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*SPENCER, H. Education; Intellectual, Moral, and Physical.


*COMPAYRÉ, G. History of Pedagogy. Pp. 538-556. COMPAYRÉ, G. Herbert Spencer and Scientific Education. DUNCAN, D. Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer.

GAUPP, O. Herbert Spencer.

*HARRIS, W. T. Herbert Spencer and What to Study (Educational Review, Vol. XXIV, pp. 135-149).

LAURIE, S. S. Herbert Spencer's Chapter on Moral Education (Educational Review, Vol. IV, pp. 485-491).

*LAURIE, S. S. Educational Opinion from the Renaissance. Chap. XVI.

LEITCH, J. Practical Educationalists and their Systems. *QUICK, R. H. Essays on Educational Reformers. Chap. XIX. ROYCE, J. Herbert Spencer; an Estimate and a Review.


ABC of Observation, 129 (footnote), ❘ Barraud, 159.

133, 135, 155.

'Absorption,' 182 f.

Academy, of Milton, 6; in England,
6; in United States, 7; of Come-
nius, 38, 43.

Adamson, quoted, 73.

Agricultural Institute, 138.

Aim of education, of Milton, 5; of
Comenius, 36; of Locke, 53, 59; of
Francke, 71; of Rousseau, in Emile's
infancy, 88; childhood, 89; boy-
hood, 91; youth, 93; for women,
96; in Basedow, 117; in Pestalozzi,
144 ff.; in Herbart, 170, 175 ff.; in
Froebel, 200, 208 f., 226; in Lan-
caster, 237; in Mann, 264; in Spen-
cer, 276 ff.

Alcott, Bronson, 162.

Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 33.

Andreæ, 33.

Anhalt-Köthen, 21.

Annual Reports, of Mann, 255 f.

Antioch College, 262.

'Apperception, 174, 183.

Apperception, of Lange, 189.

Aristotle, 12, 13, 18.

Armenschule, 69.

Association for the Scientific Study of

Education, 188.

Atrium, 30.
Auctarium, 31 (footnote).
Augsburg, 21.

Bacon, Francis, 11 ff.; compared to
Ratich, 24; influence on Comenius,
33, 48; on Spencer, 280.

Barnard, Henry, 261 (footnote); 270

Barop, 202 (footnote).

Basedow, 50, 100, 109, 112.

Basis of the Doctrine of Educative In-

[blocks in formation]

Confessions, of Rousseau, 77 (footnote).
Congress of Philosophers, 228.
'Connection of contrasts,' 223.

Constitution of Man, 252.

Copernicus, 11.
'Correlation,' 180, 191.
Cousin, Victor, 159, 162.
'Creativeness,' 215, 216, 226.
'Culture epoch' theory, 210.

Curriculum, of Milton, 4, 5; of Bacon,
16; of Ratich, 22; of Comenius, 40
ff.; of Locke, 54 ff.; of Francke, 72;
of Rousseau, 91, 96; of Basedow,
117; of Pestalozzi, 124 ff., 128 f.,
148; of Herbart, 180 f.; of Froebel,
216, 221; of Lancaster and Bell,
240 f.; of Mann, 266; of Spencer,
277 ff.

Evening Hour of a Hermit, 125, 144.
Experiment in Education, 239.

Father's Journal, 124.

Fellenberg, 136 ff.

Fichte, 156, 168, 196, 207.

Foreign travel, in Milton, 2, 5; in Co-

menius, 38; in Locke, 54.
'Formal discipline,' 58 ff., 278 ff.
'Formal steps of instruction, 183, 189.
Fortbildungsschulen, 158.
Francke, 49, 68.
Franckesche Stiftungen, 73, 189.
Frankland, Richard, 7.

Franklin, Benjamin, 8, 250.
Freitisch, 70.

Frey, 33.

Frick, Otto, 189.

Friedrich Franz, Prince, 115.

'Dancing master education,' 85, 113 Friedrich Wilhelm III, 157.

De Garmo, Charles, 190.

Denzel, 157.

Descartes, 11, 65.

Dessau, 115.

Didactica Magna, 32 ff.

Discipline, of Ratich, 24; of Comenius,
47; of Locke, 57; of Francke, 73;
of Rousseau, 89, 94; of Basedow,
116; of Pestalozzi, 149; of Herbart,
184; of Froebel, 221; of Lancaster
and Bell, 241; of Mann, 265; of
Spencer, 282.

