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call us brethren." « In all things Herein God is discovered, not only he hath been made like unto us," as gracious, but “ as faithful and and “ we shall be like him when just to forgive us our sins," &c.: we see him as he is.". Hence, says just to the work of Christ, and the Apostle. (Rom. viii. 14, &c.), faithful to his covenant promise, As many as are led by the Spirit to receive, to justify, to sanctify, of God" (the same Spirit that rest. and to save his people. And when ed on their glorious Head), “ are once the call of his Gospel has been also the sons of God;" • for we effectual to reach the heart, we are have received not the spirit of told, “ faithful is He that called bondage, again to fear, but the you, who also will do it.” There Spirit of adoption, whereby we can be no doubt, then, of my ac. cry, Abba, Father: and if chil. ceptance, of my sanctification, of dren, then heirs, heirs of God, and my preservation, of my final salvajoint heirs with Christ," &c. (Rom. tion, by believing and abiding in viii. 14-18.) On this is grounded Christ Jesus. Distrust him not, O that beautiful song of triumphant penitent sinner! through the fears faith in the last part of the chapter: of unbelief; trust in him, and thou “ Who shall lay any thing to the shalt not be disappointed of any charge of God's elect? &c. I am expectation founded upon his word persuaded that nothing can sepa- of promise. Dishonour him not, rate from the love of God in Christ ( believer! by distrusting his wisJesus,” &c. (See ver. 38 to the dom, his all-sufficiency, or his care; end.) What privileges, indeed, for he will guide thee through life, must belong to those who are the till he bring thee to his kingdom. property of such a Lord ?-given Çontemplate his character more to the Son of God from eternity, steadily ; believe in him more firmunited to him in the covenant pur- ly; this will give energy to holy pose, redeemed by his own pre- love, to fervent zeal, and grateful cious blood, actually united in time obedience. by his Spirit, and one with him in. O thou condescending Jesus! I the exercise of faith, that, accord am thine by every tie: take me, ing to the comprehensive prayer of my body and my soul; take my the Redeemer, “ they all may be heart, my all; claim it, and make one, as thou, Father, art in me, it thine indeed; devoted to comand I in thee, that they also may munion and fellowship with thee, be one in us!" (John, xvii. 21.) to thy service, and to thy glory. Surely they are interested in all Glory be to the Son of God, who that he did, in all that he is now became the Son of wlan, for us doing upon the throne, in all that men and for our salvation. Let he possesses or enjoys ; yea, in all us endeavour to be more like him those exceeding great and precious now, in humility, faith, and love; promises which he has made in piety towards God; in gentlethroughout his word to his believ- ness, kindness, and benevolence ing people.

towards man; in sobriety and moWhat now remains, but that we deration; in every Christian grace; repeatedly consider, that we may that we may now be conformed to more effectually enter into them, the image of God's dear Son, for our obligations to the firmest faith, we shall be completely like him in and the most cheerful obedience. his kingdom of glory. Then we The ground of faith is securely laid shall know more of his true dig. for a returning sinner, in the per- nity, and what is the greatness of son and work of Immanuel, in the his love: and adore him in the full invitations of his grace, and the enjoyment of it, throughout atero fajthful promises of his Gospel, nity. Amen. ...




ON PLENARY INDULGENCES.-To proved successful in drawing from

show THAT POPERY IS STILL its long-continued privacy the THE SAME IT EVER HAS BEEN. Douay Bible, and multitudes are

now engaged in the perusal of it. To the Editor of the Christian. The notes that accompany it are, Guardian.

