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Truth. And that Truth which relieves, muft reveal a Foundation of Dependance for everlasting Life; to attempt to rest fort of this is to attempt to build a Caftle in the Air. The Discovery that God may, if he pleafes, have Mercy upon me as I at present stand," altho' it tends to remove the Pharifaic With or Want to know that I am diftinguifhed from others, yet leaves me unfupported as to original and real Dread of ConScience arifing from my perfonal Deficiency. And as fuch flight the Divine Warrant for the Sinner's Trust and Confidence in Chrift's fufficient Righteousness, they naturally fink to the Hope of eternal Life, not by what Chrift has done, or what the Gospel declares, but a Hope that they are the Sheep of Christ who hear his Voice, which is in Fact only a Hope in themselves.

The Generality of Mankind are but little concerned about the Truth of the Foundation of their Peace of Confcience; fo they have got fome Hope, it is enough; they do not care to be disturbed from it with fuch a Controverfy as this; efpecially if they can but conceit themfelves holy, or feel themselves happy; not confidering, that if their Hope is founded on Falsehood, their whole Religion is a Deceit: But they who are taught of God, are not leď by fond Conjectures; they will not be fatisfied with any other Reafon of their Hope than the Voice of that God who fpeaks in the Confcience: And Chrift the Saviour of the Guilty given to be trusted in, is the only Foundation that God has laid in Zion.

I have only to add, that the Manner in which the Subject is treated, that is, by fhort Remarks on the Paffages we are concerned with, was the Way in which the Subject was treated for Mr. Hervey's View; and as I could think of no shorter Method of Defence, it is fo prefented to the Public.



Everal Perfons diffatisfied with Mr. Hervey's Doc

Strine, p. 13. Reafons for his Attachment to it, p.25

More and more convinced of its Truth, p. 27, 36. The Judgment of a Divine abroad, p. 31, 34. His Defire in regard to it ftrongly expreffed, p. 37. His Sentiments on the Words in the Lord have I Righteoufnefs, with a Note relative thereto, p. 43, 43 1 John iii. 19. paraphrafed in a Note, p. 44. Acts ii. 39. confidered in a Note, p. 46, 47. Letters on Theron and Afpafio noticed, p. 58. His Thoughts of the Author, p. 60. His Opinion of the Correspondence with him, p. 65. A Summary of the Doctrine collected in Mr. Hervey's own Words, p. 67. A DEFENCE of Theron and Afpafio.

The Objections that answered, p. 86, 87. given, 87, 88. Mr. S

have been already raised and The Answers that have been another Kind of an Opponent. -A Summary of his Arguments, p. 89. A fummary Anfwer, p. 90. A more particular Defence, p. 92. The pinching Point in the Confcience, not that there is no fuch Righteousness, but that we have no fuch Righteoufnefs as pleafeth God, p. 92, 97, 99, 116. In the Appropriation Afpafio has pleaded for, we only receive what is freely given to be received and trusted in for everlasting Life. Not to obtain a Title, but for an immediate, warrantable, confcious Enjoyment in the Way of Truft on the Divine Faithfulness, p. 95, 104, 108, 109, 241. It is not doing that we may live, but living immediately by what Chrift has already done, p. 94. Palamon and Afpafio on a Level as to a fomething more, P, 96, 169. Difference between them, p. 97, 99, 104, 110, 115, 149. Palemon works not from Peace with God, p. 98. As what he believes will not give the Relief the Confcience requires, it is himself and not Afpafio ftands in need of another Righteoufnefs to quiet his guilty Confcience, p. 99, 107, 121. Objection, "The Scripture no where afcertains that Chrift died " for me," answered, 100, 103. M. S -'s Myftery, p. 100. Afpafio mifreprefented, p. 105, 114, 120, 122, 125, 126, 139, 140, 146, 147. The apoftolic Lan


guage inconfiftent with Mr. S-'s pure Paffivity, p.

