A Choice Selection of Evangelical Hymns ...: For the Use of the English Evangelical Lutheran Church in New YorkJ.C. Totten, 1806 - 319 sider |
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Side 31
... the Lamb . When all the notes that angels sing , Are far inferior to thy name ! 2. Worthy is he that once was slain , The Prince of Peace that groan'd and died , Worthy to rise , and live and reign At his Almighty Father's side . 3. Pow'r ...
... the Lamb . When all the notes that angels sing , Are far inferior to thy name ! 2. Worthy is he that once was slain , The Prince of Peace that groan'd and died , Worthy to rise , and live and reign At his Almighty Father's side . 3. Pow'r ...
Side 35
For the Use of the English Evangelical Lutheran Church in New York Ralph ... thy head , And with his sacred spirit bless'd His first - born Son above the rest . 1 . J Hymn 46. P. M. OIN all the glorious names Of wisdom , love , and pow'r ...
For the Use of the English Evangelical Lutheran Church in New York Ralph ... thy head , And with his sacred spirit bless'd His first - born Son above the rest . 1 . J Hymn 46. P. M. OIN all the glorious names Of wisdom , love , and pow'r ...
Side 52
For the Use of the English Evangelical Lutheran Church in ... thy own blood's oblation . 3. Yea , Father , said th ' obedient Son , Command and I will suffer . My will at thy decree shall run , To execute thine offer . O love what pow'r ...
For the Use of the English Evangelical Lutheran Church in ... thy own blood's oblation . 3. Yea , Father , said th ' obedient Son , Command and I will suffer . My will at thy decree shall run , To execute thine offer . O love what pow'r ...
Side 66
... thy servants hearken now . 4. Not as tho thou wouldst farther go , Our friend and counsellor , and guide , But stay ... pow'r of his spirit hath quicken'd our Lord , That we by his merit may all be restor'd . 2. Our captain and ...
... thy servants hearken now . 4. Not as tho thou wouldst farther go , Our friend and counsellor , and guide , But stay ... pow'r of his spirit hath quicken'd our Lord , That we by his merit may all be restor'd . 2. Our captain and ...
Side 74
... the Lamb that died , " they cry , " To be exalted thus : " " Worthy the Lamb , " our lips reply , For he was slain for us . 3. Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and pow'r divine ; And blessings more than we can give , Be , Lord ...
... the Lamb that died , " they cry , " To be exalted thus : " " Worthy the Lamb , " our lips reply , For he was slain for us . 3. Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and pow'r divine ; And blessings more than we can give , Be , Lord ...
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A Choice Selection of Evangelical Hymns: From Various Authors; For the Use ... Ralph Williston Ingen forhåndsvisning - 2016 |
A Choice Selection of Evangelical Hymns: From Various Authors; For the Use ... Ralph Williston Ingen forhåndsvisning - 2018 |
Almindelige termer og sætninger
adore Almighty angels behold bids bleeding bless blest breath cheer crown dead dear death divine dwell dy'd earth Epistle ESUS eternal ev'ry everlasting everlasting song eyes F Hymn faith Father fear flesh forgiv'n give glorious glory Gospel gracious grief guilt hath hear heart heart of stone heav'n heav'nly hell Holy Ghost holy wounds honours hope Hosanna humble humble souls immortal immortal song impart Jesu's Jesus Christ Jews joyful King L Hymn Lamb Lamb of God lift light live Lord mighty mortal o'er pain passions peace Pharisee pray pray'r receive Redeemer reigns rejoice rest righteousness rise sacred saints saith unto salvation Saviour Saviour bleed shalt shew shine sing sinners sins skies song soul sov'reign sweet thee thine things thou art thou hast thro throne thy grace thy love thy name Thy pow'r thy praise thy word thyself tongue truth voice wisdom