Deduction, 188. of altruistic emotion, 224. of conception, 158, 198. of consciousness, 102, 96. of judgment, 94, 198. of memory, 111, 144. of noumenal-perception, 102, 96. of phantasy, 127, 144. of reason, 183, 196. of sensation, 60. of sense-perception, 101, 62. of truth, 232. Divine energies, 28. Doubt, 189. Dreams, 129. Duty emotions, 241. Editor's preface, vii. Education of aesthetic emotions, 238. Education of attention, 265, 10. of conscious-perception, 78. of judgment, 177. of memory, 120. of noumenal-perception, 97. of phantasy, 132. of reason, 192. of sense-perception, 66. of self-emotions, 220. Egoistic emotions, chapter xx, 215, Elementary psychology, xiv. of conception, 156. of judgment, 174. Emotion, intellect, will, 264. knowledge, 244, 248. Faculties of the soul, 56, 57, 162. Fatalism, 279. Feelings, 57, 206, 255. Ganglia, 36, 47. Good intentions, 246. of conscience, 249. of conscious-perception, 77. of imagination, 142. of judgment, 177. of memory, 119. of noumenal-perception, 97. Individual, 161. Induction, 187. Infallible, conscience, 247. Infinity, 95, 279. Insanity, 131. Instinct, chapter ii, 15, 206. Intellectual faculties, 57, 195, 196. Intellect and instinct, 19. Intemperance, 212. Introductory lessons, 4-44. Judgment, chapter xv, 171, 177. Kinds of action, 268, 281. Language, 270. Lawful gratification, 211. of conscience, 249. Liberty, 280. Limits of imagination, 136. Love, 225. Malevolent emotions, 222. Memory, chapter x, 108. laws, mental energies, 29, 30. Mind, 27, 33, 94. Moral guide, 245. Motion and action, 45, 269. Natural appetites, 210. Nerve-cells, 35. Nerve-currents, 38. Nerves, 36. Noumena, 26, 86. Noumenal-perception, chapter vii, 85. Noumenal percepts, 89. Office of action, 267. of æsthetic emotion, 235. of conscience, 241. of noumenal-perception, 88. of sense-perception, 61. Perceptive faculties, 100. Personal emotions, 216. Phantasy, chapter xi, 124. Philosophical imagination, 141. Physiological psychology, 51, 201. Powers of the mind, 56, 57, 262. Private students, xix. of noumenal-perception, 89, 103. of reason, 184, 200. of sense-perception, 103, 63. Properties of concepts, 159. of judgments, 175. Prospective self-emotions, 219. Psychology defined, 32. Psychological pyramid, 106, 152, 204, Sensor-lines, 48, 50. energies, outline, 56, 57, 262. Spiritual emotions, 230. Success-emotions, 228. Esthetic emotions, 238. Conception, 168. Imagination, 144. Judgment, 178. Memory, 121. Noumenal-perception, 98. Phantasy, 133. Reason, 193. Self-emotions, 221. Sensation, 53, 207. Sense-perception, 68. Terms, 33. Truth-emotions, 233. Syllogisms, 184. Teaching psychology, xx. Terms of a judgment, 175. Thinking, 153, 196, 201. Time, 87, 92. Topical analyses, 14, 24, 84, 54, 70, Tree of necessary ideas, 91. Ugliness, 236. Unbelief, 189. |