- doubtless, hostile to every thing SIR,

that bears the name of Protestant: IGNORANCE of the sacred Scrip- but they are in many instances so tures is the parent of those innu- palpably opposed to the plain text, merable evils that affix a stain upon that a child could almost detect the Irish character, sap the found the imposition. The speeches deation of comfort and confidence in livered at the different anniversary this highly-favoured island, and meetings cannot fail to be produce keep her back from the place she tive of good for the mind is iina ought to hold in the scale of civi- bued with a spirit of curiosity and lized nations. Ignorance has been a fondness for novelty; and if it be systematically perpetuated from once released from the trammels of one generation to another, and it prejudice, and begins to exercise is only since the year 1798 that the freedom of thought, we may expect Gospel has made any extended important consequences to follow, progress in Ireland. An auspicious It appears to me advisable to bring day now begins to dawn--the rays before the public those documents of divine light are darting their which unquestionably prove the reheavenly influence into the darkest ligious opinions of the Popish and most remote corners, and every priests, as froin them we may at effort to prevent their entrance or once ascertain the opinions of those impede their progress will unques- who are instructed by them. For tionably be defeated. The strong this purpose I send you a printed man armed has too long been per- copy of a Pastoral Letter of Doctor mitted to keep his goods in peace Moylan, titular Bishop of Cork,

by Popish superstition and Pro- which cannot fail to interest and testant infidelity or apathy, he excite the astonishment of your found a welcome in, and received readers. The Saviour is degraded the homage of, almost every heart in every part of it; man's merit,

but a stronger than he has come; and ability to attain salvation by much of his armour wherein he his obedience to the commands of trusted is now the spoil of the the church, enforced; and a comgreat Captain of salvation; and mutation for sin most plainly inthe believing mind anticipates with culcated. These principles are now real joy the downfall of the man of in a certain degree harmless to sin, who has exalted himself above those who neither receive nor acall that is called God. The spread knowledge them ; for, though they of schools, through the influence are propagated with increasing zeal of the Hibernian Sunday School and earnestness, yet they cannot be Society, and of several benevolent forced upon men for their acceptindividuals, has provoked the Roance in this highly-favoured land; mish clergy to jealousy, and caus- but if Popery should work its way ed them to labour with much ear. into the councils of our nation, and pestness, to prevent the children that we were threatened with death of their flocks from being led away. in its most terrific form if we did

In consequence of this, great num- not profess our belief of them, O : bers of Popish schools have been how should we regret the halcyon

established, and the instruction of days we now enjoy! days in which the people is making a pleasing we may sit under our own vine and 'progress. The Bible Society has fig-tree, none making us afraid ; when that storm which has blown cathedral chapel, to establish a with such fury upon the Continent, mission in it of pious exercises and.. and destroyed those institutions instructions for the space of a and comforts that seemed to be month; and in order to induce our rooted as the knotty oak, appears brethren to attend thereat, and to to us only as the rustling of leaves, profit by those effectual means of occasioned by the gentle zephyr. sanctification, we applied to the Many fit subjects for prayer mo- Holy See for a solemn plenary inmentarily present themselves to the dulgence, in form of a jubilee; believing mind; but just now there which the Holy Father was most does not appear one (I speak with 'graciously pleased to grant by a reference to our country that in a Bull * to the following purport: stronger manner claims the suppli- . “ Pius VII. by Divine Provieation of the whole heart, than dence, Pope, grants unto each and this, that God may arrest the fu- every one of the faithful of Christ, ture spread of Popery, and for who after assisting, at least, eight ever prevent it from rearing its times, at the holy exercises of the head in Great Britain. The dark mission (in the new cathedral of ness it has spread over Ireland is Cork), shall confess his or her sins indeed darkness that may be felt; with true contrition, and approach -and, from having observed its bane- unto the holy communion; shall ful influence and effects, I would devoutly visit the said cathedral cry aloud, and call upon every chapel, and there offer up to God .friend of truth-upon every lover for some space of time, pious and of souls-upon every one who feels fervent prayers for the propagation.. à spark of gratitude for the Re- of the holy catholic faith, and to formation, to exert all the facul- the intention of our holy father, a ties and means he possesses to sup- plenary indulgence applicable to port those institutions which are the souls in purgatory, by way of calculated, through the Divine suifrage, and this in form of a jublessing, to crush the head of this bilee." hydra. 1 This can be done in a spi- . Such, beloved brethren, is the rit of mildness, forbearance, and great, the inestimable grace, offer

love: for we must ever bear in ed to us by the vicar of Jesus Christ ...mind, that the weapons of our in his name, and of which he ear.

