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" The power that is in any body, by reason of the particular constitution of its primary qualities, to make such a change in the bulk, figure, texture, and motion of another body, as to make it operate on our senses differently from what it did before.... "
An essay concerning human understanding. Also, extr. from the author's works ... - Side 143
af John Locke - 1819
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British Philosophy: Hobbes to Hume

Frederick Copleston - 2003 - 452 sider
...the latter operate on our senses in a different way from the way in which they previously operated. 'Thus the sun has a power to make wax white, and fire to make lead fluid.'1 But we can confine our attention to primary and secondary qualities. Locke supposes that in...
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The Library of Original Sources: Volume VI (Advance in Knowledge 1650-1800)

Oliver J. Thatcher - 2004 - 466 sider
...such a change in the bulk, figure, texture, and motion of another body, as to make it operate on our senses differently from what it did before. Thus the...the things themselves, whether they are perceived or not ; and upon their different modifications it is that the secondary qualities depend. The other two...
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Reality and Rationality

the late Wesley C. Salmon - 2005 - 300 sider
...such a change in the bulk, figure, texture, and motion of another body, as to make it operate on our senses differently from what it did before. Thus the...to make wax white, and fire, to make lead fluid." Such qualities thus influence the insensible primary qualities that are responsible for the secondary...
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The Cambridge Companion to Locke's 'Essay Concerning Human Understanding'

Lex Newman - 2007 - 18 sider
...that primary qualities can exist independently of their bodies. Rather, he explains, he calls them "real Original, or primary qualities, because they...Modifications it is, that the secondary Qualities depend" (E II.viii.23: 141; cf. E II.viii.i4, 17, 18, 24, 25; cf. Rickless 1997: 305,- Stuart 2003: 93n5J....
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Philosophical Inquiry: Classic and Contemporary Readings

Jonathan Eric Adler, Catherine Z. Elgin - 2007 - 897 sider
...such a change in the bulk, figure, texture, and motion of another body, as to make it operate on our Z 124 125 to make wax white, and fire to make lead fluid. These are usually called powers. The first...
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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: And a Treatise on the Conduct of ...

John Locke - 1800 - 540 sider
...such a change in the bulk, figure, texture, and motion of another body, as to make it operate on our senses, differently from what it did before. Thus...or no ; and upon their different modifications it ie, that the secondary qualities depend. The other two are only powers to act differently upon other...
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