by a variety of distresses, and 2dly. Consider, that the Lord known assuredly, that “ this is possesses the power of delivering not his rest.” How often are the them, whensoever he pleases, out children of God“ in heaviness of all their afflictions - His arm through manifold temptations !” is not shortened that it cannot How often do their evil propensi- save,”-He is almighty. ties, and unsubdued passions, 3dly. Consider that there is nodraw them into situations, the thing in the nature or perfections consequences of which are fatal of God, which militates against to their peace, and dishonourable to his delivering his people from any their profession!" Let him that affliction. Not only does his power thinketh he standeth take heed lest enable him, but his nature and he fall.” How often do afilictions of perfections incline him to do som different kinds press heavy upon to The Lord knoweth how to delithem! wave succeeds wave; " the ver the godly out of temptations." clouds return after rain;" and 4thty. Consider that the Lord' when they had hoped that the has delivered his people from the Lord was about to bring them out most imminent dangers ; from the of their afflictions, his hand has deepest afflictions ; yea, even from laid on heavier strokes, and their those which were the consequences prospects have been darkened by of their own rashness and iniquity. a deeper gloom. . See instances of this in his dealThere is a path in which every ings with the children of Israel, Christian, at some season or other, with Jonah, and withi Peter. is called to tread, the bitterness of 5thly. Consider, that whensowhich must be experienced in or- ever the Lord did so, it was beder to be known. The eye of canse such deliverance conduced God sees a thousand solitary tears to his people's good and his own -witnesses a thousand solitary glory. More glory was brought woes—and hears a thousand soli- to his name by the grace he distary groans, of which man knows played in their deliverance, than nothing. Arrows frequently ran- would have accrued by displaying kle in the heart where we least his vengeance in their condemna, expect them; and many, envied tion. for their fancied happiness, have 6thly. Therefore the people of their secret troubles, which lie the God may argue with certainty heavier because they are secret.-- thus If delivering me from my " Yet why weepest thou," O Chris- present dangers, temptations, or tian? “there is a balm in Gilead” affictions, will promote the Divinę for all thy wounds-a bottle for glory, and my final happiness; thy tears-an ear that will not the Lord will, he must do it; and shut itself against thy complaints if it will not, I ought not to de. -and a bosom that tenderly feels sire it. thy sorrows. Allow a fellow-suf ALBUS. ferer to bring before thee a few considerations calculated to sooth thy mind, and support thy soul, THE DIVINITY AND PERSONALITY “ till the calamity be overpast.” OF CHRIST 1st. Consider, that the Lord is Heb. i. 3. perfectly acquainted with the whole of his people's afflictions—" He Being the brightness of his glory, knoweth the way which they take" and the express image of his pernot a single circumstance in their state ever has escaped, or The writings of the Old, as well ean' escape, the Divine eye. as New Testament, certainly “ tęs son. tify" of Christ. But I very much the sacred Trinity. This is cerquestion, whether, in the whole tainly a mysterious subject: and word of God, we shall find a more no ideas borrowed from created sublime and lofty description of his things, nor any words we can use, divine and personal glories, than in or even invent, can furnish us with this passage from St. Paul's Epistle a just explanation of it. Never-, to the Hebrews. We shall take theless, the expression under conoccasion from it to descant upon sideration throws as much light them. It will greatly assist us here, upon it as any that I know. It is if we enlist into our service " the as though the Apostle had said, tlrings noted in the Scriptures of “ Christ is light of light, very Truth” concerning him. Let us, God of very God; equal to the however, first premise, that what. Father touching his Godhead: for ever we can advance on the sub- such as the Father is, such also is ject is more likely to tarnish than the Son.” add a lustre to “ the brightness of That Christ is God, is clear from His glory." We can only, to the other passages of Holy Writ. From best of our power, advocate his St. John we learn, that“ the Word,” Godhead, and assert his distinc- that is, Christ, “ was God.” And tion from the Father in respect to the same Evangelist, alluding to his person. In prosecution of our the many proofs which he and his plan, we will, fellow-disciples had had of his diFirst, canvas his divine naturé. vinity in his wisdom, power, and This is set forth in the expression, goodness, says, “ We beheld his “ being the brightness of his,” that glory, the glory as of," that is, what is (as appears by comparing the se. was properandbecoming, “the only cond verse), the Father's " glory." begotten of the Father.” St. Paul, The glory of the Father here means in order to display the condescenhis divinity. Thus Saint Paul, sion of Christ, contrasts it with the speaking of the idolatrous Gentiles, dignity of his pre-existent state, observes, that they “ changed the "who," that is, Christ, “ being in glory of the uncorruptible God into the form of God, thought it not an image made like to corruptible robbery to be equal with God.” man, and to birds, and to four- And, when writing to the Romans, footed beasts, and creeping things.” the same Apostle, having expressed So God himself thus speaks by his his heartfelt concern for his unProphet, “ I am the Lord, that is believing countrymen, observes, my name; and I will not give my " whose are the