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christians, and the removing, as much as possible, every stumbling block out of the way of unbelievers.

A late excellent writer says, 'One thing which has increased the number of infidels, has been the christians making use of so many pious frauds, and winking hard at the faults of persons of their own way; while they have opened their eyes wide upon the mistakes and foibles of those of a different party.'

'If ever we would defend our common christianity effectually, and answer the anti-revelationists to any good purpose, we must give up those principles and practices which cannot be fairly defended, and hold fast those alone which may be supported by truth and evidence.'

'It is now above 200 years since the commencement of the reformation. Is it not, then, a shame and a reproach to protestants of all denominations, that there should yet be among them any pretences to infallibility; or any remains of bigotry and persecution; the very worst part of popery? That the free, noble and generous spirit of benevolence and liberty has not yet had an universal spread; and rooted out the spirit of persecution and uncharitableness, in all the kinds and degrees thereof? If such a spirit and temper were diffused among us and prevailed the more sober and considerate enemies of revelation would be more ready to hearken to what we have to say. And as to the body of them, who have never read the Bible through, with any tolerable care and attention; who wish christianity may be false, because it is convenient for them it should be so; inasmuch as it condemns their vices, and threatens them with a righteous judgment to come, and a terrible hereafter; when we had gained the more virtuous and judicious, such loose and abandoned persons, would either be put out of countenance, as having nothingplausible tosay in their own vindication; or they would show mankind, That they are against revelation, purely because revelation is against them.'

'At a time when all religion is so boldly struck at, we ought not to load religion with the pretended power and authority of any man, or number of men. We ought to content ourselves with being christians, and not list ourselves into any party, and glory in the name of particular heads and leaders. One alone is our master, our head and our Lord, viz. Jesus Christ; and we should glory in his name only: we should take our religion from his word, and make that the sole standard. Then should we


bring about the most glorious reformation indeed! not by the burning of heretics, (i. e. of persons who differ from us, no more than we differ from them) not by hunting down those we cannot convince; but by the force of evidence, and in the spirit of love and meekness; by kind treatment, invincible arguments, and inoffensive, holy and exemplary lives. Then would the glorious spirit of liberty and charity flow in every vein, and beat in every pulse; the most godlike benevolence warm every heart, and influence every action. Then would the salvation of God be nigh unto them that fear him, and glory dwell in our land! mercy and truth would meet together; righteousness and peace would embrace each other! Truth would spring out of the earth, and righteousness took down from heaven.'

This is a reformation devoutly to be wished for, by every humane and virtuous man; A spectacle, which God might look down upon with pleasure! A reformation which would bring glory to God on high, peace on earth, and the most extensive benevolence among men !'*

Alas! how far is such a glorious reformation from being effected! When shall the happy time arrive when all prejudice and bigotry shall die away; when party spirit, discord and animosity shall be heard of no more among chris* Dr. Benson's Tracts, 3rd. Edition, p. 207-209.


tians; when every mind shall be open to receive the truth as it is in Jesus, and every heart be filled with love to God and man? When shall primitive christianity, in all its original purity and native simplicity become universal? When shall it be that all the professors of the gospel shall convince unbelievers, by their heavenly tempers and holy lives, that there is something truly divine in the religion they profess? God of infinite love and mercy, carry thy gracious designs into effect, fulfil thy precious promises, let the sure words of prophecy be accomplished, that all the earth may be filled with thy glory, the people become all righteous, and live together in peace. We are waiting for thy salvation O LORD.


That some of the wisest and best of men have been charged with heretical pravity.

Ecclesiastical writers have too frequently either assumed the seat of judgment, and arrogantly taken upon themselves to decide on the opinions and state of their fellow christians, or suffered their judgment to be swayed, and their pens to be guided, by popular prejudices: and have diminished the value of their writings, by partial statements and the misapplication of terms. With such men whatever opinions have preponderated, and been sanctioned by authority, at the time they wrote, have been orthodox, and every thing opposed to them, heresy.Among the dissonant parties of christians, those who have been the most popular, and whose system has obtained general countenance, whether right or wrong, have been with them the true church, and all the rest heretics. This has been productive of very injurious effects. The memory of some of the wisest and best of men has been insulted, not only the due meed of praise withholden from them, but undeserved opprobrium associated with their names, merely because they happened to be the minority, and the majority, not contented with outvoting them, having the strong arm of power on their side, were unjust and cruel enough to defame and persecute them. Many readers, who judge of things by the representation such writers give, have been led to conclude that the opinions maintained by such reputed heretics are false and dangerous. Thus the mistakes and prejudices of the former times of ignorance have been perpetuated, the empire of error and superstition

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