The Rose Amateur's Guide: Containing Ample Descriptions of All the Fine Leading Varieties of Roses Regularly Classed in Their Respective Families, Their History and Mode of Culture

Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1843 - 241 sider

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Side 5 - Hints to Mothers, for the Management of their Health during the Period of Pregnancy and in the Lying-in Room: With an Exposure of Popular Errors in connexion with those subjects, &c.
Side 7 - FAMILY EXPOSITOR; Or, a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament : with Critical Notes, and a Practical Improvement of each Section.
Side 25 - The Family Shakspeare ; in which nothing is added to the Original Text ; but those words and expressions are omitted which cannot with propriety be read aloud. By T. BOWDLER, Esq. FRS New Edition, in Volumes for the Pocket ; with 36 Wood Engravings, from Designs by Smirke, Howard, and other Artists.
Side 22 - PORTLOCK. -REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY of LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, examined and described under the Authority of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. By JE PORTLOCK, FRS &c.
Side 23 - Guide ; containing ample Descriptions of all the fine leading varieties of Roses, regularly classed in their respective Families ; their History and Mode of Culture. Fifth Edition, corrected and improved. Fcp.
Side 16 - Plants which are now found in, or have been introduced into, Great Britain ; giving their Natural History, accompanied by such descriptions, engraved figures, and elementary details, as may enable a beginner, who is a mere English reader, to discover the name of every Plant which he may find in flower, and acquire all the information respecting it which is useful and interesting.
Side 5 - A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art : Comprising the History, Description, and Scientific Principles of every Branch of Human Knowledge ; with the Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in General Use. Edited by WT BRANDE, FRSL and E.
Side 16 - ENCYCLOPEDIA of AGRICULTURE: comprising the Laying-out, Improvement, and Management of Landed Property, and the Cultivation and Economy of the Productions of Agriculture. With 1,100 Woodcuts. 8vo.
Side 22 - AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE > PALEOZOIC FOSSILS of CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET; observed in ' the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that District. By JOHN PHILLIPS, FRS FGS &c. Published by Order of the Lords Commissioners of HM Treasury. 8vo. with 60 Plates, comprising very numerous figures, 9s. cloth. PHILLIPS.-A GUIDE TO GEOLOGY. By JOHN PHILLIPS, FRSGS, &c.

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