| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1742 - 528 sider
...Magnificence of Language, or Appearance of Zeal, Honefly, or Compaffion.' Mr. Pitt. SIR, ". Pitt. ' The atrocious Crime of being a young Man, which the Honourable Gentleman has with fuch Spirit and Decency charged upon me, I fhall 'neither attempt to palliate, nordeny, but content myfelf... | |
 | John Hawkins - 1787 - 652 sider
...honefty or companion.' To this fober and temperate fpeech uttered by s grave fenator, who had fcrved his country in various capacities, and whofe moral...with fuch fpirit and decency charged * upon me, I fhall neither attempt to palliate nor deny, but conf tent myfelf with wifhing, that I may be one of... | |
 | Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 640 sider
...honefty or compaffion.' To this fober and temperate fpeech uttered by a grave fenator. who had ferved his country in various capacities, and whofe moral...with fuch fpirit and decency charged ' upon me, I fhall neither attempt to palliate nor deny, but con tent myfelf with wiftring, that I may be one of... | |
 | John Hawkins - 1787 - 636 sider
...honefty or compaffion.' To this fober and temperate fpeech uttered by a grave fenator, who had ferved his country in various capacities, and whofe moral...The atrocious crime of being a young man, which the ho• nour.ible gentleman has with fuch fpirit and decency charged • upon me, I fhall neither attempt... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1787 - 422 sider
...whatever magnificence of language, or appearance of zeal, honefty, or companion. Mr. PITT replied: — Sir, the atrocious crime of being a young man, which...has with fuch fpirit and decency charged upon me, I fiiall neither attempt to palliate nor deny, but content myfelf with wifhing that I may be one of thofe... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1787 - 548 sider
...whatever magnificence of language, or appearance of zeal, honefty, or companion. Mr. PITT replied: — Sir, the atrocious crime of being a young man, which...has with fuch fpirit and decency charged upon me, I fhall neither attempt to palliate nor deny, but content myfelf with wifhing that I may be one of thofe... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1787 - 442 sider
...whatever magnificence of language, or appearance of zeal, honclry> or companion. Mr. PITT replied: — Sir, the atrocious crime of being a young man, which...has with fuch fpirit and decency charged upon me, 1 fhall neither attempt to palliate nor deny, but content myfelf with wifhing that I may be one of... | |
 | John Hawkins - 1787 - 632 sider
...honefty or compaffion.' To this fober and temperate fpeech uttered by a grave fenator, who had ferved his country in various capacities, and whofe moral...irreproachable, the following was the anfwer of Mr. William Pitt : • S1R, ' The atrocious crime of being a young man, which the ' llJUourable gentleman has with fuch... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1787 - 430 sider
...language, or appearance of zeal, honefty, or compaffiorM ; Mr. PITT replied:— Sir, the atrocious Ecrime of being a young man, which the honourable gentleman...has with fuch fpirit and decency charged upon me, I fhall neither attempt to palliate nor deny, but content myfelf with wifhing that I may be one of thofe... | |
 | John Hawkins - 1787 - 640 sider
...honefty or compaffion.' To this fober and temperate fpeech uttered by a grave fenator, who had ferved his country in various capacities, and whofe moral...was irreproachable, the following was the anfwer of MrWilliam Pitt : f SIR, ' The atrocious crime of being a young man, which the • honourable gentleman... | |
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