Father's,, and of glory (that is, my essential dignity whom, as concerning the flesh, or divine nature) to another; nei- Christ came, who is over all, God ther my praise to graven images" blessed for ever.” And again, in (that is, I will not suffer divine hohis Epistle to the Colossians, he nours to be paid to them, as though speaks decidedly in favour of this they were Jehovah, or the Lord). point, styling him “ the first-born Now, as the brightness of the of every creature:" that is, he is sun '“ in the firmament of heaven” the Son of God by an unspeakable is of the same nature with the sun and eternal generation, before any itself, and yet is distinct from the creature was formed. And since sun, so Christ is the brightness of he is the first-born of every creathe Father's glory; that is, he is of ture, it cannot but be, that he is the same divine nature with him, the Lord, heir and proprietor of all. though, as will be shown presently, And so indeed he is ; for as it there distinct from him as to his person. He follows, “ all things were created in one with the Father touching his by him and for him." Such is his divinity. For there is an union of divinity. Godhead in the three Persons of Our second position is this, that he exactly resembles the Father, and dom and knowledge.”--God is omyet is a distinct person from him. nipresent. “Can any hide himself This is the meaning of the words, in secret places, that I shall not see “the express image of his person.” him?” saith the Lord; “ Do I not He is a perfect resemblance of him; fill heaven and earth ?” saith the just as the “ image” or impression Lord. Now Christ “ filleth ali in on the wax accurately corresponds all ;” that is, he not only gives to to the original in the seal, line to every member of his mystical body line, character to character, fea- whatever may be needful to bring ture to feature. But " no man it to a perfection in the Christian hatho seen God at any time.” — stature, but he is also every where “He dwelleth in the light, which present; otherwise, how could he no man can approach unto, and say, “Where two or three are ga. whom no man hath seen, or can thered together in my name, there see.” Yet of him, though unseen, am I in the midst of them?”.-God is the God-man Christ Jesus a true is holy. “ There is none holy as representation. Hence he is styled the Lord.” And in the Song of “ the image of the invisible God," the Lamb, which 'the redeemed possessing of and from himself, and sing in heaven,we meet with this exmanifesting forth, all the per- pression, “ Who shall not fear thee, fections of the unseen God. This O Lord! and glorify thy name? important point is well deserving For thou only art holy."God is our attention. It will be found, immutable. * I am the Lord; I upon inquiry, that what God the charge not; therefore ye sons of Father is, the same is God the Son. Jacob are not consumed.” Christ God is self-existent. When Moses is characterized as “the same was commissioned to deliver Israel yesterday, to-day, and for ever.” from Egypt, he wished to know by There is faithfulness in God." He what name God would be called : keepeth truth for ever." Christ is “ and God said unto Moses, I am " the faithful and true witness.”, that I am ; and thou shalt say unto --Righteousness is one of the perthe children of Israel, I am hath fections of God. 6 The Lord is sent me unto you." This very and righteous in all his ways, and holy incommunicable name, it is worthy in all his works." Christ is thus of remark, did our Saviour appro- addressed by “the spirits of just priate to himself, saying to the men made perfect,”-“ Just and Jews, .«. Before Abraham was I true are thy ways, thou King of am.”—God is eternal ; “ from ever- Saints.”—God is merciful. « His lasting to everlasting thou art mercy endureth for ever.” “ His God.” So the Apostle applies to tender mercies 'are over all his Christ those words in the 102d works.” Of Christ it is said, " The Psalm, “ Thou art the same, and Word was made flesh, and dwelt thy years shall not fail.”—God is among us, full of grace.”God omniscient. " There is not a word alone possesses infinite power. “He. in my tongue, but, lo! O Lord ! is excellent in power.” Respecting thou knowest it altogether. Of himself, Christ observes, “ WhatChrist it is said, that “ he needed soever things the Father doeth, not that any should testify of man, these also doeth the Son likewise." for he knew what was in vian."-. God is abundant in goodness. “ He God's wisdom is infinite. We are is good unto all.” “ The Father told, that “God is only wise, and maketh his sun to rise on the evil that there is no searching of his and on the good; and sendeth rain understanding." Yet in Christ are on the just and on the unjust.” “hidden all the treasures of wis- Repeatedly did Christ make this ; Christ. GUARD. VOL. VI. promise to his disciples, “ What- or diyine glory? Shall we reduce soever ye shall ask in my name, him to a level with his creatures, by that will I do!” making him a mere man like ourThus it is clear, that the very selves? When he, “ the first besame perfections which belong to gotten of God, was brought into God the Father, belong also to the world,” or became incarnate, God the Son. It must follow, then, all the angels were commanded to that the latter is a correct likeness worship him. And shall we, so of the former. How unreasonable, much their inferiors, and so much therefore, was Philip's request; needing a divine Savioar, refuse to r Show as the Father, and it suf- " bow the knee" before him in holy ficeth us.” And with what truth adoration and reverential awe? might the Saviour answer, and say Let any one seriously, attentively, unto him, “ Have I been so long and impartially consider the chaptime with you, and yet hast thou ter from whence the words which