we have this, treasure in earthly Fessels, yet time to the business of the Society; a con we cannot do amiss in recollecting at the tribution (when their private engagements same time, that is a treasure. in this great city are considered) of by far The Dean of Wells rose to comply with the most intrinsic value. In alluding to the request of the Meeting. He assured the prospect of general peace, he desired them that he should at all times gladly in- that all should view the hand of Providence terest himself in the welfare of the Society, interposing in our favour, and that all and took shame to himself for not having would ask with pious gratitude, What shall done so sooner. With respect to his ser. I render unto the Lord ? He remembers mon, it possessed no title to praise, but so ed, that some time since, when a vote of far as it was conformed to the word of thanks to Lord Wellington for some, gloGod; nor could it accomplish any good, rious achievement in the Peninsula was but as it pleased the Spirit of God to ren- moved in the House of Commons, by the der it useful. late Mr. Perceval-a man, he must say, The Rev, J. W. Cunningham, M. A. around whose private and public virtues, moved the thanks of the Meeting to the his mournful death bad shed a kind of Committee of the last year; and the ap- sanctity: upon some Member observing, pointment of a new Committee. " In that Ministers might thank their stars ; moving this vote of thanks, I would re- that excellent man replied, No, Sir, Mi. member the disinterested labours of those nisters may thank their God! Such was gentlemen, and the pleasure which they af- the feeling which he desired might prevail ford to us. I trust that we, who have not in our present rejoicings. the opportunity of doing more than wit. John Poynder, Esq. moved that the nessing occasionally the public interest Meeting do urg? upon the friends of the taken in your affairs, return from the sight Society, the establishment of Church Mis: better than we came, and invigorated to sionary Associations; and likewise the supperform, in our respective spheres, a work port of the separate School Fund for the similar to that which it is your endeavour Education of Children in Africa. Mr. P. to spread over the whole habitable globe. 'adverted, feelingly, to the merits of an The opening of India as a field for mission- aged and venerable support of the Society, ary labours, is indeed a subject of congratu- the Rev. Thomas Scott, “ He is fast sink lation : but, at the same time, it is a loud calling," he added, “ beneath the pressure of for exertion. After the success of the 900 years and many infirmities; when he is petitions which were sent up to the legisla- gone, he will have left behind him the grature on this subjeet, let us not seem, like titude of this Society; and the regrets of the tribunal of the Inquisition, to have re- many, not only in England, but in Africa, commended these people to mercy, without and Asia, indeed throughout the world.” intending to show mercy. With the united The Rev. Basil Woodd seconded the moaid of the British and Foreign Bible So- tion, and urged, from his own experience, ciety, what may we not expect? There the benefit of uniting annual collections at was a time, we may conjecture, when the sermons, with weekly and monthly contrilight, which now directs and cheers our butions. The annual sermon kept zeal day, as yet in its primitive, uncombined alive, and the constant contributions sup state, presented a variety of primary co- ported the fund.. lours; beautiful indeed, but only calculated Lord Gambier. Ladies and Gentleto confuse and disturb the powers of vision, men, I can say with truth, from the bottill they were called out of this chaotic tom of my heart, that it bas always been state to form the pleasing, ambient light à pleasure to me to perform the duties of which we now enjoy. Such has been the my situation in this Society: and could I moral state of the heathen: their illusive express my prescnt feelings, I would. Untheories, beautiful to the eyes of some ad accustomed as I am to public speaking, I mirers, must give place to the clear light will beg leave to quote the language of a which now shineth-to the pure word of Rev. Clergyman, who addressed this MeetGod, ready prepared for the hand of the ing on a former anniversary. He recommissionary." mended to us to support the interests of The Rev. Thomas Cowan seconded the this Society, by our daily prayers to Almotion. mighty God for his blessing upon it. I can The Rey, Daniel Wilson, M. A. return assure you, that I have felt the benefit of ed thanks in the name of the Committee. this ; for I make it the subject of my daily He wished to remind the Meeting, not with prayers. I will now conclude the business the view of ratifying the vote of thanks, of the day in the words of the Psalmist: but of exciting others to the same duties, Praise the Lord, all ye his people; O that the Gentlemen of the Committee had praise the name of the Lord. From the by far the most arduous task to perform; rising up of the sun unto the going down of , that they gave up their attention and their the same, the Lord's name is to be praised Bless the Lord, O my soul. Hallelujah, progress in useful knowledge ; and whose praise ye the Lord.'” advancement is not only satisfactory, but : On Wednesday evening the Rev. Basil far exceding the expectations that had been Woodd, M. A. preached the annual sermon entertained. Of these, at least one hunbefore the members of the Association in and dred have already learned to read the Holy near the metropolis, at the church of St. Scriptures correctly, and many of them Lawrence Jewry, Guildhall, from Acts, have even committed whole chapters to mcxvi. 