of SEWANEE TENNESSEE does plain printing of the more dignified kind, without needless ornament, brass-rule intricacies, or modern type fads. Anyone interested in this kind of printing is invited to write for prices, which will be found satisfactory to the informed and discriminating buyer of printed matter. THE PRESS prints books, periodicals and anything calling for the exercise of the printer's conscience, judgment and skill. The Pathfinder A monthly magazine "in little" devoted to Art and Literature. Not every one can have the delicacies enjoyed National Made with perfect heat circulation, it bakes fuel. The handsomest range made, to our taste. Write for catalogue and prices. Phillips & Buttorff Mfg. Co. Manufacturing Housefurnishers COTRELL & LEONARD Albany, New York MAKERS OF Caps, Gowns and Hoods TO THE AMERICAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES FROM THE ATLANTIC TO THE PACIFIC Correct Hoods for All Degrees. Class Contracts a Specialty Our Sewanee Representative, MR. E. B. ANDREWS Official Jewelers to The University of the South DIAMONDS AND RCH GOLD JEWELRY Patek, Phillips & Co. and American Watches Ecclesiastical, Fraternity Goods, Sterling Silver Goods, Art Goods, and Cut Glass Expert Repairing of Jewelry and Watches Our mail Order Department is prepared to handle your business. Write for 96-page catalogue. The B. H. STIEF JEWELRY CO. JAS. B. CARR, Pres. & Mgr. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE R. W. GREENFIELD, Vice Pres. C. G. FINNEY, Treas. & Gen'l Mgr. HARRY PARKER, 2d Vice Pres. The Leading Furniture House of the South Greenfield-Talbot-Finney-Battle Company Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture, Mattresses, Springs, etc. 209 THIRD AVENUE, NORTH WAREHOUSE, CORNER FIRST AND MAIN NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE FACTORY AND MILLS, TULLAHOMA AND SEWANEE, TENN. Refers by Special Permission to The University of the South. Harris Lithia Water NATURE'S SOVEREIGN REMEDY For Liver, Kidney, Stomach, Bladder Troubles Indigestion and Dyspepsia FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Harris Lithia Springs Company HARRIS SPRINGS, S. C. Medical testimony furnished on request Wholesale Druggists Fine Chemicals, Domestic and Foreign Fancy Goods, Druggists' Sundries, and Cigars Up-to-Date Liver Pills Up-to-Date Worm Killer Cough Remedy Up-to-Date Eyewater Up-to-Date Chill Tablets Up-to-Date Liniment Up-to-Date Salve Up-to-Date Chapped Hand Mixture Up-to-Date Diarrhea Remedy They are Good! Try Them! K.B.C. Coffees Are Always Uniform COFFEES Teas, Baking Powders Spices and Flavoring Extracts KORTEN BROTHERS CO. 56 and 58 LaSalle Street CHICAGO We make a specialty of supplying large institutions, |