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tery at Munchen Buchsee-a few miles north-west of Bern, and near to Fellenberg's school.

Pestalozzi decided to take his upper school to Yverdon, and to send his lower school to Munchen Buchsee; since he only had the promise of one year's tenancy of the old monastery. It was arranged—by his staff, and apparently without his knowledge, in the first instancethat de Fellenberg should have the practical control of the institution, while Pestalozzi was to act as educational adviser. This he says 66 was not without my consent, but to my profound mortification". It was impossible that such an arrangement for such a man as Pestalozzi could turn out well. Soon differences and difficulties arose between Pestalozzi and de Fellenberg.

Finally the whole of the members of the institution at Burgdorf were transferred to Yverdon, and were glad to be once more under the care of "Father Pestalozzi". The teachers declared that they preferred the want of government under him to the good government of de Fellenberg-the "man of iron" as Pestalozzi called


Ramsauer says of his stay at Munchen Buchsee: "I was unhappy for the first time in my life. I was still table-boy [servitor, i.e., one paying for his schooling by certain domestic services] and under-master, but I had nobody to comfort my heart. We missed more than anything else the love and warmth which vivified everything at Burgdorf, and made everybody so happy. With Pestalozzi himself it was the heart which dominated everything with Fellenberg the mind. Nevertheless, Munchen Buchsee had its good points too-there was more order there, and we learned more than at Burgdorf.

"In February, 1805, to my great delight, Pestalozzi sent for me to go back to him at Yverdon, where I once more found a father's affection and my dear masters Krüsi and Buss. A few months later the whole institute had rejoined Pestalozzi at Yverdon Castle."

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YVERDON, 1805-1825.

AT Yverdon Pestalozzi reached the summit of his fame and found the grave of his practical work. In the institute at Yverdon the large scheme which had been drawn up for Burgdorf was not attempted, but all efforts were concentrated on the education of the pupils who came to the castle, with the result that greater success than ever before was, at first, obtained. Pupils came from England, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Spain. Deputations were sent from many countries to study and report on the work. Private individuals went from all parts, some taking pupils with them, to see the great things which were being done. Amongst these were Froebel (with pupils), Herbart, Dr. Mayo (founder of the famous Pestalozzian school at Cheam-with pupils), Dr. Bell (author of The Madras System), Robert Owen, Lord Brougham, Karl von Raumer (the great German historian of education-with a pupil), Karl Ritter, M. Jullien (writer on Pestalozzi's work), M. Guillaume (biographer of Pestalozzi), Miss Edgeworth (author of Practical Education) and many others. The Emperor of Russia sent him this letter:

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"The method of teaching pointed out in your works, and practised in the institute of which you are

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