9. The collection amounted, with mory; and (what may seem almost increnew annual subscribers, to 541. 188. 11d. dible) one of the boys, not yet fifteen years of age, who ten months ago could scarcely spell, is now not only able to read with CATHOLIC FREE-SCHOOLS, FOR TEACHING great propriety, but can repeat from me mory the whole Gospel of St. Matthew ! TỌ READ THE SCRIPTURES. This boy, on account of his character and ! A Special General Meeting of the sub sub- good conduct, as well as his extraordinary scribers and friends to these Schools was improvement, has been appointed general held at the Freemasons' Hall, on the 16th monitor, which station he fills to the satisof May, Lord Calthorpe in the chair, when faction of the master and committee. about two hundred and fifty children, from By the expense of fitting up the schoolSt. Giles's, were asseinbled, and many of rooms, the institution has incurred a debt them publicly examined. The progress of near 1001. to tlie treasurers. Wben, which these children had niade in reading however, it is considered that the premises the Bible, and repeating different parts of may, if necessary, he made to accommodate the sacred Scripture from memory, excited six bundred scholars, it is honed this expense great admiration and applause; but it was will not be thought to have been misapplied. melancholy to see the ragged and forlorn It has long been the wish and intention of state of these deserted and yet intelligent the committee (as expressed in the printed little creatures. Mr. Wilberforce pleaded statements already circulated) to establish in their behalf with his usual animation other schools in those parts of the metroand effect. Mr. Butterworth and several polis and its ricinity where poor Irish chilother gentlemen stated facts, to show the dren reside, when they are enabled by the necessity and justice of affording instruction public. But they must observe, that, withto the poor Irish in the metropolis, and out an addition to the funds, it will be imespecially in St. Giles's parish. possible to support the increasing expenses The fundamental principle on which the even of the present establishment, much Schools are established is this:--To use no less to accomplish the more extended views book for reading but the Holy Scriptures, which have been contemplated. without note or comment, and a spelling. Á printed copy of the Regulations, a book, leaving the children to attend what List of Subscribers, and a Report of the place of divine worship their parents prefer, Provisional Committee, containing an His The institution was opened on the 27th tory of these Schools, may be had by sub' of June 1813, at a room in Baynbrigg scribers ; on application to the secretary; Street, St. Giles's; but, the number of scbo- Mr. Charles Arrowsmith, No.40, Devon. lars progressively increasing, it was found shire Street, Queen Square. necessary, at the end of the year, to pro- 'Subscriptions and donations will be revide more capacious premises, where the ceived by the joint-treasurers : Sir Digby boys and girls might be instructed in sepa- Mackworth, Bart, at the banking-house of rate apartments. The present house, in Messrs. Praed, Mackworth, and Co. 189, George Street (formerly called Dyot Street), Fleet Street; and Thomas Clark, Esq. No. l, within four doors of Great Russell Street, Bury Place, Bloomsbury. was accordingly engaged, fitted up at considerable expense, and opened on the 21st of December 1913; for the reception of four ! þundred children, to be instructed, gra- ' - LONDON FEMAĻE PENITENTIARY. LONDON FEMALE PENT) tuitously, on the Břitish plan of education, The Annual Meeting of this institation in reading, writing, and arithmetic. was held, on the 10th of May, at the Al Since the first opening of the School, on bion, Aldersgate Street; and far more nuthe 27th of June, four hundred and seventy merously attended than on any former children have been admitted; some of whom occasion; so much so, that considerable have so profited by the instruction afforded numbers were obliged to depart ungratified, them as to have been received into places Samuel Whitbread, Esq. M.P. being called to of decent servitudes where they still re- the chair, opened and closed the Meeting with main; and all, there is good reason to eloquent and suitable addresses. By the bope, have been made better members of Report it appears, that there have been upsociety. At present there are two hundred wards of three hundred applicants within and thirty scholars, who are making daily the past year, sixty-seven of whom wert received, nineteen have been reconciled to gious knowledge to our valiant defenders. their friends, and fourteen placed in service; Every part of the room was crowded; and ånd that there are now sixty-five in the it is understood that above fire hundred house. The house is capable of receiving ladies and gentlemen were unable to obtain one hundred; but on account of the admittance. 