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save his life: Peter repented of his conduct; Cranmer repented and became a faithful martyr; so did Servetus, he could not be brought to recant at Geneva, in order to save his life. Why then should what occurred at Vienne be remembered against him, any more than Cranmer's recantation is remembered against him. Servetus was guilty of an improper compliance, in sometimes attending the service of the catholic church at Vienne; but it was impossible to avoid doing this, while he resided there, without risking his safety, and his life. It may be said he might have removed into a protestant country. He had tried that experiment and found there was no rest nor safety for him there. However wrong his seeming compliance, for a time, with what he disapproved might be, he repented of it, and confessed that he had sinned in suffering his fears to influence him so to act. Instead of being severe on those good men, who have fallen into dissimulation to preserve their lives, we should be severe on those abominable proscribing laws which have a tendency to make men hypocrites: remembering we know not how we should act were we exposed to their fury.Whatever weakness Servetus might have before displayed, he endured the flames at Geneva, with that magnanimity which became a faithful martyr for truth.


To the preceding outline of the life, persecution, writings and opinions of Servetus, this chapter is added in the form of an oration, to bring his character and sufferings, at one view, the more fully before the reader. After having detailed the principal facts, and appealed to the understanding, it is presumed it cannot be improper to offer a more direct address to the feelings, and to adopt a style somewhat declamatory.

It may be thought a novel circumstance, that an address, in some degree resembling what is commonly delivered a few days after the decease of a distinguished character, should be penned for Servetus two centuries and a half after his demise: but the novelty of the thing is no proof of its impropriety. Not knowing that any such mark of respect has hitherto been paid him, and thinking it a tribute due to his memory, I have ventured to include it in this work, apprehending that it fully comports with its leading design.

If we would wish to be had in everlasting remembrance, and that our memory should be blessed by the righteous and the good, let us learn to disregard the evanescent praise which the voice of ignorance and flattery can bestow, which is undeserving the notice of a wise man; and aspire after that lasting reputation which can only be attained by solid worth and sterling excellence of character. Let us prefer the praise of God to that of men, and be anxious for the honor which cometh from him only. This can be attained only by a life of integrity, virtue, and goodness. Secure of the divine approbation, we need not fear the frowns and reproaches of mortals; for however much they may disparage us now, if we please God, a time will come when they shall be compelled to applaud our conduct.



The memory of the just is blessed.
PROV. 10:7.

To be just is to act justly, to do that which is right, habitually and from pure motives.The just man is not without some blemishes; there are some defects in the best of characters; but he will not intentionally do wrong: his heart is upright, his professions sincere, and his conduct regulated by principles of virtue and goodness.

To be a just man is no mean praise. When so many leave the path of rectitude, sacrifice virtue to interest, ambition, or some sensual passion, the man who maintains his integrity, and pursues an undeviating course of virtue, deserves to be venerated, and when dead his memory should be biessed. With bigots virtue and goodness are but little thought of, if not associated with their favorite dogmas; with them faith is every thing, charity and good works are lightly esteemed. With that God, who is no respecter

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