105, 117. The Promises of the Gospel made only to

Believers, answered, p. 106, 108, 237. Lazarus con-

fidered, p. 109, 186. Our Confidence in Chrift for

everlafting Life made true only by God's Faithfulness

in not difappointing our Truft, p. 111, 114, 128.

Turning Point from Defpair to good Hope, p. 118.

Miftake about Affafio's Doctrine, p. 118, 125, 132,

146, 147, 180, 181. The whole we plead for

allowed by Palamon, p. 121, 128, 163, 166, 167.

Of making ufe of the Gofpel Report, p. 125. Palamon

miftaken, p. 126, 128. The Doctrine of Election

perverted, when, p. 133. The Activity pleaded for,

P. 133, 137, 243. The doubtfome Faith complained

of, p. 141. The Relation between Juftification and

the Consciousness of it, ibid. The Corinthians Call to

examine themselves, p. 145, 175. A fine-fpun Nicety,

P. 146, 215, 217. Of the divine Sovereignty and

Gofpel Call, p. 149, 150. A fancied Abfurdity clear-

ed, p. 150. Palamon's Objection against the Grant to

Sinners answered, p. 151, 152, 185. The Argument

from Chrift's Miracles answered, p. 152, 153. Afpafio's

Doctrine cleared from common Abfurdities, p. 157,

161, 168. Palæmon's Senfe of the Expreffions flying to

Chrift, &c. confidered, p. 158, 166. Afpafio excufed,

P. 160.
Faith a Principle of Life and Action, Duty

and Work, tho' it juftifies not as fuch; this allowed by

Palamon, p. 162, 183, 218. Scripture-Account of Faith

and Hope, p. 170, 177, 255, 256, 267. A remarkable

Conceffion, p. 177. Confidence how confirmed, p.

187. Jewish Appropriation, p. 195. Marshall con-

fidered, p. 205, 214. Improved, p. 293.

Farther DEFENCE, P. 220. Capital Mistakes, p.

234, 245, 249, 252, 257. Mifreprefentations, p. 242,

244, 268. On Repentance, p. 253. Seeing our Need

of Chrift, p. 269.-Directions, p. 270. Poftfcript, p. 281..

[blocks in formation]

Page 80. line 19. read containing a Poffibility only, or at
moft a Probability. P. 218. 1. 16. for p. 155, read p. 182.
P. 227. 1. 16. read they either do or can love him. P.
229. 1. 21. for porportion, read preparation.





From the late


Dear SIR,


AST Night I received your kind Letter *, and this Morning I have but a Moment's Space, in which to acknowledge it. However, I cannot neglect the first Opportunity. Are you the Author that

[blocks in formation]

* When I perceived by his firft Edition of Theron and Afpafio, that he had fo publickly efpoufed the Truths for which I had incurred the Displeafure of




has given us an Abridgment of Mr. Marshall? Truly, I think, you have well bestowed Labour, and well executed your Work. I wish you had not given yourself the Trouble of fending me the Book, because I have it, and highly prize it. -The Abridgment I mean.

I fhould be very glad if you would read that Dialogue you mention with a critical Attention, if you would point out the Places where you think I am confused in my Apprehenfions, injudicious in Method, or weak in Argument. As you have fo thoroughly studied the Point, and so often taught the Doctrine, you must eafily fee where the Effay lies moft open to Objection, and where the Point might receive additional Strength. -You would much oblige me, if you would do this with the utmost Impartiality and Freedom; and, I hope, you would do Service to the Truth as it is in JESUS. Several Perfons, I find, are diffatisfied with my Opinion on this Head. Do, Sir, review Dialogue xvi. and favour me with your free Remarks, and friendly Improvements. Whatever of this Kind is done, I beg may be done speedily; because a new Edition is in the Prefs, and the Printers will foon come to that Part.

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I hear

many of his profefs'd Friends and Admirers, I wrote to him fignifying my Fellowship with him in the defpifed Truth.

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