'straitened income of the Charity, not The object of the Meeting was first more than seventy-seven have been inmates briefly stated from the chair; a highly inat any one time. The debt on the institu teresting Report was then read by Major tion is now 11001. besides 900l. a loan from Close, one of the secretaries; it was redifferent friends, to meet the workmen's plete with encouraging facts, manifesting bills for the building. An instance of ex- the earnest desire of our brave sailors and emplary deportment in a female, who had soldiers to possess the Word of God, and been in the house four years, is givent, with stating many instances of small contribu! an account of her happy death, soon after tions, from associations formed in their she had been returned to her friends. A private circles, to purchase copies at reletter from a mother of one of them to the duced prices. Many letters were also read committee, on receiving her lost child from from officers of various ranks, proving the the borders of destruction, is appended, beneficial effects arising from the distribuwith two others, being testimonials from tion of the Holy Bible. It appeared from the mistresses of those in service, of their the Report, that the Society had distributed good conduct. The Charity appears, as to above nine thousand copies of the Scrivthe sum of good done within the last year, in tures, Bibles and Testaments included, a prosperous condition. The Rev. Mr. New- during the last year; and about 100,000 during the last year: and ton spoke in an eloquent and affecting man copies in the course of the thirty-fout ner, and several other gentlemen followed. years since its formation. The Rev. Mr.Wilcox preached, at St. Law His Royal Highness the Duke of Glourence Jewry, in the evening, from the parable cester brought forward the first motion, of the lost sheep. Lord Carrington has; we and was successively followed by Admirals understand, accepted the office of president, the Earl of Northesk and Lord Gambier, and several gentlemen, as vice-presidents, Lord Calthorpe, the Dean of Weils, .Mr. have followed his example: - The whole Kemp, Mr. H. Thornton, Mr. Wilberforce, sum collected and announced through the Generals Borthwick and Neville, Colonels day amounted to about 360l. The house Burgess and Hardfield. -The following may be seen any Thursday, between the Ministers also took part in the business of hours of eleven and four, by tickets, which the day: the Rev. Dr. Thorpe, of Dublin; may be had at the house, or from Mr. Pel the Rev. J. Griffin, of Portsmouth; the latt, the secretary, Ironmongers' Hall. Rev. I. Saunders and Basil Woodd, of Lon don. Every heart seemed deeply impressed with the important object of the Society. NAVAL AND MILITARY BIBLE SOCIETY, All present were highly gratified in conInstituted in 1780. templating the Commander-in-chief of the On Tuesday, the 10th of May, the first British forces, and his Royal Relative, public anniversary Meeting of this Society countenancing, by their patronage and prewas held at the New London Tavern, sence, the truly Christian object of the inCheapside: a very nimerous and highly re stitution. The Royal Visitors were pleased spectable company was assembled upon the to express their entire approbation of the occasion. His Royal Highness the Duke proceedings of the Naval and Military of Gloucester, Vice-patron of the institu. Bible Society, their earnest and best wishe's tion, arrived precisely at one o'clock, and iv at one o'clock, and for its future prosperity, and their determinat was followed soon after by His Royal High val High tion to continue their warmest support to ness the Duke of York, who, as Patron of the the institution, Society, immediately took the chair, sup- May every returning anniversary have to ported by the Duke of Gloucester, Admiral record the increasing success of the Society! Lord Gambier, Vice-admiral the Earl of and may every Commander-in-chief throngh Northesk; Lord Calthorpe, the Hon. and out the world copy this illustrious example Very Rev, tbe Dean of Wells, T. R. Kemp, of His Royal Highness the Duke of York, Esa. Henry Thornton, Esq. and William and with bim strenuously promote the Wilberforce, Esq. members of parliament; distribution of the Word of God among Lieutenant-general Calvert, adjutant-gene- the fleets and armies of all the nations of ral of the forces; with several general offi- the earth! cers, and other naval and military officers. A collection was made at the door, on of rank. the Meeting breaking up, which, including The scene displayed on this occasion was several new subscriptions and contributions, truly august, and most gratifying to all amounted to about 701. who felt the importance of afloruing reli BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY.' He hoped the Society would proceed forward in ber benevolent career. No part of the On Wednesday, May 4, the tenth An- Report was more pleasing than the tendency 