Zeal, affectiō, alacrity. Omnia possū in eo qui me confortat. Possunt quia posse vident'. Exposition of not overweening but overwilling. Goddes presse; voluntaries. Detraction. Chester's wytt to deprave, and otherwise not wyse. Hast, impatience. In actions as in wayes the neerest y fowlest. On the back of the sheet is written "fragments of Elegancyes." The other paper (fo. 108.) bears no date. It is a commencement of a collection of antitheta, the pro and contra being set down in opposite columns, under their proper heads. It is very fairly written in Bacon's own hand, and large blank spaces are left between the several heads, as if for further insertions; yet it seems to have been entirely rejected afterwards, for though some of the questions are handled in the collection of antitheta given in the De Augmentis, none of these sentences are introduced there, or not in the same relation. Upon Impatience of Audience. Verbera sed audi. The fable of the Syrenes. Auribus mederi difficilli- Placidasque viri deus ob mum. Noluit intelligere ut bene ageret. struit aures. The ey is the gate of the affection, but the ear of the understanding. Upon quæstiō to reward evill wth evill. Noli æmulari in malignantibus. Crowne him with coles. Nil malo qua illos similes esse sui et me mei. Cum perverso perverteris. Yow are not for this world. Upon quæstiō whether a mā should speak or forbear speach. Benedictions and Maledictions. Et folium ejus nō defluet. Mella fluant illi, ferat et rubus asper amomu. Dii meliora piis. Abominacon. VIII. One or two other papers belonging to this bundle I may have occasion to quote hereafter, in connexion with the subjects to which they refer. But there is one which stands by itself, and though not belonging exactly to the class of "Formularies," is curious enough to be worth preserving, and may be allowed in default of a fitter place to come in here. I suppose no man was less given to play than Bacon. But the following sheet of notes (written hastily and carelessly in his own Roman hand) shows that on some occasion or other he had thought a good deal about it. In the catalogue of particular histories, which were to combine into the great Natural and Experimental History that was to serve for the foundation of Philosophy, the 123rd title is Historia Ludorum omnis generis.1 And it may be that he once thought of drawing up directions for the execution of it, or possibly even of doing a portion by way of specimen; as his manner was. Here at any rate is the plan of an elaborate treatise on the subject. PLAY.2 The syn against the holy ghost-termed in zeal by one of the fathers. Cause of oths, quarells, expence and unthriftines : ydlenes and indispositio of the mynd to labors. Art of forgetting; cause of society, acquaintance, familiarity in frends; neere and ready attendance in servants; recreatiō and putting of melancholy. 1 Catalogus Historiarum particularium, secundum capita. 2 Harl. MSS. 7017. f. 110. The writing goes down to the very bottom of the first page. • Putting of malas curas et cupiditates. Games of activity and passetyme; of act. of strength, quicknes; quick of ey, hand, legg, the whole moco: strength of arme; legge; of activity, of sleight. Of passetyme onely; of hazard; of play mixt. Of hazard; meere hazard; cunnyng in making y game: Of playe; exercise of attentio: of memory: of dissimulation : of discrecō. Of many hands or of receyt: of few: of quick returne, tedious; of præsent judgm', of uncerten yssue. Severall playes or ideas of play. Frank play, wary play; venturous, not venturous ; quick, slowe. Oversight: Dotage: Betts: Lookers on: Judgm'. Groome porter: Christmas: Inventiō for hunger (?). Oddes: stake: sett. He that folowes his losses and giveth soone over at wynnings will never gayne by play. Ludimus incauti studioque aperimur ab ipso. He that playeth not the begynnyng of a game well at tick tack and the later end at yrish shall never wynne. Frier Gilbert. Y lott; earnest in old tyme sport now, as musike out of Church to chambr. |