AN APOLOGY FOR DR. MICHAEL SERVETUS: INCLUDING AN ACCOUNT OF HIS LIFE, PERSECUTION, WRITINGS AND OPINIONS? Being designed to eradicate BIGOTRY AND UNCHARITABLENESS: AND TO PROMOTE LIBERALITY OF SENTIMENT AMONG CHRISTIANS. BY RICHARD WRIGHT, One is your Master even Christ, and all ye are brethren. Who art thou that judges crother. WISBECH, PAUL Printed and Sold by F. B Wright; CHRIST SOLD BY VIDLER, 187, HIGH HOLBORN; OSTELL, AVE MA DEDICATION. To Calvinists in general;----to the admirers of Mr. Andrew Fuller's book, entitled the Calvinistic and Socinian systems compared as to their moral tendency, in particular;----the following pages are inscribed; as affording a display of the practical influence of Calvinism, on the temper and conduct of its first promulgators; and as a necessary sequel to the above work, being illustratice of its leading principle:RARY By their sincere wellwisher, THE AUTHOR. b2 PREFACE. CALVIN has had multitudes of admirers; poor Servetus has been held in general disrepute.Even in the present enlightened age, there are those to be found who will not believe that the former was a persecutor, though no historic fact is more unquestionable, or that the latter was a virtuous and good character. That Calvin persecuted Servetus to prison and to death, merely for his opinions, cannot be denied by any person who is acquainted with the ecclesiastical history of those times. Calvin's own writings prove the fact; for he attempted to defend his conduct in bringing his opponent to the flames Many of his disciples, those who adhere to his opinions and call themselves after him, admit that he procured the destruction of Servetus, though they attempt to palliate his conduct; as if deliberate persecution and murder could admit of palliation. There are those who contend that the infamous conduct of Calvin and his coadjutors, in pleading for and practising persecution, ought to be buried in oblivion; because they cannot |