'niversary of this institution was attended of that Society to unite the hearts and af with increasing solemnity, fervour, talents, fections of Christians of various denominaand piety. At ten o'clock in the inorning tions in all parts of the world; exemplifythe great Hall of the Freemasons was filled, ing by their conduct that admirable precept, and overtlowing, with persons from all parts Love one another. The success of the Briof the kingdom, who came to witness this tish and Foreign Bible Society could only delightful scene, and to partake in the rich be attributed by him to the peculiar blessbut moral entertainment provided. No ing of God. While ascribing all praise to words are sufficient to describe the pleasure him, we are permitted to enjoy and to par. which seemed to beam on every counte- take of the pleasure. The zeal manifested nance, the natural effusion of joy, arising, by this Society was of no momentary inspontaneously, from the best feelings of the fluence, but durable and substantial. He heart. Our anticipations were realized and trusted it was a holy flame, kindled at the abundantly exceeded. altar of the Lord that it would continue At twelve o'clock the Right Hon. Lord to burn until all the ends of the earth Teignmouth, President of the Society, took should see the salvation of God. the chair. He commenced the business of His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent the day by reading the Report of the Com- moved that the Report be read and adopted ; nzittee, in which he was assisted by the which was seconded by the Hon. and Very Rev. Wm. Dealtry. It appeared from the Rev. the Dean of Wells. Report, that the exertions, patronage, and The Rey. Dean said, that he felt deeply influence of the Society had been greatly his inability to do justice to this Report by extended during the past year, more parti- the peculiar labour which had of laté encularly in Russia and Holland. Since the gaged his attention. He could not, howcommencement of the institution there ever, refrain from making a few remarks. have been issued 390,323 Bibles and He congratulated tbe Society on two parti595,002 Testaments; to which may be cular circumstances : Ist, On the ground added, 17,585 Bibles and 23,940 Testa- of encouragement furnished in the Report, ments, purchased and issued for the So the state of its funds; -on the increased ciety on the Continent of Europe. In ad- issue of Bibles and Testaments, and the dition to these, 73,000 Bibles and 49,000 increasing extension of the Society's inTestaments have been printed and circu- fluence. He particularized Russia, and lated on the Continent, by Societies aided more especially Moscow, which was no by the British and Foreign Bible Society; sooner burnt, 'than she seemed to rise from making, in one total amount, 1,148,850 her ashts, and a zeal was enkindled to give copies! new light and glory to enlighten the dark The total net receipts, exclusive of sales, places of the earth. He would likewise have amounted to 62,4411. 8s. 10d. during mention Holland (endeared to us by many the past year, being 44381. 78. 3d. less ties, and with whom we should yet be more than the receipts of the ninth year. The closely united): a few weeks after her dereceipts for Bibles and Testaments (the livery and recovered connexion with this greater part of which has been paid by country, she established a Bible Society. Bible* Associations) amount to 24,7661. It was to that country we were greatly in28. 10d. being 15,2411. 45. 7d, more than debted for many of the privileges and enin the ninth year; making an excess in the joyments that we at present partake of; total receipts of the tenth year over the and he could not but rejoice in the proninth of 10,7611. 58. 9d. The total net spect of their cordial union with the obpayments of the past year were 84,6521. jects of this Society. 2d. These opening 1s. 5d. prospects seemed to declare the necessity of . When the Report was concluded, the further labours, which he considered as an Noble President addressed the Society with additional source or motive for congratulagreat Christian simplicity and meekness, for tion. With this view he would urge upon wbich he is so eminently distinguished. He their minds, from these encouragements, bad long contemplated, with grateful plea- the necessity for greater exertions. He sure, the Report of the Committee to be would, more especially, direct their attenread that day; but his grateful anticipation tion towards France, where the bloodless and anxieties in the discharge of this duty, resignation of the tyrant opened the way had been more than counterbalanced by the for the most enlarged endeavours of Chrigfacts detailed -- with the progressive in- tians to benefit that oppressed country; let Huence and lively emotions of zeal and us send them in his stead the Bible !" The pleasure, which that Report must create in name of France had often kindled in the the breast of every one who had any real breast of Englishmen inany painful associalove toward God, or affection toward man. tions of mind,-suspicion, distrust, envx, and even hatred. Would to God that our institution in the northern parts of Europe, desires might now be exerted to benefit