Warfare are not carnal but spiritual. nestly invites us all to partake. Din Iam, Sir,

The greater, the more valuable it prisis oYour sincere friend, ...' is, the more should we dread ito

i Göt AMICUS HIBERNICUS. abuse it, the more careful should de ..

..; 3 we be to render ourselves worthy

of it. The gifts of God are only --, DR. MOYLAN'S PASTORAL ! - for those who prepare their hearts

ADDRESS : to receive them.. . The Right Reverend Doctor Francis In granting this great indul

Moylan to his dearly beloved gence, the sovereign pontiff im.: Flocks the Roman Catholios of poses but few obligations, and

the City and Diocess of Corks those, very easily discharged, pergreeting..


suaded, that if the sorrow for our BELOVED BRETHREN,

sins be sincere, as it must be in 2. ANIMATED with the warmest order to obtain this precious grace,

desire of promoting yoor eternal it will undoubtedly prodace in us · welfare, both from a sense of our other satisfactory fruits worthy of duty, and out of the tenderest true pınance. For, brethren, let'

love of your dear souls, we resolv- '; . The Bull was granted at an audiovice Ced, immediately on completing our on the 14th of May 1809... iii

us not deceivé ourselves with re- flows, and would justly render us gard to the nature of the grace unworthy of ever receiving the that is offered to us. The inten- least mercy or favour at the hands tion of the church is only to assist of God. our weakness, NOT TO FAVOUR To you, obdurate and inveterate OUR IMPENITENCE; to facilitate sinners, we in particular address our satisfactions, not to exempt us ourselves. Too long, alas! too altogether from them. THE PLE- long have you strayed from the NARY INDULGENCE IS ONLY PRO. paths of justice, and wandered in MISED TO TRUE AND SINCERE the ways of iniquity. O profit of PENITENTS.

this favourable moment! God now No power on earth can dispense pressingly calls upon you to return with the conditions which God re- to him ; no longer harden your quires of us in order to be recon- hearts, but on this day of his merciled to him. A contrite and cy listen to his sweet voice. The humble heart, a sincere sorrow and thunders of the divine vengeance detestation of sin, with a firm pur- are kept over your guilty heads, pose of amendment, and of satis- ready, if you persist in your rebel. fying divine justice, are absolute- lion, to burst upon you. You stand ly essential to obtain the grace of upon the brink of eternity; and Teconciliation, and without this death, with the most dreadful horgrace no indulgence can be applied rors of hell, surround you. This to us. If, then, our repentance be invitation of the divine mercy may only on the tongue, and consist in be the last you shall ever receive. the mere declaration of our sins, It is written, that God will hear us (as it is to be apprehended has been in the acceptable time. Surely this too often the case heretofore; if holy time of indulgence must be the heart be not truly and sincerely that most acceptable time. Those converted from the ways of iniqui- days' of grace and mercy must be ty to the Source of all justice ; if the days of your salvation. Ah! we be not firmly resolved on avoid- profit of them. Be reconciled to ‘ing all kinds of sin and the occa- your offended God. If you neglect sions of sin: if we be not disposed this grace; if you suffer this holy to mortify the works of the flesh by time of indulgence to pass without the Spirit, and to arise with Jesus profiting of it; there is every reaChrist to a newness of life, we can son to fear that the time of God's have no pretence whatever to share mercy shall pass from you, never in the graces and indulgences of more to return. Once again, then, the church.“. This time of mercy let me entreat you to have recourse would be for us a time of the most to the throne of mercy, that you rigorous justice, and this great in- may find grace in seasonable aid. dulgence would, by the abuse we And you, to whom the Almighty should make of it, become matter has given of the dew of heaven, and of our greater condemnation of the fat of the land, redeem your

