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" For years the pow'r of tragedy declin'd; From bard to bard the frigid caution crept, Till Declamation roar'd whilst Passion slept; Yet still did Virtue deign the stage to tread, Philosophy remain'd though Nature fled. "
The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.: The life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. - Side 198
af Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787
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A Collection of Poems in Four Volumes, Bind 1

Robert Dodsley - 1755 - 356 sider
...From bard to bard, the frigid caution crept, Till declamation roar'd, while paffion flept. Yet ftill did virtue deign the ftage to tread, , Philofophy...Fauftus lay the ghoft of wit : Exulting Folly hail'd the joyful day, And pantomime and fong confirm 'd her fway. But who the coming changes can prefage, And...
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A Collection of Poems

1758 - 352 sider
...From bard to bard, the frigid caution crept, Till declamation roar'd, while paffion flept. Yet (till did virtue deign the ftage to tread, Philofophy remain'd,...Fauftus lay the ghoft of wit : Exulting Folly hail'd the joyful day, And pantomime and fong confirm'd her fway. But who 'the coming changes can prefage, And...
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A Collection of Poems ...

Robert Dodsley - 1758 - 384 sider
...bard to bard, the frigid caution crept, Till declamation roar'd, while paffion flept. Yet fti'l .'id virtue deign the ftage to tread, ' Philofophy remain'd,...forc'd at length her ancient reign to quit, She faw grea* Fauftus lay the ghoft of wit : Exulting Folly hail'd the joyful day, And pantomime and fong confirm'd...
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The History of the Theatres of London and Dublin: From the Year 1730 to the ...

Benjamin Victor - 1761 - 288 sider
...Houfe to receive them, and in rendering the Avenues to it commoYct ftill did Virtue deign the Stage to tread, Philofophy remain'd. though Nature fled....at length her ancient Reign to quit, She faw great Faujius lay the Ghoft of Wit : Exulting Folly hail'd the joyful Day, And Pantomime and Song confirm'd...
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A Collection of Poems: In Six Volumes, Bind 1

1765 - 396 sider
...declamation roar'd, while paflion flept., Yet flill did Virtue deign the ftage to tread, JPhilofophy remain'd, though Nature fled, But forc'd at length...Fauftus lay the ghoft of Wit: Exulting Folly hail'd the joyful day, And pantomime and fong confirm'd her fway. But who the coming changes can prefage, And...
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A collection of poems, by several hands [ed. by R. Dodsley]. [2 ..., Bind 1

Collection - 1766 - 356 sider
...frigid caution crept, .'it -.' * •• !. 'Till declamation roar'd, while paffion flept. Yet ftill did Virtue deign the ftage to tread, Philofophy remain'd, though Nature fled. > : ..'. 1. But forc'd at length her ancient reign to quit, She faw great Fauftus lay the ghoft of...
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Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, Bind 2

Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 374 sider
...frigid Caution crept Till Declamation foar'd, while Paffion flept. Yet ftill did Virtue deign the Stage to tread, Philofophy remain'd, though Nature fled....at length her ancient Reign to quit^ She faw great Faujlus lay the Ghoft of Wit ; Exulting Folly hail'd the joyful Day, And Pantomime and Song confirrn'd...
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Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, Bind 2

Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 374 sider
...frigid Caution crept Till Declamation foar'd, while Paffion flept. Yet ftill did Virtue deign the Stage to tread, Philofophy remain'd, though Nature fled....at length her ancient Reign to quit, She faw great Faujlus lay the Ghoft of Wit ; Exulting Folly hail'd the joyful Day, And Pantomime and Song confirm'd...
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Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick: Interspersed with Characters ..., Bind 1

Thomas Davies - 1780 - 372 sider
...From bard to bard the frigid caution crept, Till declamation roar'd, while paffion flept. Yet ftill did virtue deign the ftage to tread, Philofophy remain'd,...Fauftus lay the ghoft of wit ; Exulting folly hail'd the joyful day, And pantomime and fong confirm'd her fway, But who the coming changes can prefage, And...
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Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick, Esq: Interspersed with ..., Bind 1

Thomas Davies - 1781 - 554 sider
...From bard to bard the frigid caution crept, Till Declamation roar'd while Paflion flept. Yet ftill did Virtue deign the ftage to tread, Philofophy remain'd, though Nature fled. But forc'd at length her antient reign to quit, She faw great Fauftus lay the ghoft of Wit ; Exulting Folly hail'd the joyful...
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