 132
"Letters," Comm. for, 538
Lewis, Prince, and Ratke, rob
Light from within, Nicole, 199
Likes and Dislikes, Study, 466

Grammar, 533

Literature and Science, 154 536

-at Port-Royal, 184

- in education, 539

-or Letters, 9

What is? 6

"Little Schools," 176

Locke against sugar and salt, 460
-and Froebel, 407


behind Comeniu, 230

- Books on, 238

for Working Schools, 211,
-on Public Schools, 177, 513
-and Rousseau, 227

- against ordinary learning, 234
- predecessor of Pestalozzi, 362
two characteristics, 220

- teacher disposes influence, 513
-Was he a utilitarian? 234
Locksley Hall quoted, 152
Louis XIV and Port-Royalists, 176
Love the essential principle, 358
Loyola on body and soul, 62
Lowe or Pestalozzi? 379

Lubinus, E., 166, n.

Ludus Literarius, 200

Lupton, J. H., and Colet, 534

Lupton, J. H., on Catechismus P., 102, î
Lux in tenebris, 133

Lytton, Ld., on mother's interference, 371
MacAlister, James, and Anschauung,

Macaulay on French Revolution, 246
- wanted, 488

"Magis magnos clericos, &c.," 70

Maine, Sir H. S., on studying teaching
scientifically, 410, 13.

Malleson, Mrs., Notes on Early Training,

Mangnall's Questions, 374

Manning, Miss E. A., a Froebelian
Manual labour at Stanz, 331
Marcel, C., 535

Marenholtz-Bulow and Froebel, 394
Marion's fraud, 173

Martineau, Miss, and comet, 223

Masham, Lady, on Locke, 220, n.
Masson, D., quotes Mulcaster, 534
Masson, D., quotes Didac. Mag., :40, n
Masson's Milton, quoted, 127, M
Masters and religion, 492

Masters, The "open" and the "reserved," | Model book, Ascham for, 87

[blocks in formation]

his paradox of ham, 419, n.
Moral development first, 358

Morality is development of infant's grati-
tude, 309

Morals, Rousseau on, 263

Morf, Summary of Pestalozzi's principles,

Morgan, T. J., Educational Mosaics, 544

- depending on associating sounds, 193, Mother-tongue, 104


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Middle Age blind to beauty in human form Nature, Comenius about, 136, 137

[blocks in formation]

-on learning through the senses, 150, 213, Newman, J. H., on Locke, 235


Milwaukee, Inter-class matches at, 531
Mind like sea-anemone, 474

- on connexion of knowledges, 158
- on nature of literature, 7, n.

New master, Advice to, 60,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Sensible men cannot differ in, Locke,
221, n.

Orbis Pictus published, 132, 167
"Over and over again," Ratke, 110
Over-directing, Rousseau against, 265
Overworking teachers, 497

Oxenstiern sees Comenius, 128

Payne, Joseph, Science and Art of Teach
ing, 542

- Papers on History of Ed., 544
- summing up Pestalozzi, 369, n.
- a disciple of Jacotot, 415

and International Copyright, 529
- on women's ed., 98

Payne, Dr. J. F., notes to Locke, 228, #:
Payne, W. H., Science of Ed., 545
Perez, B., on Jacotot, 438
Perfect familiarity, 433
Pestalozzian books, 383
Pestalozzianism lies in aim, 354
Pestalozzi's school at Neuhof, 296
- talks with children at Stanz, 325
Pestalozzi, a strange schoolmaster, 334
A portrait of, 345



- and Bacon, 408

[blocks in formation]

- Realism, 208

Philanthropinum, Subjects taught at, 279
Physical education for health, 104

Ed. neglected by Port-Royalists, 188
Ed., Rabelais for, 67

Physician's defective science, 519

Picture-book for History, Dr. Arnold, 487

Painter, F. V. N., History of Educa- Pictures for teaching, 476

tion, 543

Parallel Grammar Series, 114,

Parænesis by Sacchini, 34, ".

Parker, F. W., and Kindergarten, 411
- on reading, 482

Talks on Teaching, 544

Parker, C. S., in Essays on Lib. Ed.. 33
Parkin, John, 366, n.

Parkman, Francis, on Jesuits, 55, 56
Pascal and Loyola, 172

Past, No escape from the, a
Pattison, Mark, on exams., 228, %%
- on dearth of books, 12
- on what is education, 228
-on Milton

Pattison's account of Renascence, 4
Paul III recognizes Jesuits, 35
Paulsen on Jesuits, 55

--on Comenius, 153

Payn, James, on learning from books, 546
Payne, Joseph, on Pestalozzi, 359, n.

- un observation, 361

-on child s unrest, 407, %%

Piety at Port-Royal, 181

Pinloche's Basedow mentioned, 289, *, 527
Plants and education, Rousseau, 255
Plato against compulsion, 113
- on literary instruction, 14
Play and learning different, 367
Pleasant, Learning must be, 138
Pleasurable, Exercise is, 464
Pleasure in learning, Jesuits, 506
in learning. Ratke, 112
-in sch. work. Sacchini, 52
Mulcaster, 98

in sch. work.

in study at Port-Royal, 183, 194
Poety, Memorizing, 483
Pomey's Indiculus, 40

Pope. Dunciad quoted, 31, 422
-on Locke and Montaigne, 230,
-on "Nature," 109

quoted, 451, N.

Pope's "Little Knowledge,” 446
Port-Royal des Champs and the Solitaries,


Posture, Importance of, 327

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