not known me, Philip? He that stand at the head of this commuhath seen me hath seen the Father. nication, are selected, and it must And how sayest thou, then, Show be impossible for him to doubt the us the Father?" Hence it is no Saviour's divinity; it must be imwonder that St. Paul declares, that possible for him to avoid exclaim"Christ is God manifest in the flesh;" ing, with the unbelieving disciple, and that in him dwelleth all the " My LORD, AND MY GOD!" Let fulness of the Godhead bodily.” us then fear " this holy Lord'. And since he is the image of God God.” Let us “stand in awe of the Father, he cannot be God the him.” Let us “ kiss the Son," Father · himself, and must, conse- lest we provoke him to anger, and quently, be distinct from him in, we perish everlastingly. Ah! “it respect to his personality; just as is a fearful thing to fall into the an attested copy of a legal instru- hands of Christ, the living God," ment, though it be the same in all the Judge of quick and dead. respects with the original, is yet “ He is our Lord, therefore let us distinct from it. They are two worship him.”-“Let us not dare : things; two similar and distinct, to lift up our heel against him.” because the one is a transcript of Let us not spoil him of his dignity; the other. So the Lord Christ, ale rather let us, “ glorify the Son." though he have communion with Let us entertain the loftiest. the Father in regard to his God- thoughts of him. Let us “ wait head, is, nevertheless, quite distinct for his law,". receiving and emfrom him as to his person. Quod bracing the Gospel. And let us erat demonstrandum. endeavour to “ please him” as Such being the excellency of his much as we would endeavour to dignity, what reflection so natural “ fear God and keep his commandand so becoming as the following: ments.” How ought we to reverence the Lord Christ ! He is most assuredlya divine person. And, “as in REMARKS ON DANIEL, CHAT. VIII. water face answereth to face,” so 9-12. doth God the Son to God the Father. - Surely, therefore, men To the Editor of the Christian ought to honour the Son as they Guardian. honour the Father. If divine ho- SIR, 'nours are to be paid to the latter, Your correspondent Nemo, who they are equally due to the former. is certainly somebody, has applied Shall we, then, presume to rob the a passage in Daniel, chap. viii. 9— Lord Jesus Christ of his essential 12, to the impostor Mahomet.[Sep SUFFOLK. tember 1813, page 308.] Having omission, so ably commented on been engaged, a short time ago, by your correspondent, does not, in studying the original Hebrew it is true, prevail yet to any extent; of this passage, I was forcibly but it has begun to prevail, and struck with its applicableness to when innovation begins (innovathat arch-deceiver. One thing, tion, too, upon acknowledged exindeed, rather puzzled. me: how cellence), past ,experience has this little horn could be said to taught us the difficulty of saying spring out of one of the four to it, “ Hitherto shalt thou go, and horns, that is, the successors of no further !” Alexander the Great, since those. The regulations of our Church powers, had been annihilated by allow time enough to give the the Roman empire. Mahomet whole of the service in all churches certainly sprung up in the country and episcopal chapels, and even over which one of those four' no- on Sacramental days, a moderately table horns reigned, viz. Seleucus long sermen at the end of it. It and his successors, and was of the is great pity, therefore, that any tribe of the Korashites, the noblest Minister should deem it necessary in the country. If any line of cone to curtail the Liturgy, in order to nexion between Mahomet and the avoid curtailing the sermon. A word ancient kings of Syria, the Sea to the wise, Sir, is enough; and Jeucidæ, could be satisfactorily the good men, who feel themselves traced, the difficulty which I felt obnoxious to this charge (and good would vanish. Perhaps your cor- men they are), will, I dare say, respondent can afford me a solu- prove it to be sufficient. tion. Mr. Scott in his commentary, There is, however, Mr. Editor, after combating the opinion of another evil hinted at by C. H. those, who apply the passage to much more general, and therefore Antiochus Epiphanes, coincides requiring your animadversion quite with Sir Isaac and Bishop Newton, as much as this: the fault of it who interpret it of the Roman rests not' with the Minister, power. But, with all deference but the people; not with the to these eminent critics and com- Pastor, but his flock: and I would mentators, I did not feel satisfied conjure those of the Church of with their interpretation, and still England, who wish to be consiadhered to my own conjecture, dered as of the Church universal, waiting for an opportunity to ac- to reflect on the injury they inflict quire a clearer insight into this re- on Christianity, and, above all, markable prophecy. I am not upon themselves, by the repetition aware that Mr. Faber has given any of it. This evil is, late attendsolution of the subject in hand; ance. if he has, please to inform me Late attendance, said a cele. where it is to be found, and you brated Scotch Divine, a few Sun. will oblige, Sir, days ago, is the curse of all LonYour constant reader, don congregations. And I am J. B. O. C. sorry to add, that it is more espe cially the curse of those denominated serious, and where the Gospel is most faithfully preached! There CHURCH. are churches and chapels of this MR. EDITOR, class in London, where the ear is The remarks of C. H., inserted teased with the perpetual opening in your June Magazine, will be and shutting of the doors, and the attended, I hope, with a proper attention of those who came in and salutary effect. The evil of time distracted by the noise, eve ON LATE ATTENDANCE AT |