the inhabitants of which had commissioned their souls! He would certainly press this him to convey their warmest acknowledge subject upon the minds of His Majesty's ments for the liberal assistance which they government, that some mode might be had received. If the accounts transmitted ! adopted, under their auspices, for the by him and his colleagues had conveyed spread of the Bible in France. He thought joy, so much more remained to be told, bem. it an object of national concern. Now the sides what is contained in the Report, as royal family was returning to the throne of must augment that joy. The simplicity of France, he thought it a seasonable oppor- the plan, the greatness of the objects, the tunity. He believed, nay, he had some patience and laborious perseverance, and peculiar reasons to believe, that they had vigorous prosecution of those objects, mar, benefited by the severe afflictions and cala, nifested by the British and Foreign Bible mities which they had encountered; he Society, bad awakened the attention of all hoped, therefore, that some mode would classes, both at hoine and abroad. It had now be adopted for this specific purpose. revived the drooping spirits even of those There was also one person, the Emperor who were at war with Great Britain, and of Russia, that he could not fail to notice extinguished the spirit of hostility itself. on this occasion, who had distinguished Since his return to this country he had athimself in this honourable career. There tended some auxiliary societies, which had was likewise an article in the basis of the much impressed his mind with the greatnew French constitution, which gave reli- ness of the operations of the Bible Society; gious toleration to its subjects, that he but upon the Meeting of this day he felt could not fail to notice with pleasure. himself compelled to say, like the Queen There were strong reasons for increasing of Sheba, that the half had not been told exertions. The present state of Popery him. He proceeded to mention some imlikewise furnishes great encouragement to portant facts, of what he had seen and our minds. May we not hope that Popery heard since he left England in 1805. The will now have to contend at least upon an fundamental principle of this Society, of equal footing with the rising spirit of reli- uniting all religious denominations in one gious inquiry and religious improvement : grand and specific object, under the Divine He noticed with pleasure that remarkable blessing, had forwarded the circulation of cordiality which had become apparent. He the Bible upon the Continent in the most hoped they would not throw in the apple effectual manner. The grand distinction of of discord, but the bond of union. In all the Bible only, without note or comment, our conflicts let us remember that ancient giving circulation to the received and author barbarian who threw in his sword to turn rized versions of the different nations, had the scale. In all our conflicts with error been the cause, more than any other, that let us throw in the sword of the Spirit, to he and his colleagues had not hitherto lamake even prejudices and superstition kick boured in vain. In Russia this has had the beam. Let us remember, that in the the most happy effect, and engaged foreign neighbouring country there are thirty mil. Christians of all denominations in this lions of persons involved in ignorance and cause. When a Bible Society was proposed sin-and before our enemies, but now our in Russia, the bishops not only approved of friends. Let us heap coals of fire upon the play, but the Archbishop of Peterstheir heads. Let us endeavour to bring burgh recognised this important feature in them to the knowledge of Jesus, and to the institution. Such was the liberal and the King of Kings and Lord of Lords ! dignified conduct of the dignitaries of the (This speech was received with the loudest Greek church and prelates of Russia, and applause.) even of every dignified ecclesiastical cha, The President then read a letter from racter in that empire. They came forward Prince Galitzin to His Lordship, expressing with ardent zeal and liberality. Such bad the gratitude of the friends of the Bible been the noble conduct of the Emperor Society in Russia to the British and Foreign Alexander, his princes and his nobles, Bible Society, for the very eminent ser- . The effect produced was the most splendid, vices rendered to Russia. He then intro- combining the patronage of both church duced the bearer of that letter, the Rey, and state, aiding in a cause in which the John Paterson, froin Petersburgh, who ad- grandeur of its objects seemed to eclipse dressed the Meeting in a most impressive every other that had been formed for the manner. He felt much difficulty in ex everlasting welfare of mankind. It had pressing his feelings upon the occasion, produced the most singular and happy efand would gladly have remained a silent fects on all classes of society's even the spectator of the proceedings of that day, Russian peasants subscribed in little groups bad he not been importuned to give an ac- for a copy of the Scriptures, to be held as count of the exertions and prospects of the common property. It was not unusual for |