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" Was not spoken of the soul. Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way; But to act, that each to-morrow Find us farther than to-day. "
American Monthly Knickerbocker - Side 183
redigeret af - 1838
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The American Whig Review, Bind 13–14

1851 - 1200 sider
...respect, and we cite a stanza in proof: — • . " Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way; But to act, that each to-morrow Find us farther than to-day." The first line is as bad as it can be — not only bad taste, but bad grammar ; for we have two nouns...
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The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1851 - 596 sider
...Life is real ! Life is earnest ! And the grave is not its goal ; " Dust thou art, to dust returnest," Was not spoken of the soul. Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way; Art is long, and Time is fleeting, And our hearts, though stout and brave, Still,...
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Sartain's Union Magazine of Literature and Art, Bind 8

John Sartain, Caroline Matilda Kirkland, John Seely Hart - 1851 - 504 sider
...to dust returnast,' Was not spoken of the soul. (l " V'1 enjoyment, and not sorrow,/ Is our destined end or way ; But to act, that each to-morrow Find us farther than !o ,|.. v : " Let us, then, be up and doing, f With a heart for any late ; J Still achieving, still...
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Readings in science and literature

Daniel Scrymgeour - 1851 - 424 sider
...real — Life is earnest ! And the grave is not its goal; " Dust thou art — to dust returnest" — Was not spoken of the soul. Not enjoyment and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way ; But to act, that each to-morrow Finds us farther than to-day. Art is long, and...
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Gems from the spirit mine. (League of univ. brotherhood).

Gems - 1851 - 206 sider
...seem. Life is real! life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal; Dust thou art, to dust returneth, Was not spoken of the soul. Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way ; But to act, that each to-morrow Find us further than to-day. Art is long, and...
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The North British review

1852 - 620 sider
...Life is real ! Life is earnest ! And the grave is not its goal ! Dust thou art, to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul. " Not enjoyment, and not...end or way ; But to act that each to-morrow Find us further than to-day. " Art is long and time is fleeting, And our hearts though stout and brave, Still...
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Popish Legends, Or, Bible Truths

Catherine Sinclair - 1852 - 424 sider
...wings ! I mount! I fly! O grave! where is thy victory ? O death! where is thy sting ? " CHAP. in. " Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destin'd end or way, But to act that each to-morrow Find us further than to-day." LONGFELLOW. WHEN Oliver Cromwell appeared before a numerous meeting of clergymen...
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Lectures on the Formation of Character

Thomas March Clark - 1852 - 170 sider
...art, to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul. Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, la our destined end or way; But to act, that each to-morrow Find us farther than to-day. Let us, then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to...
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The Eclectic Review, Bind 3;Bind 95

Samuel Greatheed, Daniel Parken, Theophilus Williams, Josiah Conder, Thomas Price, Jonathan Edwards Ryland, Edwin Paxton Hood - 1852 - 802 sider
...Life is real — life is earnest, And the grave is not its goal ; "Dust tliou art, to dust returnest," Was not spoken of the soul. ' Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our being's end or way, But to live that each to-morrow Finds us farther than to-day. ' In the world's...
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Choice descriptive poetry, selected by a lady

Choice descriptive poetry - 1852 - 112 sider
...Life is real ! Life is earnest ! And the grave is not its goal ; " Dust thou art, to dust returnest," Was not spoken of the soul. Not enjoyment and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way ; But to act that each to-morrow Find us further than to-day. Trust no future,...
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