Prepare, then, beloved brethren, síns with alms, and your iniquities we most earnestly exhort you, pre- with works of mercy to the poor ; pare your hearts to receive the ful- and perhaps God would forgive iness of the divine mercy: it is of your offences.

fered to all, let no one refuse to You who profoundly sleep in sin, . accept of it'; let sinners by its awake rouse yourselves from that means become just ; and let the fatal lethargy into which you have just by it beconie more justified. been so long plunged. Behold! To neglect profiting of this grace the treasures of God's graces are would be most highly injurious to · now open to you the arms of his the sacred source from whence it divine mercy are stretched out to

receive you-he reaches forth his sist, at least eight times, -at the in: hands with peace and reconcilia-, structions and pious exercises of tion towards you. Hasten, then, the mission; and to offer up, for with confidence to the throne of some time, to God, in a visit to the mercy; with heartfelt sentiments of cathedral, pious and fervent praytrue sorrow and compunction ap- ers for the propagation of the holy proach the fountain of grace, and Catholic faith, and to the intention wash your soiled baptismal robe in of our holy father, the Pope. Five the blood of the Lamb. The mi- Paters, and five Aves, and a Creed, nisters of Jesus Christ, invested to the above intention, will fulfil with his authority, animated with the obligation. his Spirit, expect you with a holy Thirdly: All priests approved impatience, ready to ease you of of by us to hear confessions, can, .. that heavy burden of sin under during the above time, absolve all which you have so long laboured. such persons as present themselves Were your sins as red as scarlet, with due dispositions at confession, by the grace of the absolution, in order to obtain this plenary inand the application of this plenary dulgence from all sins and cenindulgence, your souls shall be sures reserved to the Holy See, or come white as, snow.

to us--they enjoining upon such Reconciled to God; purified by persons as are thus absolved a saluKis grace; cleansed in his blood; tary penance. ? discharged, by the merciful Jesus We order this pastoral letter Christ, from all the debts contract- and instruction to be read in every ed with the divine justice, you chapel of our diocess, in town and will find in the observance of the country, at every mass, on Sunday laws of your heavenly Father, the the 14th, Sunday the 21st, and true peace of your souls; that Sunday the 28th day of November peace which surpasseth all under- inst, and on Sunday the 5th day of standing ; that peace, which you December next. have hitherto sought for in vain, Given at Cork, Nov. 2, 1813. but which you could never find ,

Fraụcis MOYLAN. under the empire of your passions, which is enjoyed only by those who mildly bear the sweet yoke of

Anecdote Jesus Christ.

2 OF BISHOP LATIMER; HUMBLY Wherefore, dearly beloved, that

DEDICATED TO THE LORD BI. you inay all know that which, ac slioP, OF cording to the Bull of His Holiness, This excellent prclate, having is necessary to gain the benefit of preached a sermon before King this plenary indulgence, granted in Henry VIII, in which he touched form of jubilee, you will observe, on some topics displeasing to His

First, that it will commence in Majesty, was commanded to preach our new cathedral chapel, on the again the following Sunday, and first Sunday of Advent, being the to introduce an apology for the of28th day of this present month of fence he had given in his last disNovember, and will continue until course. After naming his text, the festival of St. John the Evan- the Bishop thus commenced his gelist, being Monday, the 27th sermon: 56 Hugh Latimer, dost day of December, both inclusive. thou know to whom thou art this • Secondly: In order to gain this day to speak ? - To the high and plenary indulgence, it is necesary mighty monarch, the King's most to be truly penitent; to make a excellent Majesty, who can take good confession; to receive wor- away thy life if thou offendest; thily the holy coinmunion; to as- therefors take heed that thou CHRIST, GUARD. VOL. VI,


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