Discipline, 'formal,' 58 ff., 278 f.
Dorothea, Duchess of Weimar, 21.
Dress of children, in time of Rousseau,
8; of Basedow, 113; in Philanthro-
pinum, 117.

Dwight, Edmund, 257 (footnote).

Education, defined by Milton, 5.

Education, Spencer's, 275.

Elbing, 30.

Elementarwerk, 114, 117.

Froebel, 25, 50, 120; compared to Her-

bart, 167, 194 ff.; compared to Pes-
talozzi, 225.

Froebel Union, 229, 232.

Galileo, 11.

General Pedagogy, 170.

Gessner, 135.

'Gifts,' 204, 218, 219, 220.
Goethe, 196.

Gould, Judge, 250 (footnote).
'Grammar' schools, in England, 7;
in United States, 8.
Grammatice Facilioris Præcepta, 28.
Greaves, 160.

Griscom, John, 162.
Grüner, 156, 197.
Guericke, 11.

Guizot, 159.

Guyot, 162.

Hall, Samuel R., 257.

'Hardening process,' 62.

'Harmonization of opposites,' 223.

Elementary, or 'vernacular' school, 38. Harris, W. T., 232.

Emile, 84 ff., 123, 124.

Encyclopædia of Pedagogics, 187.

Essay concerning the Human Understand-

ing, 52, 58.

Herbart, 25, 50, 120, 167 ff.; compared

to Froebel, 167, 186, 194; compared

to Pestalozzi, 185.

Hill, S. H., 231.

[blocks in formation]

Industrial education, 107, 125, 137 f., Mann, Horace, 163, 249 ff.

152 f., 155, 158, 160, 164 f.

Informatorium Skoly Materske, 33.

'Innovators,' 2.

Jackman, Wilbur S., 191.

Jacobins, 105.

Janua Linguarum, 29, 34, 49.

Jullien, 158, 162.

Kant, 114, 119, 171 f.
Keilhau, 200, 221.

Kepler, 11.

Kindergarten, 42, 50, 203 f., 204 (foot-

note), 216 ff.; in France, 228; in
Belgium, 228; in Holland, 228; in
England, 228; in Italy, 228; in
Germany, 229 f.; in United States,
230 ff.

Klepper, Henriette, 207.

Kohl, Robert, 223 (footnote).
Kraus-Bölte, Mrs. Maria, 231.

Krause, 203.

'Many-sided interest,' 178 ff.

Marienthal, 206.

Marwedel, Emma, 232.

Mason, Lowell, 162.

Massachusetts school organization, 270.

Matthison, the poet, 116.

Mayo, Dr., 160, 163.
Methodenbuch, 114.

'Method of nature,' 44 f.

Methods, of Ratich, 23; of Comenius,
46 f.; of Locke, 56; of Francke, 73;
of Rousseau, 91 f.; of Basedow, 116
ff.; of Pestalozzi, 127 ff., 139 ff., 147
ff.; of Fellenberg, 138; of Herbart,
182; of Froebel, 200, 212, 216 ff.;
of Lancaster and Bell, 240 ff.; of
Mann, 269; of Spencer, 282.
Methodus Linguarum Novissima, 30

Michigan school system, 271.
Middendorf, 199, 207, 227.

Krüsi, 132, 134, 135 (footnote), 140, 'Monitorial' system, 237 ff.; used in

Milton, 1 ff.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Pädagogium, 70, 72, 75.
Page, David P., 162.
Pansophia, 16, 34, 40 ff.
Pansophice Scholæ Delineatio, 35.
Parker, Francis W., 191.
Patak, 30 f., 35.

Pauline, Princess, 157.

Payne, Joseph, 230 (footnote).
Peabody, Elizabeth P., 230 f.
Pestalozzi, 50, 120, 122 ff., 169, 265,
276, 281, 283; compared to Herbart,

Pestalozzi's Idea of an ABC of Obser-
vation, 169.
Philanthropinum, 109, 115 f., 120.

[blocks in formation]

Schiller, 196.

Schlegel, 196.

Schmid, Joseph, 132 (footnote), 140,
143, 150.

Schnyder, of Frankfurt, 202 (footnote).
Schola Latina, 70, 72, 75.

Schola Ludus, 31.
School libraries, 237.

School of Infancy, 34 (footnote), 203.
Schools of the eighteenth century, 151.
Secondary, or 'Latin' school, 38, 42 f.
'Self-activity,' 212 ff., 226.
Seminarium Præceptorum, 70, 75.
Seminary, Herbart's, 171.
Shaw, Mrs. Quincy, 231.
Sheldon, Edward A., 163.

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