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The native country of the white eyelid monkey seems to be yet somewhat uncertain. The west coast of Africa is generally assigned to it; and the specimen which formed the subject of our plate, was said to be procured from that country.

The collared white eyelid monkey which we have mentioned, appears to inhabit the opposite or eastern side of the same continent, and is an animal of greater beauty. The upper part of the head is deep chestnutbrown, and the back of the neck is crossed by a collar of the purest white, which reaches forward upon the cheeks, and forcibly contrasts with the deep shade of the body.

Another animal placed in this division, and with what F. Cuvier terms the Malbrouks, may be almost said to join in a small group among the Guenons; they have a peculiarity of carrying the tail arched over the back, in the manner of a cur dog; and in parts of their form and physiognomy come much nearer to the baboons. The first we shall mention is,


Cercocebus sabæus.-GEOFFROY.


St Jago monkey, Edwards' Gleanings, Plate 215.-The Green monkey, Pennant's Quadrupeds, 203.-Guenon callitriche, Desmarest's Mammalogie, page 61.-Cercocebus sabæus, Geoffroy, Annales du Museum, vol. xix. p. 99.-Le Callitriche, Frederic Cuvier, Histoire Naturelle des Mammiferes.

THE green monkey is one of the most abundant of this group, and is perhaps oftener seen in a captive state than any of the others. It is a native of the Cape Verd Islands and the continent of Africa, and in its disposition seems to possess part of the bad traits of the baboons, though it is at the same time lively and playful. That described by M. Cuvier, in the Menagerie du Museum, became very fierce and irascible, and even bit the keepers who happened to get within his reach.

The description given by Mr Bennet of the specimens in the Zoological Gardens, may be considered accurate; in some specimens, the shade of colouring varies, but there is no other variation of consequence.

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